Alex Ambrose - The Arrival

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June 5 2019

It was eight fifteen a.m as it showed the busy street of Tokyo as people were walking through the streets talking to each other while students were making their way to school. In an apartment shows a man fixing his hoodie jacket as he tied his shoe laces and grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket as he looked at himself in the mirror.

His Name is Alex Ambrose, He is Twenty Six years old and is a photographer. Alex has lived in Tokyo for Four years now and is described as a quiet type.

Alex was gonna walk out of his apartment until he heard a notification from his phone as he pulled his phone and saw a message from Mickie.

Mickie is Alex's girlfriend, They have been dating for three years now and their bond is unbreakable and love each other.

Mickie: Hey Alex!

Alex: Hey Mickie.

Mickie: How are you? Are you doing alright?

Alex: I'm alright and everything is alright.

Mickie: That's good to hear, I'm doing alright too. I'm just at my hotel in New York.

Alex: That's nice. What time does the show start?

Mickie: It starts at Nine p.m.

Alex: I see, Good luck.

Mickie: Thanks

Alex: No Problem.

Mickie: I miss you love.

Alex: I miss you too.

Mickie: How have you been doing since your brother's passing?

Alex looked at the text as he sighed to himself, His Brother passed away two months ago and he decided to go to his house to take some of his belongings that was a memory of them.

Alex: I miss him.

Mickie: I'm sorry Alex, Remember I'm always here for you.

Alex: Thanks, I love you Mickie.

Mickie: I love you too.

Alex: Sorry I gotta go now, I'll text you later, Good luck on your show.

Mickie: Thanks, Take care of yourself and see you soon.

Alex texted her bye as he put his phone back in his pocket. He exited the apartment as he continued making his way to the elevator as he entered it and clicked on the ground floor button as it went down.

Alex exited the elevator as he got inside his car and began driving towards his brothers house as he was fixing his hair. Alex decided to play some music as he continued driving as he saw the cars passing by.

After one hour, Alex made it to the house as he exited the car and closed the door as he looked at the house.

The House has been vacated for two months now but for some reason Alex had a bad feeling about this house but he ignored that feeling and opened the gate to the house as he tried to open the door until it was opened as Alex sighed to himself and entered the house.

Alex saw trash around the house as he walked past the mirror until....

Alex turned back in the mirror as he saw his reflection as he continued looking at himself until he sighed to himself as he continued walking around the house.

Alex was in the living room as he saw a some dirty plates along with more trash on the ground as he continued walking until he heard something as he turned around and saw a cat staring at him.

The Cat began hissing at Alex as he continued staring at it as he was walking towards it until the cat ran somewhere as he looked at himself.

Alex: Jeez Alex, Its just a cat. You really need to calm down.

As Alex was trying to calm down Unknown to him, Someone was behind him as she walked past him.

Alex continued walking around the house until he heard something from the bedroom upstairs as Alex continued walking until he saw someone.

Alex saw a boy staring at him as he continued looking at the boy until he spoke to him.

Alex: Sorry about that, I didn't know anyone lives here now.

The Boy just stared at Alex as he continued looking at him until he spoke to him.

Alex: I just want my brother's belongings then I'll leave the house. Again I'm sorry for intruding.

The Boy didn't responded back as Alex was staring at the boy until he ran away as he was confused and had a strange feeling but he went upstairs as he saw his brothers family picture as he continued looking at it until he put it on his backpack as he continued looking around the house.

Alex heard something from the bedroom as he walked towards the room and opened the door as he saw the bedroom and it was a mess. Alex saw the light above him flickering as he entered the room and continued looking around until he heard something coming from the attic.

Alex saw a box in the corner which belonged to his brother but he wanted to see the attic as he managed to make it to the attic and looked around as it was dusty and had cobwebs around.

It was dark and Alex couldn't see anything as he got his phone out and opened the flashlight as he navigating through the attic until he saw more boxes which belonged to his brother.

Alex continued walking towards the boxes as he saw a window as he looked through it and saw the outside as he was gonna grab the boxes until he heard something that made him freeze in one place.

The Sound was getting louder as Alex turned around and saw no one as he was holding his chest as he felt his heart beating fast. Alex turned around and then...

Alex moved back as The Women continued staring at him as she let out a death rattle as Alex continued walking back as he was staring at her.

The Women pushed Alex through the attic window as he fell down until he landed on the ground as some civilians noticed Alex on the ground as they ran towards him.

Alex was breathing heavily as he was slowly losing consciousness as one civilian called for an ambulance as they were checking on Alex.

Alex saw the women staring at him through the bedroom window as he tried to point at her but he couldn't as his vision began to be blurry until he fell unconscious.

The Ambulance arrived as The Paramedics began helping Alex into the stretcher and got him inside the ambulance as it drove to the nearest hospital as one man was watching the incident as he left the scene.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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