Floral okay, you're okay

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A remake of  Slime okay, you're okay instead of gosalyn turning into slime, she turns into a rampage flower monster.

The episode starts with at drake's house, it was daytime.

"This is the city-" Darkwing narrates, "it could be any city, it could be your city, but it's not. It's my city!, for I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the fingernail that scapes the blackboard of your soul but most importantly I am Darkwing duck, the life of a crime fighter is never too easy, especially when you're a guy getting beaten at a game of chess by your own daughter"

He was rubbing his head as it revealed he was looking down at a chessboard when gosalyn wins a move and takes his bishop.

"Queen me" she says as she smiles.

"Queen? but that's a king" drake says.

"Yeah but I am a girl"

"That is true, ugh I don't know how you do it gosalyn" drake asked.

"Well I did come from a long line of genius"

"I guess that is true too, then again I was never really any good at chess club" he moves his last horse.

"Well I'm sure you'll get the hang of it and it's like you taught me, don't think about the game plan think about where you're opponent is going to strike next"

He smiles at her, "that's my girl" she turns the smile back.

Then, she knocks his horse down with her queen.

"Also checkmate I win"

Drajexwas surprised but smiles at his daughter's victory.

"Well done gosalyn"

"Don't worry dad I'm sure you'll win next time" she then realized the time when she looked at her watch.

"Oh speaking of which I got to get going now" he sees her leaving and grabs her backpack.

"Ok tell me again, why are you going to school on the weekend" drake asked.

"I told you, it's for the school, students have to pick out a club, it's mandatory, I got to go before all the cool ones are taken"

She reaches towards the door, "well I just hope you choose the right one" drake says.

"Bye dad" she heads out, having drake looking back smiling.

He smiles then he gets alert from his phone about: reports of stolen chemicals and toxic sludge missing.

"Huh stolen chemical?"

Just then he heard Launchpad came crashing from the back door behind him.

"Come on Launchpad we got work to do"

"Coming DW"

They were driving to the saint canard chemistry labs, "it acures to me that what was stolen was some chemicals, toxic sludge, and plant base life form, now what could these have in common"

"Maybe someone is trying to create a giant plant monster" Launchpad said, providing Darkwing the answer.

"You're right Launchpad, the things the thief is taking are getting stolen in a pattern, just like in episode-"

"157, when Darkwing had to fight a giant slime monster" they both answered together as they went to the lab to find some clues.

Meanwhile gosalyn was inside, she went to the lockers to meet her friends: honker and tank.

Honker is a yellow canary with a green shirt, beige pants and brown shoes with his red glasses.

And tank has a mallet with a baseball cap, blue shorts with matching shoes, a Jean jacket over a jersey shirt.

"Hey guys"

"Hey gosalyn"

"Hey gos"

"So how much did I miss"

"You missed a lot" tank says, "I got into the class clown club"

"That's nice"

"And I sign up for the junior chemistry club" honker says.

"I just got this new bit called the exploding pen" tank says.

"The exploding pen, now where have I heard that before" honker thinks as he taps his beak with a pen when it explodes in his face.


Tank laughs as Gosalyn giggles at her friends amusement.

"As usual" honker takes out a tissue and wipes his face.

"So are there any cool clubs left" then she saw honker looks worried.

"Well there is one left but it's gardening"

"Ugh it doesn't look like I have another choice do I"

"Afraid not" honker says.

"Sorry" tank added.

"Oh well at lease I'm just watering plants"

"It's not going to be easy like that" honker says, "there's a catch, you have to be guided by dr. sanguine"

"Whoa! Rhoda sanguine, the plant teacher the one that's always rambling about making super plants"


"Oh well I'm sure she's not that all bad"

Suddenly the bell ringed, "well it looks like we need to get to our clubs"

"Come on, the gardening club is next to the chemistry club that's where I'm heading"

"Bye tank" Gosalyn waves as honker takes her hand.

"See ya tank"

"Bye guys"

When she got inside, she sat down where they heard footsteps.

"Good morning class, sorry I'm late" Gosalyn and the other kids look up to see a anxious and ambitious red hair science teacher: it was dr. Rhoda sanguine she was the daughter of arty sanguine, the actor that played bushroot.

She was running late, while holding a lot of  paperwork, her hair was in a mess with Loya of pencils inside, she looked really excited about something.

"Sorry I'm late, I was so busy working on something really cool, now let's begin, hello my name is dr. Sanguine welcome to the garden club, today, we're going to go to the school's garden and-" she heard the sound of someone knocking on the door, she sees it's the super attendant, he looked steamed and he was a dog in a blue suit, adjusting his finger at her to come outside.

"Ah excuse class I have to go out for a bit"

She goes outside as the kids muttered and look at each other.

"Super attended Charleston what can I do you for"

But all he did was glared at her, "Rhoda it's come to my attention that you have been going through extreme methods to-to teaching children to play with chemicals, experimenting on plants, babbling about nonsense about creating super plants"

"But sir I swear this could be the scientific breakthrough I been waiting for, this could change the world"

"How many times must I say it, we are a school not a research lab"

Just then Gosalyn and the other kids and the rest of the door peeled out through the door.

"But sir-"

"I'm canceling this project"

"No sir you can't, I am on the verge of something, I just need one chance to prove this could be a revolutionary breakthrough"

"This project is a joke just like you-"


"Your no scientist, you're a mediocre, a failure, just like your father"

That last part about her father had stunned her, she didn't know what it was but she started to change, felt her heart turning black and she got furious.

"you're finished, I want you to pack your things and I want you out by the end of the day"

Every kid was shocked by this event, Rhoda looks around then when the super attendant left, she goes into her secret chemistry lab, which was a closet.

She was breathing heavily, feeling angry by the insults, she started to smash and break everything in site, breaking glasses and punching walks, up above was a picture of her and her dad dressed as bushroot.

She takes the picture and looks at it, feeling motivated.

"So the school thinks I'm a joke huh, they think we're nothing but crackpots with pathetic dreams, thinking they could just turn our dreams out like that, I'll show them" she looks down below a secret safe, she opens it revealing a pink serum.

She started to laugh sinisterly, "but with this formula, I'll show them, I'll show them all"

She walks out, feeling wrathful and destructive, she was back in the classroom after hour of cause chaotic fires and destruction, trapping the kids and teachers in the science class"

"RHODA WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING, THESE ARE CHILDREN" the super attendant got in front of the kids protecting them, he mostly had his arm holding Gosalyn back as she looks back looking worried.

"You didn't listen to me when I wanted to change the world but with this formula" she holds up her pick serum.

"One tiny drop of my formula and any mutation will grow into a mutation plant, I just need the final ingredient" she pulls out a plant flower and gets ready to pour her serum.


Then it was already to late, Rhoda crackled madly as she pours her serum.

Then back with Darkwing and Launchpad, he was examining the empty lab.

"Huh" all he could find is stains of hair, footprints from a sneaker and fingerprints that was mostly theirs.

"I'm not seeing anything DW"

"Yeah me neither, you think that a robbery would leave some clue"

Just then Launchpad sees a school ID marked: dr. Rhoda sanguine science teacher of saint canard middle school.

"Uh DW I think I found something" he gets up, takes the card and examines it.

"Launchpad your a genius, I think we just found our thief"

They got to the rat catcher, "come on we better get find out thief" and as they took off, they heard a giant explosion.

They both make shocking faces as they realized it came from the school.

"Uhh what was that" Darkwing asked.

"I don't know but didn't it sound like it came from Gosalyn's school"

"Oh no, Gosalyn!"

At the school, they saw how the school was trapped in large mutated vines.

"Whoa what happened here" Launchpad asked as Darkwing looks at the school horrified.

"It's a episode 157" they saw the cops trying to get the gives out and cutting the plants off.

Darkwing burst through the doors and saw kids running and panicking as the hallways were filled with mutated vines and large flowers.

He then sees honker and tank, covering their heads.

"Darkwing" honker called out as he Launchpad helps them up.

"Are you guys ok" Launchpad asked.

"Yeah we're fine"

"What happened, Where's Gosalyn"

"Our teacher Ms. sanguine had a breakdown and this whole exploded with a plant mutation, then we saw gosalyn went that way" he points to the library.

"AH" just then they heard Gosalyn scream.

"Ok quickly Launchpad get them out of here, I'm going to get Gosalyn"

He runs to the library, "Gosalyn, GOSALYN" then he sees her getting attacked by a rabid radioactive savage purple flower orchid monster, "AH" she was pushing it off when it Bit her arm, "AH" she winced in pain.

"GOSALYN!" He ran to her and knocks the flower off as soon as she forcefully pulls the flower off, darkwing crushes it with a book.

"Gosalyn are you ok" he asked as he grabs her shoulders, she rubs her arm.

"Gosalyn are you ok"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just got bite"

"Does it hurt"he takes her arm.

"Dad really it's fine, it's just a scratch"

He sees teethmarks on her arm, it was big, he looks up at her.

"Go with Launchpad, he's going to take you home" he says as he rips a part of his cape off and wraps it around her arm, "I'm going to catch dr. Sanguine, there's somethings she stole"

"I don't think you need to worry about her anymore" Gosalyn says as she stop him.

"Why" he asked and she points to paramedics ducks rolling an unconscious Rhoda on a stretcher.

She looked Ill and was barely breathing, she skin was pale and she was covered in bruise Marks.


"She got infected by the explosion after this whole place went up, she was hurt but they don't know if she needs to get tested for mutation results"

"Well come on, we better get you home" he wraps his arm around her shoulder and guides her outside.

"But what about the school"

"Don't worry about, I'm sure the police will get gets sorted for now we need to get you home and heal that wound"

"dad I told you it's nothing I'm fine"

But it wasn't nothing, when they walked out, panning down to the flower that bit her, It dried out and died but that's not what was the strange part.

At home, when gosalyn was asleep, but something was wrong, she was tossing and turning, her stomach was hurting and making gurgling noises.

"Ugh" she winced in pain as she tries to sleep the pain off when on her arm, the Vite started to grow and her veins popped out turning purple, it went up to her neck.

The next morning she woke up, feeling....different, she's going to find she has through changes, strange changes, she goes to bathroom, splashes water on her face and when she looks at herself, she screams: "AH"

"Gosalyn!" This alert drake as he ran upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Gosalyn are you okay"

But in face she wasn't, she was horrified to see that her face was growing small purple flowers everywhere it was like she had acne but with flowers.

"...yeah..I'm fine dad" after he left, she takes her coat, gets dresses and rushes to the door, hiding her face from her dad.

"Gosalyn, you're up, wait you're going to school"

"Well yeah, everyone is going back to school"

"Are you sure you want to back to school, I mean after what happened yesterday"

"Dad I told you I'm fine" he then approached her.

"How do you feel, are you sure you don't want to go back to bed" he turns her around as her hoodie fell.

"Dad no"

"Ah" he was horrified to see her face, "what the-what happened to you"

She felt embarrassed and hid her face again, "I don't know I just woke up like this"

He reaches up to examine her face again, "it's probably nothing, maybe it's puberty, it's probably part of growing"

"Yeah you're right....did you used to have it"

"Oh no, it could be a girl thing"

"Yeah well I got to get going now"

"Ok bye see ya honey, you be careful ok"

Back as she walked, she mysterious leaves a trail of exotic color flowers along the way.

Then she showed honker and tank.

"Narly" tank says.

"Whoa" honker examines, "and you said it just happened this morning"

"Yeah I don't know how this happened, I think it's because of the bit" she show them her bandaged arm.

"I think it could be nothing" she started to gagged then she rushes to the nearest trash can and threw up.

She cough out what appears to be purple vomit with a hint of plant, she wipes off her mouth.

"I don't know Gosalyn, I think it's best if you should see a doctor before it gets worst"

"Ugh your right honker, I'll go-" then they heard the bell ring, "right after class" as the three split up, gosalyn felt dizzy but then she shook it off as the vomit from the trash can got out and was revealed to be a mutant mulch monster.

Meanwhile Darkwing and Launchpad investigate a strange occurrence involving the saint canard greenhouse, the building was wrapped with vines, roots and strange colorful flowers they never seen before.

"How unusual, i never seen flowers like these in all my life"

"Maybe they're a new kind of species"

" could be but I never seen something like this, come on Launchpad, we'll find more at home"

But the next day, gosalyn was getting worse, "she was in the bathroom throwing up a lot, and it was hurting her.

Drake and Launchpad were listening her cough up the vomit.

"Gosalyn, you okay in there" he knocks on the door.

She opens the door and he sees she is really pale, sweating and her flower acne spread around her face like measles.

He placed his hand in her forehead, she gets a high fever.

"Oh Gosalyn, you got a really heavy fever, maybe you should stay home"

Just then they saw her gagged again and she went to the toilet and vomit again, it went on what seem like for hours, then when she finally stopped, she approached them, taking tiny steps then she fell on her knees collapsing on the floor.

"Gosalyn!" Drake and Launchpad ran to her, feeling her pulse, they panicked.

"We need to get her to a hospital" drake says as the camera switches to gosalyn on a stretcher and going straight to a room.

she was laying unconscious, breathing through a tube and she had a ice in her arm and a heart monitor in her finger, her heart was beating and she was breathing so that was good.

Drake watched through a window as he looked worried, luckily he had Launchpad by his side to keep him comfort as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know how this could've happen Launchpad"

"Well this never happened before that bite accident"

Drake looks up as he realized something, "you're right Launchpad" he then looks up at him.

"Gosalyn wasn't sick until she was bitten by that flower, we need to get a blood sample"

As they both got up, they turn to see a blonde hair female doctor leaving Gosalyn's room.

"Ok she's doing ok but she just has a very bad fever, we might need her here for testing"

"I understand is it okay if I could see her one more time"

"Go ahead" she lets them through and while Launchpad keeps watch, drake looks down to see his ill daughter sleeping peacefully, he watches her with a concern look, rubs her head and kisses her forehead then he takes a blood sample.

As he exits the room, Launchpad moves out of the way.

"Ok I got it" then he gets an alert on his phone.

"Come on Launchpad, someone's broken into the saint canard nursery"

Launchpad makes a worried face, "someone's broken into the nursery, oh those poor babies" then he scoops drake up, holds him over his shoulders and runs.

"Come DW we got to save those kids"

"Whoa! Launchpad"

He stops and holds him up his face, "not that kinda nursery, a plant nursery"

Launchpad feels embarrassed, blushes a bit as he puts drake down.

"Oh..uhh...I knew that"

But as they left, I'm Gosalyn's room, the heart monitor was moving fast as Gosalyn was struggling when her vein turned green and wrapped around her arm.

At the saint canard plant nursery, they see it's been destroyed by tangled in vines, covered with thrones and different kinds of plants that they never seen before.

"Whoa! what happened in here" Launchpad says.

"Don't know it looks like a plant exploded and gave birth to a new species of plants and flowers, if we can take some home, we can find what dr. Sanguine used and stop this growth spurt"

"I don't know DW, I may not be a plant expert but something tells me that something created this" Launchpad says as he looks around then his face drops with a hint of fear as his beak quivers.

"And just how were they created Launchpad"

"Uhh....wh-why...do-on't we ask him" he points out.

Darkwing turns and his face drop when he saw a giant plant monster.

"BLGH" the monster roar at them, they ran and as the monster chased them.

Darkwing grabbed on to a pole, swing himself around and kicked the monster into a table.

He gets up to fight it again, "I am the the terror that flaps in the night"

But then when he sees the monster getting up, he sees it vomits blue stuff and coughs, then it shivers, quivers and dies on the floor, drying up up like a dried fruit.

"I am...oh, ugh upset that I couldn't defeat it"

"What do you think might happened to it"

"You know Launchpad, I'm starting to suspect, these plants are being controlled by a much stronger and intelligent Mother Nature being, something else is controlling these plants"

Back at home, darkwing was finished with gosalyn's results.

"How's it going DW"

"Well I found out what's going on, apparently Gosalyn has been exposed to toxic plant chemicals, the chemicals and toxic sludge dr. Sanguine stole, she injected with a flower that what's the power to control plants but when it bite Gosalyn, it infected her with the same toxin, her DNA is now exposed to plant chemicals and if we don't save her, she could turn into plant fertilizer"

This shocks both him and Launchpad.

"But not to worry, I use her blood to analyze the plant toxin and provide an antidote, I tested on some pants and well the results would involve, heavy fever"

Gosalyn was groaning from the headache, "UGH"

"Nausea" she threw up green and purple seeds.

"Shaking and sweating" she shakes and sweats pour down as her pupils turns purple all the way.

"And finally, unconscious until a plant like creature forms out of her, unless we get this formula to her"

In Gosalyn's hospital room, the vines on her arm grew up to her head, then flowers emerged and in her shadows, tentacle vines sprout out of her mouth and wrapped around her like a cocoon.

"Come on we need to get this antidote to her before we lose her to a plant"

But when they finally got to the hospital, they were shocked to see.

"AH" they both screamed.

The hospital was wrapped in vines, there were people screaming and the cops sound like they were in trouble as they see them shooting something inside.

Darkwing burst through the doors and saw the hospital was been invaded with plants and flowers, especially flowers, colorful flowers, cattleya trianae orchid: pink, purple, red, white and small lilies.

It was pretty but even the most beautiful roses has it's thorns.

When Darkwing realized something, "GOSALYN!"

He ran to her room and was shocked to find: she was gone, her bed was wrapped in vines and the only thing that was left.

Was her jacket, he picks it up and was too horrified to know what happened to her.

"Bluhg" then he heard a monster call, he ran outside and saw a giant flower monster, it's head was a purple rose with razor sharp teeth, it's body was a stem with sharp ends and it's arms and legs were tentacle like vines with multiple vines.


"What is that thing" Launchpad asked.

But when Darkwing got a closer look, he realized who the monster was when he saw it was wearing Gosalyn's purple sweater.

"It's Gosalyn" Darkwing point out.

"Wait! That's Gosalyn"

"What happened to her"

"The toxin must've mutated her into a giant flower plant monster, come on we need to get her this antidote" Darkwing ran as he pulled out a epipen containing the antidote.

As he jumped, the monster plant smacked him with its vines and he hit the wall as he drops the pen.


Launchpad graos the pen and hops on the monster as he tries to injected it with the antidote.

"Now don't you worry gosalyn, we'll have you back to normal in no-ti!!!!!!me" the monster swings around and thrust him off.

Then it was Darkwing's turn as he hopped on its back with the antidote trying to hold the monster still.

"Don't worry sweetie this is for your own go-AH" he hits a wall again.

And Launchpad clobbers on it, "sorry gos, it'll just only hurt for a bit"

Then he gets thrown into Darkwing, "AH" they both scream in pain.

"it's no use, she's just too powerful"

"Darkwing remember episode 157" Launchpad says.

Darkwing lifts up as he thinks of an idea, as he remembers what Gosalyn said.

"don't think about the game plan think about where you're opponent is going to strike next"

"don't think about the game plan think about where you're opponent is going to strike next, that's it" he snapped his fingers.

"Launchpad see if you can try to distract her, I'll provide her with the antidote" he pulls the antidote out.

Launchpad rans as he gets in front of the plant, getting it's attention,

"Hey gos, over here, come to uncle Launchpad"

The plant turns it's attention to Launchpad as Darkwing ran, jumped on its back and lodged pen in, injecting her with the antidote.

The monster screeched as it crumpled, causing Darkwing to fall off.

"WHOA" as he fell on the ground.

He and Launchpad was the monster was trembling and fell on the floor, dying, taking the rest of the plants with it.

"Well alls in a days work huh DW" Launchpad takes pride but he saw how sad Darkwing looked as he approached the once monster plant that used to be his daughter.

He bends down next to it, as he mourns over Gosalyn.

"Yeah but I lost gosalyn" but just before he and Launchpad could mourn even more.

They heard the plant moving and saw the monster getting up.

"ITS GETTING BACK UP" Launchpad shout as Darkwing gets ready to fight it.

But just then, it coughed and spewed out what appears to be a strange looking cocoon cover in blue and green slime.

He runs up to it, opens it and was it was gosalyn, "GOSALYN" she was covered in slime and was coughing, she was breathing fast as Darkwing and Launchpad helps her up.

The next day as the cops were cleaning up the vines, gosalyn wakes up to find herself in a hospital bedroom with drake smiling at her.


"Oh Gosalyn, I was so worried you weren't going to wake up"

She gets up looking panicked, "dad! What happened" she sees she was covered in plugs.

"Whoa whoa, it's ok Gosalyn, you're okay, you're just sick" she touches her face and sees that her flower acne was gone.

"It's ok you just been sick, the doctor says it's best if you stay in bed for the next few weeks until your better"

She lays back down, still feeling scared, "I had this crazy dream that I turned into crazy plant monster and ate everything"

"Hehehe, crazy right, but you know what fevers do to ya, give you crazy dreams"

She remains calm then she sees him pulling up something.

"You know since your going to be in bed for awhile, I though maybe we could play another game of chess" she sees him pulling out the board and smiling at her.

"I think this time, I could beat you" he sets the game on her bed then she smiles.

"Ok" she moves a pawn, "your move"

The two play a long game of chess.

Although a monster was defeated, somewhere on the other side of the hospital.

In a another hospital bedroom, Rhoda was laying unconscious.

A new threat was born. As Her eyes opened up as they revealed to be ruby red.

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