Chapter 16

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Outside, Matilda and ten birds are running from the explosions until a truck drives towards them as Matilda yells, "Guys, watch out!" The truck stops as a blaster pops out from above and points at Matilda while she keeps the others behind her. "Everyone, stand back!" She said as the truck's window goes down, revealing the driver to be Terence. "Terence?" She said with shock as Terence points his thumb at the back. "Put on your seatbelts, everyone. Trust me."

Matilda said as all the birds go in the truck, while the pigs chase them with plungers. Back at the castle basement, Red groaned from the fall as he said, "Well. This is dynamite." He looks around and sees lots of dynamite sticks and TNT crates. Stella resurfaces from the dynamite sticks as she holds the blue egg in her arms before she sees Red and calls for him, "Red, over here!" Red turns to see her and the egg alright and said, "There you are." "Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!" Leonard yells as he snatched the egg from Stella's arm.

Stella gasped and tries to get it back, only for Gale to hold her back by using her golden staff against Stella's neck as the pink bird struggles. The two climbed up to the chandelier as Leonard grabs a candle and puts the flame under the egg as he said, "Delicious bird eggy-weggy. Ooh!" Stella was horrified as she said, "Stop! You can't eat eggs!" "What are you going to do? I'm a foodie." Leonard remarks as Red was about to go up, but Gale pressed the staff against Stella's neck harder, making her choke and Red froze from that before Gale said, "Don't every think about it, or I squeeze her life out."

Red sees the pot about to fall through the hole before Leonard said, "It's over. You're finished, Eyebrows." Red gets angry as he hears voices from the past:

Young Bird: [in Red's mind] Eyebrows!

Chuck: [in Red's mind] Someone has anger issues.

Judge Peckinpah: [in Red's mind] Anger is not always the answer!

Red then breaths out and with a smile, he looks up at the two before he said, "Well, you know what? I guess you win." "What?" Leonard, Gale and Stella question as the pot gets closer to fall while Red continues, "That was an awesome plan. Mind blower! Boom!" Gale smiled and said, "Well, Leonard is the genius in this whole scheme." Stella looked at Red with a confused look before Red gives her a wink, telling her to play along as she said, "Oh, uh, yeah, very impressive work there."

"Really? Well, thank you. You know, a lot of hard work goes in my sinister plans. It does." Leonard said as he and Gale take a step down until their feet are above two boxes as the pot falls in the hole. Red laughs and said, "No, I mean your plan was great." His expression became furious as he adds, "But you didn't plan for this!" Red pushes two TNT crates off Leonard and Gale and attacks them, trying to retrieve the egg.

The candle lights up a dynamite stick as he caught the egg. He sees an exit and turns to Stella and said, "You have to get out of here!" Stella was shocked and ask, "Wait, what?!" "I have an idea, but I'm gonna need you to get out of here and meet up with Chuck and Bomb." Red explained as he was about to go up, but Stella grabs him by the arm and said, "No, I can't! I'm not leaving you!" Red can see by her expression that she was sad before he gently gets her to let go before he said with a smile, "Hey, I'll be alright." Stella looks at him before she finally lets go of his arm and starts running towards the exit.

As soon as she got out, Red climbs towards the chandelier while Leonard and Gale emerge, furious, before they began to climb after Red. He tries to climb out the stack of TNT while the pot continues to fall before he managed to climb on top of the chandelier. "You have annoyed us for the last time!" Leonard said as he and Gale were about to grab him, only for Red to reply, "Yep." The opening of the pot falls on top of him, leaving Leonard and Gale vulnerable to the explosions as they gave small responses, "Uh, oh/NO!!!" The TNT explodes, destroying the castle. Stella has just found a motorbike and drives towards the exit. The entirety of Pig City is burnt down to the ground as she sees Mighty Eagle, Chuck and Bomb ahead. She stands on the seat of the bike and jumps up, clinging onto the net with the eggs inside as they flew above the walls and collapsed onto the grass.

All the birds were relieved that they're alright, especially Poppy, Willow, Dahlia, and Lucas as they hugged Stella. The birds were amazed to see Mighty Eagle in the flesh as Edward said, "Well, this guy looks nothing like his statue." Olive sees the eggs and said, "Our eggs!" One by one, the birds retrieve their eggs back and hug them. The Mime Bird hugs an invisible egg. Everybody gets their eggs back except for Greg and Olive, who began to cry for the loss of their children. Chuck, Bomb and Stella looked back at the destruction of Pig City, which Chuck gasped and ask, "Where is he?" "Red!" Bomb called out, but gets no response.

The birds see Piggy Island in ruins before Stella tries to call for him, "Red!! Red, if you can hear me, say something! Red!!!" "I think he might be dead." One bird said, much to Stella's horror as she falls to her knees and cries softly. Chuck and Bomb went to comfort her as Chuck said with a broken voice, "It's okay." All the birds become sad and leave, until Red emerges from the rubble, coughing. Dylan sees him and yells, "Daddy!" Everybody turned to see Red alive with Chuck saying, "He's alive!"

Everyone cheered and are relieved, especially Stella, but Red shows a cracked eggshell causing the birds to become sad again. From the eggshell, three baby blue birds come out. The crowd cheers again as Stella, Chuck and Bomb ran towards him as Chuck was first to hug Red and said, "I'm glad you're alive. I thought you died or defected to the pig's side." Bomb ruffled Red's head and said, "Hey, buddy, way to not be dead." "Hey, it's good to see you guys." Red said before Stella hugs him tightly and said, "Thanks for saving me." Red blushed before he said, "Hey, what would I do without you?"

The birds cheered for Red as he sees Greg and Olive crying beneath a tree. Holding the three hatchlings, Red goes over to them and said, "Sir. Ma'am. I think these belong to you." Olive grabs the shell as she looks at her children. The Blues jump and hug her, sobbing happily before she said to Red, "Thank you." Red smiled as Mighty Eagle approached the four as he said, "Oh, Crimson, Woody, Ash, Pinkie." Red, Chuck, Bomb and Stella look at him as Bomb and Chuck ask, "Who?/Is he talking to us?"

"You learn your lessons well. Come on, bring it in." He said as he hugs Chuck, Bomb and Stella while Red tried to walk away, saying, "No. I'm not the really affectionate type-" Mighty Eagle grabs him and brings him in the hug too, "Okay, does it feel like this is crossing the line, anyone else?"

Chuck: Yep.

Bomb: Nope.

Stella; So-so.

Mighty Eagle lets go of them and said, "You're my prized pupils." Stella was first to ask, "Your prized what?" "Ho ho, don't you see? I had to make you lose faith in me. So you can learn to have faith in yourself." Chuck was confused and said, "That's not really how it felt." Mighty Eagle turns to Red and said, "Tell them, Rosie." "Yeah, I don't think that's what happened, man."

Red denied, only for Mighty Eagle to tease, "Oh look, he's blushing." Stella laughs a little as Red said, "I'm not blushing, I'm just red." The crowd also laughs before Mighty Eagle offers an autograph. Back on Bird Island, the birds are busy repairing the damage caused by the pigs. The Hug Trader attempts to hug Stella, Willow, Poppy, and Dahlia, but they ignore him. He gets sad, but girls return to hug him, which he returns the hug. With Red, Chuck and Bomb, they look at the new statue of Mighty Eagle, this time carrying the eggs before Chuck finds a small figure and said, "Wow. Is that you right there, Red?"

Red sees his figure and said, "Aw, really? Where?  No, they didn't have to..." He sees that his figure shows him crying on his knees before he said, "Oh. Yeah. That's funny. I don't remember crying on my knees like that. But, you know, it's nice." Stella meets up with the three.

"Look at that. They gave Mighty Eagle all the credit. They made him look so much more handsome than you." Chuck said before Stella elbowed him and said, "Come on, he did a good deed." "Thank you, Stella." Red said before Chuck adds, "You know, back when I was angry, that would have really ticked me off." Bomb pats Red's shoulder and said, "Ah, forget about that."

"You know what we should do? Let's go to the village." Stella suggested as they walk to the village while Red tries to decline, "No. Actually, I love to go hang out with you guys. But you know I got this thing. And I have another thing after that thing and there's all these things in a row." The three look ahead as Bomb said, "Would you look at that." Red looks ahead to see his house in the town with birds redecorating it as he said, "What the..." He walks forward with the three following him.

The birds gathering sees Red and makes a clear path for him as Judge Peckinpah said to Red, "Mr. Red. Welcome back, to the village." Everybody cheered at Red, who was shocked of this as many Hatchlings visit Red, including The Blues, now a bit more grown up as they began to sing, "Mighty Mighty Red, you rescued me. Defender of our homes and liberty♪"

Jay: ♪Bravery♪

Jake: ♪Humility♪

Jim: ♪Anger-y♪

The hatchlings made angry looks before they continued singing, "Mighty, Mighty Red, you rescued me! Me... la-la-la-laa laa-la-la la-la-la-laa♪" "La-la-laa La-la-la-laaa!♪" Terence harmonizes the last part as he growled happily. Everybody was shocked of that before Matilda looks at Terence and leans on his side, which makes Terence more happy. Stella goes to Red and said, "There's also one more thing I almost left out." Red looks at her and said, "Oh, really? What is-" Before he could ask, Stella grabs him and dips him, kissing him there as everybody cheered. Bomb whimpers happily before he said, "Oh, I promise myself that I wouldn't cry."

"I didn't!" Chuck said as he cries happily before Stella pulls Red back up, who was a flustering mess before he stuttered, "Wow, I-Uh, I didn't think you thought of me that way." He shakes it off and ask, "How did you guys find the time to pull this off? This is why we went to go get pedicure, isn't it?" Chuck and Bomb felt their legs as Chuck said, "Nope. We got pedicures because we are worth it." "I got gel." Bomb said.

Red looks at the three and said, "You guys are something else. To be honest with you, I'm going to miss the beach view. But, so what? It's still there. It's just not... right there when I wake up and look out my window." The three looked sad before Chuck said, "Well, you can still look out your window and see me, Bomb, and Stella." Red nods and said, "Right. So you know, pluses and minuses. Okay, see you later."

He closes the door, much to the three's disappointment before Chuck spoke, "Oh. Well, this just got awkward." "That's really insensitive. Want to go get a bite?" Bomb ask the two before Stella answered, "Forget it, let's just go home." The two boys nodded as they were about to walk away, only for Red to open the door with a smile and said, "Guys, I'm just messing with you. Get in here!" The three brightens up as they went inside as they chatter.

Bomb: I knew it!

Chuck: Let's be roomies.

Bomb: Roommates. Boy, I can't wait to make a chores list.

Red: Wait, hold on a second.

Stella: I'll move my nest into the master bedroom. Bomb and Chuck, you two can stay in the guest half.

Red: No no...

Bomb: Ah! Can we get a bunk nest?

Chuck: Oh, this is gonna be perfect!

Red: Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Guys... No!

[The Angry Birds Movie logo reappears. Mighty Eagle plays a record of Demi Lovato's cover of "I Will Survive" and dances]

Mighty Eagle: Oh yeah. Moving out. Watch this. Coming right at you.

[the ruins of Pig City are shown. One pig taps his hand to the beat. Another is stuck on a chimney]

Pig: Oh yeah. Hello?

[the other pigs, Terence, Matilda, Stella, Poppy, Lucas, Willow, Dahlia, Bomb, and Chuck dance and have fun]

Ross: Come on, Leonard and Gale.

Gale: (Annoyed) Ugh, no thank you.

Leonard: Leonard and Gale can't dance. They're hatching a new plan. [evil laugh]

[Terence dances with the Hatchlings and smiles]

Leonard: Okay, maybe I'll dance for just a sec. [He and Ross dance and laugh]

[Gale facepalms]

Bomb: [dancing] Woo!

Chuck: [dancing] Yee-haw!

Stella: [dancing] Show them what you got, Red.

Red: Bomb, uh-uh. [Bomb bumps him]

Chuck: Come on, Red stuff.

Red: Nope.

Chuck: Yeah, yeah.

Red: Nice try. [moves his eyebrows to the beat] Oh. Okay.
[Red raises his eyebrows as the rest of the credits are shown. After the song, Jay and the rest of the Blues secretly escape their home.]

Olive: There you go.

Jim: Wait. What are we doing?

[The Blues try to escape the passing birds]

The Blues: Watch out! Ow! [they meet up with three other hatchlings, which are Red and Stella's kids: Jason (oldest), Miles (middle) and Lillie (youngest) as they find the slingshot] Whoa! [they get launched while holding on together, as lightning forms around them. They split ways through the sunset above the ocean. The rest of the credits roll as Blake Shelton's "Friends" and instrumental music play in the background

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