Night of the living spuds

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A remake of Night of the living spuds but there's no vampire bride potato.

It was a dark and stormy night, when I'm the rain, a truck loaded with toxic waste was driving by, when it stared to hit a few bumps.

Then as the driver was paying no attention, he hit a large bump in the middle of the road, one the wire holding one the containers containing one of the toxic sludge snapped and a container rolled down a hill, hitting every rock, tree and stump, leaving dents then it spin and landed in a farm.....


It spilled green toxic sludge on a garden of planted potatoes.

But underneath the ground as the toxic sludge soaked in the dirt, the potatoes started to move, then their roots started to sprout and teeth started to grow out of them.

Which lead to a roaring which lead to Launchpad waking up.


Apparently he and DW were sleeping on the sofa watching another marathon of Darkwing duck.

It was midnight when they finished a episode, drake was sleeping on his chest as Launchpad stretched and yawned when he picks up the remote and turns off the tv, drake was awoken by that sound.

"Well that was a great show of episode 105"

"Yeah when Darkwing had to battle that zombie bride, gets me everytime" drake says as he stretches.

"Well I think it's time for us to get to bed" he says as he Launchpad head upstairs.

It turned morning when gosalyn walked in drake's room, carrying her backpack.

"Ok guys I'm ready to go to school no-" then she stopped when she saw how drake and Launchpad looked tired.

So she lets them sleep more by pulling the plug to the alarm clock.

"Don't worry guys, you sleep some more, I'll just walk myself to school" she kisses drake's forehead and shuts the door.

Then suddenly around 10:15, drake gets an alert from his phone.

"AH" he falls out of bed as he hears his phone ring, he answers it.

"Ugh, hello"

"Hey, drakster" it was herb muddlefoot his manger and annoying neighbor who is played by Patton Oswalt.

When he scream with enthusiasm , drake gets a headache, "oh hey herb" he rolls his eyes annoyingly.

"Hey where are you, you got a shot I like you to do in 20 minutes, it's for a horror movie"

Drake gets up and gets dressed quickly, "why are you now telling me this, why couldn't you tell this yesterday"

"Well" herb chuckles nervously, "the director had wanted to do a quick Launchpading of the trailer, it was a last minute call but I finally convinced him to let you play"

"Oh how thoughtful of you herb, what would I do without you" drake says in a sarcastic tone.

"Why your welcome drakester old buddy and don't you worry, I'm not leaving you anytime soon" he still didn't get that drake was being sarcastic as he slapped his face and shoot his head, "now be sure to get to the studio at 15 minutes"

He looks at the time and realized Gosalyn was late for school but then he finds a note from her that says: enjoy your nap I'll walk Myself to school-love Gosalyn.

Next to it was a smiling face, he smiles as Launchpad gets up, then he looks at the time again.

"That's almost 10 minutes, I'm far away"

"Yeah uh huh, listen I got to go now"

"Herb wait"

"I'll see ya at the studio bye"

"Herb wait-" then he heard the phone ended, then he storms out as he grabs Launchpad by his shirt, dragging down a still sleepy Launchpad.

"Come on Launchpad let's go"

Along the drive, Launchpad saw how furious and grumpy drake was.

"Drake I know you don't like that muddlefoots but you know it's thanks to them, darkwing is making a comeback"

Drake looks at Launchpad with a concern face, "I know Launchpad but I swear they are the most annoying neighbors in the world, I swear I wish the muddlefoots would move"

"Yeah but just remember, gosalyn is friends with their kids, and she really likes them"

"I guess your right, I can hold on my hatred against the muddlefoot, for Gosalyn"

Meanwhile with gosalyn, she and the other kids were watching a movie called: NIGHT OF THE LIVING ZOMBIES, which her dad was staring in.

"Your dad is pretty cool gos" honker whispers to her.

"Thanks honk"

But in the teacher's lounge, as the movie played a scene of a zombie attack the principal was about to get attack when he was getting coffee when he heard the trash can moving at the same time on the movie a male duck that wasn't drake was approaching the catacombs as he heard strange noises, he enters inside the catacombs as he opens the door.

"Hello" everyone was fully with anxiety as they were expecting something to attack him when the principal peeks slow in the trash can and at both kg the same time.

Behind the actor duck was a zombie dog growling and when he turned around at the same time, the principal gets attacked by a zombie potato.

"AH" everyone screamed, the male actor, the kids (well all except Gosalyn) and the principal.

As he struggles to get the zombie potato off his face.

Then behind The potatoes back, roots sprouted out and it's roots hooked on the back of the principle's head, pushing its roots inside and connecting to the brain, the principal trembled around, knocking things on the floor, muffling underneath the potato, then he falls pressing his hand against the glass as the potato finally takes control of the mind.

It crawls over to his neck, sinking it's vangs in and the principle gets up but this time, his eyes were green and he was mindless.

After the movie was over, a tall dog female teacher turned on the lights.

"Ok everyone now that includes today's lesson, I want you all based what you watched form the movie to write an essay about what you would do in a situation like that, oh and don't forget tonight is the first primer of Dawn of Destruction starting Gosalyn's dad" the teacher points her hand at gosalyn as everyone claps for her.

"Yes now I will be collecting your papers at the end of class-"

Just then the announcements came on, "attention students could Gosalyn mallard please come to my office" the principal says in a zombie like tone.

Everyone was surprised as some of them look at Gosalyn.

"What did you do" honker asked her.

"Nothing" she whispers then she gets up and heads to the principle's office.

Meanwhile back with drake, he just finished the final scene of the movie.

He was staring at a fire, looking tense when...

"And cut, perfect drake baby that was wonderful" herb says as drake revealed he was wearing a brown leather jacket with a white t-shirt.

He takes the jacket off and goes to change, "yeah don't call me that" he says as he was getting a pain squeeze around his shoulders by herb as he wraps his arms around him.

"Can't wait to see how this movie goes" after herb left, drake sees Launchpad handing him bouquet of roses.

He takes it and they walk to the car, " I swear Launchpad, the muddlefoots are just enough to drive me crazy, I wish they would just leave, or at least move somewhere far away like Alaska, Maine or mars maybe"

"Well if they move, gosalyn is going to be lonely-" Just then as they were walking, a boom operator male dog walked by bumping into him.

"Whoa, oh sorry about that buddy" but something was wrong, the guy was limping, making moaning and groaning noises.

"Uhh buddy?" Launchpad says as he touches his shoulderscand when the operator turns around and they saw the guy had green eyes, looking a bit sleepish.

"Whoa" Launchpad backs away.

"Ignore him Launchpad, you know how it is with the studio, working late" drake says.

" anyway you know how hard it is for her to make friends"

"She's always got Morgan"

"Yeah but she barely sees her"

"Yeah I guess thats true not to mention my career would go down the toilet, ah I guess I could ride this forever"

Just then as they were outside, he gets an alert on his phone.

"Come on LP, we got work to do" just as they ran.

"AH" they heard a woman screaming, they heard it coming from the parking lot.

They see a female red hair dog getting attacked by a limping dog.

And the strangest part, they saw he was biting her arm, the woman screamed in pain when drake goes up to them, grabbing the dogs shoulders.

But when he turns around, he saw the guy was foaming on the mouth and his eyes were green.

"AH" drake and Launchpad slowly backed away as they saw the women was slowly turning pale and her eyes turned green and they slowly walked towards them.

Then they noticed something peeping behind their heads.

"Huh? is that" Launchpad spoke.

"Potatoes?" Drake finished his sentence.

Then they both realized something, "episode 105" they both said.

They both ran to the car, "come on, it looks like Darkwing is getting a night of his life"

Meanwhile at the farm, more and ore Zombie potatoes popping from the ground.

Popping their root like claws out, meanwhile back at the tower.

Darkwing And Launchpad were watching a video of the news that might explain what's going, where an ambitious female reporter: dickie lee paperetta.

There they was the city was being attacked by zombie potatoes as dickie was avoiding getting bitten or attacked by the potatoes while she was being filmed, there showed people running, screaming and getting turned into zombies.

"This is dickie lee paperetta on the scene in channel 6 action news, where I am witnessing an attack on saint canard, to what appears to to be zombie potatoes?" Then she grabs the camera.

"Until the issue is sorted out, to those of you who are out there and still alive, I advise you to lock your doors, stay and inside and be prepared and Darkwing if your out there watching, please we need your help, saint canard needs you, I need you-" then she turns her eyes as a group of potatoes pounced on her.

"AH" ending the video with

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Ok Launchpad after making some examination, I made a conclusion, once the victims get bit or control by a potato, and their minds is in control which leaves us to deal with an invasion of zombie spuds"

"Oh on" Launchpad says.

"But not to worry, because i devise a antidote" he shows a vial containing blue liquid.

"that send this rotten taters back in the ground where they belong, all we need to do is find the source of them, the root to where they came from"

"Sounds like a plan" Launchpad says as they both got up and walked.

"Yes all we need to do now is pick up gosalyn from school the-" that's when he realized something.

"OH MY GOSH, gosalyn is still at school! We need to go get her" he hops on the rat catcher.

And as they took off, they drove through the streets to see the city was filled with mindless zombie potato people, it creeped them both out.

Until they got to the school, they saw the doors were free, no zombie in sight but when they came bursting to still see no zombies but there's no telling if they won't hear sounds

Darkwing was puzzled as Launchpad was terrified.

Then they huddled together, "ok we'll move fast and go to the principals office" Darkwing whispered.

Then suddenly.

"AH" they heard Gosalyn screaming, it was coming straight towards the principal's office.

"Gosalyn!" Darkwing yelled.

Then suddenly they saw children and adult zombies bursting through the doors and mindless wondering the halls, paying no attention.

"Ah" Launchpad screams.

"Come on Launchpad we got to run" Darkwing says as they quickly ran passed through the zombies and inside the principal's office where Launchpad shuts the door.

And Darkwing saw gosalyn was being attacked by zombie potatoes.

"AH" she tries to defend herself by using a chair to block them but they were surrounding her, then one got on her back and as a zombie potato was about to bite her.

Darkwing saw and got angry, "HEY" they all turned their attention to Darkwing as he ran towards them and pulled his gas gun out.

"Suck gas, you evil rabid yams" it didn't do much it just blinded them long enough for Darkwing to jump out of the smoke and kicks them off Gosalyn, while Launchpad comes in and smashed them with a broom.

After they were all dead, darkwing reunited with gosalyn, first he hugs her then he examines her To see if she got bitten.

"Are you hurt"


"I was so worried that you got bitten"

"I'm fine"

"Are sure"

"What's going on"

"What happened"

"I was talked in the office the the principal tried to attack me but I ran away-"


"But I couldn't contain him, then he started infecting the students"

He hugs her, "it's ok, you're ok now" he rubs the back of her head, "come on we got to go"

But as he takes her hand, he rubs to the door, only to be stopped by Launchpad.

"Small problem DW" he has as he barricades the door with some heavy stuff and his back, when the zombie potatoes were trying to break in.

"We got company, a parent teacher conference and I don't think they'll be serving donuts"

Darkwing quickly looks around then he gets an idea when he sees a window.

"Let them in" Darkwing grins.

When Launchpad finally lets go, the zombies came bursting in and they look and saw Darkwing was gone.

They were outside on the rat catcher, avoiding every zombie coming their way.

"Ok so let me get this straight" Gosalyn says as she didn't take the news so well, "we're being invaded by zombie potatoes"

"Yep but don't worry as long as we don't get bitten or attack by them, we'll be okay"

"Wow, well I always hated eating my vegetables"

"Now we just need to find where these zombie vegetables came from"

"Well from what I know potatoes are vegetables, so maybe they came from the supermarket" Launchpad says.

"Yes but wait there were so many of them, and how did they become zombie intelligence"

As Darkwing and Launchpad try to figure things out, gosalyn's wheels started to turn.

"They came from a farm" she figured it out when she sees a king root sprouting from the ground.

"You're right Gosalyn, the potatoe farm, we need to hurry if we're going to find the source of these things"

But when they got to the farm, there was trouble.

Darkwing stopped when right in front or inside the farm, was the muddlefoots.

"Oh" Darkwing slaps his face, "out of all the people, the muddlefoot's would survive an apocalypse" he whines as he saw the muddlefoots were defending themselves from the zombie potatoes.

"Come on we got to Save them" Gosalyn says as she runs to the barn.

"I don't know, they look like They got everything handled" Darkwing says.

"DAD!" Gosalyn shots at him.

"Ugh, alright alright, we'll help them" Darkwing groans as they ran and helped the muddlefoots.

Gosalyn shoots arrows at them and Launchpad pulls the muddlefoots out.

"Oh Darkwing duck is that you" herb says

"Yeah yeah in the flesh"

"Oh I am so glad to see you, I am such a huge fan" herb goes fanboy and gets in his space till Gosalyn got between them.

"Yeah yeah you can socialize later, right now we got a problem"

"Oh yeah right right" herb and Darkwing says.

Then Gosalyn turns to herb, "mr. Muddlefoot how did you get here, what happened"

"Well when the news came on, me and Binkie went to pick up our kids and when we were getting out of town till the Darkwing knight himself could control this situation and kick butt, when we noticed these small zombie potatoes heading to the farm then he got captured by these really crazy roots and we been fighting these zombies off, what are you doing here"

"We need to find the source of this potato apocalypse and give it the antidote and soon these undead vegetables will go back as they were.....growing from the ground"

Just then they felt the ground shaking as they saw more zombie potatoes popping out and slowly crawling towards them.

"Ok muddlefoots stay with gosalyn, she'll try to protect, I'll go find the source" Darkwing says as he pulls out the antidote and puts it in a epipen.

"The sources is coming from the ground, look for a very large mutated potato" herb says as he points over to the middle of the garden patch, a large potato was popping out.

"On it" Darkwing shouts as he jumps at the potato ready to stake it with the antidote.

When it's roots sprouted out and smacked him across the ground.

"AH" he gets up and sees roots tanging in the air like tentacles them they try to grab him if he didn't move and chops them away.

Then herb saw potatoe zombies charging at him and surprisingly.

He fought off the zombie potatoes as he picks up a shovel and starts smashing them, avoiding every jump a potato tries to attack him.

"Wow, for a manager, CEO of studio and director, he is a good fighter"

"Well he does watch a lot of zombie movies"

"Fair enough" he goes to the potato again, dodging every tentacle and trying them in a knot.

Launchpad helps back the zombies away then suddenly the tentacles grabbed Darkwing's arms and legs, he dropped the antidote.

As he struggles to release himself when he saw he was being risen down slowly as the large potato moved its mouth revealing its multiple large sharp teeth, he was panicking.

Then herb saw, he gasped when he saw Darkwing was about to be eaten when he charged at it and cuts the tentacles off, picking up the epipen and throwing it to him.


Darkwing catches the epipen and when he falls, he shoves the epipen in the potato and injects it with the antidote.

The potato screeched as it slowly started to crumble along with the rest of the potatoes.

Meanwhile in saint canard, the zombie citizens stopped and their eyes started to turn back to normal as the potatoes behind their heads fell off.

Everyone gathers around at the now small regular potato.

"Great work Darkwing, you save the city again" herb says as he wraps his around his neck, darkwing looks annoyed but fakes a smile.

"You're not so bad yourself mr. Muddlefoot"

"Say we should do Launch sometimes, we could hangout sometimes" he hands him his card.

"Thanks herb but I'm already friends with drake, great guy" Darkwing says as he walks away with gosalyn and Launchpad.

"Can drake get any cooler, I can't believe it, my two best buddies drakester and Darkwing know each other" then he brights up as he pulls out a notepad and pen.

"Ohh this gives me a new idea for a new episode"

The three head home as Gosalyn looks up at him.

"So dad what do you think of the muddlefoots now"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but thank gosh for the muddlefoots"

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