Chapter Two

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Shiny's P.O.V.

I woke up, rubbing my forehead. I looked at my surroundings, not recognizing any of it. I looked at my hands to she my sleeves. The were a black color. I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing something black earlier. I heard the door opening, my head snapping up quickly to the door.

There I saw someone, who looked a lot like...Gween's OC? I tilted my head, looking at her in slight confusion. She sighed, looking at me with tired eyes. "I, glad to see your awake, Shiny." She said, looking at me. "It's also nice to finally meet you." It took me a second to realize who this was; It WAS Gween. I quickly got up and hugged her.

She seemed surprised, but hugged back. I pulled back, soon looking at her confused. "Wait, where-" I was cut off by a sudden scream.

Fiona's P.O.V.

Why is it every time I fall asleep I have a nightmare?! I looked at my surrounding, being in a light blue room. I was suddenly confused, as I felt warm liquid running down my cheeks. I already knew what it was. I sighed, getting up. My feet felt strange as I looked down, seeing light blue sweat pants feet.

My eyes widened as I yelled in surprise, as I saw a tail. I my OC?! I put my hands on my head, feeling fox ears. Wait...does that mean-

My thoughts were cut off as someone came into my room. I looked up, looking at them. One looked like Shiny and the other looked like Gween- wait. I ran over to them, looking at them in surprise.

Gween's P.O.V.

"Wha- H-how?" Fiona said, looking at us both. I smiled and looked at her. "Hello there, fox child." I said, looking at her. She seemed to tear up and hugged us both. Shiny looked at me and laughed a little. "Hi, Fi." Shiny said, looking at Fiona. "By the way, you both are in Watroplois." I said to them. "Watropolis...?" They both said, looking at me in confusion.

"I'll explain later, but right now, we should wake up the others." I said, walking over to Mimi's teal room. I opened the door, seeing Mimi looking up at me. "I see you're awake-" I was cut off when someone threw a pillow at my head. I looked at the person who threw it, turned out it was Lenny.

Lenny's P.O.V.

I was already awake and exited the reddish orange room I was staying in. I had a yellow pillow in my hand, clutching it tightly. Okay, where the hell am I? I looked at the person who brought me here. I saw two other people standing at a light blue hair behind her as she opened the teal door.

I then threw the pillow, straight at her head. She looked at me in slight confusion. "Who the hell are you, and where am I?!" I asked, a bit angry. The one girl with a light blue hoodie looked at me. She had, I think, fox ears and a fox tail. "Lenny?" She asked, looking at me. "How do you know my name?" I slightly snapped at her.

"Lenny, the fox girl is Fiona, and the girl with the rings on her hoodie is Shiny." The lady said to me. Wait... Why does Fiona ring a bell? A girl with long blue hair with...Undertale pajamas came out, rubbing her eye....What the hell. "What's going on?" The girl asked, sleepily. The girl with the hoodie with rings looked at the girl. "Mimi?" "Shiny?!" They both ran into eachother and hugged. What in gods name is happening? I walked closer to them.

Mimi's P.O.V.

I'm finally meeting Shiny! I'm so happy right now! "Uhhhh...." I broke the hug and turned to a REALLY tall girl, looking at us. I waved at her. "Hi!" I then looked at the girl who was standing next to Shiny, seeing her hands were in her pockets, looking at the floor awkwardly. She had fox ears flat on her head and her tail around her legs.

I soon realized who this was and smiled. "Fi!" She looked at me, tears soon forming in her eyes. She smiled. "M-Mimi?" She said, running up and hugging me. I hugged back. We broke the hug and I smiled. "Anyways..." Gween said, the tall girl now closer to us. "Um, hi?" She said, waving her hand slightly. Fi looked at her and smiled a bit. "Hi, Lenny."

I swear, I'm meeting my internet friends! Gween, Shiny, Fiona, and I guess I can consider Lenny as a friend! Gween sighed, looking at us. "I should get the others." "Wait, others?" We said in unison. Gween snowed her fingers and some girls were on the floor. They soon woke up, looking at us confused. Wait, are two of them Brave and Sprinkles!?

Brave's P.O.V.

I woke up, seeing as I was on a floor. I looked up, seeing five other people. I looked at them, confused. I got up, seeing there were two other people. One looked like Sprinkles and another looked like Minuet. I looked back at the others. My eyes widened as I recognized some of the girls. Gween, Shiny, Mimi, and Fiona! I looked and saw a really tall girl. Like, maybe seven feet? "Brave! Sprinkles! Midnight!" Mimi, Shiny and Fiona said in unison.

"Okay, we can hug later." The tall one said. She turned to Gween. "Why are we here, exactly?" "Well, Lenny, I'll gladly tell you. You all are aware of the art thieves and hackers, am I correct?" We all nodded. Where is she going with this...? "You girls have been chosen to protect Watropolis from these hackers and thieves. So...will you except?" Gween said, looking at us.

I looked at her, shocked. Wow...I didn't think I would be chosen to protect Wattpad, or Watropolis as Gween calls it. I sighed, smiling at her. "I will." I said, raising my hand. Gween smiled at me. "Anyone else?"

Sprinkles P.O.V.

I looked at Gween, looking a bit shocked. "Anyone else?" Gween asked us. "I raised my hand a little, smiling slightly. "Sure! I don't want people getting hurt!" I said, smiling. "I volunteer as tribute!" Mimi said, giving off the three fingers. I giggled slightly at her humor.

"Sure, seems legit." Lenny said, shrugging a little. "I will!" The girl next to me, raising her hand. "Why not give it go?" Shiny said, raising her hand slightly. We looked at Fiona, who had her hands in her pocket, looking like she was in her mind. I walked over to her, shaking her a little. "Fiona?" She looked at me, smiling a bit. "...S-sure." She said. I looked at her. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." I looked at her once more before turning back to Gween.

Midnight's P.O.V.

Isn't it weird? How I was going to Brony Con and now I'm here, going to protect Wattpad from evil. Gween looked at us, closing her eyes as her hands glowed a bit. My eyes suddenly felt strange, so I closed them. When I opened them, I noticed everyone's eyes but Gween's were were pure white. I felt something on my arm, so I checked and saw a heart with two swords and a W in the middle of it.

My eyes widened as all of our eyes turned back to normal. I put my fingers on it, seeing it wasn't paint. It was permanently on my right arm. Welp.

Gween's eyes opened as she looked at us, smiling. "The marks in your arms will show that you are a Guardian, here to help Watropolis from danger." I gave her a questioned look. "'s like a cutie mark." Gween shrugged a little. "I guess."

Before you ask the color of the heart, it's your favorite color heart with two swords and...I think you know the rest. Anyway s, was this chapter good too? I might not update in a while since I have a camp I'm staying at this week. Welp.

Well, until next time foxes!


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