Part 7

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Ok before we start I would just like you to know that I know Steve Roger's age is probably older but for the sake of the story (and me cause I like imagining Steve is just a kid) his age will be 23. Thank you and happy reading.
After Steve cleaned up the bathroom he went to sit on a bench. He hated himself.

None of this felt right, him not being able to cope, wanting to scream at little problems it was embarrassing.

So why not end it? End it all. End the pain, end the suffering, see Peggy again See his mother again. Yes just end it and not let his team see him in the true light as he is.

A failure and a weakling.

So Steve got up and paced  and asked himself how would he do the deed? After about ten minutes he decided he would jump.

So Steve got up and left for the bridge near the tower. When he arrived Steve contemplated and finally he swung one leg over the railing and then the other.

At last he could leave this life and stop burdening the others. So Steve let go off the railings.

"I'm coming home Ma." He whispered and he closed his eyes and braced himself for the Icy impact.

Instead he heard a whooshing and he was away from the water. Steve carefully opened his eyes and he was greeted by the metallic face plate belonging to the one and only Iron Man.

Tony landed on a building and gently released Steve. "Steve, why? Why did you jump? What in the world made you feel so bad that you refused to speak to the team about your problems and instead went to jump off a bridge? Steve, we care about you, don't hurt yourself, please."

Steve scooted away to the other side of the building. "Tony if you really cared you would be here instead of sending a drone to catch me!" Steve spat and continued sitting and shivering in his place on the roof.

Steve didn't know what to expect next but it certainly wasn't Tony Stark stepping out of the Iron Man armor.

"But Steve I am here. I do care. Now, tell me, what made you do that? What hurt you? How can I help you?" Tony asked.

Steve sucked In a shaky breath. How could he be so weak? "I-I'm fine Tony. Really I am, please just leave me alone." Steve begged. He knew Tony wouldn't drop it so easily but it was worth asking him.

Tears ran down the soldier's face. How could he be so pathetic, so... so useless. Steve brought his knees up to his chin.

What was wrong with him? Tony approached Steve and bent down over by the super solider. Tony sat down next to Steve on the roof.

"No, Steve. Not if you're hurting. Please, let's get you home and talk about this. Come here, Steve. I've got you. You're safe here." Tony gently reassured. He then got up and offered Steve his hand.

The suit popped up around Tony and the two flew back to the tower together, Steve crying the entire time.




When they returned to the tower Steve was still crying. Why didn't Tony let him kill himself? This was horrible now Tony knew how weak and pathetic he was.

Steve looked up and saw Tony take his hand and help him stand up. "Shhh. Deep breaths, Steve. Relax. Let's sit down and talk, okay?" Tony said as he led Steve back to his bedroom.

Tony led them back to his room and the two men sat on the bed. Tony took Steve's hand and rubbed circle in it trying to make the younger man stop Crying.

"Now, Steve, why did you jump?" Tony asked, concern In his voice.

Steve sucked in a shaky breath and fiddled with the comforter on his bed. We knew he couldn't lie to Tony or could he?

No he can't he knew Tony wouldn't drop it especially after this. "I—I felt like... I was something bad. Something to be ashamed of. I have so much baggage, I'm just a science experiment, how could you want me as a brother, as a friend, as a captain?" Steve questioned.

He expected Tony to maybe laugh or something but no. The Tony Freaking Stark took Steve's hand in his and replied In a way Steve wouldn't have expected.

"Steve, you are amazing. You're so much more than a science experiment. You're a great leader, I would follow you anywhere. You're like a brother to me, even if we do have our squabbles and petty moments. You don't ever need to feel like you should jump again, because there are people who care, who love you, who respect you, and who will lift you back up when you fall down. Now, why don't we get some food and maybe take a nap?" Tony asked.

Steve nodded even though he didn't feel like any of those things. The first thing felt like a chore and the other made him wake up screaming.

So Steve nodded miserably "Please don't tell anyone." Steve whispered. He was ashamed of himself and how could he ever provide for Natasha?

She would most likely laugh at him and leave him. "Steve..." Steve's head snapped up at the mention of his name. "The only person I'm telling is Sam, and that's so he can help you. Dry up your tears, you're going to be okay." Tony said with a smile and he got up to do something.

Steve sighed and lied back down on his bed. Tony came back a second later with a sandwich and a glass of water. "Why are you being so nice?" Steve asked as he continued staring at the floor.

"Steve, you just tried to kill yourself. I'm trying to help you get better, because I love you like you're my kid and it hurts me to see you like this. Now, eat, tears make you dehydrated and hungry, we don't need you throwing up" Tony replied.

His Kid. That's what Tony said. A small smirk tugged at his lip. Everyone thought Steve was in his 30s or something but nope! He just got out of his teens.

"Tony I'm a legal adult. Least, 23 was legal majority last time I checked." Steve replied. "I've practically adopted four or five legal adults, Steve." Tony smirked.

"Yeah but..." Steve said trying to fight back.

He failed miserably "I mean, where did you think Iron Heart came from?" Tony asked.

"Tony.." Steve muttered still trying to argue even though it was pointless. Guess he was adopted by Tony now.

"Steve, please let me take care of you. You're hurting, Steve. You need help." Tony said with a sad smile as he squeezed Steve's hand.

Steve frowned "Tony I-I'm not a kid." Steve said as he focused on the ground.

"Steve, did you know that animals learn their most important skill first? A foal only hours old is capable of running. What do babies do? They cry for help. Your most important skill is knowing when you need help and asking for it. Let me help you." Tony said as he gave the young man a reassuring smile.

Fresh tears streamed down Steve's cheeks even though he tried to fight them. Tony reached up and wiped away the tear that ran down his cheek.

After a couple of long minutes Tony got up and put the dishes in his sink. Steve followed him and he saw Tony turn on the warm water and run the dishes under the tap.

Tony turned off the Water and put the plate in the sink. Tony got up and hugged Steve. Steve was a little shocked at first but he hugged back.

Tony stepped back first "Come on, let's get you back to your room." He said and Tony grabbed Steve's hand and led him back to his room.

"T-Tony please I'm fine." Steve tried to reassure Tony. It seemed like Tony could see right through him somehow.

"Steve, you're not. Let me stay with you, please. Go ahead and lay down, I'll sit right here." Tony said. Steve knew he would wake up from a nightmare maybe Tony could help him.

Tony patted the spot right next to him and Steve nodded. "I'll go change clothes first." Steve said and he reached up to run a hand through his blonde hair.

Tony stared right into the Solider's bright blue eyes like he was searching his soul or something. "Change clothes quickly. I'll wait here, then we need to talk." Tony said.

Steve nodded, grabbed his sleep clothes and then he ran off to the bathroom.

Oh God did Tony know? Did he know about the cuts oh God this was bad. Steve pulled up his sleeve and looked at the red lines that littered his entire arm.

It was the same situation for the other arm and he had science experiment carved on his leg.

Steve leaned against the bathroom wall this was horrible. He knew he couldn't let Tony see maybe he could fight Tony if he tried to look at his arms.

He could overpower Tony if he had to. But considering he hasn't actually been eating particularly healthy, (since eating made him feel sick) for the past couple of weeks it might be hard if Tony called in a suit.

Steve sighed, he just had to face Tony. Could he escape perhaps? No he had to face Tony head on  and reassure him that he was fine.

Steve took a deep breath and walked out to face Tony. Tony looked sick with worry and when he saw Steve he took the young man's hand and pulled him on the bed.

"Show me your arms again, Steve." Tony said. Steve's stomach turned and he wrapped his arms around himself and he shook his head.

"Steve..." Tony said trying to get the Solider to show him.

"No." Steve replied and Tony frowned. "Steve, why didn't you tell me? I could help, Steve." Tony said.

Tony grabbed Steve's hand and made him sit on the bed. Steve wrapped his arms around himself again and Tony frowned.

"Don't, Tony. Don't even try to touch my arms. There's nothing wrong. I'm perfectly fine." Steve said and Tony watched him, frowning. He knew the younger man was hiding something.

Steve yawned and Tony watched him. He grabbed his hand and stared rubbing circles it.

"You're not fine, Steve. Why didn't you tell me about your arms?"

Steve pouted "No." he responded and Locked eyes with Tony.

"Steve, I'm trying to help you." Tony said and he started rubbing circles on Steve's trying to calm the younger man so he could answer.

"I don't want to be a problem, Tony" Steve answered. He really wished Tony would drop it.

"Steve your my friend, friends aren't problems. Can I touch?" Tony asked. Steve retracted his wrist and shook his head. "Tony it's nothing." Steve said, trying to reassure the older man he was ok.

"Steve, it could be everything. It could be life or death for you if you do it wrong, cut too deep, don't clean your knife, get infected... the dangers are everywhere." Tony said. Tears once again found the way down Steve's cheeks.

He sniffled and hid his arms behind his back. How long could he continue hiding his arms? Tony carefully reached behind Steve and grabbed one of his arms.

Steve frowned when he realized Tony just rolled back his sleeve. He was greeted by the angry red lines littering his arm.

Tony kissed the top of Steve's head in a fatherly way, In a way Joseph always said was for fathers who wanted their sons to grow up weak.

Tony continued inspecting the cuts on his arm. "Does it hurt when I touch them, kiddo?" Tony asked as he pressed down lightly on one of the newer scars.

Steve bit down hard in his lip, making it bleed during the process to make himself avoid saying anything.

But of course he was weak and he let out a small whimper. Tony sighed and stood up. Steve frowned realizing he probably scared Tony away.

But Tony walked into Steve's bathroom and came back with gauze and medical tape. He picked up one of Steve's arm and began wrapping it.

"You are making sure they aren't infected after you cut, right?" Tony asked. Steve, ashamed, shook his head no. Tony sighed and he stood up and kissed the top of Steve's head.

"We'll have to get that looked at later, okay? I don't want you getting sick because of infected cuts." Tony said and Steve nodded, on the brink of tears.

The tears found their way down his cheeks anyway. Tony finished wrapping Steve's arm and he ran a finger through Steve's messy blonde hair.

"Do you want me to stay with you until you are okay? Actually, not a question, I'm staying." Tony said and Steve nodded.

Tony picked up a blanket, laid down and pulled the blanket over the injured man. Steve buried his face in Tony's shoulder, for once letting someone in on his problems.

"You don't have to do this, Tony." Steve muttered. Tony had a life, a girlfriend he didn't need a broken man weighing him down.

"But I do, kiddo. Go to sleep, relax, I'm right here. If I have to get up for any reason, I'll tell Pepper to stay with you, okay? Deep breaths, Steve. Deep breaths." Tony said and Steve closed his eyes.

Tony gently placed Steve's head on his chest and ran his fingers through his hair until Steve drifted off onto a dreamless sleep.

Maybe letting others in wasn't so bad.

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