Memory Loss

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Ana's POV:

What I woke up this morning I didn't think that my life would change. Sure I expected to be bored out of my mind while trying to complete a stupid worksheet over the Grand Canyon, but I didn't expect to get an up close look.

Right now my class and I are driving through the Arizona desert on a bus I'm sure won't make it back to the Wilderness School. I'm sitting next to my boyfriend of a two months, Leo Valdez, as he fiddles with the bolts he keeps in his pockets. I myself am sketching in my sketch book.

Leo got the book for me for my my birthday this year and my best friends Piper and Jason, her boyfriend, bought the pencils and chalks. I carry them with me all the time in my back pack, water proof of course, just in case of rain. My three friends and I are inseparable.

We all arrived at the school around the same time and were all outcasted immediately by the rest of the school. I don't mind it though. I don't do well in large groups. I like a our small group just the way it is. I hear Piper and Jason talking behind us, but I don't pay any attention.

I just continue working on the sketch I started earlier this morning when we got on the bus. I usually don't have this much down time to draw so I'm making the most of it. I am pulled away from my art by Coach Hedge yelling. "Alright cupcakes, listen up!" He yells.

I roll my eyes and decide that it's time to stop drawing. I slip my supplies into my backpack and zip it tight(A/N: Different Backpack). "Stand up Coach Hedge!" One kid yells from the front of the bus. "Who said that?" He asks. He scans the rows before stopping on Piper and Jason's seat.

He glares for a second before looking at the rest of us. Huh, I wonder what the two of them did to get on Hedge's bad side. "We'll arrive in five minutes. Stay with your partner or partners. Don't lose your worksheet.

And if any of you precious little cupcakes causes any trouble, I'm gonna send you back to the campus the hard way." He says, flexing the baseball bat for effect. "Can he talk to us like that?" I hear Jason ask behind me. Seriously?

"Always does. This is the Wilderness School, where kids are the animals." Piper reminds him. "This is some kind of mistake, I'm not supposed to be here." He says. Leo and I exchange confused looks before kneeling in our seats and turning around to face the other couple.

"Yeah right Jason, we've all been framed. I didn't run away six times. Piper didn't steal the BMW. I actuality think Ana is the only one who is supposed to be here." Leo teases. He's such a dork."I didn't steal that car Leo." Piper reminds him.

"Right, right, what was your story? You borrowed?" I ask, teasing. I see Leo give Jason a smirk. The blonde however just looks even more confused. "Anyways, I hope one of you have got your worksheet cause I used mine for spit wads days ago." Leo says, talking to Jason and I.

I roll my eyes. "No, you used mine. Yours you threw away the day we got it." I remind him. He grins mischievously. "Oh yeah." I just roll my eyes and lightly smack his shoulder. The two of us then notice the look Jason is giving Leo.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did Ana draw on my face again?" He asks, glaring at me. I smirk. "Of course not, I'm not subjecting myself to your wrath after the last time. It took me weeks to get the orange out of my hair." I remind him.

He just gives me a playful smile before kissing the top of my head. I blush and glance at Piper who is smirking at me. 'Shut up.' I mouth to her. Her grin just widens. "I don't know you." Jason says suddenly. Confused Piper and I exchange another look. This one of worry. Leo just grins.

"Sure, I'm not your best friend, I'm his evil clone." Leo says. "LEO VALDEZ! THANA GRAVES!" Hedge yells. I flinch and smile sheepishly as the two of us face towards the front. Hedge is glaring. "Problem back there?" He asks. Leo turns to me. "Watch this mi amor." He says.

I smile at his nickname for me. He then looks innocently at Coach. "Sorry Coach, we were having trouble hearing you. Could you use your megaphone please?" He asks. Coach smirks at the prospect of using the unnecessary device next to him.

He goes to give more orders when suddenly he sounds like Darth Vader. I hold back a laugh along with everyone else on the bus. He stops before trying again, but it does something else. "The cow says moo." It blares out. No one can contain their laughter anymore. "VALDEZ!"

"My God Leo, how did you do that?" Piper asks, trying to hold back her laughs. Leo slips a Philips head screwdriver from his sleeve. "I'm a special boy." He reminds her. He then grins wildly at me. "You defiantly are." I say, ruffling his curly hair. He playfully glares at me and bats my hand away.

"Guys, seriously, what am I doing here?" Jason asks. He sounds so desperate that I actually start to believe that he doesn't know anything. "Did you hit your head when you were asleep?" I ask him before turning to Piper who just shakes her head.

"Jason, are you joking?" She asks him, concern flooding her voice. Before he can answer Leo cuts in. "Ah yeah, he's joking. He trying to get me back to the shaving cream on the jello thing, aren't you?" Leo asks, confident in his assumption. Jason just stares at him blankly.

"No, I think he's serious." Piper says. What could have happened to make him lose his memories? How does he not know who we are? We're his best friends. Piper goes to take his hand but he pulls it away. She looks hurt. "I'm sorry, I can't-"

"That's it, the last row just volunteered for clean up duty after lunch." Hedge calls. I groan at this. Perfect, a cherry on top of an already not so great day. "There's a shocker." Leo grumbles under his breath. He does realize that he brings this on us, right?

The two of us face the front after that because we're pulling up to the museum.

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