Chapter 1

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Fox is the wolf above. 


Adder felt a cold, wet drop hit his fur. "Its snowing!" He exclaimed to his sister.
"Come inside, it's to cold out to be there, your mother will have my pelt if she finds you out in this weather!" River softly barked.

"But it hardly ever snows anymore." Misty whimpered, kicking a small pile of snow.
"We never get to have fun anymore." Adder trudged through the snow and into the cave with his sister at his heels.

"You'll have more fun when Frost and Stone come back. Remember, they're bringing that new pup back with them." Willow said from a small dip in the ground, her pups suckling gently.

"I hate Snow Fall. Its always cold and wet." Cave shook his black pelt and stormed into the cave with Leaf and Sun behind him. Wait, wasn't Cave on the patrol with his mother?
"Can we have a ride on your back?" Sand asked, jumping up to Sun's height. "Yeah, can we?" Storm play growled and leaped onto his father's forepaw.

"I've got to discuss some things with Cave and Leaf. Maybe later?" Sun smiled to his pups. Oak and Thunder were already whimpering behind Storm and Sand.
"Your father's very busy, now leave him be." River carried Storm to her nest and let the rest of the pups follow grumpily.

"Pups don't know when to listen," Cave was going to continue, but was interrupted.
"And your never going to have any?" Sun snickered. Cave rolled his yellow eyes. "No she wolf would ever choose such a grump." Leaf added.

"Oh yeah? And any he wolf wouldn't go near you unless they had fleas!" Leaf snorted at the chaos.
The three Long growls padded to the back of the den and began to talk quietly.
"Well, if it isn't the beta's pups. Where's the little quacker now?" Tree circled Adder and Misty. Adder let out a soft growl.

"Leave them alone, Tree. No wolf here wants to teach you a lesson anytime soon for messing with innocent pups." Snow, a beautiful white pelted she wolf, padded past Tree with scorn on her face.

"Right, I'd like to see anyone try." Tree muttered.
"Try? Adder himself could beat you with that attitude." Dust scolded, padding to sit beside Sky.
Adder puffed out his chest and licked it embarrassingly.
"Gotcha!" Misty pounced onto Adder with a surprise attack with the help of Oak. "Oof!" He let out a groan as Misty and Oak's weight toppled him over.
Misty let out a bark.

"Frost is back!" A familiar silver-gray pelt appeared. Alpha Pine followed, and so did Berry, Fox, and his father Stone.
Stone had something in his jaws. Was it his sister? But Frost said she wasn't coming back. Adder sniffed the air cautiously. It didn't smell of Duck.
Misty squealed with excitement, running towards her mother. Frost blinked sadly at her pup.

Adder stayed where he was, confused.

"Whose that?" He said sourly.

"This is Ember." His father set down the pup he called 'Ember', and nudged it forward. Alpha Pine padded to the back of the long cave to sit beside some wolves Adder didn't quite remember names of yet.

"She's from the MountainPack. She'll be living with us." Stone murmured.

"Where's Duck?" He asked a bit harshly.
"She's with the MountainPack now, she'll be-"
"Why isn't she here with us?" Adder stood up, growling. "She had to leave, for the pack." Stone said sternly.

He always says that! 'For the pack!' Everything's 'for the pack'!
The pup, Ember, was just about Misty's size. "Wanna play?" Misty bowed in front of Ember, tail wagging.

"We're going to go talk with Pine, behave now." Frost murmured and disappeared with Stone at the back of the cave.
"Don't play with her! She took our sister away!" Adder growled at Misty.

Adder stormed off into the blackness. Stupid pup, thinks she's better than Duck! I'll show her she's not so special! Adder stood up and shook his pelt from snow. "Don't let it bother you. My sister and brother taken away from me as a pup too. I was the last pup left in my litter." Snow surprised him.

"Don't worry, I'm not following you." Snow chuckled.

Adder realized what Snow was saying. "What do you mean?" Adder said, his anger dispersing.
"Your brother and sister were taken?" Adder asked confused.
"Yes. During the last Snow Fall, they were given away to other packs. The MoorPack and the HillPack." Snow murmured, grief fogging her gaze.

"What's the HillPack?" He asked, trying to remember stories his mother and River had told him.

"It was a small pack that traveled a lot. They left a few moons before you were born." Snow replied.

"Oh. Who is your sister?" He asked.

"Ivy, she's in the MoorPack." Snow sighed wistfully, and padded off to where the soft fangs slept outside under a tree.

Adder left to where his mother had returned in her soft bedding of moss, snow, and leaves. He curled up at her belly with Misty and started to suckle.

"Come, little one. He snow is over, its okay to go outside now." Frost's warm scent filled his nose as she nudged him onto his feet. Sight of the sun made Adder squeal in alarm. He ducked his head and tried to adjust his eye sight. He sneezed as he smelt a feather from a pigeon.

"Move out of my way!" Crow growled, padding past him.

"Oh, get over yourself Crow. Why does everyone seem to hate these pups?" Fox muttered, watching Crow stalk away to the fresh prey pile.
"Because, most think they're just more mouths to feed." Mole murmured beside Cherry.

"Hey, Sand, Storm? Wanna play?" Adder felt a bit more prideful, knowing he wasn't the only one to go through this, and he ignored Mole's comment.

"Sure!" Storm jumped onto a snow pile and raised his head high. "I'm alpha of the LakePack!" Storm called. "I'm your beta!" He growled, leaping up to Storm's side.

"Hey! What am I?" Sand pouted, swishing her tail.

"You can be my beta!" Oak ran towards Sand excitedly, his fur ruffled from a tongue bath from River.

"But I wanna be Alpha." Sand sighed.

"Fine, you're alpha then." Oak sighed back, rolling his eyes.

"Yay!" Sand growled playfully and pounced onto Adder. They scuffled playfully around on the ground until Thunder bowled them both over. "Hey! I was winning, you know!" Sand scoffed, raising her head high, her back to the rest of them.
"Right, and MoorPack is slow, not to mention dawn comes at night." Oak rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and maybe Duck is being fed off of by stupid MountainPack wolves." Fern bounced over to growl at them slowly.

"No! She's gonna be fine, she's just in a different pack, " Adder murmured, not sure if he was trying to sooth himself or his friends."Yeah, she'll be alright." Oak apologized, glancing back at Ember.
"Maybe we should invite her over." Sand flicked a paw at Ember, sitting alone sweeping her tail.

"No! Are you crazy? She's the reason why Duck is gone and not with us." Adder growled pitifully.

"Not really," Storm slowly spoke up, as if not trying to challenge his friend. "It's a tradition, there was no choice."
"But she's still here, and my sister isn't!" He replied, short fused.

"Listen, she's not here anymore, we have to accept Ember. She's just a pup, and our age too!" Sand said in an excited tone, but quickly hid it. Don't they see? Duck isn't here because of her! Adder shared a glance with Ember. Ember looked hopeful when their eyes met contact, but he quickly turned away.

"See ya later." He muttered, stalking past Ember, he gave her a short nudge. Ember squeaked in surprise, almost trembling as she stumbled over her paws. Adder smirked at her failure to regain her paws and falling into a snow heap. "You deserve it." He muttered into her ear.

First time writing a realistic wolf book, so tell me what you think! Did it suck? Did it have flare? Did it have an interesting character you like? Well, tell me all these in the comments!! Don't forget to vote and share!

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