Jack Ryan - Strange Events

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June 5 2019

Civilians watched the medics escorting Alex to the ambulance as they got inside and the ambulance began driving towards the hospital as civilians were talking to each other. Some time later, An Investigator began moving through the crowd as he was fixing his jacket and looked at the officers talking to each other.

Jack looked at the officers looking at the house as they were talking to each other until Jack spoke to them.

Jack: What's the matter?

Officer: Wait, Who are you?

Jack: I'm Jack Ryan, I'm an Investigator.

Officer: The Man that was escorted to the ambulance tried to jump off the attic window.

Jack: Your wrong, Kayako pushed him off the window.

Officer: What are you talking about?

Jack: I've been investigating this house for some time now. I know you won't believe me but this house is cursed.

Officer: I think your wrong Jack, He probably-

Jack: Listen, Detective Eason also knows this house is cursed but he doesn't want to tell this to anyone.

Officer: Jack, Kayako and her family have been dead for six years now. I don't think this house is cursed.

Jack: The Man in the ambulance, What's his name?

Officer: Alex Ambrose is his name, He came to this house to take his brother's belongings. His Brother passed away in this house two months ago. He's a Photographer also.

Jack: Okay, I want to speak to Eason. Do you know where he is?

Officer: He's at the hospital.

Jack: Okay but I'm warning you, You need to close off this house. Too many people have died there.

The Officers looked at each other with worry in their faces as Jack looked at the house as he continued staring at it before he walked back to his car as he opened the door and got inside as he got a text message from someone.

Jessica: Hey Jack! When are you coming house?

Jack: Hey Jess, I'm coming back home after one hour. How are you?

Jessica: Awesome! I'm doing alright, I'm just exhausted from work.

Jack: I understand, How about we go out for dinner?

Jessica: Sure!

Jack continued texting Jessica as he was stretching his neck until he heard something.


Jack immediately turned around and saw no one as he was holding his forehead until he started the car as he drove to the hospital to meet Detective Eason.

One hour later, Jack made it to the hospital as he made it to the sixth floor as he saw Eason talking to someone on the phone as he had sweat on his forehead as he wiped it off as he noticed Jack.

Jack: Eason, We need to talk.

Eason: Listen Jack, If it's about the house then-

Jack: Eason, Too many people have died in that house. If we don't stop it then there will be blood on both our hands.

Eason: But you know we can't stop it.

Jack: There has to be a way.

Eason: Jack, There is no way to stop the curse. Once you come in contact with it. . . Well you say goodbye to this world.

Jack was silent as Eason wiped the sweat off his floor until his eyes were widen as he saw someone behind Jack.

Eason moved back in fear as Kayako continued staring at him. Jack looked at Eason's face as it had fear written on his face as Jack turned around and saw no one as he looked back at Eason.

Jack: You saw her didn't you?

Eason: I made a big mistake entering that house, I shouldn't have went there.

Jack: Eason, Calm down.

Eason: Jack. . . . Do you see her?

Jack: I do, I even see the ghost of her son sometimes.

Eason: Jack, Its also too late for Alex, He came in contact with the curse.

Jack: Eason, There has to be a way to stop all this.

Eason: Okay Jack, You try finding a way to stop all this But Remember You can't stop this curse.

Eason wiped the sweat off his forehead as he immediately walked away as Jack was thinking about what Eason said to him as he sighed to himself and saw the doctors checking on Alex. The Doctor left Alex's room as Jack spoke to him.

Jack: Is he alright?

Doctor: He's doing alright, He'll be here for three days to recover.

Jack: Okay then.

The Doctor walked away as Jack was fixing his hair until he decided to leave the hospital as he went inside his car as he kept thinking about Eason's words about the curse. Jack knew there was a way stop all this and he will continue to find the solution to end the curse once and for all.

Jack was back home as he was looking at some interview tapes from Eason as a reporter was asking him some questions as Eason was silent.

Reporter: Is it true from what people say about the Saeki house? Is it really curse?

Eason: I don't know. . . .

Reporter: The Strange thing about this house is that whenever someone moves there, They're either found dead or missing. What do you think Detective Eason?

Eason took a glass of water and began drinking it until he heard a sound as he turned around and saw nothing before the tape ended.

Jack was confused by what happened as he rewind the video and saw Eason reacting to the sound as Jack again rewind the video and watched the exact same part again.

Jack once again rewinded the video as he saw Eason reacting to the sound until Jack paused the video and saw something.

Jack's eyes were widen as he can hear the death rattle through the TV as he immediately closed it but Kayako was behind him.

Jack turned around and saw no one as he sighed to himself until he heard the bedroom door closing by itself as he looked at it.

Jack: Jessica?

He didn't hear anything as Jack got up and walked towards the bedroom door as a cold sweat was seen on his forehead. Jack looked at the door as he opened it until....

Kayako was staring at him until Jack pulled his arm out away as the door closed by itself as he tried to catch his breath. Jack was controlling his breathing until someone touched his shoulder as he turned around and saw Jessica.

Jessica: Hey, Are you okay?

Jack: I'm fine. . . .

Jessica: Jack, Are you sure your alright? You look like you seen something that scared you.

Jack: Everything is. . . . Alright. Don't worry.

Jessica: Hey, You look stressed out. Don't try to overwork yourself Okay?

Jack: I'll try.

He didn't want to tell her since he knew it will make her scared so he didn't tell her anything about the investigation about the house and more.

Jessica: You still up for Dinner?

Jack: Yeah. . . Let's go.

Jessica wrapped one arm around Jack as they were walking towards the main door as Jack heard a sound as he turned around and saw Kayako staring at him as He closed his eyes and exited the apartment with Jessica as they went to a restaurant.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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