Chapter 1

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A worried Mirror Queen practically threw her bedroom doors open with a strange bundle in her arms. This quickly jolted her husband awake, but before he could say a word she cast a spell with one hand to both block his speech and float him out of bed and into the hallway before the door closed in his face. He stood there in a mix of confusion and worry. While everything happened faster than he could completely wake up he still had time to notice the genuine concern in his wife's eyes.

After about 2 minutes Mirror stepped out and looked at him. Bravery could tell what that look meant and he let out a sigh before walking away from the room toward one of the nearby guest rooms. That was the same face she made when they needed to have a conversation away from Raven so they had to go to a different room and speak quietly so as to not gain attention from their naturally curious daughter.

Once they both walked in Bravery stepped back and sat on the bed to let his wife speak. He wondered what her reasoning could be, but by the way she looked so tired, it probably wasn't anything good.

"That was a child." Bravery stood up quickly with wild eyes.

"A child? Who's child? Why did you bring them here? Mirror you didn't... tell me you didn't kidnap them?!" His voice naturally rose in volume and Mirror raised a glowing hand to threaten him with the silencing spell again and he slowly sat down catching her drift.

"No, I did not kidnap her, I found her." She raised a hand to her head and sighed deeply showing she also seemed conflicted about this. The Good King couldn't help but walk over and wrap his arms around her. She eased up in the hug.

"Keep going."

"She was sitting on the ground outside of a random shop asleep. It was just starting to rain too when I saw her. I looked around for a while for any parents but I couldn't find anyone. I wasn't just going to leave her there, I couldn't... We'll just keep her here tonight, then we can find her parents tomorrow, okay?"

The Good King took a deep breath, happy to at least understand what happened and that there was no kidnapping. Mirror did always get fixated on cute kids and he could definitely recall some of her childhood wishes. (While innocent at the time, they involved her taking all the cute babies she could find and raising them as her own. He encouraged her at their age, as did some others who saw it as an evil goal, but others looked appalled at such an idea. Now that he was grown with his own child he clearly understood why.)

"We'll deal with all of that tomorrow, but right now, my Queen looks royally exhausted and should get some well-deserved sleep." He gave her a light kiss on the forehead and didn't miss the small smile that brought out.

"You're such a prince."

"No, I'm a King." At his remark and grin, the Evil Queen groaned before shoving away from him.

"Maybe I should've used that silencing spell." They both chuckled before looking at the bed.

"If it's okay with you, could we stay in here? I already settled the girl in our bed. I'm sorry."

The Good King only rolled his eyes before getting in bed with another smile. "Queenie it's fine. As I said, we'll deal with everything tomorrow."

"Okay." She gave another sigh before settling into the bed with him. They were closer than usual since it was technically a single bed, but neither of them minded cuddling together.


"Mommy! Daddy!" There was a sudden yell from their daughter that woke both of them up. They were bleary-eyed and wondered why their daughter didn't just come into their bedroom to get them.

Mirror came to her senses first and jumped from the bed and out of the room toward their actual room. She found her 5-year-old daughter just staring into the room with a scared look. When she heard running though she turned to her mother and quickly ran to her. Mirror didn't hesitate to pick her up and rest her on her hip before continuing to the room.

"What happened birdie?" She asked, still feeling panicked and running on adrenaline.

"I scared her, I'm sorry mommy." It was a mumble as her child then buried her face into her shoulder. She finally reached her room and looked inside. At first, she was worried when she couldn't see the girl on the bed anymore, but then she noticed the lump of covers in the corner between their bed and dresser. She let out a sigh of relief that she was at least still there, and while she had hoped to have a better start than scaring her first in the morning it couldn't be helped.

By then Bravery had made it to the room as well and stood next to them. Mirror passed their daughter off to him before giving her a kiss on the forehead and him a peck on the lips. "I'll handle this, you two can get ready for the day." Bravery nodded while Raven took a second to glance into the room and then looked back at her mother and gave a nod. They walked away while Mirror walked into the room.

"I'm so sorry for that, my daughter didn't know we had a guest and thought me and my husband would be in here." The lump didn't move and the Evil Queen sat on the bed closest to her. "Can you please look at me? I would like to ask you a few questions. I only want to help, I promise." She spoke softly and hoped the girl could tell how serious she was.

It took a few seconds but she eventually pulled the blanket from over her head and turned around exposing her messy dark brown near black hair and her teary light gray eyes.

"W-where?" She asked in a soft and broken voice and Mirror's heart broke even more than it did yesterday when she found her.

"You're at my home. I found you yesterday outside and couldn't just leave you like that, don't worry though, we'll find your family and have you reunited quickly! Can you tell me your name?"

It was silent as the little girl rubbed her eyes. Once she was finished she still looked at Evil Queen quietly. Mirror blinked and repeated the question but still didn't get an answer.

"Okay, then can you tell me your age?"

It was quiet for a few seconds as the little girl made a thinking face, "S-six."

Mirror nodded and let out a deep sigh. So she did understand, so why didn't she give her name?

"Do you know who your parents are? Do they have a fairytale? Do you know where they went?" Maybe it was a lot of questions at once, but they were all important.

The little girl only pushed herself a bit farther back into the corner while shaking her head. The Evil Queen's eyes went wide with worry, she didn't know what to do with that information. She didn't know anything about where her parents were? That's not good. She didn't want to think the worst.

The girl was still just looking at her so she stood up and offered her hand, "Hey, I want to introduce you to someone. That girl from earlier was my daughter, you two can play together while I talk with my husband." The girl looked between her and her hand a few times before she slowly got up and took it.

When Mirror looked down at her she found it hard to believe the girl was actually 6, she looked smaller than her Raven did. And Raven definitely wasn't big for a 5-year-old if her schoolmates were anything to go by.

She found her husband and daughter in Raven's room giggling over whatever the girl's stuffed bunny from Manic (The Mad Hatter). She knocked on the door and both of them looked at her before trailing down to the girl next to her in an identical fashion. If they weren't a true father and daughter she would eat her own spell book.

"Raven, could you come over here?" Despite the stranger next to her, the 5-year-old didn't hesitate to run over and stop right in front of the other little girl.

"Yes mommy?"

"Do you mind playing with our little guest while daddy and I talk?" Bravery stood up and walked over as well.

"Mhm!" Raven didn't hesitate to grab the free hand of the little girl before pulling her farther into the room. The terrified squeak that the unnamed girl gave was concerning, but Raven quickly slowed down after she heard it and walked her over to the chest instead.

The little girl was staring back at her though so she gave a nod and a wave. That seemed to help a bit as she then looked back to Raven and at her toys. Mirror took that as her cue to take Bravery and leave.

"What would you like to play first?" She looked through the chest and started to pull things out, "We can play with my stuffed animals... or... with some blocks!" She pulled out a few different types of blocks before her eyes caught onto one of her plastic tea sets.

"Oh! Tea party!" She grinned while pulling out the entire set and basically working to set it up at her child-sized table.

"I play tea party with my friend Maddie! We can play too!" In her excitement, she seemed to forget about how nervous the other girl was. Though the more time she took to set up while rambling about tea parties the more relaxed the other girl seemed to become. Seeing the other girl look so happy was a lot less frightening than when she yelled and scared her earlier.

"Which color would you like for your cup?" Raven stopped and showed off each of the colors so she knew her options.

"Blue please..." She was still quiet but Raven giggled and nodded.

"Maddie uses blue too!" She then set up three seats using the colors blue, purple, and white. She sat her stuffed bunny in the chair in front of the white set before pulling out the chair in front of the blue set. "You sit here!" She then went over to her own seat and picked up the teapot in the middle and 'poured' herself and her bunny some tea.

It took a moment before the little girl sat down but once she did Raven only grinned and 'poured' some in her cup too. She looked confused so Raven picked up her cup to show her. "You drink it! This is only a pretend tea party so we just play like it's real." She watched as the girl copied her but still looked confused. "Next time mommy can give us real tea. But that makes it a real tea party okay?" She emphasized real and the girl just gave a slow nod.

"Okay! Now we talk about the tea and other stuff." Raven took another fake sip before she lowered her cup and smiled at her.

"That was really good tea! I want more." She poured herself some more and the other girl watched before copying her and pretending to drink more tea before putting her cup out.

Raven nodded before pouring more for both of them. "I want to add sugar." She then picks up a small bowl that was placed next to the teapot and used a toy spoon to pretend to scoop sugar into her cup.

"That's the sugar, we can add as much as we want!" She giggled and pushed it over to the girl who nodded in reply. She then took her toy spoon and did the same as Raven who shook her head. "You can add a lot if you want." At that, she furrowed her eyebrows before adding two more spoons. She gave a small smile at Raven's nod of approval and when Raven saw it she smiled back before starting to talk about all her favorite tea parties she's had and how her strange friend Maddie always made them funny.

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