Chapter 4

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As the duo went inside, they see a small hallway with zen music playing in the background with three types of stone statues on the podiums. "Oh, look at this, this is going to be awful." Red said sarcastically as they looked around. Stella looks at one sculpture of two birds hugging and said, "Aw, that's sweet." She passes another one with three birds and said, "I guess that one shows expressions." She passes the third sculpture of many birds hugging in a big pile. "Uh..." She had no words to say it, so Red said it for her, "And that's... exotic." They pass by a certificate that says "Free-Rage Chicken" as Stella reads, "Free-Rage... what?" "Oh, hi! Hi there."

A voice spoke from behind, which spooked the red and pink birds. A white bird with a curvy beak and pink tips of her feathers as she said, "Welcome..." "Hi/Hello." Stella and Red said while the white bird continues, "... to the Infinity Acceptance Group. I am Matilda." "Nice to meet you/Okay." Stella and Red said as Matilda continued, "And I'm just super psyched to be taking this journey with you two! You're gonna have a blast! I'm really fun. Everybody says that about me!"

She leads the two in a room with three more birds already gathered as Matilda said, "Hey, guys. Say hello to Red and Stella, everyone. Hello!" The black bird, Bomb, was first to say, "Hi, Red and Stella. Heh." Stella waves a bit and said, "Hi." "Hello, birds I won't get to know well." Red said. Stella elbowed his shoulder and whispers, "Be nice."

A yellow bird, Chuck, began to talk very fast, "Hey, apparently somebody didn't get the memo that we like to start on time, because you're both about two minutes late. Don't let it happen again. Hi, my name is Chuck. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I like you a lot. I can tell." Matilda turns to the duo and ask, "Okay. Now, Red, Stella, would you like to share your story with us?"

"No, not really." Red answered as Stella adds, "I mean, I would, but it's possible that you knew already." "Well, the court mentioned something about a rage episode at a child's birthday party." Matilda said before Red asks, "How long is this class anyway?" "As long as you make it." Matilda answered, pointing at Red as he clapped his hands and said, "Really? Oh, okay. Uh, gentlemen, very nice to see you, and to almost meet you."

"Probably the nicest part of it is not getting ta meet you. you know, in some weird away. All right. So, I'm gonna go ahead and scoot on back out, past those creepy... statues and, uh..." He tried to walk away, but Stella grabs him and puts him onto the seat next to her and said sternly, "Sit." She sat down and crossed her legs, Red ended up doing the same and said, "Sure. No, I could take a seat." "So, in another sense, you are here until I notify the court that your anger issues have been resolved. Ha ha ha!" Matilda laughed at the last part, which the others looked scared of the laugh.

"Oh, boy." Red muttered as Stella pats his shoulder. Matilda turns to Chuck and said, "Chuck! Share your story with Red and Stella." Chuck began his story, "Me? I'm the last guy that should be here! Simple speeding ticket! Judge tells me I was going too fast."

"So I say, "Your Honor, to be honest: I was; you caught me." I'm not angry, I'm honest. So, shouldn't I be in honesty management class? 'Cause we gotta manage my honesty." Matilda nodded slightly and opens Chuck's records before saying, "Mm-hmm. My one problem, that's a different story than you told last time." Chuck gets nervous as a flashback occurs. A flashback begans of Chuck speeding down the road.

A policebird named Bill Beckins stops him as KRS-One's "Sound of da Police" play in the background. He then is standing next to him and realizes that he is only focused on writing a speeding ticket for him. So he dashes to Bill's office, messes everything up, and comes back before he notices Chuck is gone. He then steals his wallet. It reads OFFICER BILL BECKINS. Cut to a restaurant, Chuck was drinking and yells to the other patrons, "Drinks on me, guys!" The crowd cheers. Chuck runs back, and Bill Beckins is still writing the speeding ticket.

Something white falls on him. He is on a tree above him, licking an ice cream. "Chuck..." Matilda spoke just as the flashback ends, Chuck was nervous and admits, "Okay, maybe it wasn't ice cream." "All right, Chuck. Thanks, we got it. And this is Terence." Matilda introduced to a huge, red bird next to Stella as Terence glares down at the two, a low growl was heard. Matilda opens Terence's file and said, "Now, it says here, in your little filey..." Her eyes went wide with horror as she looks at Terence. A police sirens sound and screaming girl are heard in the background as Terence evilly chuckles.

Matilda closes the file and moves it away, saying, "Terence, uh, seems to have had an..." She clears her throat, "incident. Now, Bomb started with us two weeks ago. Tell us your story, Bomb." Bomb sighed and tells his story, "Okay. Well, sometimes when I get upset I... uh... have been known to... uh... blow up." Red listened before he ask, "So, like... uh... like what? Like you get mad, you mean." "Well."

"No. I literally blow up, okay. I explode, like a bomb." Bomb imitates a bomb falling and exploding, "Hence the name." Chuck was intrigued as Stella widens her eyes, a memory played in her head. Flashback begins of Bomb walking into a house and hearing a loud "Surprise!" Bomb literally blows up, destroying the entire house. The group of birds, along with Stella, were covered in ash from the explosion as Bomb apologizes, "Excuse me. Party foul."

Stella fell to the ground, letting out an "Ow." Flashback ends as Stella said, "Oh, now I remember you from somewhere." "Yeah, sorry about that." Bomb apologized as Chuck squealed, "Do it!" "No can do. I just went boom-boom before class." Bomb declined before Red assured him, "Hey, look. I don't want to be here at all, but this can maybe make it a little more interesting to me. So, please, explode."

"Hey, if Bomb can't do it, then don't pressure him to do it." Stella said before Bomb speaks, "Yes, I can, but I'm having back issues today; so I'm gonna have to take a rain check." Chuck grabs his face and said, "Oh... do it!" Bomb puts Chuck down and said, "Not the time or place, little amigo." Red switched places with Stella as he said to Terence, "These guys are all nuts, huh, big man?" Terence only growled as he looks down at the smaller red bird. Red got intimidated and questioned, "Are we speaking telepathically or you're just..." Terence growled, "Good talk. Nice chatting with you." Red said, avoiding eye contact.

In the background, two birds played instruments as Matilda spoke to the group, "Today we're gonna be working on managing our anger through movement. The first pose is the dancer pose." Terence does the pose, much to the group's shock as Matilda said, "Great form, Terence." Stella also does the pose and Matilda said, "You're doing so well, Stella." "Well, when you blow bubbles, it's seven like this my whole life." Stella said as she blows bubbles with one hand carrying a bubble wand. Chuck does the poses as he names them, "Eagle! Heron!" Peacock! Warrior! Mountain! Tree! Rabbit! Fish! Locust! King pigeon! And of course, downward duck."

Red backed away, but bumps into Bomb doing the pose, but was shaking. Red back away from him before he said, "Uh, excuse me, boring hippie lady." "Uh-huh?" Matilda ask, going over as Red said, "Looks like the explodey guy's gonna puke." Matilda moves Red's leg up and his arm out before asking, "And have you done this before?" "Uh, yes, I have. But usually not for free." Red answered, only for Matilda to snap his leg and arm in the pose as she said, "Hah! Didn't think so."

"Awesome..." Red strained from the pain as Matilda goes over to Bomb, asking, "And how are we doing over here, Bomb?" Bomb, still straining, answered, "Doing wonderful. Stretching out the core." "Just remember to breathe, up to your feathers and from your talons. Namaste." Matilda reassured him. The yellow part of Bomb's "fuse" on his head is moving downwards and his cheeks are getting puffed out before Matilda said, "Bomb?" Bomb exploded as puffs of smoke came out from the building. The others coughed as Chuck was first to say, "Nice."

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