The Dunes and the Sea Emperor's Containment Facility

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I quickly scanned the creature, learning its name: the Sea Emperor Leviathan. It was a bit confused about what I was doing, but it was fine with it. It said I needed to collect 5 plants: the Eye Stalk, the Mushroom Tree Fungus, the Ghost Weed, the Sea Crown, and the Bulb Seed. It told me there was a dangerous place filled with Reapers that had every single one instead of me having to travel around everywhere. And you know what?

I had plenty of missiles.

After the fight I had with the big ones, I wasn't scared.

Until I remembered the big ones were still going to try to kill me. In case you don't remember, they're so colossal and strong they can break the ground.

Yeah. Then I was scared.


I went straight in. Bad news: it's pretty close to the void. Good news: the plants were right in a hole. Bad news: they were right there!

I darted with the five plants and went into the void, until remembering my Seamoth can't go very deep.

Great, I thought. Now I need to go make a Prawn Suit and put Depth Module 3 on it.

I got a Prawn Suit and as quick as I could made a Module 3. Good news: I also managed to install a Drill Arm and a Grapple Arm (the Grapple Arm with difficulty). Bad news: the base I built in the Safe Shallows was being destroyed! I had to take my Prawn Suit and book it. I'm sorry, Seamoth...


So basically, my Seamoth got destroyed. Good news: I got into the void and to the Sea Emperor's, uh, room? Containment Area? Who knows...

Anyway, I made it with the enzymes. The eggs hatched (huh, I didn't know I was hatching eggs all this time) and the 5 babies and I escaped through a portal. Wait, the 5 babies and I?

"lbublbbubulublbublub!" Translation: "The Sea Emperor!"

"I wonder what it will be like, to fall asleep and never wake up?"

"lbublbul!?" Translation "What!?"

So basically, the Sea Emperor would just stay here and die!?

It was hard to leave, but I did what I had to.


I decided the baby Emperors would die if I left them on the planet, so I built a base with what I had and went inside. I made five aquariums (one for each). Yikes! More Creeper Leviathans! (That is the official name for the big ones because I'm the only one on the planet.) I put them into the aquariums with difficulty and quickly put each aquarium into the interior of the Prawn Suit, then climbed in. It was claustrophobic, but I got out of there and went to the now safest place I knew: the Aurora. Then I attempted to escape.


I learned very fast I don't have the needed materials. With just a Seaglide, I managed to grab everything and get back in time. The Creepers were busy eating up the Aurora, so I built the Neptune Rocket and got into my Prawn Suit. Then, me and the Prawn Suit (Oh, and the Emperors) got inside the Neptune Rocket...

But something happened.

Something horrible.

Something... Hair-raising.

Something... Nerve-racking.

The Neptune Rocket ascended alright, but...

Alterra, even though they knew I was here...

Didn't set up a space station for me and the rocket to get onto and get back to Earth yet.

I had to wait there, in empty space, waiting for them.

It was horrifying, sitting there, hoping Alterra would make it.

I decided waiting was a dumb idea and that it would be best to try and make it to Earth.

I was terrified.

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