Chapter One

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((Warning: There is language in this.))


It was a normal day in Wattcity, or Watropolis, whatever you'd like to call it. Now, Watropolis is one of many places in this world. It's a lot to explain, but I'll talk about that another time. Now, there have been a few problems here, like a few art thieves and some people going missing. Hacking was the reason people were going missing, by the way.

Footsteps were pacing around, someone walking back and forth. "What am I gonna do..." The girl said, looking at the floor, hands behind her back. She sighed, looking in the mirror. "Pull yourself together, Gween. There's no time for this." The girl, known as Gween, said to herself, looking at herself.

She went to the phone and called someone, waiting for them to pick up. The phone beeped a bit, then a crash was heard. Gween's face had a slight confused one. "Ah, god damnit." "Um...Verka?" "Oh, Gween! How ya doing?" A girl with an Australian accent said on the other end.

"Um..." Gween paused. "I'm doing okay, I guess? What happened?" "I almost put something on fire, nothing to worry about!" The Australian replied. Gween sighed, smiling slightly. 'Usual Verka...' She thought. "Anyways, I came to call you about...the problems we've had recently." Gween said, her tone becoming serious. "Oh, yeah. The shit thieves and hackers." "Yeah, I think it's time...for a new group of guardians." Gween said, putting a hand behind her neck. "Wait, why?! Our group can totally kick their ass!" "Verka, our group has been abandoned. We couldn't get along very well, and..." Gween trailed off.

Verka sighed on the other end. "Okay, but who?" Gween smirked. "I already know who..."

Lenny's P.O.V.
I sighed, looking at the ceiling. Damn, why do I have to be bored. I got off my favorite place called bed, and went downstairs. My parents were at the house right now, so I had the house to myself. I went into a cupboard and got some snacks and went up to my room, sitting back on my bed.

"My parents aren't here, so might as well make the best of this hot ass summer day." I said, opening a bag of chips. I got out my phone and went on YouTube, searching for some dank meme videos to watch. I chuckled a little, watching some.

After a while, I went on Wattpad. I looked at my notifications and saw someone with an art like username follow me. I groaned, knowing what it was. "Lenny, just ignore them...they're stupid pricks that only want attention." I said to myself, rubbing my forehead.

Suddenly, my screen started to blow a bit. I looked at it, confused. Suddenly, my hand felt like it was touching fire. I yelled out, dropping my phone onto my bed covers. It soon turned into a portal like thing as I looked at it in shock and confusion. "What the fu-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I was absorbed into my phone. Welp, so much for my day to myself.

Mimi's P.O.V.

I was doodling some picture of my Bindtale character, Mins. Gosh, I love her. I drank some milk and kept drawing the comic I was making. It was Minby, another thing I'm trash for. But hey, who said it was a bad thing?

I finished the comic after a while, smiling to myself. I stared to doodle again, and sometimes in between I would look at some Undertale pictures. I'm also Undertrash. I smiled as I read a happy comic, and went onto to doodling. I drank the last bit of my milk and sighed. I went on Wattpad to start a Roleplay with shiny.

Suddenly, the screen started to light up. I tilted my head in confusion. I don't think that's normal...It was glowing brighter until a girls head popped out. My eyes widened, looking at her in surprise. "UhhhhHHH-!" I started to yell a bit, but her hands took my arms. She smiled a little at me. "I was wondering when I would finally meet you..." I was about to say something, but everything turned dark as I was sucked into the screen.

Shiny's P.O.V.

I was just about done taking the dogs out. I don't know why my mom could've done it. Oh well. I went to my room, going on my computer. I was thinking about drawing, since I didn't really know what else to do. I thought about checking my Wattpad updates, cause why not.

I went on Wattpad, seeing that a few books I read were updated, I was about to click on one, but I started feeling sleepy for some odd reason. I held my head, groaning a bit. My eyes started to close as I felt myself getting sleepier and sleepier. I closed my eyes when I felt myself falling, but I had no idea what was happening.

Sprinkles P.O.V.

I smiled to myself as I was watching a few past episodes of Miraculous. I loved that show! I started singing the full theme song, closing my eyes a bit. At the part where it was close to the end, I got up and walked to my computer.

I put my finger on my chin, wondering what I should draw. The first that came to my head was Sprinklebug, so I decided to draw her. I thought about putting Chat Gray next to her, so I did. When I was finished, I looked at the picture. It looked pretty good!

I went on Wattpad to post the picture, but something felt strange. I looked around, seeing if anything was wrong in my room. Nothing seemed to be wrong, so I just decided to shake it off. I was about to post it when I felt something put me in a bag. My eyes widened before everything went dark.

Midnights P.O.V.

I was smiling a bid smile, my braces showing. I was packing up for Brony Con, and I was really excited! When I was done packing, I went to my computer to tell everyone that I won't be on very often since, well, Brony Con.
I looked at a picture I made of Midnight, thinking I should post. I shrugged slightly and picked it up.

I got on my phone so I could take a picture of it, since I was feeling a bit to lazy to digitalize it. Just when I was about to post the news and picture, something, well, someone, turned me around. I was about to say something, but she covered my mouth. She looked at me, saying something silently, but I couldn't hear.

She soon pushed me through something, a portal, before jumping in herself. I wasn't used to this, so I fainted from the surprise.

Braves P.O.V.

I was in my chair, feeling a bit bored. I sighed a bit, looking for something to do. I thought about seeing a try not to laugh, because I wasn't in the mood for drawing and...such. I chuckled a little, and groaned. "Dang it. I lost..." I sighed. I looked and saw a piece of paper.

"I guess I should draw." I said, getting up and grabbing the paper. I sighed, thinking about what to draw. An idea popped into my head as maybe I could ask for suggestions! I went on Wattpad, about to update my book. I felt strange as I looked Dona, seeing a portal. I yelped silently and threw the piece of paper, me falling into the portal.

Fiona's P.O.V.

I got up, gasping as my heart raced fast. I felt tears streaming down my face as I sighed a shaky sigh. I dreamed about some...bad stuff. I went downstairs, seeing no one was home. I made myself some apple cider((or tea)) and went back upstairs.

I drew a little, trying to make FK. Man, I feel bad about what I've done to the cinnamon roll. I shook my head, looking at the happy drawing of her. I posted it on Wattpad, wondering if it was good. Ten minutes later, I looked to see if anyone's seen it. No one has. Oh..

Suddenly, I felt something pull me in to it. I couldn't see, since I was knocked out from what happened.
------- was it? Im sorry if I got the personalities wrong. Anyways, so, how's your day? See you all later!
Bye foxes!


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