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My remake of paraducks

It was a sunny day in saint canard, Drake was Picking up gosalyn form school.

His waiting in his car, when gosalyn got in the front-seat.

"Hey dad" she waved as she buckled in.

"Hey honey how was school"

"Pretty uneventful"

"How so" he asked as he drove.


Just then There was a epic car chase involving a man running from the police.

Gosalyn and drake looked at each other and nodded.

"Looks like Darkwing is needed" drake said.

They followed the police chase to a tunnel where drake tuned up the car into the speed quacker which is like car with his face, then he changes to Darkwing, having no time to take Gosalyn home, he takes her with him.

They got a closer look at the runner, "you'll never catch me alive" he yelled.

It was A mad scientist named Dr. Atmoz Fear, them Gosalyn got a good look and recognized him.

"Huh?, mr. Freemen"

"You know him?" Darkwing asked.

"Yeah he used to be my science teacher Until he went mad after a experiment gone horribly wrong"

He was running through his breathing as he was holding a cuckoo clock tinkering with it.

"Almost there and got it"

"Ok stay i the car and wait for me to come back, don't get into any trouble" Darkwing says.

"But I want to help" Gosalyn says.

"Just stay put, I don't want you to get hurt"

Then Dr. Atmoz Fear stops in front for the cops to stop and stare at him.

"Not so fast or i use this" he moves the big hand to the small that was pointing at 12 o'clock.

It created a blue flash, then Dr. Atmoz Fear and the clock teleported away, leaving the cops confused and puzzled.

It then took him to a dead alleyway, "it worked" he then jumps and cheers, "YA WOO IT WORKS"

"Don't celebrate so soon" he was startled when he saw Darkwing had finally caught up to him.

"Stand back Darkwing or I'll use the cuckoo clock" he threatens to move both hands on 2.

"Well you certainly are one" Darkwing says as she steps closer to him.

Gosalyn looks through the window to see Darkwing confronting the mad ex science teacher.

"Put down the clock, dr. Cuckoo"

"It's Dr. Atmoz Fear, dope wing, AH" he then pounced on Darkwing.

"AH" they both fell, wrestling, gosalyn saw the clock had fell two and they were getting close to the clock.

"DARKWING" she ran out towards them then once they rolled over, they landed on the cuckoo clock and a large portal was created, dragging them both in, a blue flash disappeared and they were traveling through a wormhole.

Then they all came out, darkwing had covered Gosalyn from the fall, Dr. Atmoz Fear landed on his face.

"Ugh" they all moaned and behind them came out the cuckoo clock, broken in pieces.

They got up, "Gosalyn I told you to stay put" Darkwing says.

"You were getting to close to the clock, I was was worried that wherever it was you to take you, you would leave me all day in a car"

They looked around, confused to their whereabouts.

"Huh, something tells me we're not in saint canard anymore" Darkwing says.

Then something catches Gosalyn's eye.

"Oh we're in saint canard, just in a different year"

"Huh" He sees her point up at a sign: welcome to saint canard with a neon color.

"Oh no" he says as he Realized they went back to the 90s, his childhood years.


"We're back at my childhood days, when I was a kid"

"Yeah you were a 90s kid, that's so cool, we should find your younger self" Gosalyn says but as she runs Darkwing stops her.

"No if we interact with The past, it could
alternate in the future, we need to get Dr. Atmoz Fear and find a way back"

But when he turns around, he finds the cuckoo clock broken.

"Nuts it's broken, now how are we supposed to get back to our original timeline" then he noticed Dr. Atmoz Fear was gone.

"Hey where did Dr. Atmoz Fear go" He asked.

They looked around to see he was running in town.

"Where's he going" Darkwing asked.

"I think he's looking to find a clock" Gosalyn says.

"But why"

"If he finds the exact cuckoo clock that he had before, he could tinker it again and used it to go back in time, maybe we can find him, get it before he can and uses it to get back to our timeline"

So the race to find the same cuckoo clock look a like was on, but there was only one available.

"We can find it at the mall" Darkwing says as they walked through the city.

They past by his school, he sees a group of kids shaking.

"Hey I know this place, it's my old school"

Then he sees a large fat duck with a swirl haircut.

He was approaching the kids as Gosalyn looks with him as they encounter and take a glimpse through young drake and his past.

"I know this part" Darkwing says when someone threw a rock at the back of the kids head.

"Ow what the-" he turns around to see a small duck.

"Hey, leave them alone hank" it was young drake, wearing his Darkwing costume.

"AH beat it drakey,

"Wait, that's you, you look-" Gosalyn says as she was a bit surprised, she was expecting something else.

"I know I look like a geek"

"I was going to say you look so cute"

"You get involved and I'll hurt you like I did yesterday" hank the duck says.

"Was this before or after I took you down" young drake says as the other kids laugh.

"That's it squirt, you asked for it, you don't wanna mess with me, I'm dangerous"

"Then let's get dangerous" young drake jumps and pounced on the big ducks face causing him to fall down.


Gosalyn and drake watched as young drake got hank to chase him.

They followed him, then they saw he got into a dead alleyway, he looks back to hear the bully getting closer, so he climbs up the wall, he slips on a crash can lid when...

"Here grab my hand" he sees gosalyn hanging on the other side, holding her hand out to him.

He was about to hesitate then he looks back hearing hank, he had no choice and grabs her hand.

She helps him up and they both fell, then stared at each other.

Until she heard Darkwing finally catching up to her.

"Gosalyn! What do you think your doing, I told you we weren't supposed interacting with the past"

Then suddenly young drake gasped as he saw his older self, darkwing in the flesh.

Darkwing was shocked that his younger self was him as young stares gasping at the sight of Darkwing.

"...Are.... you dar-Darkwing duck" he asked.

"Uhh...let's get dangerous"

His reaction to seeing his future self as Darkwing is speechless then faints.

Gosalyn and Darkwing surrounded him.

"Oh wow I was not expecting this reaction from you" Gosalyn says.

"Well let's just say me and Launchpad have a lot in common" Darkwing says.

Just then young drake opens his eyes, then he jumps and hugs Darkwing.


"DARKWING, I'm a big fan of you, I'm your biggest fan, I wanna keep you in a big jar in my closet"

Darkwing was a bit shocked and embarrassed knowing he almost told Jim that.

"Oh wow...uhh thanks kid, now I feel embarrassed knowing I can't believe I almost told Jim that"

"Now you know how I feel" Gosalyn giggles.

Then young drake pulls himself off, "what are you doing here"

"Well you see I need to get this cuckoo clock" Darkwing says.

"Why do you need a clock for?" Young drake asked.


"We need it to stop a villain" gosalyn said.

"Oh, well I think there's one at the mall" they followed young drake to the mall.

They beaked behind a fake palm tree where below them was a clock store, displayed on the front window, They saw it was the same cuckoo clock.

"Ha! Nice, gosalyn you stay here with this kid, I'll go get the clock" Darkwing says as he walks up to the store.

Gosalyn and young looked at each other, when outside the mall, Dr. Atmoz Fear was stepping outside, when he got inside, he pulled a switch putting the mall under lockdown.

"So how do you know Darkwing" young drake asked.

"Oh well-" gosalyn tries to think of an excuse without alternating the past.

"Let's just say I known him very well"

"Ohh" young drake nodded his head, then he felt gosalyn touching his shoulders.

"You know he's done great things, you're going to do great things too" she caused him to smile

Then all of a sudden, there was screaming as they looked on top of escalators was Dr. Atmoz Fear, holding up a hand held bomb he made.


Darkwing heard everything as he runs out the store and sees Dr. Atmoz Fear.


Everyone screams and panicked as cops tries to handle the situation.

Darkwing hides behind a pillar as gosalyn and young drake hide in a store.

"This is just like episode 111" Darkwing says.

"This is just episode 111" young drake eye as he was trembling and shaking in fear, "when Darkwing had to stop terrorist form exploring the mall"

Gosalyn looks to see Darkwing get up and approaching Dr. Atmoz Fear as he wiped out a gateway of guards.

"Give it up Dr. Atmoz Fear" Darkwing shouts.

"Ugh, you Jaír don't know when to quit do ya Darkwing" Dr. Atmoz Fear pulls out a laser gun and starts shooting at him.

Gosalyn saw how Darkwing was struggling as he was dodging from the blast and trying to save people as the police try to get the door open with getting shot by Dr. Atmoz Fear.

"We need to help Darkwing" Gosalyn says.

"But we can't" she then looks down to see young drake was scared.

"Ugh hank was right I'm no hero" he take out the fedora and hugs his knees feeling scared and sad.

"Hey" he saw Gosalyn was touching his shoulders.

"I know you're scared I used to be scared too but sometimes you need to be hero then just act like one, a wise guy once told me when you get knocked down, beaten up or blown up you get back up is what matters, a costume doesn't make you a hero, it's what on the inside that makes you a hero"

Young drake looks back at her, feeling confident as she takes the hat.

"Is that what Darkwing always say, what does he do when he falls down" She hands him the hat, he stares at it seriously then he puts it on.

"He gets back up and fight for what right" young drake says as Darkwing gets hit and falls to the ground.

"Ugh" he grabs his stomach as Dr. Atmoz Fear approached him about to end him.

Young drake and gosalyn sneaked up behind him.

"Any last words Darkwing" Dr. Atmoz Fear says as he aims the gun directly in his face.

When..."hey leave him alone" he gets a kick in his face by gosalyn.

"Ah" he grabs his beak and glares at gosalyn as he sees staring at him.

"Gosalyn" Darkwing yelled as Dr. Atmoz Fear approached her.

She tries to run but he grabs her by her hoodie, she was punching the air as she tries to hit him.

When he laughs and threatens to drop 15 stories down, young drake came and kicked him.

"Ah" Dr. Atmoz Fear scream in pain and drops gosalyn to safety as Dr. Atmoz Fear ran after young drake.

Darkwing got up to her, as he helped her up, they both saw young drake was fighting Dr. Atmoz Fear, they both looked at each other and nodded.

And when Dr. Atmoz Fear gets another kick to the face by young drake as he swings himself on a palm tree and kicks Dr. Atmoz Fear.

He looks back to see Darkwing and gosalyn both punching him.

"Ah!" As Dr. Atmoz Fear was knocked down.

Darkwing gosalyn and young drake huddled together for a plan.

"Ok I'll keep him busy, gosalyn's you find that cuckoo clock and see if-"

"I Can rewire the system and see if I can create the portal" he was surprised to see she finished his sentence.

"Yeah, drake you try to get this people out of here"

"Got it" young drake shouts as the three separated.

"Let's...get-" young drake was about to say Darkwing's line as he jumped down.

"Dangerous" then Darkwing finished his sentence as he faces Dr. Atmoz Fear.

As the two fight, gosalyn got to the clock store and searched through the mess for the cuckoo clock meanwhile young drake walked towards the doors he saw people panicking when he goes to the emergency fire alarm, he pulls down on it, thus opening the doors.

"Ugh where is it, where is it" gosalyn groaned as she was having a difficult time finding the clock then she spots it.

"Ah there it is" she grabs it, starts pulling it apart, tries to remember what she learn from dr. Freemen as she tinkerers with it.

Dr. Atmoz Fear saw people escaping as Darkwing puches him towards an invisible glass, he glares then he sees gosalyn with the cuckoo clock.

He grins as he realized she was doing his work, it would be easier for him to take the clock now.

So he drops the bomb and puches Darkwing out of the way.


In slow motion, young drake saw the bomb falling as gosalyn was too busy to see Dr. Atmoz Fear charging at her.

At the same time Dr. Atmoz Fear and young drake reached out.....

Then young drake catches the bomb on time before it hits the ground.

He turns around to get around of applause from the cops and the people that work at the mall.

Meanwhile gosalyn finished with the clock. "There finished" she holds up the clock then she felt she was being hoisted up as she saw her face was mushed against Dr. Atmoz Fear when he grabs the back of her jacket.

"AH" she screamed when Dr. Atmoz Fear hoist her up.

"Ah good well done, very good job indeed" he takes the clock, juggles it in one hand as he admires it and grins at gosalyn.

"With this, going back in time and stealing artifact treasures with a piece of cake, and not even you or some dressed up, make believe, pretend hero is going stop me"

"No...but he might" she points behind him as she grins mischievously.

He r turns around to see Darkwing punching his lights out.


"Ah" Dr. Atmoz Fear collapsed on the floor, darkwing grabs the clock before it could fall on the ground.

"Now let's go back home to our original timeline" Darkwing says as he moves the big and small hand on the two, it opens a portal, and he grabs Dr. Atmoz Fear by his clothing hoisting him up on his coat and pants.

"Come on gosalyn let's go....gosalyn?" He heard she was gone as he dropped Dr. Atmoz Fear.


Then he sees her looking down and saw the crowd cheering for young drake.

The cops were shaking his hands when two duck a blonde yellow canary female and a brunette hair green mallard came out.



Young drake turns around and he smiles, "mom dad" he then runs up to them and hugs them as they return the hug back.

Darkwing smiles as he sees his younger self smiling, happy with his family.

"That's your parents" gosalyn asked as she looks up at him.

"Yep, You know when I was a kid, probably close to your age, I was always afraid, got picked on a lot then I saw this show Darkwing duck, he made me believe I too could be hero, when I go out there dressed up as him, I still get Scared but I acts like Darkwing because it gives me confidences, i even try to be like him, i protect defenseless kids from bullies" he then wraps his arms around gosalyn's shoulders, pulling her closer.

"And now I got another reason to believe in myself, a daughter who gives me confidence" gosalyn looks up at him, both smiling at each other as they watch the whole show.

"Come on let's get back to our timeline"

They went back home, Where Dr. Atmoz Fear was finally arrested.

After he was taken in, darkwing went back to drake and he and gosalyn drove home.

"So tell me more about dr. Freemen" drake asked.

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