Daniels First Day In A New School.

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It was my first day at a new school and I got an early start so I decided to head to school early and jogged and walked there. After I reached the academy I went straight to the headmaster/headmistress office and was given an introductory lecture and speech. And once I got my schedule. I headed to history class.
I stood in front of the class and introduced myself.
"Hi. Everyone. My name is Daniel Boyce. Pleasure to meet you all." I bowed. Once I stood up, I took a seat behind a blue with a slight green streak haired girl. Throughout the day I kept to myself and just focused on my studies. When I was in the cafeteria I sat and ate while observing the people around me.
It was while I left the cafeteria that I saw a very beautiful girl with purple eyes and long black hair tied into a ponytail. She was so beautiful. But I couldn't help but feel that my life was about to change.

At the ORC house...
Issei, Koneko, Asia, Gasper, Kiba and Xenovia. Were sitting and patiently waiting for Rias and Akeno to come in and start the meeting. And once they did Azazel also came in. "Well everyone. Welcome to the first meeting back from summer break." Azazel smiled. "Now did anyone notice the new student today?" He asked looking at Rias and Akeno.
"I did." Akeno smiled as she raised her hand.
"As did I." Issei said. "He introduced himself this morning. He seems pretty cool."
"Well I was hoping that you all would keep an eye on him."
"What's the catch Azazel?" Rias asked.
"Let's just say he may prove useful for your group." He smiled.
"Okay. So who will volunteer to keep an eye on this new student?" Rias asked.
"Me. I'll be more than happy to watch over him." Akeno said with a giggle and a smile.
"Good. Cause rumor has it. That you've made quite the impression on him when he first saw you while heading to his PE class." Akeno blushed.
"What is he some sort of pervert?" Koneko asked.
"Quite the opposite." Azazel said. "He's a purebred American Country Gentleman and he's also hot tempered as well. So approach some topics carefully." They got right down to club business and adjourned for the day.

The following morning I woke up an hour and a half earlier to get a good run in before I had to prep for school. Which meant for me to finish unfinished homework and pack my lunch accordingly and I also packed my uncles Irish Flute. For the extra relaxation music during lunch.
Once I finished my run, changed for school I headed to school and played a few songs on the flute as I walked along the sidewalk. When I came within sight of the school I put the flute away and headed to history. Once the class ended I headed to English class. But not even close to my four minute travel to my next class I felt a pair of eyes watching me. So  I thought I'd address whoever was doing it at lunch.
I sat in front of a short slightly dry mud colored haired kid.
After class and as I headed to lunch I felt those eyes again.
"Okay. Whoever's watching me. Please introduce yourself. I don't mind you being curious but I'm not one to make paranoid."
"Wow." A sweet feminine voice said. I turned around and found a the girl that caught my attention the day before coming from behind a pilar. And she was even more beautiful up close. "My name is Akeno." She bowed. "How did you know I was watching?"
"When you've had the life I have. You learn to be extremely aware of your surroundings." I bowed in the traditional english style. "I'm Daniel Boyce. If I may ask. If you haven't had any lunch yet I would be honored if you would join me."
"Your so sweet. Absolutely." She giggled.
"Excellent." I extended my arm and she took it. We sat at a center table and we chatted. Surprisingly enough nothing about her came up. But I'm sure that she'll tell me when she's ready.
"Oh. That's an interesting pendant." She pointed to the family heirloom around my neck.
"Yeah. It's my family's Claymore replica." She also eyed my wrist band and noticed it was in the shape of a war axe. "My grandpa gave me this. It's a Celtic War Axe band. It's supposed to protect the wearer from trouble or bad luck."
"You seem very proud of your families heritage." I nodded. Then the first bell signaling the end of lunch chimes and I looked to Akeno. "Well it's been fun. See you around Akeno."
I tossed my lunch into the garage and headed to PE. I looked back at Akeno and smiled as I finally had a friend here. But my Irish Flute fell from my pocket and Akeno found it and picked it up. And smiled as she held it in her hands. I didn't notice it was missing until the last class of the day ended early and I reached for it to play a few songs on the way home. I didn't worry though because as somehow luck would have it. Akeno walked up as I was sitting on the steps and just resting and calming myself down from a panic attack. Or a possible shoe throwing as it were. "Hey Charming Daniel." I scoffed and smiled. "Looking for something?" She asked.
"Yeah. It appears I've lost my Irish Flute." She pulled it out of her pencil pack.
"This it?" I nodded.
"Thank you. If I lost this I'd feel pretty crummy." Then my Claymore pendant flashed and sent a slight tinge of pain into my chest. I reacted as I have many times.
"What's wrong Daniel?" Akeno asked. I slowly stood up and took off the Claymore pendant and it transformed into an actual Scottish Claymore. "What is it?"
"Not sure but I sense something very powerful near by." I held the Claymore close and at the ready. After a while I lowered the Claymore and it returned to its normal look and I put the pendant back on.
"I have an idea." She said. "Come with me. I think Rias will want to meet you along with someone else. A specialist." I followed Akeno and she led me to what looked like a broken down school house on the outside but inside it was close to perfectly pristine. "Rias. There's someone to see you." She vanishes around a corner and I stayed put in the foyer. A moment or two later I heard, "Daniel Boyce. This is Rias Gremory. The president of the Occult Research Club."
"Pleasure." I bowed as I did with Akeno.
"Hello." Rias slightly bowed and smiled. "This way please." Akeno walked up to me and laced her arm around my right. Rias led us into the parlor and introduced me to everyone. "Daniel. This is Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Gasper, Asia, Xenovia and you've already met Akeno."
"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you all."
"Don't forget about me."
"And the advisor for the ORC. Azazel." Rias said rather irritably.
"Azazel. Well that would certainly explain why I was transferred here." I said.
"You know Azazel?" Issei asked.
"Putting it mildly. He's a very old pain in the ass family friend."
"I've known Daniel since he was a little kid. But unlike some of the rest of his family. He's the perfect mix of Scottish and Irish. Which means he's tough and stubborn but faithful and loyal. Maybe the next time you go after a stray devil, you should give him a try."
"Sounds good to me. But what is he supposed to do in the meantime?" Rias asked.
"Well he can at least meet Sona and the other devils around the school." They all nodded in agreement. "I almost forgot. How many of you know what a Banshee is?" Akeno, Rias, Kiba, Asia, Xenovia, Koneko and Gasper Raised their hand. Issei was the only one who didn't. "Well it just so happens that Daniels the last one of the O'Bannion line."
Everyone looked at me in shock.
"What's a banshee?" Issei asked. Azazel gave me a nod.
"Banshees are legendary spirits who harkened the coming a a friend or loved ones death."
"Wow. Sounds really cool. So they were messengers?"
"That's right. Plus they also loved eating virgins." Issei nearly lost his shit. Which made me laugh along with Akeno and Azazel.
"What's so funny?"
"He's just kidding silly Issei." Akeno giggled. Issei then looked at me and I nodded.
"Not cool dude."
"Sorry. I saw an opportunity and I took it."
"So, what do you say Rias?"
"Well if you insist. I'll give him a shot."

After the meeting, Rias and Akeno requested to see me privately. Which made me a little uneasy.
"Have a seat Daniel." Rias said and I looked to Akeno who nodded and I sat down. "Azazels grandstanding aside. I would like to get to know you a little better."
"No offense Rias but can we do this tomorrow. Look, I know you don't trust me yet. I wasn't even going to expect you to. But I'm so tired."
"Well I guess we could all use some rest." She said. "But. Let's get right to this after school tomorrow."
"Agreed." I got up and grabbed my bag. "See you tomorrow, Akeno."
Rias looked up to Akeno and she was smiling and her eyes glistened. "You like him don't you., Akeno?"
"Just as a friend." She giggled.
"Maybe. Well there's no need to worry about anything tonight."
"May I ask for a favor?"
"You want to keep an eye on him. Possibly sleep with him."
"I was going to say the first. At least." Akeno grinned.
"Well, do what you wish. Within reason."
"Got it."

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