Prologue- The Grad Ceremony

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3rd Person POV- New York University

Britty walked up on the large, wooden stage, her graduation dress flowed behind her. She was the last of her group of tight-knitted friends to receive her diploma. Her superior handed her  the roll of paper, and shook her hand.

"Thanks." Britty said, her quiet voice barely being heard. A pin drop was usually louder than her.

"Britty Alezandria O'Flanagan, you have graduated. Congradulations." She said.

Britty walked off the stage, and ran to her friends.

"Nice job on your degree, Britty. What did you major in again?" D.Jay asked.

"English. I majored in English." She replied, clutching her diploma tightly.

"Hey, at least she majored something useful, D.Jay." Mitch quipped.

"Hey, History's useful!" D.Jay defended.

"Yea, if you're a fossil." Jenna retaliated.

"Oh yea? What did you major, eh Jenna?" D.Jay asked.

"Geology. The study of-"

"Rocks. Congrats." D.Jay responded.

"Hey! It more than just rocks!" She responded, rather defensively.

"Anyway, who's up for some coffee?" Britty asked.

"All." Mitch said.

"Yea sounds about right." Jenna agreed.

"Yea." D.Jay finished.

New York Coffee Shop

"So, where do you plan on starting, Jenna?" Mitch asked.

"Well, I'm gonna join an excavation team in Alabama-" She was cut off.

"*spits* Jesus, Alabama? That's near Mexico!" He exclaimed.

"I know. It's pretty far, but it's the nearest dig. And since I was the valedictorian of the class, I'm pretty sure I'll be allowed."

"Yea. I'm planning on going to Michigan. They have an amazing digital school." Mitch mentioned.

"Oh yea, you majored Game Design." Britty remembered.

"Yea." Mitch responded, staring into the swirling, chocolate void of his coffee.

"I'm going to the Toronto Historic Museum." D.Jay mentioned.

"Wait, if you're going to Toronto, and you're going to Michigan, and you're going to Alabama, and I'm staying in New York..." Britty trailed off.

"We're going all over North America." D.Jay finished.

"We're going to be split up." Jenna summarized.

"That's what uni does." Mitch commented.

"I don't much care for that aspect." D.Jay said.

"Spoken like a true Brit. I don't much care for that assspect." Mitch imitated in his super-exaggerated English accent.

"Piss right off you stereotyping dick." D.Jay retaliated. Everyone had a laugh (a/n You havin' a fuckin giggle mate?).

"This is probably the last laugh we'll ever have again." Britty said depressingly.

"Yea, but we all have e-mails. We can still contact each other. And besides, D.Jay can freak out on us about whatever crazy thing D.Va does next, eh lover boy?" Mitch joked.

"Hey! Just because I'm a moderator for her doesn't mean I love her. Besides, she has the music artist, Lucio." He mentioned.

"Wait, they're dating now?" Britty asked.

"Yea that's why Hana's been using Lucio's music so much recently." D.Jay said.

"Wow..." Britty said, sipping her coffee.

"Anyway, my bus to Toronto comes in about 4 days. Maybe we can have a party, or go drinking or something." D.Jay asked.

"I wouldn't be able to. I have a weird enzyme that can't process alcohol. I might-" Britty was cut off.

"Have a minor cardiac infarction." D.Jay finished.

Everyone just stared at D.Jay.

"Heart attack." He amended.

"Oh." Everyone said.

"Well, maybe we can... I don't know, talk about our professions." Britty suggested.

"Maybe..." Mitch trailed off, staring into his coffee. Everyone else followed him.

Suddenly, D.Jay stood up, chugging the rest of his coffee. "I'll be outside... smoking." He said.

"But you don't-" Jenna started.

"Piss off." He said darkly, before walking out of the shop.

"I wonder what's wrong... I'm gonna go see what's up." Mitch said, also chugging his coffee. "Damn, that's hot."

So it was just Jenna and Britty.

"So, what's up for you?" Britty asked.

"I'm gonna fly to Alabama." Jenna replied.

"Oh." Britty said, looking in her coffee.

"Britty?" Jenna suddenly asked.

"Hm?" She asked, looking up.

"What are you gonna do?" She asked.

"Well, in about 2 weeks they're gonna open job applications for the FictionBook, a writing place, so I might apply there." Britty said.

"I remember how much ass you kicked in the writing final in grade 9. 100 percent was no problem for you. I remember the teacher saying it was so good, he considered giving you bonus marks." Jenna recalled. 

"Heh, yea." Britty said, once again committing to a staring contest with her coffee.

"Britty, I have to ask. Do you have a crush on Mitch?" Jenna asked.

Britty, who was sipping her coffee now, choked on it.

"Wha-*cough* what?!" She exclaimed.

"Do you have a crush on Mitch?" Jenna repeated.

Britty blushed heavily. 'How did she know?' She asked herself. 'Did you tell her one time? No, you would remember that. Besides, Jenna wouldn't be able to hold the secret long. All Mitch would have to do is flex his arm and Jenna would word-vomit everything.'

Subconsciously, Britty rubbed her thighs together at the thought of Mitch flexing.

"Britty?" Jenna snapped her out of her thoughts, which had gone south (in a good way).

"Y-yea? Oh, right. Don't tell him, but yea. I do." Britty said, blushing.

"Aww! That's cute." Jenna squealed.

"It also sucks." Britty said. "He's moving. He's leaving." She said, fighting tears.

"Hey." Jenna reached across the table and grabbed Britty's hand. "It'll be okay." She said, staring into her silver eyes.

Looking into Jenna'a eyes, she couldn't hold her tears back. She looked down as her salty tears dripped down her face.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." Jenna tried to comfort her.

"Sorry. I-I just..." Britty trailed off.

"Sorry guys. D.Jay just had a stress attack." Mitch said, walking in with D.Jay.

"That's okay. Uh, Mitch?" Jenna asked.

"Yea?" He responded

Jenna looked at Britty. She was wearing the 'Please don't...' look.

"Never mind." She said, looking down.

"Uhh, okay? Anyway, I gotta go soon. The ferry to Michigan leaves in 3 hours.

'God damn it.' Britty thought to herself. "Okay." Was all she said.

"Okay. Just... keep in touch." Jenna said.

"Yea. Don't forget about us, mate." D.Jay mentioned.

"Once again, spoken like a-"

"True Brit." The group said simultaneously.

"Heh. Well, see you." He said.

"Bye." Britty said.

"See ya, mate." D.Jay said.

"Bye-bye." Jenna finished.

"First!" Britty broke the silence. "A toast. To our eternal friendship." She said, raising her cup.

"Aye." D.Jay said, raising his empty cup.

"Here here." Jenna said.

"Cheers!" The group said.

"I guess I'll keep in touch." Mitch said.

"Yea." Everyone said.

Mitch turned on his heel, and exited. With pinpoint accuracy, he threw his cup in the rubbish.

Oh boy. Poor Britty. She first fully admits her crush, who then leaves her. Next few chapters are going to be interesting.

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