Chapter 2

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Berry is the wolf above.

Yay!!! Chapter two, finally published!

"Adder, come here! Sky has a story for us!" Misty called excitedly from outside. Adder stirred out of his nest and leaped outside. The snow was thawing, and the pack was getting fuller and happier.

"Really? Or is it just some stupid pup tale?" He growled and plopped down beside Misty and Oak. Sky chuckled. "You know, we are still pups." Oak rolled his eyes. Adder ignored the comment from his friend and sat patiently for Sky. "Where's Stone? He's supposed to come with me on the dusk patrol." Leaf came padding towards her mate, Sky and asked him.

"I'm not sure, I think he went hunting with Alpha, Sun, Flower, Crow, and Cave." Sky murmured. "Okay then, I'll just ask Frost." Leaf nodded and hurried into the cave. "So? What's the story?" Oak asked.

"It was when was just a pup," Sky began, "The HillPack was just arriving from their Snow Fall migration." Sky murmured.
"What's HillPack?" Sand joined the pups, Thunder and Storm joining her. "Yeah, what's that pack?" Ember came padding over, tail wagging. "Get. Its none of your business." He growled, blocking her way now.

The fur on Ember's neck rose, making her look larger. "Huh! Stupid he wolf." Ember barked crossly. She turned tail, ready to storm off.
"She can stay, Adder. She's not doing any harm." Sky said in a gruff voice.

"Huh." He replied. Ember came towards him, sitting beside him. He growled and she moved over.
Huh, stupid. Thinks I'll hurt my own pack. Lucky for her, she's not apart of my pack.

"The HillPack is just another pack, like us. Except they travel, like lone wolves, but in a pack." Sky began telling his story again. "They hadn't gotten any pups that snow fall, and the other alphas, including Alpha Rose, our alpha at the time, were getting furious. The HillPack started disrespecting the borders, and Alpha Hare was ready to rage war." Sky shuffled his paws to get comfortable. 

Adder growled. Ember had started to follow him. He was going over to talk with Oak, and Ember had decided that she could do what she pleased in his pack. Ember whimpered, her fur on end, and turned around and scampered off. He saw a fluffy tail disappear into a bush whose he thought was her's.

"Grr! You're it!" Adder gently nipped Oak's tail. Oak playfully barked back, stretching his forelegs in front of him and wagging his tail. "Not any more!" Oak jumped onto Adder's back. Adder crumbled beneath his friend's weight, but pushed him roughly off. Oak let out a shriek. Sand came running over to see what happened to her littermate. 

Oak rolled onto his back, chuckling. "That was a smart move." He muttered, rolling his eyes.

"The patrol is coming back!" Sand barked towards the rustling trees. "Who went on it again?" Oak asked. "Star and Dawn, I think." He murmured to his friend as two she wolves appeared from the snow hidden forest. One was orange with blue eyes, while the other was black with speckles and blue eyes. 
"I missed you," Dust, a brown strong he wolf whispered to Star, rubbing his nose under Star's chin. "I missed you, too." Star giggled, and the two padded away near a small area that had been cleared of snow.

"What's with them?" Fern wagged her tail.
"They're in love, furball!" Blue, Fern's sister, knocked her over playfully and the two younger pups scuffled around.

"Pups can be so annoying!" Fly, a red she wolf, muttered and walked over to where Claw was holding a rabbit. "Are not!" Fern growled, but Fly or Claw didn't hear. "Huh, we'll show them whose annoying." Adder rumbled, glaring across at the two annoying wolves.  

"Come here, now." Frost was scolding his sister, Misty beside a thorn bush. Her caught draft of a small breeze which startled him. "Why? I'm not cold, and I can clean myself!" Misty argued. Adder trotted over to where his mother was pulling on Misty's scruff. 

Stone came over too, seeing his mate was having difficulties. "Adder, get inside." Frost barked, flicking her tail towards the cave entrance. He nodded solemnly and followed his father in. 

A few moments later, Misty trudged in, her fur as matted with snow as his. Frost came marching in, a deep glare in her gaze. "What's the matter?" His father went to comfort his mother. Frost just shrugged and curled into her nest. He heard a faint mutter, but couldn't make out what it was. 

His father curled up beside Frost, and eventually Adder and Misty came to sit with their parents. Oak, Sand, Thunder, and Storm were already inside asleep, and Fern and Blue were given bathes. He never saw Ember come into the cave, and he suddenly felt a tinge of guilt. 

It's my fault that Ember is sleeping in the cold. His thoughts swayed him at first. But she took away Duck. His strength and brutality seemed to harden with every thought. She's the reason why I don't get to play with Duck anymore. And with that last thought, Adder fell asleep in the snow laden den beside his remaining sister. 


So? How'd you like it? By the way, my birthday was last Wednesday! The eighteenth. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and give me feedback! Sorry for the late update! I've been planning out the ENTIRE plot. It's a lot of work, *wipes away sweat. But thanks for reading!

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