Leo and I Decide to Get a Better Look at the Grand Canyon

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Ana's POV:

As we fall to our deaths we twist in the air, and somehow collide with the side of the canyon. We skid down until Leo grab a hold of a ledge. I can't find a hold though and continue to fall into he snatches my hand in his, holding onto it tightly.

He groans with the extra weight and only being able to hold on with one hand. "HELP! ROPE PLEASE! BUNGEE CORD! SOMETHING!" Leo yells. "Let go of me, I'm sure I'll be able to grab onto a ledge a little further down, you're slipping!" I yell to him. "NO!" He yells back.

A look of determination crosses his face as he holds the two of us with one hand latching onto me and the other one clinging onto the canyon wall. I suddenly look up to see Coach Hedge hurl himself off of the skywalk and start making his way expertly down the canyon wall towards us.

How is he not slipping? I think realize how when I look down at his feet. They aren't normal human feet, they're hooves. I guess my face paled significantly because Leo's face contorts in worry. "Don't pass out on me Ana, come on, stay awake." I nod numbly.

So many things are happening right now. Coach Hedge is a goat man, Dylan is some sort of monster, and Leo and I are about to die falling to our deaths in the Grand Canyon. Finally Hedge reaches the two of us. He helps Leo haul me to the ledge.

"Get on his back and then Valdez, you get onto mine. I look at him skeptically before shakily wrapping my arms around Leo's neck and my legs around his waist. He then gets onto coach's back and Hedge starts bounding up the side of the canyon.

I close my eyes and bury my head in Leo's neck the entire way up, fearing that if I look I might either pass out or throw up. Finally I feel Hedge let go of us, dumping to two of us onto the ground. I let go of Leo and we sit up, disoriented.

"Cursed boy! You didn't leave any for me! I love a good challenge!" He yells. "Hey! Coach supergoat, Ana and I just fell down the side of the freaking Grand Canyon, stop asking for challenges." Leo says, pulling me towards him. I'm shaking like crazy.

He helps me to my feet and places himself between Dylan and I. Dylan hisses at us. "You have no idea how many enemies you've awakened Half-Blood. My Mistress will destroy all demigods! This war you cannot win." He declares. The vortex above opens in the sky.

"The Mistress calls me back, and you demigod will come with me!" He yells. He lunges at Jason, but Piper tackles him from behind. Despite him being made entirely of smoke she manages to connect. Dylan bucks like a wild bronco.

We all raced forward to help, but the spirit screamed with rage. He let loose a torrent that blew us all backwards. As we fly through the air Leo still has a hold of me. He turns so when we hit the railing he's the one who hit's his head. He sits there dazed. I then see a horrific sight.

"PIPER!" I yell. My best friend is hanging on by her finger tips from the rail. "I'll settle for this one!" Dylan yells, latching onto my arm and pulling me up with him. "ANA!" Leo yells. I scream, trying to break Dylan's hold on my arm. I can. I glare up at him and something shifts.

"LET ME GO!" I yell. Something comes over him and he drops me just in time to be tackled by Coach Hedge. I scream as I fall. I hit the ground hard. I look up to try and see Dylan and Hedge, but they are both gone. "ANA!" Leo yells, running to my side and engulfing me in a hug.

"Are you ok?" He asks. "I'm fine, did Hedge just save me?" I ask, confused. Then I realize Piper and Jason are no where to be seen. Leo and I stand and race to the railing. Please, please, don't be gone. I plead to myself.

When we look over we see the two of them, but they aren't falling, they flying straight towards where our heads are leaning over. Leo pulls me back as then reach us and float safely onto the skywalk. "Where did Hedge go?" Piper asks. I point straight up.

"Dylan drooped me then when Hedge tackled him he took him into the clouds." I say. "Why did Dylan drop you?" Jason asks. "I don't know. I told him to?" I question. That wouldn't have made him drop me. If anything it would have me him smirk and drag me higher up.

Leo's arms are still around me, holding me to him like he's afraid I'm going to disappear. I grip him back, thankful for the comfort it brings me. "I hit my head right? That's it, I'm hallucinating?" Leo asks. "I don't think we can all hallucinate the same things." I tell him.

Jason doesn't answer, he just walks over to where a gold sword lays. He picks it up and tosses it in the air. When it reaches his hand it's the gold coin from earlier. My eyes widen. "Maybe we can." I say, not sure what I just saw. "Jason, those things-" Piper is cut off by him.

"Venti, storm spirits. "Ok, you acted like you'd seen them before. Who are you?" She asks. He shakes his head. "That's what I've been trying to tell you, I don't know." He says. Silence is left hanging in the air. I take in my surroundings.

The storm is dissipating, the other kids from the Wilderness School are all staring at us in shock. Great something else to make this group more freakish. "Coach Hedge said he has to protect four people. I think he meant us." Jason says. Guilt sets him. He's gone because of me.

He jumped onto Dylan to save me. "That thing Dylan turned into, God, I can't believe it was hitting on me." Piper says, shuttering at the ideas. "I know." I mumble. Then I remember something. "He called us something. Demigods, I think." I tell them.

Leo is standing behind me, arms wrapped around my waist, not saying anything. He's trying to process everything. I can't blame him. So much has happened today and I don't know how it'll effect us.

"Don't know what demi means, but I'm not feeling too godly. You guys feeling godly?" He asks us. I shake my head. I feel tired and sore. My arms feel like lead from holding onto Leo so I didn't die at the bottom of the canyon. Suddenly there was a giant crack.

I gasp as the cracks in the skywalk begin to widen. "We need to get off this thing, maybe if we-" Leo cuts Jason off. "Ok, look up there and tell me if those are flying horses." He says. Confused I glance in the direction he is pointing. Before I can tell him he's going insane I see it too.

Creatures with wings too large to be birds. "And I though today couldn't get any weirder." I mumble, shocked Piper and Jason look stunned as well. "Reinforcements. Hedge told me an extraction squad was coming for us." Jason says.

"Extraction squad? That sounds painful." Leo says. "Where exactly are they extracting us to?" Piper asks. Jason doesn't answer, we all just watch the winged horses, who I can now see are carrying a chariot with two people inside, land on the other side of the skywalk.

A girl with blonde hair jumps out of the back of the chariot with a menacing look on her face. She then draws a knife. We're domed.

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