The Camp's Crash Land Crew, I Guess it Happens Often

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Ana's POV:

"Where are they!" The girl demands, glaring at us. Where are who? "Where's who?" Jason says, voicing my thoughts. She then turns to the rest of us when she doesn't like his answer. "Where is your protector Gleeson Hedge?" She asks. The coach's first name is Gleeson?

Leo clears his throat. "He got taken by some tornado things." He says. "Venti, storm spirits." Jason clarifies. "You mean anemoi thuellai. That's the Greek term. Who are you and what happened?" She demands. With that Jason launches into the story of todays events.

Even having lived through them it still seems nuts to me. Halfway through the other guy from the chariot comes over and just stands behind the girl, glaring at us. When Jason is done telling his story the blonde girl doesn't look satisfied.

"No, no, no! She told me he would be here. She told me if I came here, I'd find the answer." She grumbles. "Annabeth, check it out, the guy with one shoe. He's the answer." The guy says. We all look towards Jason's shoeless left foot. "No Butch, he can't be. I was tricked." She snaps.

She then glares at the sky. "What do you want with me? What have you done with them?" She asks the sky angrily like it's going to reply. Honestly, it wouldn't be the craziest thing I've seen today. The skywalk shudders again.

"Annabeth, we gotta leave. Let's get these four to camp and figure it out there. Those storm spirits might come back." Butch tells her. She seethes for a moment. "Fine." She then glares at Jason before storming back to the chariot. "What's her problem? What's going on?" Piper asks.

"Seriously." I agree. "We have to get you out of here. I'll explain on the way." Butch says. "I'm not going anywhere with her. She looks like she wants to kill me." Jason says nervously glancing at the fuming blonde with a pointy object.

"Annabeth's ok, you just gotta cut her some slack. She had a vision telling her to come here to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to her problem." He says. "What problem?" I ask.

"She's been looking for two of our campers who have been missing for three days." "Who?" Jason asks. "Her best friends, a girl named Dabria McNight and a guy named Percy Jackson. Now come on, we need to get going." He says. Hesitantly we head towards the chariot.

When we are all settled Butch whips the reigns and the winged horses, pegasus, take off into the sky. Now, despite everything that has happened over the last hour, the chariot ride was pretty cool. Leo spits a feather out of his mouth, grinning like a maniac.

"THIS IS SO COOL!" He hollers over the wind. He spits a pegasus feather out of his mouth and I hold back a laugh. "Where are we going?" He asks. "A safe place. The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood." She says. Half-Blood? "Is that some sort of sick joke?" Piper asks.

I cringe when I realize why she's upset. She's always been referred to as a half-blood. Half Cherokee, half white. She hates the term. "She means we're demigods. Half god, half mortal." Jason supplies, trying to calm her down. I furrow my brows at this. How does he know that?

"You seem to know a lot Jason, but yes, demigods. My mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom. Butch here is the son of Iris, the rainbow goddess." Annabeth explains. Leo chokes holding in a laugh. "Your mom is a rainbow goddess?" He asks. I smack him.

"Gotta problem with that?" Butch asks menacingly. "No, no. Rainbows, very macho." Leo tries to recover. "Butch is our best equestrian. He gets along great with the pegasi." Annabeth explains. "Rainbow's ponies." Leo mumbles. I step on his foot this time and he gives me an innocent look.

"I will toss you off this chariot!" Butch snaps. "He's sorry, right Leo?" I ask, glaring. "Yes, right, I'm sorry." He says, though he doesn't sound very sincere. "Demigods? You mean you think you' think we're..." But Piper can't seem to finish her sentence.

Suddenly there's a flash of lightning. "LEFT WHEEL'S ON FIRE!" Jason yells. We all turn and I feel Leo's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me to his chest, further away from the the fire. I look past the fiery wheel to the storm behind us.

I see more storm spirits, but they don't looks like evil angels like Dylan had. "Why are they-" "Anemoi come in all shapes. Sometimes human, sometimes stallions, depending on how chaotic they are. Hold on, this is going to get rough." Annabeth warns. Great. Just perfect.

I grip on hand to Leo's arm that is still around my waist and the other to the side of the chariot. Butch whipped the reigns and the pegasi put on a bust of speed and the chariot blurred. I close my eyes for a second, hoping that the nausea would go away. It didn't.

When I open my eyes we're no longer on the midwestern United States. There's an ocean, and forests, and fields. What? How did we- The wheels then came off and the chariot dropped. "THE LAKE! AIM FOR THE LAKE!" Annabeth yells. I scream and right before we hit I take a deep breath.

BOOM! I'm instantly submerged in freezing cold water. I don't remember what's up and what's down. What's left and what's right. Panic begins to fill me when I realize I'm gonna drown. Suddenly, in the murky water I see girls with flowing green hair and yellow skin.

Two of them grab my arms and start hauling me to what I suppose is the surface. When I hit the surface I gasp for air. I spot the shore and quickly swim to it. When I get there Jason, Annabeth, and Leo are already out and dry and Piper and I are just making our way up to them.

Butch is still in the lake, cutting the pegasi free. Leo runs up to me and helps me out of the water. "Are you ok?" He asks me, worry filling his voice. I smile at him as best as I can while I'm freezing and wet. "Fine, you?" "Fine." Suddenly I notice the kids running up to where we are.

A couple of them have a giant hairdryer. They point it and both Piper and me and turn it on. In an instant I'm dry and warm. I let out a breath of relief and snuggle back towards Leo who is now holding me tightly with both arms.

I look around me and see that no one is phase that six kids just came out of the lake. Does it happen often? I look around at my surroundings what the hell is this place?

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