Baraqiel Visits Akeno.

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I woke up to Akeno playing with my hair and running her hand through it. "Morning baby." She smiled.
"Morning beautiful." I leaned up and kissed her.
"Sleep well?" She asked.
"That's good." She giggled. "Come on let's get ready for school." She got up and off the bed but not before kissing me. I got up after she started getting dressed. I put on a clean uniform and made sure my hair was combed. Akeno hugged me from behind. "You look so much more like a man that deserves a woman like me." She teased. I smiled as I reached behind myself and gripped her ass. "Ooohhh you're a naughty boy. I like that."
"Thought you might." I smiled.
"Daniel, Akeno." Rias said coming into the bathroom with Xenovia in tow.
"Yes Rias." I said.
"We're going to have company after school today." Xenovia added.
"Baraqiel." Rias said. Akeno smiled while I wasn't sure what to feel because I had heard of him and how Akeno used to hate him and about a couple years ago they started making peace with each other.
As soon as Rias and Xenovia left the room. Akeno said, "Ohh I'm so excited."
"Well I'm nervous. It will be the first time I'll be meeting your dad honey." I replied.
"Don't worry baby. I'll make sure he doesn't harm you. And I'm sure he'll love you."
"Your confident at least."
"Trust me baby." She giggled.
"Okay." I smiled as she moved in front of me. "No matter what happens baby girl. I'll always be your warrior."
"And I'll always be your priestess." She smiled and kissed me. "Now come on. Let's head to school." We left for school and just walked hand in hand. Once we got there we kissed once more before going to our separate classes.

During lunch I was sitting under a tree in the courtyard. Then Akeno came up. "Hey baby."
"Hey honey. How's your day been?"
"Better now that I'm with you." We smiled as she sat next to me.
"Funny I was about to say the same to you baby girl."
"Ohhh, you're so sweet Daniel."
She grinned as she moved to between my legs and leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Still nervous about meeting my father baby?"
"Not as much as I was earlier."
"That's good. And if the first meeting doesn't work I got a back up plan."
"Okay honey." I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She looked so cute relaxing in my arms. After a bit we shared a sandwich she made and after we kissed as the bell chimed signaling the end of lunch. We went to our last set of classes for the day.

As the bell rang at the end of the day. I headed to the clubhouse and ran through nearly any or all scenarios for what was about to happen. The scenarios I kept coming up with were dominantly bad or brutal. With me being on the receiving end of the end result. Most of which I'm a pile of broken bones and blood.
When I got there, Akeno met me at the door. And she wasn't the only one. "Daddy. This is Daniel Boyce. My boyfriend." Akeno said as a very big guy walked up. Black hair, beard, sideburns and mustache combo. I was intimidated for a few minutes until Akeno slid next to me prompting me to wrap my right arm around her.
"So, your Rias' new rook. And Akeno tells me that you have been protecting her and making sure she's safe. And I'd like to thank you for doing that." I was shocked as to this giant thanking me for doing what any real boyfriend would do for his girl.
"Your welcome. Baraqiel." I calmed down from my panic and smiled.
"Your right Akeno dear. He is a nice boy." Akeno smiled and nodded and gently kissed my cheek.
"Told you not to worry baby." She giggled.
"You were right Akeno." I smiled.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha. You were worried about meeting me." Baraqiel laughed.
"Not in so many words but yeah."
"Well you have nothing to be afraid of. Akeno likes and trusts you. And that's enough for me. Besides, anyone who fought Kokabiel without fear is just the guy I want for my Akeno."
"It was a team effort on defeating Kokabiel. And I'll defend and protect Akeno with everything I've got."
"I would expect nothing less from a Celt."
"Thank you daddy. Shall we." Akeno said and led us into the parlor.
I sat next to Gasper and Akeno sat in my lap with an arm draped over my shoulders. "Now that we're all here. Baraqiel has a message from my brother."
"Thank you Rias." He said. "We've had reports come in that Riser Phenex has been gathering allies and is preparing to get his revenge on Issei and the rest of you for embarrassing him. So if you see or hear anything. Report it to Rias or Akeno." We all nodded in agreement.
Once he finished. Akeno got up from my lap and approached him. "How long are you in town for?" She asked him.
"At least until Friday evening." He smiled at her then looked at me. "You got yourself a good man Akeno. Strong willed, brave and doesn't back down from a fight or from anyone who threatens the people he cares about. Make sure you take good care him Akeno. Because he's the real deal."
"Thank you daddy. Do we remind you of you and mom?"
"Believe it or not. Yes you two definitely do. Aside from that the only difference is, is that I sense a strength in him that would surpass even me when I was with your mother. And you bring out the best in him and give him the confidence and calm comfortable feeling one needs in this life." He approached me as I was showing Gasper a simple trick of the fingers and hands. "Daniel. May I see you a moment."
"Sure." I said. "I'll be right back Gasper."
"Okay." Gasper smiled. I followed Baraqiel to the outside.
"What's going on?"
"Well, your not in trouble. I just want to say that I haven't seen my little girl so happy. And I have you to thank for that. You make Akeno feel good and I thought I'd say that you and her remind me of me and her mother. And I'm going to tell you that I see a potential in you. A strength that would surpass mine. And I know that you will never turn your back on Akeno." Then Akeno came out to us. "Perfect timing. Just like her mother."
"What's going on daddy?" Akeno asked.
"Come here, Akeno." She approached Baraqiel and he pulled me up next to her. "You two are a very cute couple. And by what Rias has told me. Quite dangerous as well. At least to anyone who stands against Rias and her peerage." Akeno smiled her eyes glistening in the light of the foyer. "So, I thought I'd get this over with while I'm here." He held out his hand and gently lifted Akeno's left hand and I instinctively knew what he was going to do. So I placed my hand on hers and he placed his right hand on both me and Akeno's. "You two have my blessing. No matter what. I will stand with both of you whatever you decide to do."
Akeno leaned against me and nuzzled her head into my chest.
"Thank you daddy." She smiled.
"That's right. Thank you Baraqiel." I grinned.
"Take good care of each other."
"We will." Me and Akeno said in unison. He smiled as Akeno kissed his cheek and he left for the night.
When the club business concluded. Akeno and I went for a nice brisk walk to Issei's. "Beautiful night wouldn't you say?" I asked.
"Very beautiful night indeed." She smiled. "I'm glad my dad approves of you."
"To be honest baby girl. I was a nervous wreck and a hairs breadth from falling apart."
She giggled. "He intimidated you didn't he?" I nodded. "Ooohhh. My poor Daniel." She gently gripped my left hand with her right and lifted my arm up and draped it over her shoulder. "I love you Daniel."
"I love you  so much more Akeno." I kissed her forehead. And she kissed my left hand.

Once we arrived at Issei's place. We headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then headed to the parlor after dinner and sat down and I started studying. Akeno grinned as my face became serious as I worked on history homework. It didn't take me long to finish my homework. I sat back on the sofa and Akeno slid closer next to me and leaned against me and I wrapped an arm around her holding her against me.
"I must say, you two are the cutest couple."
Xenovia said.
"Yeah." Asia added.
"Thanks guys." Akeno and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed.
Rias came into the room and smiled at us. "You two are just so adorable together. Well as much as I hate to say this, tomorrow Daniel you start your training and you will help with summoning requests and try to get your own contracts and pacts."
"I was expecting that." I said.
"Okay. Akeno can you make sure he's ready for training at five o'clock tomorrow morning?"
"Absolutely." Akeno replied.
"Thank you."
She walked away and I started to rub my eyes. "Well I don't know about you honey but I'm gonna head to bed."
"Okay baby. Come on."
She and I got up and walked to my room and as we got prepped for bed I couldn't help but watch Akeno undress to her panties. I smiled as she looked at me.
"Enjoying the view you naughty boy?" She asked giggling.
"Absolutely." I gently placed my hands on her hips and pulled her into me.
"Someone needs to be punished." I slapped her ass with my right hand. "I meant you silly." She slapped my chest.
"I know baby girl." I was in my boxers and we both got into bed and cuddled up with each other. "Good night sweetie."
"Good night honey." We fell asleep in each other's arms.

Meanwhile across town...
"Enjoy the peace while it lasts. Because Riser will have his revenge on all of you."

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