Weird Behavior and Even Weirder Weather

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Ana's POV:

It's beautiful out here, but freezing. I shrink into Leo a little more and he tightens his grip. He really is like a personal heater. "Man, that's pretty wicked." Leo says. I smile. I can already tell this kid is thinking of a way to steal the blueprints to this thing.

I glance at Jason, he has an uneasy look on his face. "You alright?" I ask him, concerned. "You're not gonna throw up over the side are you? I should have brought my camera." Leo says. I smack him once again. "What?" Jason is now gripping the railing tightly. He looks pale and sweaty.

Something's not right. "If you need to go back inside, it's fine. I can finish the worksheet by myself." I say. "Hey, I'm still here." Leo says. I give him a 'you're not really gonna help' look, and he shuts up. "I'm fine. Just a headache" He says. Suddenly thunder rumbled over head.

The wind is blowing very harshly right now and I have to place myself behind the boys so they are blocking the wind. "This can't be safe. Storm's right over us, but it's clear all the way around. Weird huh?" Leo asks, squinting at the clouds. He's right.

Black storm clouds hover over the skywalk, but everywhere else is clear blue skies. What the heck? "Alright cupcakes! We may have to cut this short, so get to work! Remember, complete sentances." Coach Hedge yells. Suddenly I see a flash of gold and look down.

My eyes widen when I see that Jason is holding a shiny gold coin. Where did he get that? Leo must have noticed it too. "Dang, is that gold? You've been holding out on me." He says, staring wide eyed at the coin. Jason puts the coin away. "It's nothing, just a coin." He says in a hurry.

Leo just shrugs while I squint my eyes. I know he has amnesia and all, but he's not acting like 'Jason'. I don't know how to explain it. Leo doesn't seemed bothered by it. "Come on, I dare you to spit over the edge." He says. I roll my eyes as he proceeds to do the dare he gave Jason.

We start on the worksheet, but I can tell neither of the boys really care about it. "Check this out." Leo says. I look over and see that he built a helicopter out of pipe cleaners. I grin. No matter what materials he does or doesn't have, Leo's inventions always seem to work.

He spins it over the canyon and instead of immediately plummeting to the canyon floor below it hovers for a little. Jason's eyes widen at this. "How'd you do that?" Jason asks. Leo just shrugs. "Would have been cooler if I had some rubber bands." He says. I smirk.

He made the rubber band copter two weeks ago and he flew it into the principle's office from two stories below. "Seriously, are we friends?" Jason asks. "Last time I checked." Leo jokes. "Are you sure? What was the first day we met? What did we talk about?" He asks.

"It was...I don't recall exactly, I'm ADHD man. You can't expect me to remember details." "But I don't remember you at all. I don't remember anyone here at all. What if-" "What if you're right and everyone else is wrong?" I ask, starting to put what he's saying together.

"You think you just appeared here this morning and we've all got fake memories of you?" Leo asks. Jason's eyes widen. "Take the worksheet, I'll be right back." He says, shoving the worksheet into my hands. He then walks over to Coach Hedge.

"I'm really worried about him Leo." I tell him, glancing over my shoulder at the blonde. "He's fine, or, he will be. We just need to get back to the school. The nurse should know what's wrong with him." He says. I nod, knowing that I shouldn't stress over something I can't change.

I take the worksheet Jason supplied us and start finishing the questions. Soon I'm done with the worksheet and now Leo and I are just standing by the railing, taking in the breathtaking view. Lightning suddenly crackles overhead and the wind picks up immensely.

I clutch Leo so that I don't go flying. What the hell? What kind of storm is this? Suddenly the bridge shudders. I scream. "Come on, let's go!" I say, grabbing Leo's hand and trying to make our way to the doors. It feels like I'm trying to walk through quicksand.

By now Hedge is yelling orders through his messed up megaphone. Even though it feels like we've been walking for ten minute towards the doors, we're not getting any closer and it's frustrating me. By now the storm has shifted into a miniature hurricane.

Tendrils of clouds are now coming down to the skywalk. Everyone around me is moving at normal speed and making it to the doors in a quick manner. Suddenly Jason is by our side just in time to catch Leo as he loses his grip on my hand and almost topples over the edge.

I let out a breath of relief and reconnect our hands. "You ok?" I ask him. He nods and pulls me into his arms, securing them tightly around me so that neither one of us goes flying. "Thanks man." He tells Jason. Coach is still yelling for kids to get inside.

Piper and Dylan are holding the doors open while hurting kids inside the building. The three of us start running towards the doors again, but once again it's like running through quicksand. When the last of the kids are inside Piper and Dylan lose their grip on the doors.

Piper goes to bang on the doors, trying to get them open again, but they won't budge. "Dylan! Help me!" Piper yells at the unmoving boy. "Sorry Piper, I'm done helping." Asshole. He then waves his hand and Piper flies backwards, slamming into the doors. My eyes widen.

What is going on? How did he do that? That's not possible. "Piper!" Jason and I yell. She looks dazed and doesn't move. Fear courses through me as Dylan turns to Leo, Jason, Coach Hedge, and myself. Jason goes to charge Dylan, but Coach pulls him back.

"Coach, what are you doing? Let me go!" Jason yells. "Jason, Leo, Thana, stay behind me. This is my fight. I should have known that was our monster." He says. "What? What monster?" Leo asks. Dylan is a monster? Leo and I exchange a look, his is more confused and mine is purely fear.

He tightens his grip on me. The coach's hat flies off and my eyes widen even more when I see two horns sticking out the top of his head. "What are you?" I ask him, knowing that normal humans do not have horns.

Coach Hedge lifts his baseball bat, but in the place of the bat is a wooden club. I personally would have chosen one of the aluminum ones or even the composite ones, but there's no time to question Hedge's choices.

"Awe, come on coach, let the boy attack me. After all, you're getting too old for this. Isn't that why they retired you to this stupid school? I've been on your team the entire season and you didn't even know. You're losing your nose grandpa." Dylan says.

The coach made an angry sound, kind of like a goat bleating. "That's it cupcake, you're going down!" Coach yells. "You think you can protect four half-bloods at once old man? Good luck." He says. Dylan then points to Leo and I.

We scream as a funnel cloud materializes around us and hurls us off of the skywalk.

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