The Gremory House Get's Interesting News.

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Three months later...
I went with Rias to the doctor to see if our little tryst though it was a mutual agreement had the desired effect. And the facts were more shocking than we expected.
"Rias. Mister Boyce. How's your fiancee doing?"
"Rather well Doc. And before you ask. Let me save you the trouble by saying. Don't bother." He understood.
"Okay. So we ready to see the little guy?" I rolled my eyes and Rias clutched my hand as a way to relax herself. She was that nervous. "Okay. Here we go."
After a couple minutes, Rias and I looked at the screen and the doctors face went from happy to surprised. "What's up Doc?"
"Umm, Miss. Gremory. I hope you have enough room for a pack. Because..."
I don't remember much after that because as Rias tells me. I fainted.

I woke up at home with Rias sleeping on my left and Akeno sitting on my right with Shuri and Thorin in her arms. "Ohh, how did I get back home?"
"Rias brought you home and told me you fainted before you found out how many kids she was having."
"Ohh, well. Note to self wear a stocking cap to cushion the fall on my head. The kids behaving?"
"Yeah. Baraqiel wants his dad."
"Okay. Let me get my bearings back and I'll go and get him. Ohh." I held my head and Akeno leaned over and kissed me.
"Love you honey."
"Love you too, ohh." I slowly got up and headed to the nursery and Baraqiel was crying. "It's okay buddy. I'm here." I slowly made my way to the crib and picked up Baraqiel and he slowly started to settle down. "Thats my boy."
Rias came in and checked on me and smiled as she saw me holding Baraqiel. "Hey. You feeling better?" She asked.
"Yeah. Now that I'm holding my little Baraqiel."
"Good." She approached me as Akeno came in after she did and put Shuri and Thorin in their crib for a nap. "So, do you want to know how many kids you've given me?"
"I'll wait until we tell the house."
"Fair enough." She grinned. "Thank you for giving me what I want."
"Your welcome Rias. But maybe come to me and her next time you have a favor that big."
"She will baby, and it won't be that big in the future." Akeno smiled.
"You know me so well Akeno."
"Yes. That I do." She smiled as she approached me and leaned into me as Rias pulled her phone.
"This calls for a picture." Rias said as Akeno wrapped an arm around my neck and we both smiled at little Baraqiel.

That night at dinner, as Kiba, Koneko, Xenovia, Asia, Gasper and a slightly bandaged Issei as he was healing from training the day before with Xenovia along with some broken bones that have not healed all the way from his big impact into the floor when he found out Rias was possibly pregnant, were sitting around the table. Everyone was enjoying themselves filling their plates with fresh food that Asia and Xenovia had made. Me, Akeno and Rias made our way downstairs and to the dinner table I held Thorin and Shuri. Akeno was holding Baraqiel.
Issei groaned as he saw me and Akeno with Rias, all I had to do was give him a quick deathly serious glance and he stopped groaning. After I sat next to Akeno and Gasper. Rias remained standing and we all quieted down as Rias was smiling nervously. "Guys. I know some of you have been wondering why I've been acting so strange." Everyone nodded as me and Akeno kept our eyes and attention on our kids. "Well, I'm not sure how to say this. But I'm pregnant guys. And I'm having four kids."
"Wow, Rias. Congratulations." Xenovia said.
"Only one question," Kiba started. "Whose the father?"
"That would be Daniel." Koneko smiled.
"How did you know?" I asked her.
"There's only three males in here not including Gaspy. So you were the logical choice considering, Issei's in bandages and Kiba is into Tsubaki."
"Wow. I'm officially shutting up now. Ha ha." I joked. Koneko came over to me and gently took Thorin and held her.
"So let me try and get this straight. Daniel is not only a father already and about to be married. But he is the father to Rias' four unborn children." Kiba said as he slowly started to think of why Rias would do something so blatantly reckless. After a moment or two he grinned. "That explains why Issei was in a crater at the bottom of the stairs. Well, either way you look at it. Congratulations Rias." He grinned.
"Yeah congratulations Rias." Asia and Xenovia said.
"Agreed." Koneko whispered.
"Congrats Rias." Gasper smiled. "You too Daniel."
Rias smiled as everyone smiled at me and Akeno and herself. Rias slowly sat down and we all ate and enjoyed ourselves.
After dinner, I helped clear the table and Akeno and Rias helped clean and wash the dishes. Asia, Xenovia and Kiba watched over the kids as we washed dried and put away the dishes. "Well, that went much better than I expected."
"Same here." Akeno and Rias agreed.
"So, Rias and The Celtic Warrior are going to be parents. Imagine my surprise when I got confirmation from Sirzechs that his little sister is pregnant with a soon to be married mans children. Now Sirzechs did explain how or why this happened. So, let's get straight to the meat of the problem." Azazel said nearly scaring us.
"Azazel. Would it kill you to knock or try to do a pre-emptive warning whenever you show up." I said.
"Why do that when it's so much fun to do this?"
"Get to the point Azazel if you have one considering I knew you were going for one."
"My point is Daniel, is why didn't you guys come to me and tel me along with Sirzechs."
"It was my decision Azazel." Rias said.
"No. It was our decision." I smiled as Akeno and I held Rias' hands.
"Well, it seems that we will be having an interesting living arrangement."
"He's right." I said. "Rias. After me and Akeno are married. I would like if you considered moving into the apartment your brother remodeled just for me and Akeno and stay with us. That way our families are all in one 'room' as it were." I grinned, as did Akeno. "Nobody should go through single parenthood. Not alone. I know that more if not better than anyone."
"Your mom." Rias said.
"Yeah. She raised me by herself for close to seven years. And I know now as I did then. That she had a hard time, balancing work and friends and a kid."
"Akeno, do you agree with your fiancee?" Rias asked.
"I do." She tearfully said as she moved to my right.
"If it would make you feel any better. And I can't believe I'm going against my own staunch rules and beliefs. But I would be more than happy to marry you as well Rias. That is if Akeno allows it." Akeno kissed my cheek as Rias leaned into me.
"No. I'll be happy to stay in your apartment with you two." Rias said as I wrapped my arms around her and Akeno.
Azazel smiled and left us alone.

Two months later...
I was dressed to the nines, perfectly pressed new suit and then Baraqiel (my about to be father-in-law) came in wearing a darker colored one. "Dad do you have to try and outdo me in the style department every time you come to something involving me or Akeno."
"You betcha." He smiled.
"Uh huh." I giggled and grinned. "Hows Akeno?"
"She's doing just fine. And she looks beautiful in her moms dress."
"I thought that Akeno's mother didn't have a wedding dress." I said.
"Oh, she did. Unfortunately the Himejima Family kept a tight grip on it. So Sirzechs had a perfect reproduction made."
"Ahh. That still slightly doesn't explain it but I think I understand."
"Good. And Daniel. I know about the deal you and Akeno made with Rias. And as much as I want to be mad. I'm not. I'm proud to say that you are 'THE' true embodiment of what a gentleman is and should be. Always there for his friends and family. Regardless as to the risk or reward. You helped Rias with a problem just as she asked you to help her resolve it."
"Believe it or not dad. I was expecting to be pummeled into the floor or the wall when you found out. So I'm just surprised to say the least."
"Well, that aside. My daughter made the best choice with marrying you. And I know you will never hurt her or leave her regardless of what's going on good or bad. So good luck." I hugged him and shook his hand before he headed back to be with Akeno. Then Sirzechs came in along wih Serafall.
"Daniel. You nervous?"
"Sirzechs. Lady Leviathan." I grinned. "No, I'm not nervous at all. This is only the most important day of my life right ahead of me becoming a father." I joked.
"Well you look really good Daniel." Serafall told me.
"Thank you Serafall."
"No problem." She smiled.
"Quite the step today. And I would like to propose something to you?" Serafall left the room.
"I'm listening."
"I know you want Rias to move into you and Akeno's deluxe apartment so that way your kids both sets as it were can be in one place and I like that idea. Now, Issei told me that you for lack of a better or more fitting term. 'Planted' him into the floor when he got out of line. I want to ask you a favor."
"Which is?"
"I talked it over with Akeno and she has agreed to allow this one thing."
"I somehow am regretting this even before I know what it is yet."
"I would like you to marry Rias."
"Uh, huh. Well I offered to and she said no."
"Well she just needs to be persuaded by the right person."
"And who in the name of heaven, fallen earth and hell are you planning on getting to do this impossible task that has no chance of success?"
"Already taken care of. Akeno said she'd do it."
"My Akeno. The woman I'm to marry in." I looked at my watch. "Thirty minutes."
Serafall came in and whispered a few things into Sirzechs' ear. "Okay." He looked at me. "It appears there will be a double wedding. Two brides. One groom."
"She did it." I said. "Akeno actually did it."
"I just thought that since you did my sister the favor of giving her children. The most I could hope to do is give her to the one man that sacrificed his own beliefs and rules and someone as I recall is becoming known as the Gremory Guardian."
"And I'm guessing that unfortunate soul is me." He nodded. "You really are the devil in disguise you know that" He laughed.
"Look if you don't want it to be a double wedding we can keep the one that was originally planned and you can marry Rias when your four kids are born."
"You just keep painting me into a corner don't you." I joked.
"And it's not drying anytime soon." He laughed.
I wanted to punch his lights out because he literally just made a regular one on one marriage and turned it into a polygamous one. "Alright. I'll marry Rias today. Besides think of the backlash this will cause. I can see the headlines now 'Devil Kings Sister Marries Secret Lover', 'Devil Kings Sister Pregnant With Servants Four Children'."
"It's not going to work."
"Well can't blame a deadman for trying." I said which made him and Serafall laugh. "And that also means that the wedding will be delayed by an hour. But nothing I can do about it now."
"Nonsense Daniel. Rias will simply wear the dress she was going to wear as one of Akeno's bridesmaids. So all she would need is a veil."
"Saint Patrick and King Bryan keep them from finding..."
"We're ready." Asia said.
"You're all laughing at me up there. Aren't ya? I'll get even one day." I said finishing my joke of a prayer. "Well let's go. I'd hate to be buried alone." I joked.
Sirzechs and Serafall laughed at my inside joke and followed me to the altar. I stood in front of the Gremory's, Sitri's, Michael, Azazel anyone Akeno or myself knew from our adventures or travels and Rias' acquaintances also were there in this beautiful chapel. Kiba was my best man while Gasper and Issei were my groomsmen. Sona, Tsubaki and Asia were Akeno's and as of a few minutes ago Rias' maids of honor and bridesmaids. I looked to Kiba as I was nervous about marrying not one but two women.
"You'll be fine Daniel. Just relax." He smiled.
"Easy for you to say." I smiled in response.
"Look at it this way. Your keeping your family together by doing this."
"Yeah. I got that. Thank you. But we're still not naming any of the kids after you." He nudged my shoulder.
Then the wedding march started and everyone stood up. I looked up the aisle and saw two pictures of bridal perfection. I looked back at Sirzechs who was officiating the wedding and he just grinned.
Akeno and Rias walked arm in arm as Baraqiel walked behind them.
After they reached me at the altar Sirzechs started the ceremony. After the customary dearly departed's eh beloveds sorry. The time for vows came and since I wasn't expecting to marry two girls. I decided to wing it. Whether or not it was a good idea was lost on me. But I went for it. "Daniel. Do you have anything to add?"
"Yes I actually do." I turned to Rias and Akeno and said, "The first time I met you two. I had no idea you two would make my life so amazing and interesting and I have yet to see any reason to stop living my life with you two as my only girls." I couldn't help but think that I sounded really dumb at best lame at most. After the ceremony. Baraqiel and Sirzechs approached me.
"Congratulations Daniel." Baraqiel said. Rias and Akeno held onto my arms.
"Good luck Daniel." Sirzechs shook my hand.
"Thank you ever so much." I smiled even though I wanted to strangle Sirzechs for I would dare say pushing into marrying Rias. But I was in no mood to fight the point. So I just smiled and nodded.
As the evening progressed. Rias' dad took me aside and we had a chat.
"Daniel, I know that my son pressured you into marrying Rias. But I hope you can understand that even though Issei is an okay fighter and a good kid. But once Rias convinced you to give her kids of her own. I knew that something had to be done. So I had Sirzechs tell Issei that he's no longer in the running for Rias. And I replace him with you."
I was awestruck. "Why?"
"Because even though Issei would have done it. He wouldn't have been as congenial about it as you were. And the kids are due in two months?"
"Have you chosen any names for them yet?"
"I haven't even talked to her about names yet."
"Any ideas?"
"Well I was thinking Sophia for a girl and Red for a boy."
"Sounds like good places to start." He smiled. "Well. I hope you will forgive us for pressing the issue Daniel."
"I will in time. But please respect Rias' decisions. And don't pressure her into anything. Because eventhough I see it as me being pushed into it. I know that Rias will see that 'SHE' was pushed into it. Because her father and brother who she loves very much. Weren't really interested in letting her make her own decisions." I walked over to him. "And if she ever figures it out. You will not like our response. Because she will live up to her name of the Princess of Desolation. So if I were you. I'd pretend like you didn't have her brother pressure us both into something we would have been fine with if it happened organically. Because my response will be nothing compared to hers." I walked away and after the wedding. Me, Akeno and Rias spent our honeymoon in the Highlands of Scotland.

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