Chapter 7

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At night, the birds did a celebration for the arrival of the pigs with Stella's group as one of her friends, Willow, spoke to the audience, "We would like to honor the pigs with a special performance." The group dances on the stage while Leonard and Ross dance along to the music. Red was sitting on a table with Chuck and Bomb as he kept a close eye on the pigs, saying, "They don't have feathers? You know, they're just walking around naked just presenting themselves. I'm looking at all their business here." Chuck, shaking his tail feathers, said, "That part about them, I really admire." Stella goes over to the microphone and announces, "Now we would like to welcome our special guest, the pigs!" The audience cheers for the pigs.

Stella moves out of Leonard's way as he spoke on the microphone, "Alright. Thank you for your kindness and hospitality. Our king sends his warmest regards." "King?" Red questioned under his breath as Leonard continued, "You have shared with us the wonders of your quaint simple little island. Drop the banner, Ross!" Ross pulls the rope, but it caught his foot and was launched it. A banner unraveled to reveal Leonard's face as he said, "Now, we would love to humbly share some of the wonders of our world."

"Ha! Yeah. Humble my bird butt." Red said, just as Chuck whispered, "Language." "A hundred years from now, everyone will ask, "How did the friendship between the pigs and the birds start?"" Red yells out, "Who cares!" The audience groaned as Leonard looks at the red bird, not pleased before he continued, "Well, let them say, "We lit up the night!" He did a pose and an explosion was set off from behind, burning up the stage.

The audience was amazed from that as Red said with sarcasm, "Hey, look. They destroyed more of the stuff we worked hard to build." "But, there's more." Leonard adds, which questioned the audience. "Has gravity gone haywire? No! Even better, your friends, the pigs, proudly give you... the trampoline!" The curtains opened to reveal two more pigs jumping on a trampoline as he introduced them, "Those are my assistants, Oinky, and John Hamm!"

Off the stage, both Stella and Red are shocked to see two other pigs before Red said, "Hey, hold on a sec, I thought there's only suppose to be two of these guys." "Yeah." Stella agrees, but Chuck and Bomb didn't listen while the two pigs did some flips and spins before Leonard speaks, "But, that's not all, throwing things just got a whole lot easier. Say hello to... "The Slingshot!" The last curtain opens to reveal a giant slingshot, much to the audience's excitement as he continues, "Tired of carrying things place to place? Wish you could just get it there? Well, now you can!" The audience gets more excited.

"Waiters, do me a favor. Take the rest of the night off." Leonard said as Ross took a plate of fruit from one of the waiters. "Hey, if you got the night off, why don't you fix my house!" Red yelled, much to Leonard's annoyance as he muttered, "Yeah, it's the same guy." He then clears his throat and said, "Well, the slingshot does it all in three easy steps. Ready..." Behind, the pigs aim the slingshot with the drink to the cheering birds. "Aim... fire!"

He yelled as the pigs launch the drink towards one of the birds, Hal. Hal got up and said, "I got it." But he gets knocked back by the drink and boomerangs back, hitting Bubbles and making him inflate. "Incredible! Throw them fresh!" Leonard said as the pigs starts slingshotting fruits at the birds. Stella and Red only watched while Chuck and Bomb begged for the fruit to be thrown at them as Stella spoke, "Guys, it's the same fruit sitting on the plates in front of you." Bomb choked on a thrown pineapple before he managed to swallow it whole.

Stella looked shocked before Leonard announced, "And now, for our last gift to you." "Shut up and fix my house!!" Red said while Stella pats his shoulder, telling him to lower his voice as Chuck chuckles nervously and said, "We don't know him." Leonard looked like he was about to snap, but he shakes it off and said, "I'm going to ask for a volunteer from the audience." Immediately, the birds raised their wings up to volunteer as Leonard looks around. Red lets Stella comfort him while Chuck and Bombed raised their arms up. Leonard took notice of the two and points at Red, saying, "How about that red guy, with the enormous eyebrows?" A beam of light shines down at the pair, Red looked confused and questioned, "Me?"

"Mm-hm." Leonard hummed with a smirk as Red said, "Oh. No, no, no, no, no, no." "Yes, you sir. Come on up here it's your lucky day." Leonard said as the audience cheered for Red. He questions, "Are-are you sure you don't want to choose one of the hundreds of birds that had their wings up?" Stella said to Red, "Red, it's okay. Just try to have some fun."

Red gets on the stage as Leonard brought him in a side hug as he said to the crowd, "Come on, give him a hand." The audience cheered for Red, but they chanted "Red guy with eyebrows" instead of his name as Ross leads him to the slingshot. He starts to get a second thought, but Leonard ignores it and said, "Ready?" "Who? Me? Yeah. No. I'm ready."

"Aim." Leonard said as Ross pulls the band back with Red on it. "Aim for what, exactly?" Red ask, but Leonard ignores him, turns to the audience and said, "Everybody on this one." Everybody cheered out, "Fire!" "Fire-" Red said, but he was shot out of the slingshot and into the air, screaming at the top of his lungs. "Red!!" Stella yelled, getting off of her seat and ran after him.

Leonard looked satisfied as he said, "Who said that birds can't fly." "This is really unnatural!" Red yelled as he flew in the sky. Chuck gasped as Bomb spoke, "Aw. I hope he's okay." Meanwhile, Red began to fall down and hit a few branches and slides onto the sand and he hits head first on the rock. The rock breaks as he coughs. He turns back to the light and yells, "Hey, don't worry."

"I'm fine. Thanks for the lift! I wish they would've done that ten minutes ago." He looks up to see the ship left unoccupied. Chuck ran towards Red, looking at the ship and said, "You know you want to search their boat." Red denies, "What? No, I don't." He then gives in and said, "Yeah, you're right, I do." " Chuck ran back to the party and ran back to Red, holding a plate with a cake as he said, "Bomb and Stella are on their way."

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