Riser Meets Rias' Celtic Rook.

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I woke up a few minutes before Akeno and just watched her sleep. It was nice to have a moment to just admire how beautiful she was and think about how lucky I was to have her as my girlfriend. I caressed her cheek gently moving a few stray hairs from her face to behind her ear. She sighed and smiled as she started to stir and open her eyes.
"Morning my angel." She grinned as I kissed her.
"Morning my Celtic Warrior." She giggled as she stretched her arms as she sat up. "Your up early."
"Well I usually can wake up before an appointment or planned outing. So it's not unusual for me to be up before something like training."
"That makes sense baby. And you behave yourself while training with Rias, Issei and Asia."
"I think it should be Issei who should behave more than me."
"Daniel." She jokily snapped.
"Okay. I'll behave." I smiled. "Oh the things I will do for my priestess." We kissed once more and she got up and got dressed and went downstairs to help Issei's mom prep breakfast.
"Oh and honey."Akeno said and I looked to her in the doorway. "If you behave yourself there might be a treat for you later."
"Deal." I got up and dressed in some clean jeans, workout shirt and jacket and a pair of tennis shoes. And made my way to the front door. Asia was there waiting. "Hey Asia."
"Hey Daniel." She greeted. "Sleep well?"
"Yes I did. You?"
"Yeah." She grinned.
Then we heard, "Issei get your ass to the front door."
"Sounds like Rias is riding Issei's tail already. Not going to lie he does need the push." Asia giggled at my remark.
Rias came up and smiled. "Good to see you two are early. Oh Daniel. I'll be starting your training but someone else wants to run you through a new regimen he says will help you."
"Let me guess. Azazel. I swear he's slowly working his way up from fly in my ointment to thorn in my side."
"Oh it's not me." Azazel said appearing among me, Rias and Asia as we waited for Issei. "I asked someone special to help you with your training."
"Do I get to know who or are we gonna play pin the tail on the dumbass?"
"Hey honey." Akeno said as she came up with a breakfast basket. "Waiting for Issei again?" She asked Rias.
"Yep." Rias nodded.
"Akeno, why don't you tell Daniel who will be helping him with his training."
"Baraqiel." Akeno grinned.
"Well, it's better than having to deal with Azazel." I smiled. "But how did anyone get him to agree to help?"
"Nobody did. He said he was going to be here until Saturday. So at Akeno's behest I arranged for Baraqiel to help you with training while he was still here." Azazel said.
I looked at Akeno. "You're amazing you know that?"
"I know." She giggled as she slid into my arms. "Have fun with daddy." She said as she handed me the breakfast basket.
"Before or after he kills me?" I smiled.
"Oh he won't kill you baby. Because if he does I'll never speak to him again." She said with very masked seriousness in her voice.
"Well. It should prove interesting to say the least." I kissed Akeno as Issei was running up.
"Be careful baby."
"I will baby girl."
"Alright lets get a move on." Rias said as she opened the door and I led the group out the door and down the street. Rias and Asia followed me and Issei on a pair of bikes. I was ahead of Issei until I felt an overwhelming power and I stopped in response.
"Hey Daniel. What's up?" Issei asked.
"Shh." I told him. "You can't feel that?"
"What's..." Rias felt the power surge.
"Whoever you are out there. Come out and show yourself." I said.
"Well. Aren't we being a big boss."
"Riser." Rias said.
"So good of you to remember Rias. After all it's because of you and your entire entourage I was disgraced and forced to live in exile."
"No. You broke the rules of the rating game by beating Issei to a bloody pulp and using the games loophole of deaths being considered accidents as a way to mask a murder." I growled.
"Riser wasn't talking to you."
"Maybe not but at least I have the decency to fight fairly." I stated.
"And who are you low born?"
"My name is Daniel Boyce. I'm a Celtic Warrior in the service of Rias Gremory as her rook. And I will make sure that you understand where you are on the totem pole."
"So you're Rias' new Servant aren't you?"
"Yeah. What's it to ya?"
"Well I've heard that Rias' priestess of thunder has a new boy toy."
"Well. I usually don't deal with servant devils. But since I can't let a challenge pass me by. I think I'll challenge you and prove I'm the better warrior." He smiled. "Until then. Ta." He left and like that the energy was gone. And everything returned to normal. After I was able to shake loose of the fatigue from the power I felt. I continued on the run. Rias and Asia along with Issei tried to keep up but I was so worked up by that worthless devil has been that I found a new gear as I ran. I stopped just shy of the park and Baraqiel met me at the park entrance and noticed I was very angry.
"What's up Daniel?" He asked.
"Riser appeared. And is thinking of challenging me to prove he's the better warrior."
"Well in that case. Let's get right to work on your training. Because you and I both know he'll have something up his sleeve."
"Exactly." I agreed. We walked to a secluded area for my training.

After an hour and forty minutes it was time for me, Rias, Asia and Issei to head home to prep for school. "Well I'm aware that it's time for you to head home to change for school. But you made a lot of progress. In fact I'm afraid of what you will be capable of tomorrow." He smiled.
"Agreed. I just want to thank you for helping me with my training."
"Your welcome Daniel. See you tomorrow morning."
"See ya Baraqiel." I joined Rias, Asia and Issei before we headed home to change for school.
I stayed in tempo and speed of Issei and the others. Rias walked with her bike beside me and Asia walked with her bike beside Issei. "Rias."
"I want you to promise me. If anything happens to me. I want you to promise you will take care of Akeno." I said as Rias looked at me with concern.
"Daniel. Riser won't challenge you and even if he does. I'll make sure you get to set the terms."
"That aside I want you to promise me."
"I promise." Rias grinned as she knew I wouldn't stop asking until she did.
We got to Issei' and got changed for school.
"Hey baby." Akeno said as she came into the room and I smiled.
"Hello my angel." I said as I turned around as I hugged and kissed her.
"How was training?"
"It was brutal but fun."
"Good. And since you behaved. I'm going to give you a treat when we get back." She kissed my cheek. And we headed to school.
"By the way. Thank you for the breakfast basket." I said reminiscing about the food she cooked for me in the basket. And I did eat the food during the six minute break Baraqiel allowed me during training.
"Your welcome baby."
"And before you find out from Rias or anyone else. Riser appeared and apparently since I opened my mouth is planning on challenging me to prove who's the better warrior. And your dad after I told him what Riser is planning after appearing to me, Rias, Issei and Asia agrees with me that Riser will also challenge for you."
"Well I know that you won't lose to Riser. You'll find a way to win." I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close as she rested her head on my shoulder as we walked along.

The school day went rather well and me and Akeno met up and ate lunch together.
But when we all went to the clubhouse. I felt the same power surge as I had earlier. And didn't need to know who was there. Issei, Asia, Xenovia, Koneko and Kiba were already inside along with Rias and Akeno. I walked into the parlor to see Riser with Raynare.
"What's he doing here?" I asked clutching the Claymore pendant.
"He's here to challenge you to a fight. For not only title of best warrior but also..." Raynare smiled deviously. "For Akeno's hand." I was pissed and everyone could tell.
"Fine." Azazel said as he appeared. "But there will be conditions."
"Riser will fight this low born devil servant under any conditions."
"Daniel." Azazel looked at me.
"Highlander rules. One on one. No interference from anyone. One weapon a piece. I win. He leaves me and Akeno's friends and family alone. He yields he must live out his days as a human. Never to know power and have no memory of his life as a devil. He wins. Well I'm sure it's obvious. But if I yield. I get stripped of my power and title as a devil. And if you so much as sneeze a cheat. Your life is forfeit."
"Okay Riser. Either accept his terms or be cast back into exile."
"I accept." He grimaced.
"And where should this fight be held."
"There's only one place I'll accept. The Highlands of Scotland." I said.
"Agreed." Riser said.
"Okay. This Saturday. In the Scottish Highlands. I'll make the necessary arrangements. And Riser. Sirzechs says that he'll ensure Daniel gets a fair fight. As will I." Azazel smiled. Riser and Raynare left as did Azazel.
Akeno approached me and hugged me.
"Daniel," Issei started. "What's Highlander rules?"
"That means the only way to win is I take his head or he takes mine. And I would die first before I lose Akeno to a devil reject like Riser."
"Whoa, hardcore."
I ran my left hand through Akeno's hair. While holding her close with my right hand.
"Daniel. If you succeed at beating Riser. I will make sure that you have anything you need even your own home."
"Give me the fight to think it over." Rias nodded.
Akeno sat in my lap as I sat down for the usual meeting.
After we all got done with summon requests and such. I got back home to see Baraqiel standing at the door. "Akeno told me what you told Riser. And what the conditions you wanted. I pulled a few strings and got you this." He pulled out a kilt. "William Wallace himself wore this during the first campaign to free Scotland. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you wore it." I gently took the kilt and held it carefully.
"Thank you Baraqiel."
"Your welcome. Now if you want to pay me back. Just meet me in the park at four in the morning. And we'll get you ready for the fight."
"Aye, sir." I stood at attention.
"Ha. I can see why my little girl likes you. See you in the morning." He walked away and I walked into the house. Akeno smiled as I held the kilt under my arm.
"Welcome home baby."
"Thank you baby girl." I walked over to her and hugged her tight.
"Come on. Dinners already getting cold but I'm sure you can manage." She giggled as I reached for her ass and she scurried ahead of me to the kitchen. Before I walked in I heard crying. I followed it to Gasper' room. Dropping off the kilt in me and Akeno's room. I knocked on the door.
"Gasper." I entered his room and saw him on his bed. "Hey, why're you crying buddy?"
"I'm just afraid that you won't come back. I don't want to lose any friends."
"Ohh ho. Gasper. You could never lose me or any of your real friends here. You want to know why?"
"Uh huh." He sniffled as I sat down next to him.
"Because the people who really make you happy, or really care about you. Will always be in here." I pointed to his heart. "And that's the truth." He smiled.
"Okay Daniel. I understand."
"Come on. Let's get something to eat. What do ya say?" He smiled wider and pulled me behind him.
Everyone at dinner watched me and I could read what they were thinking without looking up from my plate. Koneko was worried about what might happen to me on Saturday. So she approached Akeno and whispered something into her ear. Akeno smiled and nodded in response.
After dinner I cleaned all the plates and dishes. Then headed upstairs to rest and sleep if my body was willing.
After a few seconds after the door creaked open and Akeno and Koneko walked in. "Hey Angel. Koneko. What can I do for you?"
"Well it's not my usual place but I'm very worried about you and what will happen to you on Saturday. So I asked Akeno if I can stay with you guys tonight. And she agreed that it would be a good idea. So can I?"
"Who am I to disagree with my priestess of thunder?" I smiled. Koneko ran into bed and Akeno stripped down to her panties and got in next to me. I laid down and with Koneko curled up to my left and Akeno on my right. I fell fast asleep.

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