(Re-Publish) The Fight

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Imagine an horrified toddler that just learned they can't always get what they want. Now imagine angry parents yelling at said toddler. In this case, I'm the toddler and the Reaper is the parents. Now think that I'm also low on oxygen and if I dare go up and grab any, I'll be eaten entirely whole. I'm dead, that's pretty much the summary of all this thinking for you to do.


But, for some reason, it just stood- uh, floated(?) there. I got some more oxygen (actually got it to full) and once I came back down, it was after me. It was almost like it wanted a fair fight.


I dared to approach it back. It was stuck in the void, as I'd figured out, so I quickly got some supplies and made a Seamoth with a defense system, a missile system, and a reinforcement. I also got a solar charger. Then, I made some (a lot) of missiles and went to fight it.


It was after me, but I was too fast for it. After all, the bigger, the slower. So now he was NOT like a McLaren. I guess having a small vehicle helps after all! Anyways, when it came to me as soon as I entered the void. Then the fight was on.


I shot a missile and used the defense system. Then I sharp left-ed farther into the void. It got totally juked! I used that opportunity to shoot two more missiles and refill the missile bay. I quickly got back in and move closer to the drop-off into the void (closer to the shallow) and it got juked again! I then shot another missile, but it came ever closer and I used the defense system to shock it. It didn't even flinch.


After what felt like hours (but was probably just one), it started to swim away.


But.. It wasn't scared.

Because then I heard it.

The entire ground shook, and because I knew it wasn't an earthquake, it felt like 4546B was trembling in fear.

I realized it was because of a big threat, so I did the same. So hard, in fact, you would think I was in summer clothes bathing for hours in Antarctica's water.

A horde of about 5 more of them came around the corner of the crater edge and I went the opposite way into the shallow water.

But they were destroying the ground, too.

But something happened that I would've never expected.

They all stopped, and it looked like they were trying to bow. Why?

There was another leviathan-looking thing, but this one looked nice.

"Will you... help me? I will help you in return."

(This was re-published because it was not showing up for some people)

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