Chapter 6

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Back at the Infinity Acceptance Center, Bomb was sharing the group his poem, "If my name were Bobby, would you ask about my hobbies? Or if my name were Judas, would you ask me what my mood is?" Red groans as Bomb continues, "I laugh, I cry, I love, I hate. I do so much more than detonate. Think of it." He sat back down as Matilda spoke, "That was beautiful. You're gonna make me cry." She fans her face while Red spoke sarcastically, "Yeah, that was some real clever symbolism."

Matilda turns to Red and said, "Ah! Red, why don't we hear your poem?" Red folded his arms and said, "I don't have a poem." Matilda maintains her anger and asks, "Why not?" "Because I didn't write one." Red answered. "Right, uh-huh. And, is there a reason?"

Matilda question before Red explains, "You know, I was gonna do it, but then I thought about it and I realized, "Oh, this is a huge waste of my time." So I didn't do it." Matilda looked angry, but she turns to Stella and said, "Stella, how about we hear your poem instead?" Stella had her eyes widen before she said, "Oh, yeah. See, my mind was kinda in the clouds, hehe... because I may have left mine back home." Matilda gets irritated, but takes deep breaths and said to herself, "Deep breath. Deep breath. DEEP BREATH!"

After a lot of deep breaths she calms down, "And we're back in the now." Chuck had his hand up the whole time as soon as Matilda turns to his direction and said, "Chuck! You've had your hand up the whole time." Chuck ran out a second later and came back, holding something covered with a cloth as he spoke, "My poem is about a hate crime." He unveils the cloth, showing a beaten up Billy. Matilda and Stella gasps as Red took noticed of the sign, muttering, "Uh-oh." "No." Bomb said, much to Red and Stella's nervousness as Stella said, "A lot of sickos out there. A lot of sickos."

Chuck began his poem, "What? Oh, what did I make you of? I made you out of love. But, wait. Too late. Now I see your fate. Some very troubled somebody destroyed you out of hate. What could have made him so despise your happy smile, your laughing eyes."

Red pretends to yawn as he averts his eyes and Stella looks the other way while Chuck continues, "Your soul was pure. Your heart was true. And someone hated that." Chuck pulls out a red feather, "But, who?" Matilda gasps. Bomb and Matilda look at Red, who whistles and points at Terence and spoke while clearing his throat, "Oh! Terence!" Terence growled and punched Red.

He hits the wall and fell to the ground, muttering in pain, "Yeah, I deserve that." A Dreamcatcher attached to the ceiling fell on him as Matilda spoke, "Oh. Billy has passed to... a higher plane of existence. Everyone, join wings. Let us, all say our goodbyes." Chuck, Bomb, Terence and Stella joined wings as Red goes over and said, "Yeah. Let me get in here, I got to say goodbye-" He was about to hold Matilda's hand, but Terence grabs it instead, growling at Red. He backs away and said, "Okay."

"You know, I'll just mourn from back here, that's fine." "You know, if there is one thing Billy always hated was goodbyes." Chuck spoke, until he could continue, Bomb looks outside and ask, "Hey, what's going on there?" Chuck gasped as Matilda said, "Class dismissed!" They walked out of the building as Terence walks on the destroyed Billy. Red and Stella stare before Red spoke, "Very moving." They went out to see residents running towards something before Bomb asks a passerby bird, "Hey. Where's everybody going?"

The bird turns to the group and yells, "Hurry, something's coming!" "Last one to the beach is a rotten egg!" Chuck said as he runs ahead. He ran past the other birds, including the same police officer as he blows his whistle. Chuck runs through many birds and bumps on Terence. "What?" Chuck spoke as Terence glares down at him. The officer gives Chuck another speeding ticket as Chuck said, "Aw. Again?"

Red looks into the ocean and sees a ship coming. A woodpecker carves a picture of him beside the ship, with Bomb on it. "Huh?" He question as Bomb apologizes, "I didn't mean to photobomb you, sorry about that." The woodpecker gets angry. The ship approaches as its rock anchor lowers down as Stella asks, "What is that thing?" "It looks like an UFO. An unidentified floating object."

Matilda answered as Red made it to the beach. The same baby sees him and said, "Daddy!" He jumps on Red, but he tried to get it off and whispers, "Stop it. No, I'm not your daddy." The other birds questioned about the ship as it makes a turn. "Where is it going?" One bird ask as another bird answered, "I don't know, but it's not stopping. Stella looks ahead and gasped before she said to Red, "Red! Your house!" Red looks at the ship, and realizes it's coming straight at his house and mutters, "My house."

He ran ahead and yells, "Slow down! Stop! Oh!" He continues running and breathing heavily. The ship barely touches Red's house. Red sighs in relief, but the anchor drops down, destroying the side of Red's house. "What the?!" Red yells as he runs towards his home as Stella follows.

"That house took me five years to build." He said as Stella placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort before Chuck said, "Wow. It's such a shame when you create something and someone just destroys it." A voice spoke from the ship, "Ladies and gentlemen. We have a very special guest for you! He's a green marine sailing machine." Everyone gasped as the door began to open as the same voice continue singing , "Here we go. And he's keen to let you know he's not mean! Put your wings together for Leonard!"

A metal ladder drops down the door. Everybody gasps again as green smoke emerged from the entrance. A big, green pig with a beard emerged from the smoke as he spoke, "Thank you very much. Please hold your applause. Greetings, from my world! The world of the pigs." Chuck whispers to Red, "What's a pig?" "I am a pig."

Leonard answered, which the audience gasped until the ladder malfunctioned. "Unbelievable. Unbelievable." He muttered to turn to the same small pig, who was having trouble with the remote. The ladder goes the wrong way as Ross said, "Oopsie. Not working." Leonard sighed and said, "We practiced this a hundred times." Birds stare at him, making him give a nervous smile.

"Give me that." He said, snatching the remote from Ross. He looks back at the birds and said, "We're gonna come in again." He pressed the right button and slams the remote back to Ross and grabs a gift basket. He runs, but trips, but gets back up and said, "My name is Leonard, but my friends call me Chuckles." He gives Bomb the basket, which the black bird said, "Oh, ho ho ho! Very generous. Thank-" Leonard then takes a lollipop from the basket as he continues, "We mean no harm."

Ross gets caught in the moving ladder as Leonard continued, "We saw your island across the sea and we thought, "I wonder what they're up to?" Stella was first to say, "But, there's no other place besides here." "Yes, there is. And we are from there. We call it, Piggy Island." Leonard corrects her, which everyone gasped and the mime said, "Oh my gosh." "P-I- double G-Y Island." Leonard spelled out before Shirley asks, "Who else is out there?"

Leonard answered, "My first officer, Ross and I have sailed everywhere. One brave soul against the sea, and Ross." Then Red butts in and snaps, "Ah, excuse me! Have you come to smash all of our houses or just mine?" The birds, except Stella, groaned with annoyance of him butting in as Leonard said, "Somebody want a gift basket. Please, please, don't be afraid. My partner and I request the honor of your friendship. Ross, show them how'd we do it."

Ross goes around and hugs some of the birds, except Terence, who growled at Ross. Judge Peckinpah goes over and said, "Welcome to Bird Island. Welcome to our new friends, the Pigs. Let us have a celebration!" "Put it there!" Leonard said, but Cyrus' hand pops out from the robe and said, "Welcome," only for Peckinpah to slap his hand away as everyone else cheered for the pigs, except for Red.

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