Crash Course for the Amnesiac and Bullies

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Ana's POV:

I love history, but I have no interest in the Grand Canyon. As we get off the bus I shiver. I forgot my big coat back at the school. "Here amor." Leo says, shrugging off his outer jacket and giving it to me. I take it without protest.

I'm freezing and Leo is his own personal heater, I've grown to know this because I always forget my jacket and he always gives me his. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as the four of us make our way towards the doors of the museum.

"So, a crash course for the amnesiac." Leo says, smirking. This should be good. Jason looks at him eagerly, wanting to know everything he's forgetting. Poor guy doesn't remember how much of a prankster Leo is.

"We got to the 'Wilderness School', which means, we're 'bad kids'. Your family, or the court, or whoever, decided that you were too much trouble, so they shipped you off to this lovely prison, sorry, boarding school, in Armpit, Nevada." He says.

I don't think these are the facts Jason wants to know. "Here you learn valuable nature skills like running ten miles a day through the cacti and weaving daisies into hats, and, for a special treat, we go on educational field trips with Coach Hedge who keeps order with a baseball bat."

"Is it all coming back to you now?" I ask. "No." Jason, if possible, looks even more confused than he did before Leo started talking. Maybe we should have let Piper explain things to him. I have a feeling that would have been a much better idea.

"You're really gonna play this out, huh?" Leo asks. I elbow him. I don't think Jason is playing a game with us and it's really starting to worry me. It's worrying Piper too. "Ok, the four of us started here together at the start of the semester, we're totally tight." He begins.

Piper and I exchange a nervous glance. I think Leo might make things worse, but we let him continue. "You do everything I say, and give me your dessert-"I cut up off by smacking the back of his head. "Come on Leo, be serious about this." I tell him.

"Fine, ignore that last part, we are friends. Well, Piper's a little more than your friend." He says. I smack him again, this time the assault is to his arm. "Leo, stop it! He's got amnesia or something. We've gotta tell somebody." Piper says, trying to get the boy to shut up.

She obviously doesn't want to make things weird right now. I mean, if I didn't know Leo was my boyfriend, things would be extremely awkward if I woke up next to him on a bus, holding his hand.

I feel bad for Piper, she finally got the big door the admit his feelings for her and now he doesn't remember her or any of us. Leo just scoffs at her. "Who are we gonna tell? Coach Hedge? He'll try to fix Jason by whacking him upside the head." Leo tells her.

Ok, he has a point, but we have to do something. "Leo, Jason needs help. He has a concussion or-" I am cut off but the most annoying voice to ever ruin the earth. "Yo, Piper, what are you doing over here with Thana and these bottom feeders. You're my partner." Dylan.

This kid gets on my last nerve. Ever since he joined the school he's flirted with me, even though Leo and I are together. He knows this, but he doesn't care. He also believes he is God's gift to mankind. Please, I'd rather die painfully than have to be in Piper's condition right now.

Piper just rolls her eyes at him. "Go away Dylan, I didn't ask to be your partner." She tells him. She's right. Usually Jason and Leo are together and her and I are, but Hedge assigned her with Dylan and me with the boys.

In his attempt to put himself between Jason and Piper he shoved Leo who almost to both him and myself down to the ground. Luckily he let go of me right before he hit the dirt so all I did was stumble. Glaring I help him up. He places his arm back around me protectively.

He hates Dylan maybe more than I do. "Awe, that's no way to be, this is your lucky day." He says, looping his arm through hers. He turns back to me and winks before dragging Piper the rest of the way into the museum. Leo's grip tightens.

I wrap both arms around his waist and hug him in reassurance. He has no reason to be jealous of Dylan and he knows it. "I hate that guy. I'm Dylan, I'm so cool. I wanna date myself, but I can't figure out how, do you want to date me instead? You are so lucky." Leo mocks. I smirk.

"Leo. You're weird." Jason says. I grin. "Yeah, you tell me that a lot." "And by a lot he means your record or saying it in one day is fifteen times. Piper and I have a bet that it'll hit twenty before Christmas." I joke. He smiles at me slightly.

"But if you don't remember me, that means I can reuse all my old jokes. Come on." Leo says. I roll my eyes, but the three of us head into the museum. We go through the museum and every once and a while Hedge stops to lecture, but then continues walking through the building.

His megaphone is still messed up through, so every once in a while it blurts out some ridiculous sound. I especially appreciate the Darth Vader impression Leo installed. As we go through the exhibits I notice Isabel and her group looking over at Piper and Dylan and snickering.

I roll my eyes. That group of girls have only ever made Piper's life hell. Just because Piper is naturally beautiful and doesn't need to cake on a pound of makeup to make herself look good. That, and because she's with Jason. It got way worse when they made their relationship public.

I see Isabel approach Piper. "Hey Piper, does your tribe run this place? Do you get in free if you do a rain dance?" She asks. "My dad is Cherokee, not Hualapai. Of course, you'd need a few brain cells to know the difference Isabel." She shoots back. I smirk at this.

"Oh sorry, was your mom in this tribe? Oh wait, you never new your mom." I see Jason go to take a step towards her, but Leo and I hold him back. "Whoa, Piper doesn't like other people fighting her battles for her. She's got this." I tell him. he glances down at me before looking back at Piper.

Isabel and her gang always poked fun at Piper and I because we were raised by our dads. Both of our moms are out of the picture. Piper charges Isabel, but before a fight could break out Coach Hedge steps in. "Enough back there. Don't make me break out my baseball bat!" He yells.

We continue on, not without me grumbling about how annoying Isabel is under my breath. "I don't get why they think it's so funny that Pipes is half Native American. She has more culture in her than that whole group combined." I mumble. Leo smiles down at me and smiles.

Slowly my anger fades away a little and I give him a small smile back. "You know, if those girls knew the truth about her dad, they'd all be bowing down at her feet crying 'we're not worthy.'" Leo mocks. I smile wider at this. "Who's her dad?" Jason asks, confused.

"You're not kidding? You really don't remember that your girlfriend's dad is-" "Look, I wish I did, but I don't even remember her. Much less her dad." He says, sounding exasperated. "Whatever, we have to talk when we get back to the dorm." Leo says.

We finally reach the other end of the exhibit. "Alright cupcakes, you're about to see the Grand Canyon, try not to break it. The Skywalk can hold the weight of 70 jumbo jets, so you feather weights should be fine." I roll my eyes at the new name for us.

"If possible, try to avoid pushing each other over the edge as that would cause me extra paperwork." He says. With that the doors open and we walk onto the skywalk.

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