Part 5

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As Steve later lay in bed that night he stared up at the ceiling. Sleeping was out of the question as Tony was monitoring him. He didn't really want to work out and well the other option still stood as an option.

No Steve had to throw Tony off his case. Ever since the bloody fist ordeal Tony was on to him. It was only a matter of time before he found out about the other problems.

So Steve shut his eyes and pulled the covers over his head. He had to make Tony think he was sleeping dammit!

So Steve laid curled up, under his covers with his eyes opened trying to not think about Bucky.

He couldn't do this so he peeked his hand out from under the covers and grabbed his Bible from his nightstand . He read some from Mark, a little from Luke and a lot from John.

Steve checked his watch and it glared 4:31. Perfect now he could get up and do whatever. So Steve got up and picked a pair of sweatpants and a jacket.

He got ready in his bathroom and decided to run. Hopefully he wouldn't see Sam on his run.

But of course the World freaking hated him.

As Steve was on his second lap his friend came out and joined him. "Hey buddy it's 75 degrees out aren't you hot?" Sam asked.

Steve shook his head "Nah I like the heat." Steve lied. Sam looked uneasy but continued their run together.

When their run was finished Sam waved goodbye and went off to his house and Steve went back to the Avengers Tower.

Steve walked in and went to the back elevator. He rode up to the penthouse level and Tony greeted him.

"Hey Cap so um since the knuckle situation I've moved your room across the room from mine in case you have any nightmares." Tony said with a kind smile.

Steve nodded and Thanked his lucky stars he had his blade in his gym bag which he took with him on his run.

Steve walked to his new room and looked around. The room was huge. A king sized bed was in the middle of it with a large wardrobe against the wall.

His shield on his bed, the bed also happened to have a small mountain of pillows. Steve shook his head, why was Tony being so nice to him?

Steve went to the bathroom. Everything was arranged just like he left it and dark towels were in the cabinets.

Steve took out his blade and opened the mirror which was also a storage cabinet.

He saw Hydrogen Peroxide and other things to fix cuts were on the shelves. A roll of gauze was also there. Tony was so nice. This was all to good for him.

He's probably doing this cause he feels bad for you. Poor old Captain America can't take care of himself

Steve didn't remove the blade and decided to leave it in the bag. Tony probably had even closer monitoring in this room then the former room.

Steve sighed and checked the time. 1:53

For the remainder of the day he just decorated his new room. When it was time for dinner Tony came to get him.

"Hey Steve it's time for dinner come on." He yelled through the door.

"No! I'm not hungry go without me!" He yelled back. Sure he was a super Solider and he probably needed food but eating was a chore for him.

"Um okay I guess, tell J if there's a problem." Tony said. "Okay I will." Steve yelled back and he hoped Tony would leave him alone.



He's just taking Pity on you cause he saw you break down once and he doesn't want a broken Captain leading the team

"No! Get out of my head." He muttered. He shook his head. He had to get out Camera view. He barely made it to the bathroom in time to prevent the attack.

He doesn't care about you as soon as he finds out about the cuts he'll leave you in the blink of an eye

"No! That's a lie!" Steve yelled. He bit his lip to prevent crying.

You know it's not, you worthless piece of trash!

Steve curled up on the floor. He made himself sit up against the wall and take deep breaths. That helped a little bit but it didn't solve the problem. Tears still trickled down his cheeks and his hands shook.

"Hey Cap are you alright?" Tony asked. Noooo he couldn't be here! Steve jumped up and looked around.

He run his hands through his hair and it looked super messy. He actually kind of liked it. His eyes weren't puffy anymore so yay.

He ran to answer the door and put on a fake smile. He answered the door and saw Tony standing right by the door.

"Hey Tony what's up?" He asked. The voice screamed to remain calm and Steve obeyed.

"Just checking on you." Tony stayed matter or factly.

"I'm all good." Steve's eyes fluttered to the digital clock in his room and it flashed 9:53.

"Well I'm going to go to sleep see ya later." Tony said and Steve nodded.

When Steve was sure Tony was gone he locked the doors and ran to the bathroom.

He locked it and went straight to the blade. He grabbed it and rolled up his sleeve and dragged the blade along his skin.

A deep cut

He cut deeper.

Science Experimentation

This made Steve's blood run cold. He was just a science experiment.

Even Tony called him a science experiment. That was all he was a science experiment. Steve carefully cut the word into his skin and then used the peroxide and gauze to fix himself.

When he was done he Crawled under the sheets and fell asleep. Another nightmare soon overtook him. This one was scarier then the others.

Steve was stuck in a glass jar while the avengers circled around him. They spat words like Loser, useless and the worst of all: Science Experiment.

Suddenly all of time collapsed Bucky came forward "you could have saved us!" Bucky yelled and collapsed in front of Steve's eyes. He couldn't do anything and soon the tank filled up and he was back in the Atlantic.

Steve woke up in a cold sweat. He was tangled up in the sheets and he knew Tony was watching. He quickly tried to calm down and laid back In bed. He finally let the tears he's been stopping all day fall.

Why won't this all end?

I just wanted People to know that this is NOT a stony story. For this AmericanCheese1 is doing Pepperony and I'm taking my shot at Romanrogers so bear with me.

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