Chapter 5

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After class, Red, Chuck, Stella and Bomb are walking down the road. They have ashes on them while Bomb explains, "I don't know what happened! I was doing the poses! I was feeling all zen! Matilda was digging it! Then I lost my grip on it. I let it slip and it just squeaked out." Stella pats his shoulder reassuringly before Chuck asks, "So, where are we going?"

Red turns to the three and ask, "I'm sorry, "we"?" Yes, "we". There's a new happiness exhibit," Stella said as she motions to a museum, "at the Museum of Happiness!" She went back to Red, "That I'm dying to see." Red then said, "Uh, you know what? I... I mean I got a... I got a thing." Stella gasped and ask, "A thing? Like a disease?"

"Is it bird flu? Chicken pox? Cardinal sin?!" "No. By thing, I mean like... desire not to hang out, with you." Red answered. Stella looked hurt, but she hides it and lies, "Oh. Oh, yeah."

"Well, may... you know. Maybe for the best, you know. Because... I got something too! Ha! How did I forget? Even if you'd say yes, I probably could've gone." Bomb looked confused as he tries to lie as well, "I'm busy too. I have an uh... business offer... uh... deal... that is..." "No, Bomb."

"You're not good at this, buddy. It's... it's charming... up to a point... and now it's just sad." Red said, but Bomb continues, "It's a guy I know. And he's opening up a brand, new, luxury, class reunion!" "Okay, good. Good, good, good." Red said as he leaves, which upsets Stella before she said, "Um, I'll see ya tomorrow, I guess..." She then turns to leave as Bomb said to Chuck, "Well, looks like it's just us. Wanna go get a bite?"

Chuck stares at him and questioned, "Oh, but what about your "class reunion", where everybody brings a "business offer". Bomb chuckled and said, "Oh. No, no, no. Chuck, I was lying. I'm sorry if I've fooled you." With Red, he walks past the same hug trader who offers him a hug, yet he declines again and walks past some birds sitting with their partner or their friends as one member of a group called out, "Hey!" Red turns to them as the bird said, "Get over here!" Red was about to go over, but another went past him, revealing that the bird was actually calling his friend over.

He sighed and continues walking until he looks up to a nest where two parents, Olive and Greg, live. Olive was knitting while she was sitting on their egg until she felt something below and said to her husband, "Oh. Oh. Oh, I felt a peck." Greg puts down the newspaper and feels the egg, feeling a peck too. Red walks sadly to his house, then sighs in relief. He stares at a poster of Mighty Eagle, starting a flashback. A flashback takes him back to when he was a hatchling during a trip to Mighty Eagle's statue.

"This is the legendary Mighty Eagle. Our protector and hero, but no one has seen him for years. Mighty Eagle is missing." The teacher explained to the other hatchlings as Red tried to see as he raises his hand, asking, "When's Mighty Eagle gonna come back?" One of the hatchlings, Ella, turns to Red and said, "Eyebrows, didn't your parents ever tell you, Mighty Eagle isn't real?" "Shhh. He doesn't know that. He doesn't have parents."

One of the hatchlings whispered to her as she adds, "Yeah, or even friends." Red begins to shed tears until a familiar voice said, "That's not true. He has one now." A hatchling version of Stella went over with her wings crossed as she glared at Ella, who said, "Whatever." Stella turns to Red, smiled, and said, "Hi, I'm Stella." Red stares at her before he said, "Red." "I like you, let's be friends." She said as she moves her hand towards him, saying, "High five if you want to be my friend."

Red looked nervous before he gives her a high five. Stella squealed happily, which made Red give a small smile, happy to make an actual friend. Scene cuts to Red making a miniature model of his house. He looks at it through the village and places it down on the ledge where the beach is. He then made a miniature model of himself and looks at it through where Stella is at. She seemed to be sitting on a bench and blowing her bubbles, so he moved his model near her, but she sees her friend group and goes to them. Red looked sad because he can't be seen near Stella by her friend group and placed the model down, then looks at the sky, sad. The next morning, a ship can be seen through the foggy seas, heading to Bird Island as a voice spoke, "Ah ha! Eureka!"

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