Chapter 1: Not So Quiet Town

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3rd. Pov

A boy with brown hair is seen taking things out of a box and connecting them to a computer. 

He kept grabbing cables and plugging them in.

???: All right. That should do it. Let's see if it turns on now.

The boy pushes the power button and starts it up. Once the home page is up, he sees a picture of his mom.

???: Hey Y/N! Is that computer hooked up ye-

Y/N looks back at the man and shakes his head in disappointment. The man begins to sweat nervously as Y/N glares at him.

Y/N: Dad?

F/N: Yes?

Y/N: You disappoint me.

F/N: I love your mother.

Y/N: Yeah, I can see that.

F/N: W-Why don't you go out and get some burgers from the diner we passed by, and I'll finish up here.

Y/N: I couldn't have come up with a better excuse myself.

As Y/N was leaving he leaned back and yelled.

Y/N: Next time put stuff like that in a private folder!

Y/N then walked out. As he was walking, he was looking around. He made it to the diner and brought his order back. As he was walking home, he felt a presence behind him. Suddenly a spear made of light was thrown at him. He stepped to the side, dodging it as it got planted into the ground. He looked to the sky behind him and saw a woman with black feathered wings looking down on him.

???: Well, aren't you full of surprises. I'm almost impressed.

Y/N: 'Omni?'

Omni: 'Yeah?'

Y/N: 'On a scale from one to ten?'

Omni: 'I'd say she's a three.'

Y/N: 'Alright then.'

Y/N turns and faces this mysterious woman and slightly crouches, getting into a charging stance. He charged demonic energy into his fists. and sprouted four bat-like wings from his back. The woman saw this and flinched.

???: Four wings!? No! But your human!

Y/N flew at her with blinding speed and whispered to her.

Y/N: Who said I was only human.

He planted his fist into her stomach, and released the energy from it, blasting her away. She then disappeared into the distance and Y/N flew back to the ground and hid his wings, continuing home.

Y/N: I guess this means I won't be living a quiet life.

Omni: Nope. Then again, we never liked the silence.

Y/N: You've got that right.

Timeskip Y/N Pov

The next day, I was on my way to my new school It was a bit of a walk, but I knew I would make it on time. Once I got to the front of the school at looked around and saw lots of students. Most of them were girls, but there were a few boys around.

As I was walking, I heard some of the girls talking about me.

Girl#1: Who's that?

Girl#2: I don't know, but he's so hot.

I blushed a bit, but I just kept walking till I got inside. It looked a mansion on the inside. It was incredibly fancy. I was then approached by a boy with blonde hair.

???: Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Yes?

???: The name's Saji Genshirou, I'm with the student council. The Student Council President wanted to talk to you before class.

Y/N: Oh! Ok. Lead the way then.

I followed Saji through the building. I sensed a lot of demonic energy around me. Most of the students were devils, but nothing impressive to me. We kept walking until we got to a large double door. I sensed a large amount of demonic energy behind it. I kept a poker face, but I was slowly charging my mana in case.

Saji: Alright. Here we are.

He opened the door and walked in. Inside were multiple girls working and sorting papers and documents, but one stood out more than the rest. The girl who was sitting behind a desk.

???: Saji would you please close the door.

Saji: Sure.

Saji closed the door as the girl motioned for me to take a seat at a couch by the window.

Y/N: 'She must be cautious of me, but why? Damnit! I forgot. I've been charging mana. She must've sensed it when I got too close.'

???: Hello Y/N, my name is Sona Shitori. Allow me to formally welcome you to Kuoh Academy.

Y/N: Thanks, but why am I here?

Sona: Well, your transcript had a few gaps in it so I just wanted you to answer some questions so there aren't any problems in the future.

Y/N: Alright then. What do you want to know?

Sona: First off, where were you originally born?

Y/N: Well, I was born in Kyoto. I never really left Kyoto so being in a smaller town is kind of weird to me. I'm used to so many people that I kind of feel awkward.

Sona: I see. What about your family? Any relatives?

Y/N: My mom left when I was little. Since then, it's only been me and my dad. I don't have any relatives that I know of.

Sona: Oh. I'm sorry for asking about such a delicate subject.

Y/N: It's fine. That was a long time ago.

Sona: One more question. It's said that your father isn't your only emergency contact. May I ask who the other one is?

Y/N: Wait! It's still there!? *Sigh* That one's a mistake. It was a family friend that I've known for years. I forgot to have her number removed before we moved. That's my fault.

Sona: I see. I see to it that it gets removed. I don't have any more questions for you. Let me get your schedule for you.

3rd. Pov.

Y/N was calm once Sona went to get his schedule, but she was still skeptical of him. She sensed power within him but couldn't do anything to prove her hypothesis. The best she could think of was to observe him.

Sona: It would appear that you'll be in the same class as Ruruko here. Ruruko would you please take him to class. You should head there too.

Ruruko: Yes mam. Come on Y/N. We don't want to be late. for your first day.

The two of them left leaving Sona, Saji, and a third person. A girl with long hair and glasses.

???: Did you sense that, Sona?

Sona: I did Tsubaki. That Boy's a devil.

Saji: Wait really!? I couldn't even tell.

Sona: That's because you can't sense energy from people yet. I'll add that to your training, but that's not all. He also has a sacred gear.

Tsubaki and Saji were shocked by this discovery.

Saji: Does that mean he's already in a peerage?

Tsubaki: No. If he was then he would be in Rias' peerage since there aren't any other pure-blooded devils in Kuoh. He most likely is a half-breed, a devil born from one devil parent. What do you think Sona?

Sona now holding three white pawns in her hand. She stares at them with a determined look on her face.

Sona: I think we should make a move before Rias does, and soon.

Saji: Really? How?

Sona: Rias tends to be more upfront and aggressive with her recruitment, but there's one small problem with that. She's terrible at making deals that sound beneficial. As long as we all show how kind and approachable we are, I'm certain that he'd be more willing to listen to what we have to offer.

Tsubaki: I haven't heard you talk like that in a while Sona. What's the reason?

Sona: Don't get the wrong idea. Rias is my best friend, but she tends to get greedy, and when she does, she cuts corners with formalities. She's not my rival for nothing. We both have our own way of doing things.

Meanwhile back with Y/N, Ruruko brought him to her classroom and told him to wait outside for introductions.

Teacher: Ok, you can come in.

Y/N stood at the front of the class and introduced himself.

Y/N: It's nice to meet all of you. My name is Y/N L/N. I hope to get along with all of you.

Girl#1: Ahhhhh!!! He's so hot!

Girl#2: How's about you and I get to know each other in private cutie!

Boy#1: Damnit! Not another pretty boy!

Boy#2: Why can't we get more chicks!?

Y/N smiled awkwardly at the mixed responses and took his seat near the back of the class. Little did he know a girl with white hair and a can pin in her hair was looking at him. She sensed the devil energy within Y/N and thought to herself.

???: 'Y/N L/N huh? Better tell Rias after class. Although, what's this other energy I'm sensing? It's almost as if...'

The girls' eyes widened as she figured it out.

???: 'Could he have a Sacred Gear!? Now I really need to tell Rias.'


Class has ended and it was time for lunch. Y/N decided to eat outside by himself since he was bombarded by female students asking him to eat with them. It was a little overwhelming for him and they weren't going to take no for an answer, so he grabbed his lunch and ran away. It took a while, but he lost them when he ran outside. Y/N is now sitting outside, under a tree. As he was eating, he saw three boys running from a bunch of girls wearing kendo uniforms screaming about them peeping on them. Y/N looked on the ground next to him and picked up three pinecones. He then flicked one at each of the boys' legs, making them trip and fall. The Kendo girls the proceeded beat them as he just sat there and watched.

Omni: 'Hey kid. You see the boy with brown hair over there?'

Y/N: 'Yeah. What about him?'

Omni: 'I just thought you should know that he possesses an old acquaintance of mine. One of the Dragon Emperors.'

Y/N: 'I didn't even sense it. Is it Albion?'

Omni: 'No. It's Draig.'

Y/N: 'Is he dangerous?'

Omni: 'No, but I thought it would be best to know. Also, that Saji fellow had one of the dragon kings within him.'

Y/N: 'I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the heads up.'

Y/N was now observing the brown-haired boy trying to sense any power within him but was as he said to Omni. He couldn't sense anything inside of him.

Y/N: 'I guess he's sleeping.'

Meanwhile with the white-haired girl she was sitting on a couch across from another girl with red hair.

???: Thank you for telling me, Koneko. For now, keep an eye on him. Follow him and see if you can find anything.

Koneko: Alright.

Back in the Student Council room, Sona was still thinking about Y/N and the power he possessed. Tsubaki noticed this and spoke up.

Tsubaki: Is the thought of Y/N that interesting?

Sona: I just can't shake the feeling that there's more to him then just his heritage. Tsubaki, would you be kind enough to observe him?

Tsubaki: I'll see to it immediately.

School is now over, and Y/N is walking home with a bag of groceries in his hand since his dad forgot to do shopping earlier. Suddenly a blue spear made of light rushed towards him as he jumped away from it. Y/N looked around trying to find out where it came from. As he was looking, he noticed more coming from the trees. Y/N knew he couldn't dodge all of them, so he held out his left hand as a symbol resembling the sun appeared on the back of it.

In an instant, a barrier with the same symbol appeared, blocking the attack.

???: Well, isn't that an impressive trick.

Y/N looked at the trees and saw a man wearing a trench coat and a fedora walk out from behind it.

Y/N: And who might you be?

???: Does it really matter?

Y/N: No. I guess not.

The man unfolded his wings and dashed at Y/N making a new spear, swinging it down at Y/N. Y/N on the other hand, held his left hand down as it started to glow bright orange, taking the shape. His hand changed into the shape of a helmet. The mouthpiece opened up and a sword with strange runes came out.

Y/N then used the sword to block the attack. He was much stronger than his attacker, so he pushed him away. The runes on the sword started to glow and Y/N swiped at the air, sending out an orange energy wave at the attacker. He put his arms up blocking the energy wave. When it made contact, it exploded. When the dust settled the man's arms were burned as he dropped to one knee. Y/N was walking up to him when the attacker.

???: Damnit! How the hell is he so strong!?

Y/N: It's simple really. I'm just that much stronger than you.

Y/N then lifted his sword hand and slammed it down, cutting the attack in half. Instead of just falling to the ground the attacker burst into black feathers. The eyes from the base of Y/N's sword arm glowed and Omni's voice spoke.

Omni: 'I'm just that much stronger than you?' Really?

Y/N: Oh! Do you have a better one!?

Omni: Yeah. Not that!

As the two of them were arguing, Tsubaki and Koneko reported back to respected leaders. When Rias smiled and dismissed Koneko.

Rias: Looks like I might get myself a new member. I wonder what other secrets you're hiding Y/N.

When Sona was told about Y/N fending off his attack she dismissed Tsubaki and looked out her window.

Sona: So, a half-devil with a Sacred Gear. Who are you Y/N L/N?


The next day Y/N was walking to school wonder who his attackers were.

Y/N: 'Who were those two?'

Omni: 'I don't know?'

Y/N: 'Could there be more people like them here?'

Omni: 'I don't know? We should lay low for a couple of days.'

???: Um, excuse me?

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N stopped and turned around. Standing before him was a girl with long black hair in a school uniform.

???: Are you Y/N?

Y/N: Yes? Can I help you?

???: Yes you can.

Omni: 'Shit! Y/N, don't let get close to you!'


But it was too late. Y/N's eyes widen. He looked down and saw a spear made of light pierced through his stomach. He looked back up and saw the girl with a wicked smile on her face.

???: I was a bit surprised that you killed Dohnaseek. Kalawarner wasn't kidding when she said you were abnormally strong, but just like everyone else, you're just as stupid.

She then unfolded her wings from her back and hovered in the air as Y/N fell to his knees.

???: That looks painful. Why don't I put you out of your misery.

The girl then made another light spear as Y/N got to one knee and held his right hand out towards her. On the back of his hand was another symbol appeared the represented the moon.

The symbol then started to glow as his entire right arm then glowed blue as it changed shape. Once the light died down, just like the night before, his hand transformed to that of a head. This one however was blue and looked like a robotic wolf head. The mouth of the head opened, and a canon barrel came out.

With the canon pointed at the girl the inside of the barrel glowed blue as air started to get vacuumed in. The girl was slowly getting pulled in as the light in the barrel got brighter. She then threw more light spears which pierced his shoulders and legs, but Y/N was hardly fazed by them. The girl tried to fly away, but the vacuum was so powerful she couldn't once she was right in front of Y/N he grabbed her ankle and slammed her to the ground. He placed the barrel on her chest as the light got brighter. He fired the canon leaving nothing but a pile of feathers and a burn mark on the ground. Y/N finally submitted to his wounds and fell to the ground unconscious. At that moment, Rias and Sona both teleported to him.

Sona: Rias.

Rias: Sona.

Sona: What are you doing here?

Rias: I could be asking you the same thing.

Sona: I came to check on our newest arrival.

Rias: Well I'm here to get a new peerage member. He even took care of the fallen angel. It would be a waste not to reincarnate him.

Sona: I don't think so. He needs medical attention.

Rias: And he will, after I reincarnate him. I need him more than you do Sona! You know this!

Sona: That doesn't make it right!

While they were arguing they didn't realize that a magic circle appeared underneath Y/N that teleported him away.


Y/N slowly opened his eyes and noticed that he was in a strange empty room.

Y/N: What happened? Where am I? 'Omni?'

Y/N didn't get a response. This made him worried. He was going to call for him again but a woman with blonde hair and glasses entered the room.

???: Ah. You're finally awake I see.

Y/N: Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?

???: Calm down. My name is Seekvaira Agares. I guess you can call me a family friend. As for where we are, this is my home away from home. My private estate if you would. I'd answer your last questio0n, but I believe there is some else who would like to do so instead. If you're feeling well enough, please follow me.

Y/N slowly got up and exited the room. As they two were walking, Y/N looked around was amazed at how fancy the interior. Chandeliers above them was, expensive pots and paintings, even the carpet looked expensive, and yes, they matched with the drapes. After some time, they entered what appeared to be a study with two chairs in front of a lit fireplace. Y/N looked closer and saw that someone was sitting in one of the chairs. All he knew was that this person had brown hair like him.

Seekvaira: Wait here for a moment.

She walked next to the mysterious person and leaned next to her ear.

Seekvaira: He's here.

The figure stood up. Y/N saw that the figure was most definitely a woman. As she turned around time seemed to slow down for Y/N. He knew this person. He never met her. He only heard stories about her and seen pictures of her. Her smile was the same as it was in the photographs. His eyes widened, he slightly choked up. Now standing before him was the one person he never expected to meet.

Y/N: Mom?

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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