Chapter 15

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Gale and Leonard went to three pigs as Leonard said, "Guards! There's a red bird in these walls. Bring him to me." "Aye aye, sir." "Roger that." The pigs said as they listen at the wall. "Not in these walls. In the castle!" Gale snaps, which the pigs instantly ran to look for Red.

They pass by, not noticing Red and Stella blending in with a painting of Leonard and pigs dancing while wearing a tutu. The pigs do not see them, and the two escape in relief as Leonard demands, "Transport the eggs!" Many pig guards are marching, each carrying an egg into a room with the words "NO EGGS IN HERE". Terence pulls the rubber back with Chuck in it as Chuck said, "Launch me exactly the same way you did for-" Terence launched Chuck, making him scream, "I wasn't ready! Uh, faster!" He accelerates in midair and enters a window in the castle. He flies in the castle and hits some dishes and a cake in the kitchen, enters some flaming rings in a circus room, passes through a room full of cacti, and a room full of swords. He exits by pushing a brick, which alerted Red and Stella.

The two went over as Red looks inside, saying, "Chuck, is that you?" "This is the house of horrors." Chuck said as he began to cry before Stella said, "I got to be honest. You look a little... fine. You look fine, come on!" Chuck then said, "Bomb's on his way." Bomb is seen flying while doing "Mighty Eagle" noises. He lands in the castle walls and wrecks the stone bricks.

One brick hits Ross, which Leonard and Gale laugh until two more bricks hit the two before Gale snaps, "Call in the Piggy Airforce!" As birds landed from being launched, they hear a siren blaring as Leonard announces, "My loyal subjects. The treacherous birds have repaid our friendship with an unprovoked act of aggression!" Pigs on airplanes rolled down a ramp and launched up in the sky as Leonard continued, "The attack will fail! We have glass! We have wood! We have TNT. We tried to kill them with kindness and now we're just gonna have to..." The pigs start throwing dynamites at the birds as they run away.

Back with the other birds, they watch with horror as one bird ask, "Who's gonna go next?" Terence emerges from the crowd and growls. He gets in the slingshot and moves the rubber back as the birds cheered for him, telling him to take out the ramp. Terence aims for the castle and stretches on the rubber, but due to his weight, the slingshot breaks. Everyone gasped in shock as Terence looks worried. Back in the castle, Red, Stella and Chuck enter a hallway to look for the eggs as Chuck checks the doors in high speed before Red stops him saying, "Hey! Whoa. I'm on this."

He and Stella opened one door, only to find twin pigs in matching dresses as they said, "Redrum." Both birds looked spooked before Stella grabs the handle, saying, "Never mind." They continue to run when Red finds Bomb and said, "Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Wait. Hold on a second!" Bomb is pinned face flat on the concrete wall as Chuck said, "Wait, I know that rear end, that's Bomb!" Stella corrects him, "Chuck, that's not his rear, that's his face."

"Sorry, Bomb." Chuck said as Bomb responds, "No problem. Easy mistake to make." Red and Stella pulled him out as they continue to get to the eggs. In the dining room, pigs with forks bang on the table, chanting "We want eggs" as Ross lights a fire under a giant pot. The eggs sit in a room before the door closes with a reading "No eggs in here" as four pigs kept guard. The four birds watch from above as Chuck reads the message, "No eggs in... [gasps] Oh, these are clever pigs." Stella was first to ask, "How are we gonna get those eggs out of there?"

"Okay, look. I'm gonna run up and tackle the pig on the left. Bomb, you can handle the second one. Stella, you get the third one. Chuck, I don't know if you can help. We got to figure out a way to get into that roo..." Red explains, just as Chuck makes time go slow with his speed and ran down. Chuck begins messing with the pigs. He puts a paint bucket above one pig, pulls a plunger on the second one, and writes "FART FACE" on the third.

Red isn't finished talking, but Chuck positions the fourth pig with a boxing glove to hit the third pig. Chuck takes a selfie before he goes back up and resumes time as Red finished, "-room. Anyone have any bright ideas?" Paint splashes on the first pig, the second pig gets pushed back, and the fourth pig punches the third. The fourth pig is confused as the third pig said, "You are gonna pay for that." The fourth pig screamed as he runs away from his angry friends. Red looked confused as he asks, "What the heck just happened?" Stella points her thumb at Chuck.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying?" Chuck ask. They went inside the room, only to find that the eggs are being pulled up. "Uh, oh." Bomb said before Stella said, "Come on!" She and Red climbed up some boxes and managed to hand onto the net while Chuck and Bomb follow from below. They follow the two towards a big door as Red yells, "Don't lose us!"

The hatch closes behind them, stopping Chuck and Bomb from coming in. Stella looks ahead and said, "Uh, Red?" Red turns to see that they're in a dining room where the pigs, Leonard, and Gale are and muttered, "Uh, oh." "What are they doing up there? This is a civilized buffet." Leonard said while Chuck tries to open the door and Bomb climbs up a pipe, but the pipe gave up on his weight and falls down. Stella whispers to the eggs, "Don't hatch now. Do not hatch now."

"Get those scabs off those eggs!" Gale snaps. Chuck looks at the pipe connecting to the other side and gets an idea before he said, "I'm going to get a running start!" He ran to the back and yells, "Chuck time!" He ran head first to the pipe, but gets stuck. "Fine, boil them too." Leonard said as a foreman pig pressed a button on a remote, saying, "Let's pig out!" The net lowers towards the pot as Stella hangs onto the net before Red said, "Looks like it's just you and me, pork belly!"

He jumped off and knocks the foreman pig off and hangs onto the remote before pushing a button, making the eggs rise up again. Bomb takes a deep breath and blows in the pipe, launching Chuck to the other side of the door as he said, "I'm in! Classy joint." Outside, Red hears a familiar voice, "Hello! Where is everyone?" Red turns to see Mighty Eagle, but he was going the wrong way as he yells, "Mighty Eagle! Where's he going? I can't believe I'm about to do this."

He then does Bomb's Mighty Eagle impression, "Hey-yoo-hoo!" Mighty Eagle turned around to hear his battle cry as he flies up. Red quickly climbs up as he hears his yell, "Mighty Eagle!" Mighty Eagle bursts through the ceiling majestically, but slips and hits his head against the pot. Stella climbs off the net and goes over to Mighty Eagle, saying, "Mighty-Mighty Eagle. Mighty Eagle, wake up." "I can sleep late, Mom. It's not a school day."

Mighty Eagle said in a dazed state before Leonard said, "Throw him in the pot too. I'll have the big turkey." Chuckled immediately unlocks the door from the other side, letting Bomb in and asks, "Whoa, what did I miss?" "You got to fly those eggs to safety." Red said to Mighty Eagle as he responded, " I got this. Here we go!" He grabs the eggs from the hook and the four birds jumped onto the net as they flew to tow window, but Gale grabs Stella by the foot with Leonard's help as she said, "Gotcha!" The pigs held the two leaders as Leonard said, "You're not getting away that easy."

A blue egg squeezed out of the egg as it rolls down and stops, a small crack formed. "No! Stella yelled as Red said to the others, "Save yourselves! Me and Stella are gonna save that egg!" He lets go with Stella, pulling the two of them back as Chuck yells, "Red, don't be a hero! No!" Red and Stella fell inside with Gale and Leonard on the other side, both pairs looking at the egg. "We'll take that!" Leonard said as he and Gale run towards the egg, only for Stella and Red to grab it first as Red said, "No, you won't!"

The two stumbled near the pot as Gale said, "You two just don't quit, do you?" "Here's a two word answer, "Uh-uh!" Red said as pigs surround them before Leonard said, "Looks like your little slingshot game ends here. Give it here." "Not a chance!" Stella said before they hear the pot tipping over. Everybody ran as Red, Stella, Leonard and Gale hanged onto a chandelier as the pigs ran out the room and closed the door. Outside, Bomb looks at the ramp and said, "I know what I gotta do. I got to blow up that ramp."

"And that would be a good plan if you were good at blowing up!" Chuck remarks before Bomb said, "I need to stop those planes! Remember me, Chuck. Remember me. Bombs away!" He jumps off and rolls onto the ramp. "Come on, Bomb, you can do this! Blow up! Blow up!"

He sees more planes coming as he said, "No. Think explosive thoughts. Surprise parties! Yoga poses! Pigs on airplanes!" Bomb explodes, destroying the ramp and many buildings as he flew next to Chuck, saying, "I blew up, on purpose!" Back at the castle, the three birds and one pig fight for the egg as Leonard said, "You're wrecking my house. What's wrong with you?"

"You wrecked Red's house!" Stella yelled before Gale said, "His house was ugly." "So's your true colors. Now, we're even." Red remarks until the chandelier began to get loose and they all fell down a few floors until they fell in a room full of TNTs.

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