Chapter thirteen

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Quote:ps' its better to be late than be dead.

"Jeez." I yell as a cold liquid snatches the warmth of the bed from me.

Jeez.... For goodness sake.

"What is going on." I manage to ask, my head pounding which each move I take off the bed.

What in hell is going on. If feels like I was hit by a fast moving train.

Grayson has a cup of water in one hand and a tablet in another.

"Be down in twenty minutes." He orders then place the cup and the tablet on my reading table. He walks out of the room without sparing me a second glance.

Okay, That's weird enough.

"What is wrong with that dude." I murmur running my hand through my wet hair.

My eyes caught the alarm clock on my reading table, making me grown inwardly. Its even six yet.

Damn you one eye monster.


"Hmm." I moan before scooping more spoon of pasta into my mouth.

"Thwish... Ish.... Sho.... Good" I mutter my mouth stuffed with food.

This is ten times better than Mia's cooking.

I look up to see Grayson giving me a weird look. You know that look that you make when you see a cat break dance. Am not making any sense am I?

Just forget I said that.

"You made me make you a promise." He looks at me sternly.

Promise... Wait yesterday.

Everything came back, hitting me like a train on track.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to." I say, standing firmly by my decision.

"I didn't say that, what am saying is that its not gonna be easy." He states. 

"Am sure I can handle it." I hold my chin up.

Anything is possible as far as am concerned. Right.

"Okay, but remember there is no turning back." He shrugs. 


"What..... " I shirk uncontrollably.

Hell no....

"Surrender all of them." Grayson orders.

We are now in my room, and Grayson asked me to do the most impossible thing in the world. Surrender all my junk food.

All of them.... How am supposed to survive.

Life without junkfood is like living with a purpose.

"Am sure you can handle it." Grayson snorts. "Now surrender all of them."

I let out a long groan before walking to my closet, after digging in I found what I am looking for.

"Here." I hand my box of junk food supply to him.

"All of them."he says.

"All... of what..."I smile sheepishly.

He gives me the 'I know that's not all' look.

"Urgh." I stomp my feet to my bed, then draw out another box from under the bed.

The emergency box.

"Empty your pockets." He says after I hand him the box.

I empty all of the contents of my pocket into his hand, which is a few gums, two lollipops, a small chocolate and a sachet of cookie.

My goodies. I will miss all of you. I will never forget you goodies.

"Good." He says before walking out of the room.

I drop on the bed, here I thought my life couldn't get any worst.

No junk food, no life.

Am doomed. I don't think I want this anymore.

Checking my phone for any messages, I tap on me and Nathans chat.

Scrolling through, I wonder how it could all be a lie. Maybe this is all a dream and I want things to go back to the way it used to be.

Having my two best friend and my loving boyfriend by my side.

I know its not ever coming back.

And maybe I don't want it to, maybe I have come in terms with reality.

Maybe what I want right now is revenge. And am getting it for sure.

My phone beeps, and I pick it up from where I dropped it.

Tin:Sky are you okay.

Tin:answer me.

Tin: what happened.

Tin: Please say something, am really getting worried, you left with out saying a word.

I read through the ton of message she had sent.

Scrolling to the last text, a scowl makes its way to my face.

Tin:Don't tell me you are dead already, I knew it was going to happen, but not this soon.

Is she really serious.

Tapping my fingers on the phone screen, I send a reply.

Me:Good morning Tin.

A message pops up almost immediately.

Tin: Oh my God, Sky. What happened. Kayden told me you hand a head ache and had to leave. But ps' I don't believe him. I know my Sky, she won't just leave a drunk Tin for no big reason.

How does she manages to type such long sentences in a short time.

Should I tell her or not.

Me: I meet Pipier.

I send, finally deciding to tell her.

Tin: What did she say, did she hurt you.

Me: Nope, Grayson rescued me before she got a chance.

Tin: You mean the same Grayson planning your death.

Another message pops up.

Me:Yup, I will tell you about the details later.

Tin: Okay.

Me: So, how much troubles did you give Kayden last night.

If I remember clearly, a drunk Tin is a evil Tin.

Although she always acts evil, its far more worst when she's drunk.

I wonder how Kayden is doing right now.

Huh.... That poor boy.

(Short update, am sorry. i will make sure to update later. Please rate and comment. Love yal. ADIOS.)

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