Chapter 2

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"Girls, can you both come downstairs?" It was a call that was easily heard from the hallway. It was Bravery's voice and it didn't sound too far away. Raven set down her teapot and smiled at the other girl who only stared at the door.

"We can hold hands if it makes you feel better?" She offered while putting her hand out. The girl was reminded quickly of the older woman who did the same thing so she nodded and took her hand. Raven then lead them out into the hallway where her father was waiting. He gave them both a smile and couldn't help but notice they seemed comfortable around each other now but when he looked at the other child his eyes seemed a bit sad.

"Come on down, breakfast is being served." The three of them headed downstairs and the little girl noticed a few workers around and huddled closer to Raven. When said girl noticed why she seemed to get more nervous she just offered a grin.

"Don't worry! We only have a few workers and they just help with things around, you probably won't see them much!" She waved at a passing maid who waved back. Raven's happy attitude really helped the little girl adjust. Soon they made it to the dining hall where Mirror was patiently waiting and she gave the little girl a wave, which she did return.

They all got settled easily and the girl was allowed to sit between Raven and her mom which helped her feel more comfortable.

"Raven, have you introduced yourself to our guest yet?" The Evil Queen asked simply, hoping that the introductions could get a name from the little girl after their failed investigation of her earlier.

"Oh! My name's Raven. What's yours?" She asked and the girl looked down at her plate and squeezed her hands.

"I-I don't... I don't have one."

Bravery let out a cough to stop himself from choking on his food while Raven's eyes went wide and Mirror gave a small gasp.

While there were people who didn't have names they were normally born to parents who were forced background characters in stories and really didn't care for them. They had no desire to take part in a story because they didn't have a place at all, but were still placed in one, and were requested to have a child to fill the next version of that story. While some people adjusted to that cycle, some parents were bitter and saw themselves and their children as nothing. And when they had children they would either not name them, or call them something harmful like "nothing", "useless", or "blank" just to prove their point.

That would explain why there were no records of a missing child report, the parents probably didn't care enough to look for her.

Mirror and Bravery shared worried looks before Mirror let out a deep sigh. That wasn't ideal, they were hoping that a name would give them some kind of lead to work with.

"I'm sorry." The girl mumbled and it seemed to surprise both adults enough that they weren't able to reassure her fast enough, at least not before Raven took one of her hands and responded.

"It's okay, even if you don't have a name we can still be friends! And Mommy and Daddy will help you too! They can even give you a name!"

Raven had actually met a few other children without names when she was a bit younger so they had to talk to her about it. They told her that sadly some parents don't want to name their children and that it was mainly because they didn't like their roles in their stories. That was as far as they had explained, but Raven seemed to draw her own conclusions from just that.

Bravery tried to reel her in, "Raven that's not something people can just... do." His face slowly drained of color as he realized both girls were looking at him hopefully. Raven seemed way more enthusiastic and while the other girl tried to hide it he could see it. She wanted a name, and he didn't want to deny her. Not like that.

He looked back to Mirror who nodded, "We need to talk, you two finish your food."


"We can't legally give her a name, we aren't her parents." Bravery quickly pointed out before his wife could start. He already knew what she wanted, but he had to at least be the voice of reason here.

"We could be." She walked to him and pleaded with her eyes but he turned away, he couldn't just give in to her puppy eyes. It was bad enough that Raven was learning from her how to do it, she didn't want her to think he would always be won over by them.

"Mirror I know that we feel bad but we really should turn her in."

"Don't say it like that, like she's some kind of criminal." It was mumbled and Bravery couldn't help but feel guilty as well, it did sound incriminating, but it wasn't intended that way.

"But the authorities can find her parents!"

"Yes her parents who didn't bother naming her? Her parents who aren't looking for her at all? There's also the possibility that they left her there on purpose too."

He stood there quietly as he knew she was right. Everything she said was true.

"We can give her a home, and she seems to get along with Raven. They're close in age and I really don't want to send her back. She deserves more than that."

"You want to adopt her? Truly?"

"... Yes I do. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes, I am." He let out a sigh that turned into a chuckle, "Besides I couldn't say no to those faces anyway. She deserves a home and we can be the ones to give it to her." The grin on his wife's face was just another reason that he knew he wouldn't regret this.

"Thank you so much." Mirror gave him a peck on the cheek before taking his hand and leading him back to the two girls. They had finished eating and were waiting patiently. The hope on neither of their faces had disappeared, in fact, the little girl looked happier than she did earlier. Obviously Raven had hyped her up about getting a name. They would have to talk to her about it more seriously later, but for now, they greeted them with smiles.

"Sweetie, how would you feel if we took care of you and gave you a name?" Mirror asked and she didn't take a second to nod as hard as she could. The Evil Queen smiled even more. She was going to have another daughter, and she was going to give her the love and care that she had missed out on until this point. Maybe she couldn't help every single nameless child, but she surely could help this one.

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