Chapter 13

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At Piggy Island, the pigs are holding an egg-eating ceremony when Leonard arrives and said, "When I say, "Eat the", you say, "eggs." Eat the!" "Eggs!" The pigs yelled as he continued, "Eat the!" "Eggs!" The pigs yelled as they cheered before Leonard said, "Wow, what a reception. Alright, snouts up!"

Some pigs piled up on one spot and held their snouts up as Leonard climbs up while stepping on their snouts and steps onto a balcony before an announcer said, "Welcome home, King Mudbeard!" Two banners of Leonard sitting on eggs are lowered as Leonard announced to his crowd, "My father, and my father's father, and my weird Aunt Chloe, have all searched for the eggs. But only I, King Mudbeard, have found them. I present to you, the eggs!" A pig named Harvey cuts off a group of balloons, pulling off a curtain hiding the eggs as the crowd cheered while the balloons carried him away as one pig said, "Oh, man! Say goodbye to Harvey." The pig cheered until he adds, "But, that's not all." The pigs looked surprised.

"I have happen to made an alliance that night we found the eggs. She's willing to give those eggs for a life of luxury of her own. Say hello to our new Queen, Gale!" Leonard called out. Two more banners of Gale with a golden staff lowered as Gale arrived, wearing a purple cape and a crown on her head as the pigs cheered for her. "Thank you, thank you! Oh, you're just too kind." Gale said, waving at them before she said, "Leonard and I agreed on sharing the kingdom, which half of you will rule by his side, and the other half will rule by my side."

One pig wearing a curly wig yelled out, "I love you, Gale!!" The other pigs cheered before Leonard announces, "A feast! I proclaim! Two nights head! Let's go make some omelets!" He laughs as the crowd cheers. Somewhere in the castle, Stella is seen in a hanging cage as she tries to knock herself out of the hook, but to no avail. Her wing began to hurt where Leonard grabbed and dragged her as she held her arm from the pain.

She looks up at a window above as she sat down to relax, hoping that her friend, her real friends, would come save her and the eggs. With the birds, they're sailing at the foggy sea as they were all feeling nervous before Bomb spoke, "Ugh, I feel a little nervous inside, but that's normal, right?" Red answered nervously, "Yeah. Yeah, I think so." The birds see wrecked ships in fear before Bomb asked, "Uh, anybody else got butterflies in the stomach?" "Yeah." Chuck answered before Red responded, "Probably because you ate too many caterpillars." The boat hits dry land as Red gets on the sand and said, "Drop your nuts and move your butts!"

Everybody else gets off the boat while two birds are literally eating nuts before they stopped and joined the rest of the group. The other birds charge to Piggy Island, only to see the kingdom with high walls as Chuck exclaimed, "Oh, no!" The birds gasped in shock before Red sees something from a distance. He looks closely to see two banners, one with Leonard sitting on an egg pile with his crown and the other with Gale with a golden staff and her crown before, "Wait, hold on a second. That guy's the king? And he made Gale a Queen? They got to have the eggs with them in the castle." The birds were shocked before one bird ask, "What the heck's a castle?"

"And that's where we're going." Red said before Matilda asks him, Chuck and Bomb, "Hey, guys. Do you remember everything you learned in my class?" The trio gave out their own answers:

Red: Yep.

Chuck: Nope.

Bomb: What class?

"Well, forget all of it for now. Now it's time to let loose." Matilda said, just as they finally gave their honest answers:

Red: Oh good. Because I never learn anything anyway.

Chuck: Oh, me neither. I actually just came to socialize.

Bomb: I came for the snacks. You don't happen to have any of it now, do you?

Matilda gets angry and muttered, "Deep breath. Deep breath. Deep breath!" Willow points at the castle and asked, "How are we going to get over those walls?" Red looks at the walls and answered, "I'll tell you how: we're gonna fly."

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