The haunting of mr. Banana brain

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This is my version, my remake of The haunting of mr. Banana brain.

Darkwing was in the dark, the lights shined in his face as he was driving.

"There are 1,000 stories in the city of saint canard, some are mundane, some exotic, some strange than others but one thing remains the same, I'm in all the good ones"

"Do you always have to do that whenever we go somewhere" the serious dramatic mood was interrupted by gosalyn.

Darkwing changes to drake as he adjusted his rearview mirror, to see gosalyn looking annoyed in what appears to be sitting in the back seat.

It was revealed that they were driving in a car and Darkwing was just drake mallard.

"Oh come on you know you love it when I narrate one of Darkwing's famous lines" drake says.

"I just don't see why we need to go to the saint canard toy museum anyway" gosalyn groaned, which to drake he find it irresistible cute.

"Because it's a event that the whole city is attending to and we been invited to go and besides I want us to do something together as a family" drake says.

"But you know I'm way too old for toys right" gosalyn pout.

Drake turns around, revealing that Launchpad was driving and he reaches over and grabs gosalyn's cheek and shakes it playfully.

"Oh Gosalyn, your never too old to enjoy childish things" drake says.

"Dad!" Gosalyn laughs as she playfully acts annoyed.

Then they both laughed and drake gets back to his seat.

"So Launchpad how much long until we get there" drake asked.

"I say-" he then crashes into a fire hydrant, causing it to sprout water, "right about now"

They were in front of the museum, wrecked from their seats, gosalyn on the sofa of the car and drake with his feet up.

They got out and went inside, they saw people looking around at the relics of toys from the old days.

Gosalyn was impressed by it, drake looks down to see her smiling, he smiles softly.

"Wow! This place is amazing" she wanders around then something catches her eye.

She finds in the back of the room, on a stand, an very old looking jack-in-the box.

"You know drake this reminds me of episode 156" Launchpad says.

"Oh you mean when Darkwing had to fight a possessed mr. Banana head" drake says as the two began to enter fanboy mode.

"Yeah do you remember that scene-"

But their voices quickly began to fade away as Gosalyn got closer to the box, she felt that it was calling her.

There was something off about the box, it was like she was in a hypnotic trance, when she reaches out to open the box.

"Gosalyn no!" She was stopped by drake as he grabbed her hands and pulls her away from the box, Launchpad was terrified as they walk her away.

"You probably shouldn't open that" drake says.

Then Gosalyn looks to see Launchpad liking at the box, looking terrified.

"What's wrong with Launchpad" Gosalyn asked.

"He just had a bad experience with jack on the boxes"

"And What was his experience "

"Because when he was a kid, he watched a Darkwing episode called the haunting of mr. Banana brain and he had this jack in the box, when it opened out he scream and got trapped in a closet, his parents found him, ever since then Launchpad l's been a afraid of jack in a box ever since"

"Aw, poor Launchpad, but wait how do you know all this"

"He told me, he tells me everything"

"Wow, I need to get to get to know Launchpad more"

They saw Launchpad cowing in a corned, covering his head as he stares frightfully at the box.

As drake helps Launchpad up, calming him down with comfort, gosalyn saw a gift shop, she goes inside and something else catches her eye.

Meanwhile back with the strange box, it opens up slowly, followed by a stalker breathing, something was in the box and it was watching gosalyn.

She walks over to a box of forgotten and old toys from the era.

In the pile she finds a one of a kind, limited addition, mr. Banana brain.

She picks it up and was amazed by it, when she countered him, she was not caring about him but this made her like him.

"She's so cute" she hugs the toy and before she could buy it, red glowing eyes popped out of the box.

He was watching gosalyn hugging the doll.

"Oh! Yes, yes! Oh tasty! Yum, yum, yum" the creature in the box says as he looks at gosalyn.

Then when she turns around, he looks down to see her tiny tail wagging, "ohh she's perfect, I must make her mines, yes I must have her but how"

He then sees the doll in her hand, "yes that's how, but first I need to get out of here"

He sees a dog boy looking at trucks so he calls him over, "psst come hither"

The boy looks at box, and like mind control, he unwinds the box and out came a scary toy jester clown duck that looks like Quackerjack but black and white

And a giant monster jumped out and went into the doll as gosalyn went to pay for it.

And when the toy popped out, Launchpad got scared.

"AH" he panicked as he back away.

"Launchpad calm down" drake was behind him, trying to calm Launchpad down.

But Launchpad pushes him into a shelf full of antique dolls.

As they fell on him, everyone laughed, gosalyn saw and giggles at bit.

"Ow" drake saw as a doll hit his head, gosalyn goes to help him up.

"Are you okay" she asked as she came holding a doll.

"Yeah I'm fine" drake says as Gosalyn helps him up.

They then turned to see Launchpad, hugging his knees and shaking.

"Come on era go help Launchpad and go home" drake says.

Then he and gosalyn help Launchpad up, later that night.

They were in home, gosalyn was in bed, she was looking at mr. Banana brain, when drake leaned against the doorway.

"I got a new doll from the gift shop"

"So I see" he walks over and sits next to her, on her bed.

He looks at the doll disgustingly,,then he takes it.

"I forgot how creepy this thing was, it used to give me nightmares" drake says.

"Well I think he's cute" gosalyn says.

"There why don't you marry him then" he laughs as he teases her playfully by shaking the doll in her face.

"Dad" she laughs, then they both laughed together as drake throws mr. Banana brain on the floor.

"So What's wrong with your Darkwing duck doll" he asked .

She pulls him out of the covers to show him, "oh nothing I just you might what to add mr. Banana brain to your collection"

"Oh please, when I was a kid, those things got recalled and thrown away"

"Why were they fire hazards"

"Because kids were afraid that Paddywack possessed him"

"Even though he's a made up fictional character"

"I just still can't believe they still sell those things, it's a constant reminder how what a creep Paddywack is"

"Tell me more about him"

"Well let's see, he's evil, a monster, ugly looking and a big phoney, I'd show you the episode another day ok"

Paddywack in the doll, heard drake's insults and got angry.

Then as drake was tucking gosalyn to bed, he gets a alert on his phone.

"Oh shoot sorry gosalyn I got to take this"

"Go ahead you do you"

"Bye honey" he cups her cheeks and kisses her forehead,

"Bye dad"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

After he left, gosalyn picks up mr. Banana brain and she hugs him but behind her back, Paddywack was in control.

He looks back at her and he combs her hair.

Meanwhile back with Darkwing, he decided to go solo when he got on the rat catcher and dressed as Darkwing.

He took off, unaware that mr. Banana brain was riding on the back, smiling sinisterly.

"She...will be mine but first I have to get rid of some pest control"

He was told that there was trouble coming from the saint canard sardine warehouse.

But when he gets inside, he wanders around, looking for some criminal to beat down.

When by his surprise, he looks and was shocked to find a jack in the box on a conveyer belt.

"What the-is that-no it can't be" but it was.

It was the same box from the toy museum, he approach it, opens the box.

But when he looks inside, all he saw was nothing.


Then the lights switched on behind, he turns around to see mr. Banana brain.

"What the-you but how did-" Darkwing couldn't believe it.

Was it just a coincidence that there was two mr. banana brain, but then again they don't make him anymore and gosalyn is the only one that has the last doll.

As he got closer to the doll, then mr. Banana brain glare and pounced on him.

"Ah" when he fell on the floor, he pushes him off and gets back up.

He then aims his gun at him, "suck gas you evil perfidiously plantain" as smoke filled the room,

Darkwing stumbles around carefully only to see mr. Banana brain popping out of the fog and he starts choking Darkwing.

"Ah" Darkwing gags as he thrusted him off then mr. Banana brain got a rope and starts tying his feet together then he wraps the rope around.

"Ah hey, ah" Darkwing fell as mr. Banana brain, ties a knot and puts him on a conveyer belt and pulls a lever.

Darkwing looks up at him then he turns to see he was heading straight towards industrial shredders.

Then he sees mr. Banana brain waving at him and walking away.

"Ah ok now this feels like a episode 156, ok think drake how would Darkwing escape this shredded trap"

He looks around to think of something as he was getting close to the shredder.

Then just his luck, there was a screw next to him, he quickly grabs it and just as he was about to be ripped to shreds, he throws the screw on a power button.

And as soon as the shredder grab his cape, he lift up his legs and the machine shut off, cutting the rope.

"Phew" Darkwing breaths in a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile back at home, things were getting for the worst.

Gosalyn woke up after having a nightmare, she gasped and saw that mr. Banana brain was gone.

"Mr. Banana brain" then she heard muffling noises coming from downstairs.

She walks downstairs to see Launchpad shaking in fear as he was watching something scary on the tv.

She turns to see it was the episode the haunting of mr. Banana brain.

"Launchpad aren't you after of this episode, why are you watching"

"Well it's my favorite episode, I like how DW defeated Paddywack"

She sits down next to him to watch the show, she then looks at him.

"So Launchpad since we're alone together I figured this might be a good time for us to get to know each other a little more"

Launchpad looks at gosalyn, "ok", he turns around to face her.

"My favorite color is purple, I come from a long line of pilots and-"

Just then the lights suddenly went out, "AH" Launchpad screams as he holds on to gosalyn who wasn't that scared.

"It's Launchpad maybe the fuse went out" gosalyn says as Launchpad lets her go.

They walked into the kitchen but they were surprised to find the box from museum on the kitchen table.

"Ah" Launchpad screamed again, gosalyn was a bit shocked and a bit scared as she backs into Launchpad as he grabs her shoulders.

"Keep calm Launchpad, I'm sure this has a logical, rational explanation"

"Yeah like the box is cursed, oh this is just the haunting of mr. Banana brain" two minutes later Launchpad made a horrible realization.

"Oh no, IT IS LIKE THE HAUNTING OF MR. BANANA BRAIN, we need to get out of here" Launchpad says as he runs out of the house, carrying gosalyn.

But as he opens the door, it rolls up like a wallpaper and disappears.

"Ah" he runs to the back door but when he opens it a scary jester pops out like a jack in a box laughing hysterically at them.

"Ah" Launchpad shuts the door and runs again, only to past by the kitchen table.

As he ran, sitting on the table was mr. banana brain, he smiles sinisterly and then Paddywack comes out to collect his prize.

"Time to take what is rightfully mines" Paddywack laughs sinisterly.

Their fears was his food and Launchpad's fear was the most yummy dinner to him.

Trying to find another way out, Launchpad puts gosalyn down and tries to open a door.

He struggles as his fear was getting the best of him but when he opens it, he steps inside...

"Alright I got it gosalyn" he turns to finds her gone.

"Gosalyn?" He was terrified to find her gone without even hearing a single footstep.

He backs to the door, only to trip inside the room and fell onto a demon looking train, he fell into the Bench Seats, the seatbelt straps him in magically and then the ride stared and he looks up his eyes open wide to see he was about to enter the mouth of a red skin horned demon.

Meanwhile with gosalyn, she was still were she was at, outside waiting for Launchpad, she opens it to find he was gone.


She goes to another room to find him, then she walks inside a dark room, she sees things hiding in sheets, she was farther away from the door.

Then suddenly the door slam, she turned around as she was startled by it.

The light turned on behind her, "ah" she gasped.

As she turned around to see that underneath the sheets revealed to be creepy clown dolls.

She was a little bit creeped out by it then she felt something walked behind her, she turns around to see a creepy ventriloquist funny behind her.

"Ah" she got so freaked out by it, she took a stumble back.

and looked at it to see it was just looking at her, she then looks back at the other dolls.

Meanwhile outside the house, darkwing was running insides

As he got inside, he saw the house was empty and quiet.

"Gosalyn?! Launchpad?, look we need to get out of here, there's something wrong, I-I think Gosalyn's new doll is possessed by Paddywack, I know it sounds crazy but I think we're dealing with a episode 156, it tried to kill me"

Darkwing called out as he tried to find Gosalyn and Launchpad.

He then goes to the bathroom, passing by a picture frame of him and gosalyn smiling and posing for a family photo.

The eyes on his picture frame moved as they saw him going into the bathroom, then out came Paddywack as he smiles sinisterly.

Gosalyn looks around the clowns as Darkwing splashes water on his face.

"Dad" he then heard gosalyn calling him, "huh"

He looks around to see her but she was nowhere to be found.

Gosalyn touched the face of a clown then behind her, was mr. Banana brain, sitting on a toy box.

Drake heard her calling but couldn't make out where she's coming from, then he goes to the sink.

"Help me"

"Gosalyn how did you get down there"

"A jester took me here"

"What jester?" Darkwing ask out of curiosity.

"Mr. Banana brain, how did you get her" she picks him up.

"His name is....Paddywack"

Then behind her popped out Paddywack, "AH" gosalyn screamed.

And as she screamed, darkwing saw blood coming out of the sink, then the tub and the toilet.

"Ah" he tries to get away from it but the door was shut.

Soon the room was flooded with blood, darkwing bangs on the door, meanwhile with Launchpad, he was riding a scary roller coaster with monster popping out.

"Ah" his screams turns to gosalyn as she tries to open the door but it was stuck, he looks back to see Paddywack approaching her.

All three were stuck until....Launchpad tried to free himself then when Paddywack jumped out.

"Ah" Launchpad got so scared, he pulls his arm free and punches Paddywack.

"Ah" this cause him to stop the ride and Launchpad gets off and runs down the door.

Back With Darkwing, he gets tired of breaking the door open with his hands, so he starts bashing his way through with his arm.

"Ugh" he bangs three times till it finally opened and he screamed: "ah" along with Launchpad, he fell on top of him as the blood drained out.

Geishas his hands on Launchpad's chest, pulling him up.



Then they heard gosalyn screaming, "gosalyn" they both screamed as they went upstairs, and when they open the door.

Gosalyn came crashing through, darkwing caught her and hugged her tight.

"You okay gosalyn" he asked.

"Paddywack, he's real"

"I know he tried to kill me"

"You just don't know when to give up do ya, darkwing"

They all looked up to see Paddywack, although gosalyn was shaking, Launchpad was scared too but soon he realized he wasn't going to be afraid anymore.

So he glares and gets in front of them.

"What do you want" Darkwing asked.

"I want her" Paddywack points at gosalyn as she hurried her head in Darkwing's chest.

"What-what do you-want with me" she asked.

"I saw you, i sense your spirit, I want you as my little pet gosalyn" he says as he strikes her cheek.

She makes a distressed look, Darkwing goes into super protective mode and pulls her away.

" alright I've had enough of this foolishness, you're going back where you came from"

He jumps and kicks Paddywack's face, the jester fell back and grabbed his face and gets another hit to the face but by a punch form Launchpad.

He falls and gets back up again, "alright I'll leave" he pulls his box back then looks at gosalyn.

But not without my my pet" he grabs gosalyn's leg and pulls her in, dragging her in the box.


"Gosalyn!!" He runs and grabs, Launchpad grabs Darkwing's waist and pulls them out.

But When paddywack drags gosalyn down farther Darkwing tries to hold on to her but her hands slip.

"Dad I can't hold on much longer, I'm slipping"

"Don't worry gosalyn I won't let you go I promise"

Then their hands let go and he sees her screaming, falling into the box.


"Gosalyn!!!" he then gets angry and kicks paddywack in the box.

"AH" Paddywack screams in pain and goes back into his box.

As the box closes, he grabbed gosalyn and she nuzzled in his chest, he pats her back.

"It's okay gosalyn, you're safe now"

As they take a moment or hug, Launchpad steps closer to the box, moments later, they were out of the haunted house, by the fire place, and Launchpad throws the box in a fire burning the jack in the box.

Darkwing was back to drake, he was sitting on a sofa next to gosalyn, both wrapped together in a blanket.

They heard Paddywack screaming, "AH, no I'll be back you here me, I'LL...BE....BACK"

It maybe over now and Launchpad was cure of his fear of jack in the boxes But now gosalyn is scared of jesters.

"I'm proud of you Launchpad, you finally conquered your fear of jacks in a box"

"Thanks DW, I just it shows, jack in the box aren't so scary"

"Yeah but I don't like clowns anymore" gosalyn says as she was still traumatized by the experience.

She then she's the mr. Banana brain doll on the floor, looking at her.

She picks it up and throws it in the fire, "I Jaír this means you don't want me. Banana brain anymore"

"I change my mind, that thing is creepy, besides there's only one important doll in my life" she picks up her Darkwing doll, hugs it and snuggles next to drake.

"That's what I like to hear"

The camera zooms outside, "so you guys want to see the episode of the haunting of mr. Banana brain" Launchpad asked.

"No" they both said.

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