Chapter 14

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Terence plants the slingshot to the ground as Red explains to the group, "Remember, the goal is the castle. Get to the castle. Who wants to go first?" Bomb wanted to go first, but Matilda beats him to it and yelled, "I do!" "Alright, Matilda." Red said as Matilda gets on the slingshot, backing up as Chuck began to say, "Step right up. Keep your wings, legs and beak inside the slingshot at all times." Matilda snaps, "Shoot me!"

"Okey-doke. Fire!" Red said. Bomb launches Matilda from the slingshot and yells in glee. She positions herself near a group of cowboy pigs as she yells, "Take that, porkers!" Matilda lays a purple egg-shaped fireball at them, causing an explosion as she yells, "Boom, baby, boom!" Red looked surprised as he said, "Well, how about that? My teacher can shoot fireballs out of her butt." He turns to Hal and said, "You, what's your name?"

"Hal? I've seen you do something strange before, right?" Hal gets on the slingshot as he tried to explain, "Well, let's see. I'm really good at-" "It doesn't matter. Launch him!" Red cuts him off as Chuck and Bomb launch Hal from the slingshot as Red said, "Oh, this guy looks good." Hal is spinning rapidly in midair and knocks off a pig reading a newspaper as Chuck said, "He's gonna make it." "This is incredible. We're witnessing history right now." Bomb said.

Hal is about to hit a golden snout on the castle, but boomerangs back. "No, hey, he's coming back. He's coming, duck. Get down." Red warned before Bomb yells, "Duck!" Everybody got down as Hal came back, his beak gets stuck on a tree before he ask, "Uh, did we win?" Red answered his question, "Uh, no. Not quite yet, buddy. Uh, we're still tied. Hey, can we get an ice pack for Hal?"

Chuck goes to Hal with a first-aid kit before Red said, "Alright. Who's up next? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh, what can you do? " Cyrus sneezes while on the slingshot, launching him as Red gets covered with his snot, much to his disgust before Bomb held a napkin and said, "Uh, you need a tissue?" Cyrus screams, and bounces off an accordion-shaped structure between two houses, knocking them both. He lands on a Calvin Swine billboard and slides off as Red said, "Who's next? We need flyers, not standbyers!"

The mime mocks him from behind he froze and pretends to leave, only for Chuck to stop him and said, "You go out there and you show them how frightening mimes can be." Bomb agreed, launching the mimes from the slingshot as he cried out, "OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH-" Inside, Leonard is seen dancing in his underwear and Gale being behind him, grimacing with disgust until they hear buildings being destroyed and sees the town getting wrecked. They went to the balcony and Leonard looks through the binoculars. He sees a pig cooking sausages, whose house is destroyed by a bird before he sees Red again. "That guy again." Leonard said as Gale sees that annoying red bird with eyebrows again before Leonard takes out a microphone and gives an announcement, "Citizens of Pig Island. If you spot any birds destroying your neighbourhood, please capture them. There's been a change of plan. We will eat the eggs for lunch."

Poppy looked horrified as she said, "Did he say EAT the eggs?" One bird nearly vomited at that thought as Bomb launched two more birds. Back at Eagle Mountain, Mighty Eagle sees the battle from his mountain. He looks at an old poster of himself and gets inspired. Red had Bubbles in the slingshot and said, "Okay. I want you to curl up into a little ball, alright? Make yourself aerodynamic." Bubbles made himself more rounder as Chuck and Bomb adjust him before Red said, "Launch!"

They launched Bubbles as he starts screaming and yelled, "Don't mess with Bubbles!!" He landed on a wooden dock, unfortunately for him, pigs surrounds him as one yelled, "Get him!" They piled on Bubbles, but he inflated and snaps, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO MESS WITH ME!!!" Red looked at the group and said, "Wow, that blows. I-uh, in a good way!" Chuck and Bomb tried to aim Poppy until they got it right  before Red said, "Just look where the last bird went and adjust from there." "I got this, you guys." Poppy said as she gets launched from the slingshot and she screams.

She goes in the houses and jumps off them. After breaking a glass wall, a house falls over her. She escapes, but the pigs find her. Red sees that she was almost close as he said, "She got far, but not far enough." Poppy ran from the pigs as Red muttered, "We have to get closer." Judge Peckinpah gets launched from the slingshot as he held his mallet, yelling, "Judge power!" He hits a rock then a house, causing an explosion. Bomb yells out, "Trial by fire!"

"No, literally he's on fire right now. Can somebody please help him?" Chuck ask as Bomb launches a medic from the slingshot. Back at Eagle mountain, Mighty Eagle plays a record of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley while trying to fly. He prepares to take off as he yells, "Mighty Eagle!" He flaps his wings, but his fat pushes down and he rolls off the cliff. He hangs off the cliff and falls. Red looks at a rock and gets an idea.

"Terence. I got an idea. Do you think you can pull the slingshot back far enough to hit that giant boulder?" He ask before Terence grunts as Red said, "Okay. Launch me right towards the top of that thing." Terence pulls the rubber. The other birds look worried, and Hal waves goodbye as Red said, "Ready?" Chuck and Bomb went over to him.

"Red, I'm not going to lie to you. I am really going to miss you when you die." Chuck cried as he hugs him before Bomb said, "Rest in peace, my friend. Rest in peace." "Hey, guys. Let's not get cheesy, okay?" Red said before Lucas goes up to him and said, "Mister Red, please bring Stella back safely." Red gives her a smile and said, "I promise. Fire!"

Terence releases Red. Red screams, and later becomes angry as he curls up into a ball. "This is gonna hurt." Red said to himself as he hits the rock and bounced towards the castle. Leonard and Gale watch as Red smashes through the castle's glass roof. Fortunately, that's where Stella is held captive as she looks up to see Red crash through the roof and fell down. "My roof!" Leonard yelled as he and Gale went inside.

"Whoa! Red?!" Stella said as he gets up from the pain. He sees Stella and was glad to see her before he said, "Don't worry, I'm getting you out of here!" He looks for the key and finds it under a portrait of Gale before he unlocks the cage. Immediately, Stella hugs him tightly as she said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Red got flustered from that before he gets out of her grip, saying, "Okay, okay. Let's not get cheesy right now, okay?" The other birds watched whether Red made it or not before Chuck asks, "Did he make it?"

"I hope he's okay." Bomb said, just as Red pokes up from the smashed window and yells, "I'm in! And Stella's okay!" Stella peeks out and waves, much to everyone's joy before Red yells, Send everyone else!"

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