The Gremory/Boyce Four Are Born.

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While on our honeymoon...
We were finishing the honeymoon week with a walk along the ruins of Macintyre Castle and it was a beautiful day. And after a couple of laps around the Loch near Macintyre. Akeno smiled as she and Rias hugged me tightly between them.

After we finished with a romantic dinner and a hot passionate night between the sheets. We returned home and found everything relatively as we left it. Only one thing was different. My son had Issei upside down hanging by his ankles. While Thorin and Shuri just laughed and observed. "How old are they?" Rias asked.
"Nine months and a week old." I said.
"And already DB's showing a certain proclivity to a certain ability. Interesting."
"Yeah. He seems to be a fast learner especially for a baby."
"Speaking of baby's."
I looked to Rias and she was breathing hard and I could see a slight puddle at her feet. "Guys. It's time." Kiba, Akeno and Gasper got her bags and Xenovia, Asia and myself made sure me and Akeno's kids were settled in our arms before heading to the medical facility.
Once we reached the facility. Akeno took Baraqiel from me, so I could go into the delivery room with Rias.

After eight hours of false starts and Rias cracking the bones in my hand...
I came out to the waiting room flexing my right hand making sure I was still able to move it. Once I reached the waiting room Akeno approached me.
"How is she?" Issei asked.
"She's fine. She's sleeping right now. The birth took a lot out of her."
"How are the kids?"
"Oh, just fine." I smiled. "I took the liberty to ask the nurses to bring them out here so I could let Rias sleep."
Then four nurses came out holding me and Rias' kids.
"This one's name is Sophia." I said referring to a redheaded greeneyed baby. "Then there is Red." I pointed to the only boy of the four. "Then there's little Sahara and Ria." I said referring to the twins of the four.
Akeno smiled as she walked up to me. Xenovia held Ria. Issei against my better judgement held Red. Sirzechs held Ria and Sona who arrived an hour ago held Sahara. After a while everyone had a turn at holding one or two of me and Rias' children.
Even Issei came up. "Hey, Daniel. Look. I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I know you wouldn't have slept with Rias without seriously considering the ramifications or downsides. And since I see how good you and Rias' kids look. I'd say she made the better choice in you."
"I don't know if your being sarcastic or serious." I asked rather dumbfoundidly.
"I'm serious dude."
"What brought this on?"
"Sirzechs and Azazel gave me a talking to as to where I stood in the rankings. That and Baraqiel scolded me for sticking my nose where it didn't really belong."
"Well it kind of explains a lot."
I smiled and shook his hand.
After a few hours...
Rias woke up to find me sitting in a chair next to her bed. "Hey." I smiled. "Feel any better baby?"
"A little." She smiled. "Where are the kids?"
"Their safe Rias don't worry." Sirzechs said coming in along with Azazel, Baraqiel and Akeno.
"Hey guys." Rias smiled.
"And Daniel, you and Akeno's kids are being watched over by Xenovia, Asia and Gasper and Koneko." Baraqiel smiled.
"You two made some adorable and beautiful children. Of course Daniel helped a great deal in that."
"Gee thanks Azazel." I snarled.
"Baby." Akeno and Rias said in unison.
"Calm down." Rias said.
"Yes honey." I replied.
"So what's going on?" Rias asked.
"Nothing. We just wanted to come in and say congratulations and Daniel. I've taken the liberty of improving the apartment for you and Akeno so it also houses my sister and her and your kids along with you and Akeno's.
"Thank you Sirzechs." Akeno smiled.
"Well, we'll leave you, Akeno and Rias alone. See you back at Issei's home or your apartment whichever comes first." Azazel smiled.
And they did leave me, Akeno and Rias alone. Akeno got a chair and sat on the other side of Rias.

Three weeks later Rias was released from the facility. and life went back to relatively normal and the apartment was improved. It may not have looked like it on the outside. But it was majorly improved on the inside.

Four years went by, The Gremory Household went against Freed and his many bosses and lackey's. But when Raynare came back into our lives. She came back with a vengeance.
Now the kids are three and rather mature for their age. Issei's still trying to keep some twisted hope that with the right training or teaching. Baraqiel and Red will be just like him. Perverts. But each time he got near them. Akeno or Rias shocked or knocked his ass into the next room. Which always made me laugh.

One afternoon when I got home early from a weekly visit to a contract...
Red, Ria, Sahara, Sophia, DB, Shuri and Thorin all came up to me and gave me a dogpile hug. I smiled and laughed as they hugged me tightly.
"Okay, guys. Make way for your moms. We'd like a shot at hugging your dad too."
"Ooohhh." They whined in a chorus.
"Don't whine children." I said as I got up and hugged both Akeno and Rias. "Done with your chores?" I asked the children.
"No. Daddy." They all said.
"Then return to them." They did.
"The weekly visit went well I trust." Rias said.
"Yeah. It did." I smiled at her and Akeno. "And it seems you two are keeping our children in line. If you like I'll take over so you can have a break for the night."
"How did you know that was what we wanted?" They asked.
"Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't know what fatigue and exhaustion look like." I smiled as I kissed Rias and Akeno respectively.
"You really are amazing honey." Rias smiled.
"Same here baby." Akeno agreed.
"I'll take care of the kids. You two have a girls night. I'll be okay."
"Thank you Daniel Darling." They chimed. I sat down on the sofa as they prepped for a girls night. It wasn't until five o'clock that the kids came up to me. With grins on their faces.
"Okay. What did you break?" I asked.
"Nothing." They said.
"Who did you beat up?"
"Well, I know it's too early for you to be done with your chores so...What's going on?" They started doing this whole song and dance as to how their mothers were being unfair. But the funny thing is, is that they were not going to get any sympathy from me. "Well, you have one hour to finish whatever chores you have left. Then we'll have dinner and you can play or do anything you want within reason. The moment I hear your name being screamed from anyone else's or any of your aunts or uncles mouths. I can guarentee you that the wrath of god will be a sunday school picnic compare to what I have in mind." They all cringed but understood what I was saying. I smiled as they went back to doing their last bunch of chores as I returned to cleaning the Claymore and War Axe. The War Axe didn't take long. But the Claymore took about an hour to clean and polish and sharpen.

Once dinner was ready. The kids and I headed downstairs and sat down around the table as the food was already in the center. Kiba, Koneko, Issei, Xenovia, Gasper and Asia smiled as all five girls and two boys of mine sat quietly. I looked from side to side even behind me. I couldn't believe that my kids. Who not three days ago were the utter definition of rambunctious and raucous. Now they were quiet and well mannered. I couldn't help but wonder what their angle was.
After dinner they got up after finishing their food and drink and one at a time to make matters more confusing. Walked up and hugged me and kissed my cheek. Then walked away and started playing and doing what they wanted.
Koneko approached me, "What's wrong Daniel?"
"I don't know. My children, when their mothers are around are the epitome of walking pains. When their mothers are gone and I'm the only one here. They are the picture of perfect behavior. Why can't they be like that when their mothers are around?"
"Well maybe because your more strict than Akeno and Rias."
"I very much doubt that. Akeno and Rias have skinned me for something the kids have done. So I don't see why they act so rambunctious around Akeno and Rias and perfect around me." Koneko smiled.
"Beginning to regret letting Rias and Akeno have a girls night."
"No. But I'm going to keep a closer eye on our kids." Koneko giggled as she helped me clear the table while Xenovia and Gasper washed, dried and put away the dishes.

After nine o'clock rolled around I started gathering the troops for bed. I barely closed the door and sat in the social area of Me, Rias and Akeno's apartment. Then Akeno and Rias came in from their girls night. "Hey, my queens have returned." I said making them smile and laugh.
"And our king is alone." Rias smiled.
"Not for lack of a fight from the kids. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I realized tonight that our children behave themselves around me but not around you. And for the life of me I can't figure out why."
Akeno and Rias smiled.
"Am I missing something?" I asked.
"Honey. The kids act perfect around us as well. But since you were coming off a difficult client this afternoon. We thought that maybe we could have the kids behave as we went out for a girls night." Akeno explained.
"Well that explains that mystery." I smiled.
"Sorry Daniel baby." Rias smiled as she hugged me.
"Oh it's okay." Before the conversation went any farther. Sirzechs and Grayfia appeared.
"Sorry to interrupt. But I was wondering if you three had time to come to the underworld and visit."
"Sure." Rias said.
"Excellent. Millicas has been looking forward to meet his cousins. And mother has been dying to meet the newest addition to House Gremory." Sirzechs said to us.
"We'll be there in a couple days." Rias said.
"Very well." Sirzechs said.
"You must be the man who took the head of Riser Phenex." Grayfia asked.
I bowed before responding. "I am. I also took Kokabiel's head as well. With the help of the rest of Rias' peerage."
"Sweet, honest and very humble. A very good choice there Rias." Grayfia said.
"Thank you Grayfia." She smiled.
"Well, we'll leave you to your business." Sirzechs said as he grinned.
They left me, Rias and Akeno alone and we headed upstairs to check if the kids were sleeping or better yet actually asleep. After a few minutes checking every bed. We headed to the master bedroom and got ready for bed.
"Rias darling." I started. "Is there anything that I need to know about your mother or Millicas?"
"No. And even if I told you it wouldn't hold up to real life." She grinned.
"Daniel. Have you thought of who will be the one to replace you when or if you ever retire?" Akeno asked.
"Well, I think DB would be a perfect replacement in terms of the Scottish Warrior side of things. As for Red. He'd be perfect as my replacement for the Celtic Warrior side."
"Good choice honey across the board." Rias smiled along with Akeno.
"Well we have a lot to do tomorrow in preparation for our families visit to the Gremory Family Home."
"Agreed." After Rias and Akeno were completely naked we slid into bed and with Rias laid down to my right and Akeno to my left. We held each other close and fell asleep.

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