Chapter 6

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Storm is the wolf above. (Enlarged)
This is one of the only chapters that will have more than one P.O.V. in it. 

"LakePack! Attention!" Alpha Pine barked loudly, summoning the pack. Adder stalked out of his dip in the cave to hear what the leader had to say. The past few days had been full of tension, and even Sun was tense. 

His mother padded up to him and gave him a swift lick. "Oof." He grumbled, drawing a paw over his head to smooth his fur. The snow was slowly melting, and he noticed the sun was giving off more and more heat each day. 

"You have to be cleaned." Frost said sternly before continuing to lick him. Adder muttered things under his breath so she couldn't hear. Misty bounced over excitedly. "Guess what?" She squealed.

"Hmm?" He asked curiously. Misty's fur was sleek as well. Frost must've done her fur first.

"We're going to be Soft Fangs!" She barked with a high pitched squeal following after. She wagged her tail and bowed playfully. He smiled. He was finally going to be treated like an equal! No more constant teases from the soft fangs and loud barks, no more being pushed around.

Adder looked at the sky. The Stars were just appearing, and the moon barely rising upwards.

"Good. It's about time." Cave muttered, stalking up to press against Adder's mother. He held back a growl. Frost stopped cleaning him when the rest of the pack was gathered and Pine began speaking once more.

"Today, we make three new Soft Fangs." Pine spoke. The wolves formed a somewhat semi circle around their leader, a few clusters among the sides. Snow looked at Adder with a warm gaze. He would soon be hunting with her at his side, running through their territory like he owned everything. Maybe he would be appointed beta one day!

Wait- three? A growl escaped his jaws. Ember. The name clawed at his throat like a badger. That filth doesn't and won't ever deserve to become a soft fang if my life depended on it!

"Shhh."  His mother scolded, whisking a paw over his ear. He sat prouder. "Adder, Misty and Ember are all old enough to attend their first howl tonight, and after tonight, they will be full members of the pack. They will learn our ways better than myself, and together, as one, we will train them to be strong and brave. LakePack will be stronger with these young pups, and after tonight, they are wolves!" 

Howls erected through the night sky. I'm going to a howl! He would see Duck there, hopefully!

Ember is the reason, the reason Duck isn't here with us. But, she'll be there, at the howl.  

The thoughts tormented him until his brain did flips. Why did this happen to me? He shook his head. This was a joyous moment, where he would be accepted into all the wolves of the packs. He lifted his head and let out an ear splitting yowl with his packmates. It was short, but it felt like many moments.

"We're here." Snow murmured. Adder looked around. The moon lit the earth like the sun. Everything in front of him seemed to shine. A vast rock with a small barren tree in the middle of it with strong, hefty branches lay before him. His legs were sore from the really long walk, and could tell Misty was sore as well when she left his side in search of someone. He could tell MoorPack was already there, as all the wolves there were long legged and lithe. 

They all smelled the same, like breeze, grass, and something else, maybe hare?

"Hare! It's good to see you. It feels like moons," Alpha Pine greeted what Adder expected the MoorPack Alpha to be. "You, as well, Pine." The two large wolves put their heads next to each other as a formal greeting as equals. "Has everything been well?" Hare asked.

Adder didn't stay around much longer to hear what Alpha said. A younger wolf came padding over to greet Snow, who was on his right. "Snow! Last time I didn't see you. How's the hunting?" The he wolf asked. 

"Great, actually. Best hunting I've seen in moons. And I couldn't come, I had to go on the dusk patrol. It was a last minute thing, and I wasn't back until the moon was already dying." The white she wolf smiled gently.

Adder was almost the size of Snow now, and it made him feel happy that he could be as big as this wolf in front of him. "Whose this?" The wolf asked. He smelled like the mixture all the other MoorPack wolves smelled like.

"Bumble, this is Adder. It's his first howl tonight." Snow gestured with her tail to Adder. He licked his chest, embarrassed. The wolf named Bumble laughed a little before coughing falsely. "I've got to go now. The howl should start soon." Both wolves dipped their heads.

"MountainPack's here!" Misty barked excitedly, appearing at his other side. "Do you think Duck will be here?" He asked. "She should be. She's as old as you." 

"Snow!" A gray and silver she wolf ran up to Snow and they both gave each other a swift lick over the ear. "Ivy, you look beautiful tonight." Snow barked with joy, complimenting this she wolf who smelled of moor as well. 

"As do you! Whose this?" Ivy asking, batting her eyes playfully at Adder. Adder wolf-blushed. "This is Adder and Misty. Their sister was traded to the MountainPack." Snow introduced him.
"Awe, that's to bad, maybe Stumpy could've helped her out if he was in the MountainPack," Ivy murmured quietly, looking at the two with sympathy. Adder saw Snow give her sister, who looked a lot like her, a small warning glance. "First howl?" Ivy asked, changing the subject. 

Adder didn't exactly like the thought of being protected by someone, but let it go anyways. 

"Yeah, we're going to see our sister!" Misty barked.

"Wolves of the Packs! Listen to our words!" The third alpha yowled. Every wolf turned their attention to the wolves on a branch on the low hanging tree.

Adder glanced around for his other sister. Before he could find her, he spotted Ember. It was a disgrace she was even at the howl. She was nothing but a nuisance to the pack. She wasn't helping feed the pack, she wasn't smart enough for anything, and just got stuck under everyone's paws. 

Ember was talking with two young he wolves, about their age. He growled. He didn't understand how someone could be so selfish, talking during a howl like that.

Then, soon after, he spotted fur. Familiar fur. His heart skipped a beat with excitement. "Tonight, LakePack brings three new soft fangs!" Alpha Pine yowled into the night sky. Every wolf around him howled. He noticed lots of turned heads at him, and some at Misty, and even some at Ember. Adder assumed all the MountainPack was looking for her, anyways. 

"Stand up." Snow nudged him slightly. He had been sitting before, but he stood up anyways as wolves looked his way. He saw a couple of mingle pack wolves sitting closely together, whispering, "I heard that was the beta's son." Adder growled at the memory of his father. Gone. Gone, gone, gone.

"Yeah, I thought he would be bigger. No less, with white fur. Maybe stronger?" The wolf turned its head  very slightly so Adder could see into his gaze. The wolf turned away with a cackle and howled once more with his buddy. Everything was silent after that, the howling had stopped.

"They're just trying to provoke a fight. MoorPack does that a lot. You'll get used to it." Snow soothed, sitting and putting her tail close to his. "Sure, I will." He muttered. 

"I am also sad to report we lost our beta, Stone, to two dreadful 

"MountainPack also has three new soft fangs!" A deeper voice than Alpha Pine's rang. The howling lasted very short compared to the yell he had been given with Ember and Misty.

"It's because you're the former beta's son." Adder looked up. It was no other than Tree. Was he finally going to treat Adder like an equal? Right. Cause that was definitely bound to happen....

"Whose that?" Adder asked, pointing his nose to the alpha that had just spoken. "Alpha Growl, alpha of the MountainPack." Snow replied, her white fur glistening. 
After the two other alphas announced all they had to say, including Duck's arrival and new rank, Alpha Hare began the howl by saying some words Adder thought he'd never be able to memorize. 

"Tonight, the Packs gather here, under the new moon. Tonight, we have seven new soft fangs, as well as three new loud barks, and even a new beta. Tonight, we celebrate under the stars and the new moon to rejoice and forget our boundaries under the whispers of our ancestors and future generations. Tonight, we howl!" Howling from the other side of the vast rock rang in his ears.

Every wolf was howling, yowling, and even screeching wistfully. Why? Because, of course, they wanted the night to last forever, like any wolf. 

Adder raised his head and howled with Snow and Misty and Ivy. It was one of the greatest things he had ever done before. He had never heard such a persistent group of yowls that formed into one harmonious sound, carrying across past the mountains. 

Although he didn't want it to, the howl was over. Or, at least, the actual howling part was. "Are we going to leave now?" Misty asked Snow. "No, now we just talk among ourselves." Snow murmured. He nodded. 
"We could try to find Duck, if you like." The pretty white she wolf offered. Adder glanced back at Ivy. "It's alright, Bumble wants to talk anyways." Ivy said, smiling before walking away and greeting the other wolf. 

"Aren't we enemies to the other packs, though?" Adder asked confused. He just kind of assumed Snow was good friends with Bumble because he knew Ivy. "Not tonight. There's a sort of truce the leaders make before starting. They do this promise thing, saying they would keep their word and wolves in line." He nodded again. Why did they have so many traditions? It seemed so, so, less free than every other animal he had heard of.

Most lived on their own, or even in groups but more carefree. 

"Let's go! She's over here!" Misty barked, running forward. "Watch it, pup!" A wolf barked, pushing past Misty like a wave crashing down. 

"That's Bear. He's also from the MountainPack." Snow commented as they went by. They reached Duck when she was also looking for them. "Misty! Adder!" Duck cheered.

Adder and his sisters went into a frenzy with each other, sniffing each other's fur, breathing in the warm scents they all recognized. "It's been so long," He sighed. 

Ember's P.O.V.

She breathed in the brute smell of the mountain stream in Thorn, her brother's fur. "Smoke, Thorn. It's been so long!" Ember sighed dramatically, happy to be with wolves she knew. Smoke jumped up on two legs excitedly. He had grown quite a bit. Had she grown, too?

She then noticed as she looked behind her brother that Adder had also noticed her. She opened her jaws to reveal her teeth in a threatening look. He turned away, probably scared or startled that she would do something like that at a howl. 

Smoke gave her an odd look. "Nothing." 

"Is there any problem in LakePack?" Thorn asked, his blue eyes anxious. "Uh, oh, uh, no." She answered, avoiding his gaze. "Nothing." She repeated. Smoke and Thorn gave each other curious glances, but shrugged. 

"MountainPack, we're bound to home!" Alpha Growl called. Ember desperately wanted to go with her brother and friend, but knew she couldn't no matter what happened. 
"Bye, see you at the next new moon!" Thorn yowled behind him as he and Smoke retreated towards their pack, joining Duck, the she wolf she had traded places with. 

Adder, in an instant turned towards her. "What are you looking at, mountain slobber?" He growled. She took a step back. "Lake spit, you looked at me!" She retorted, but the fury in his eyes was the same.

"Tell your mange ridden brother to stay away from my sister." He barked the order, full of arrogant authority. 

She growled. "What our siblings do isn't in our control." She muttered. Before Adder could try saying something more slick, Alpha Pine called the pack together. Ember turned tail and went to leave.

Enjoy! 2114 words! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

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