The Graphics Corner ✘ Hayleyautumns

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Hello! This is my 50th cover in this book, so I thought it would be a great time to revamp this book and add a little something as well. What is that "little something" you ask? Well, it's a few extra services. *throws confetti*

I only make covers when I first started this book. That was before Wattpad added the multimedia feature. Ever since then, I've seen a lot of books on Wattpad with really beautiful banners and side graphics etc(which I really like because a picture could freshen up the reader after reading so many words)and it got me thinking: What if I make them too? I mean, yeah, I'm no expert, but I can always try and improve from where I am. So yeah, that's when I decided that I want to make side graphics and banners as well, not just covers. :D

And I would like to thank everyone who requested a cover from me, especially those who actually gave me credit for it. Thank you so much for choosing me to design your cover(s); for trusting in me to make something that represents your beloved stories. Thank you so much for giving me credit. I know this is a rule I set, but after a few law breakers who never bother to give credit, I'm seriously grateful for those who did give credit. Whether it's just because of the rule or if you gave credit because you wanted to and think I deserve it, I really appreciate it. :) 

And also those of you who voted on the chapters in this book, it's because of your support that I keep making covers. So thank you for voting! *hands out cookies* And especially those who voted on multiple chapters and those who had supported me since the start. *hands out more cookies* Oh and thank you so much for those who recommended me to your friends as well. It's really nice of you to do that. :D

To be honest, I never thought I would ever reach 50 covers. I mean, I'm not popular here and it's really hard to get noticed too especially if the book is new and you're undiscovered. Also, I never thought these many people would like my cover(cries because I'm so touched). So to be able to post this 50th cover after 7 months, I'm extremely happy and grateful for those of you who liked my works and supported me.  ❤

I know, 7 months and I'm only at my 50th cover, what's the big deal? Well, like I said, I'm not popular here and it's hard to get discovered even with Wattpad's "undiscovered" section, so yeah, I'm already over the moon with this accomplishment. :P

That's also why I decided to promote stories as well. I'm going to make a cover and dedicate it to you after all, so why not just add the summary and the relevant details on your story as well just in case someone passes by this book and found your story and goes crazy in love with it. :P

So yeah, I guess that's it for now. I'm done with my thank you speech. And here's the new cover for my cover and graphics service:

It's now "The Graphics Corner" because book covers fall in the graphics category as well as side graphics etc, so graphics corner it is. :P

So erm...yeah, thanks for all the support and I hope you'll continue to support me in the future. And if you just stumble upon this book today, I hope you'll like my work too. :D

Special thanks to:

wolfess21(thanks for supporting me from the start and all those votes and even dedicated a whole really touching chapter to me xD), izzywriter(thanks for trusting in me to make you a cover every time and thanks for the recommending me to people you know too and also for the votes), SamHigh24 (thanks for recommending me to your friend and also for the votes), mistymusic24(thanks for all the votes), _Blessed_Soul_(thanks for trusting in me and the encouragement you gave is really sweet), Menky100_Write(thanks for all the votes dragon girl xD), FireIsRaining(thanks for all those votes, I really appreciate it), PaigeKary(thanks for the votes from time to time and also for thinking about me when it comes to cover contest :P) and more.

And of course, you! Even if you're just here to browse, thanks for visiting this book! :D

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