Chapter 3

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Red angrily walks out of the court song with Stella, who was wearing a worried look as she muttered, "Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. I have never snapped like that before. Even to you! I'm so sorry, Red." Red groaned and said, "This is the fifth time that you apologized. Just drop it, will ya?"

They pass by another bird, who was giving out worms that were caught today. He notices Red and Stella and calls out, "Hey, Red and Stella. How are ya?" "Oh, I'm horrible." Red remarks as Stella spoke, "You know, I think it would be better if we do some practices to being nice. I say a line, and you think of something nice to say back." She cleared her throat and said, "Oh, hi, Red. It's good to see you!"

"I wish I could say the same." Red remarks, earning a disappointed "oh" from the pink bird. Two parents were walking towards the two while holding their child by the hands as they lifted him up. The child's dangly feet kicked Red in the face and Stella moved out of the family's way and greets them nicely, which they greeted back. A bird with a saxophone plays for the two, which Red shoves an apple he took from a passerby in the saxophone. One bird named Monica blocked their path with a flag as she was letting a flock of hatchlings walk across, having small talk with the hatchlings as they made it to the other side. She lifts the flag up, but lowers it down again for another flock of hatchlings walk across, much to Red's annoyance. She hums gleefully to Red as he hums back sarcastically.

One hatchling looked up at Red and said, "Hey, hey." He sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry at Red, who blows one back at the hatchling. Stella stifled a laugh as the hatchling walks away. Monica lifts the flag up again, but lowers it down again, making Red more angry. An old lady bird named Shirley starts walking across slowly. "We don't want you to fall now. Take your time." Monica said to Shirley, much to Red's impatience as Shirley kept walking slowly while talking to herself.

"Seriously?" Red questioned as Shirley said, "I'm almost there." Red groaned and leans on the flag. After crossing and finally going through, the two walked by a hug trader, who tried to hug Red with a smile. Red moves away and said, "Nope." The hug trader tried to hug Stella, but she simply said, "No, thank you." As they walked past a salon, the same mime bird appeared behind as he copies Red's walking and with a grumpy look. As they walk by a salon, a bird sweeps feathers from the floor, but accidentally sweeped the feathers onto Red.

He then angrily moves them off himself and continues walking with Stella. The mime bird grabs some of the feathers, placed them on himself, mimics Red and gets huge laughs from the crowd and giving them high fives. The two past by a daycare with mother birds doing some poses with their eggs in baby straps. They looked through the window to see a nursery worker reading a story to some eggs. Stella smiled softly at that when one mother bird approached the two and said, "Hi, Red and Stella. Are one of those yours?" Stella blushed and said, "Oh, good heavens, no." Red looked at the mother bird and remarks, "What? Yeah, when birds fly."

He walks away with Stella, leaving the yellow mother bird confused. Billy the Sign is in front of the anger management class building as it rocks back and forth while laughing rhythmically. Stella looks at it and said, "Oh, look at this fella. Just going back, and forth, and back, and forth... back, forth, back, forth..." She ends up in a trance, repeating "back, and forth". Red starts to get mad, but cools down. He pushes the sign, but it comes back up and hits him as he walks away from it. He takes a deep breath and continues walking with Stella repeating, "Forth, back, forth, ba-" Red yells as he ran towards the sign and starts attacking it, saying, "You think that's funny? Ha-ha-ha! This is funny!"

Stella snaps out of it and said, "Red, cut it out!" Red throws the sign bounced back from a tree and knocks him down. He goes back to attacking it and tossed it down. Billy turns his head to him and raises his eyebrows. "What?" Red said before he grabs the sign and spins it around. "Red! Stop, he's had enough!"

Stella said as the sign was thrown against the building and on the ground. Red ran to it, but slipped and got back up before body slamming it as Stella said, "Enough! He's already down!" Red gets up and pants as he looks at the destroyed sign, kicking it one last time. Stella facepalmed before the two put it back in its spot. They hear a gasp and turns to a mother with her son. "Don't look, Bobby, the anger might be contagious." The mother said as she shielded her son's eyes from the two but the small bird waved at them as the mother grabs him by the wrist and whispers, "Let's go!"

"Eh heh... sorry!" Stella nervously called out before Red adds, "He started it. "Move it! Move it! Don't look back!" The mother said while Red puts back the "Smile" sign on the hand and said, "There you go." He looks at the destroyed sign and smiled with satisfaction before he and Stella went inside.

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