Chapter 2: Unexpected Reunion

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3rd. Pov

Standing before Y/N was his mother who left him and his father when he was still a baby. Words couldn't express how he was feeling.

Y/N: Mom?

Venelana: Hello Y/N.

Y/N: What is this?

Venelana: I have a bit of explaining to do.

Y/N: A bit? A Bit!? You've been gone for years! You left dad! You left me!

Venelana: I know.

Y/N: Do you!? Do you have any idea what it was like for me not having you in my life? Do what it was like for dad!? He was heartbroken for almost half of my childhood.

Venelana: I know.

Y/N: Then Why!? Why did you leave? Was it dad? Was it me!?

Venelana: No! OF course not!

Y/N: Then Why!?

Venelana: ...I...I couldn't... Nothing I tell you will make this any better for either of us. I want to explain it to you, truly, but we don't have a lot of time. Not now at least.

Seekvaira: As much as I hate to say it she's right. If the underworld catches wind of you being or even existing then it'll put both if you in danger.

The door then opened and a tall muscular man with black hair walked in.

???: Sorry to interrupt, but we need to get going.

Y/N: Who's this?

Venelana: This is Sairaorg Bael, your cousin.

Sairaorg: It's nice to finally meet you. When Aunt Venelana told me about you I was super excited, and by the looks of it you're already incredibly strong. How many wings do you have?

Y/N: Uh...four.

Sairaorg: Four? At your age? Damn, now I have to fight you.

Y/N: What!?

Seekvaira: Forgive him. He's a bit of a battle maniac, which makes him say stupid things. Let us be on our way.

Seekvaira guided everyone out of the room as they all walked in the hallway. Sairaog walked ahead with Seekvaira which left Y/N and his mother next to each other. It was awkward to say the least, but Y/N decided to break the silence.

Y/N: So, what have you been up to?

Venelana: I've been preparing this meeting in secret for some time. I wanted to see you sooner, but I never had the opportunity. I was going to see you tomorrow, but when my familiar told me what happened I had you teleported here as soon as possible.

Y/N: How long was I out?

Venelana: A couple of hours. You sacred gear did most of the healing though. That surprised me.

Y/N: That would explain why I can't hear him.

Venelana: Indeed. Whoever resides within your sacred gear is just exhausted and resting to restore power.

Y/N: Do I have any other siblings?

Venelana: Indeed. Two as a matter of fact. An older brother and sister. You should have met one of them by now.

Y/N: Who?

Venelana was about to answer but was interrupted by Seekvaira.

Seekvaira: We're here.

She opened the door revealing a laboratory of some sort. All sorts of machines and such. At a desk in the lab was a man with slicked back green hair.

???: Ah, so this is the boy I've heard about. It's nice to meet you. My name is Ajuka Beelzebub. I'm in charge of the science and research division here.

Y/N: Uh, hey.

Ajuka: Right. Well, let's get started.

Y/N: Ok. Can someone tell me what the hell is going on!?

Ajuka: Here in the underworld our kind was near the point of extinction. A long time ago we went to war. It ended with a ceasefire agreement since all sides suffered heavy casualties.

Y/N: How does that answer my question?

Venelana: Pure blooded devils have a low chance of bearing children, and since most of the pure bloods didn't like the idea of interbreeding with other races, Ajuka here came up the idea for the reincarnation system. It allows devils to turn beings of any other race into half devils. Thus, the evil piece system was made.

Ajuka: The reincarnation process isn't all sunshine and roses, however. The reincarnate may gain enhanced physical capabilities, flight, night vision, and enhanced senses, but there's one small catch. The reincarnate is then bound to the master. They become a servant of the king. The pieces are designed after chess pieces, so the king piece is given to the master of the others. This is how peerages are formed. Did you get all of that?

Y/N: I think so.

Ajuka: Then let's proceed. Follow me.

Y/N then followed Ajuka to a strange machine.

Y/N: What's this?

Ajuka: This is a machine that creates evil pieces for noble devils and such. Place your hand on the panel before you and when I say, flow some of you magic into it. The machine will take care of the rest.

Y/N was hesitant, but he placed his hand on the panel as Ajuka was pushing some buttons on a console.

Ajuka: Ready? Now.

Y/N then focused on what power he had recovered since he had awoken and flowed it out of his hand and into the machine as it started to absorb his mana at a steady rate.

Ajuka: Everything seems normal.


Ajuka: Huh?

Y/N: Hey, I don't know if this is right but, am I suppose to be losing so much mana?

Ajuka: This isn't right.

Venelana: Ajuka, What's wrong?

Ajuka: Y/N, get your hand off of the machine!

Y/N was pulling his hand away, but it wouldn't budge. He then tried pulling harder, but to no avail.

Y/N: Uh. My hands stuck!

Sairaorg: Hang on. Let me help.

Venelana: What's happening?

Ajuka: Normally, the machine draws out a little bit of mana to help make the evil pieces Simple as that, but for some reason the machine keeps recalibrating with his. It literally doesn't know how much to take. At this rate it'll overload.

Seekvaira: Can't you turn it off?

Ajuka: I'm trying.

Sairaorg: Damn! Even I can't get it to budge!

Y/N: maybe if I put my foot up here?

*Beeeep* *Beeeep*

Y/N: I don't like the sound of that.

Venelana: Ajuka hurry!

Ajuka was typing away on the console trying to shut down the machine but stopped when the screen went red. Red light was then seen coming from the machine. Y/N and Sairaorg were pulling as hard as they could to get away from it until.

*Pop* Y/Ns' hand was finally free.

Y/N/Sairaorg: Oh.


An explosion came from the machine, blasting the two away. The ended up hitting the wall on the opposite side. Once the dust settled everyone went to them.

Seekvaira: Are you two alright.

Sairaorg: That was nothing. I'll be fine.

Y/N: I'm in too much pain to be dead.

Ajuka: I'm very sorry. That's never happened before. Your magic must be something special.

Y/N: What are you talking about. I can't use magic.


Everyone looked at the machine as a tray with chess pieces came out of it. The pieces were all red with a nice glow to them.

Ajuka: Y/N L/N, may I present to you your evil pieces.

Y/N: They look like they're made of glass.

Ajuka: Normally the machine imbues your magic into the chess pieces, but for yours it took so much from you that the pieces are made of your magic.

Seekvaira: That's an impressive amount of magic for someone your age.

Ajuka: I'll just finish the rest of this up.

Venelana: Are you sure you're alright. No wounds or anything.

Y/N: Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm a lot tougher than I look. 

Venalana: I'm glad. Y/N, I-

Ajuka: What in the underworld!?

Sairaorg: Something wrong?

Ajuka: Y/N, your pieces... They're all mutated.

Sairaorg: He. Hehe. Hahahahaha! You're just full of surprises aren't you!

Y/N: What's that mean? Is that bad?

Seekvaira: Quite the opposite.

Venelana: To reincarnate somebody, you sometimes would need to use more than one evil piece, but in rare cases, a devil will get a mutated piece. Mutated pieces allow you to reincarnate someone using only one piece regardless of which one. They are quite rare. Normally a devil would be lucky enough to get just one or two.

Ajuka: This has definitely never happened. In all of my years no devil has ever gotten a full set of mutated evil pieces. Just what kind of power do you have?

Seekvaira: Questions for another day.

Ajuka: Right.

Venelana: Y/N, I'm sorry. I should have stayed, but I need you to know that if I did, I would have put both you and your father in danger. I know you can't forgive me for doing so, but I want to still be a part of your life. Would you please allow me that?

Y/N looked down and clenched his fist. While not being around Seekvaira and Sairaorg were listening in on the conversation.

Y/N: When you left, it broke dad. He acted like he was ok, but he only did it for my sake. He would sometime lock himself in his bedroom and cry. Sometimes for hours. When he got back to normal he worked his ass off because he felt that he had to make up for how he acted for all of those years. I always asked him about you. He always told me stories about you from before I was born. I never really knew who you were. Then all of the sudden you show up after all this time!?

Venelana looked down, too ashamed to face her son. In a way she knew he was right. She vanished out of his life without a trace, and only appeared back into his life to save him and leave again. As she looked down, she felt disappointed in herself for not being able to stay, but with how things work in the underworld she didn't have much of a choice without endangering her human family. She was about to speak but felt someone hugging her tightly. She looked up and saw Y/N hugging her.

Y/N: You better visit or at least call, and you need to see dad. whether like it or not he needs you in his life. I need you. Got it?

Venelana started to cry as she held her son close. Ajuka walked up to both of them with the King piece in one hand and a case in his other hand.

Ajuka: I hate to interrupt this touching moment, but we need to get you out of here. Here place this on your chest.

Ajuka gives Y/N the king piece as he places the piece on his chest. It then glowed a bit and went into his chest. Y/N slightly freaked out. at this.

Y/N: What the hell!?

Ajuka: With that you are now the master of your own evil pieces. Now we need to get you back home. Here, this case has the rest of your pieces.

Y/N: Thanks.

Sairaorg: I'm looking forward to the next time we meet little cousin.

Y/N: Yeah. This was an interesting first meet.

Seekvaira: Stay safe Y/N. Though we are not related I do hope for the best for you.

Y/N: Thank you.

Y/N then turned to his mother who simply smiled at him. He went and hugged her one more time.

Y/N: Will I see you soon?

Venelana: I don't know, but I will call you as soon as possible.

Y/N: Do you promise?

Venalana: On my life.

They pulled away as Venlana held Y/N's face and gently brushed his hair out of his face.

Venelana: My sweet boy. You've grown so much. I'll be a part of your life soon. I promise. Now go and get back to your father. Take care of him in my absence. 

Y/N: It's not easy, but I think I'll manage.

Venelana: Thank you.

Y/N took a few steps back as a magic circle appeared beneath his feet. He looked at the people in front of him and smiled.

Y/N: Thank you. All of you. I'll find a way to pay you all back someday.

With that he was then teleported away. Y/N made it back to the human world and noticed that he was alone.

Omni: Kid?

Y/N: Omni! Where've you been?

Omni: Sorry about that. When you passed out, I focused all of our power to healing you. I ended up using all of my own to stabilize you. I ended up having to go back into dormant state to recover my lost power. What did I miss?

Y/N: I met my mom.

Omni: Oh that's nice... Wait what?

Y/N: I finally met her.

Omni: What's she like?

Y/N: She's just like dad described her, and more.

Omni: Wow. Hey, what's this new power I'm sensing within you.

Y/N: Oh yeah! I apparently have an evil piece set.

Omni: You plan on getting a peerage?

Y/N: I mean, maybe. I'm still thinking about it.

Omni: Well, you can think about it later You've had a long day. Let's head home.

After a few minutes of walking, Y/N made it back to his house. When he went inside his dad greeted him.

F/N: Hey! Someone was out late. How was school?

Y/N: It was alright. I think I'm gonna like it here.

F/N: Well that's good to hear. Oh don't worry about dinner tonight. I got someone to do it already.

Y/N: What?

Y/N heard noise coming from the kitchen and saw a boy with blonde hair wearing a Kuoh uniform.

The boy sensed Y/Ns' demonic power and tensed up. He secretly made a sword and prepared to fight.

Y/N: Hey, aren't you that prince all of the girls talk about at school?

The boy eased up and made his sword disappear.

???: Um, Yes?

Y/N: Oh. Cool. Call me when diner's done.

Y/N then went upstairs to his room as the boy went back to cooking.

???: He's pretty carefree for a devil. I guess I'll tell Rias tomorrow.

After dinner Y/N and his father went to bed. The next day, the boy went to Rias and reported what he discovered.

Rias: So Kiba, his wounds have healed?

Kiba: That's right. He didn't seem to be in any pain. From what I saw, he's healed completely.

Rias: None of this makes sense. When I found him, he was practically dead, then after a few hours of disappearing he just shows up good as new? Something is wrong, and I intend to find out what it is. Now then Asia...

Back with Y/N, he's currently sitting in class as Koneko and Ruruko are watching him closely. Both Sona and Rias asked them to bring Y/N to them. Once the bell rang the two of them went over to Y/N.

Koneko/Ruruko: Y/N do you mind coming with me to the ORC/Student Council Office?

The two began arguing with each other so Y/N decided to leave them and simply walked away. 

Y/N: I wonder what that was about?

Omni: 'Well they are devils. It's a possibility that they know about me.'

Y/N: 'Is that why that Prince guy was at my house?'

Omni: 'It's a possibility. It could've just been a coincidence, but I doubt it. We should keep the fact that you have a full set of mutated evil pieces. If anyone finds out we're in trouble'

Y/N: 'I'm with you on that, but where can I train without getting caught by the devils?'

Omni: 'Well you do have a mother-in-law you can call.'

Y/N: 'Think it'll work?'

Omni: 'Only one way to find out.'


In Kyoto, a woman with blonde hair was looking at some paperwork on a desk. She was beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a yukata with a skull pattern on it. The most notable features are her fox ears and tails.

As she was working, a someone wearing a shrine priests clothes walked over to her with an old rotary phone.

Man: Lady Yasaka, it's for you.

Yasaka: Thank you.

The man puts the phone on her desk and leaves. Yasaka picks up the phone while still looking at the papers.

Yasaka: Hello?

Y/N: Hey Yasaka.

Yasaka: Y/N! How are you?

Y/N: I'm doing pretty good. How's Kunou?

Yasaka: She's doing well, though she does miss her fiancé. What can help you with?

Y/N: Well, I need a place to train, but Kuoh doesn't really have any places where I can train privately. I was wondering if there were any secret Youkai training grounds here that I could use?

Yasaka: While we don't have any in Kuoh you could always come back here.

Y/N: As much as I'd love that, I don't think I'll be able to fool my dad by leaving the city and going to Kyoto.

Yasaka: Well, you wouldn't have to. Do you remember about the shrines I told you about?

Y/N: Yeah. One was being used by the daughter of a former Youkai representative and the other one was abandoned.

Yasaka: While the other factions possess forms of magic teleportation, we were unable to do so. So, we developed a different kind of way known as Spirit Gates. At shrines, when Chi is used on a gate, it will connect to another gate at a specific location. Then you just walk through and there you are.

Y/N: Wait. That's it.

Yasaka: Yup. Simple right?

Y/N: So, you mean to tell me, is that I just need to use spirit energy on the gate, and I can leave Kuoh and be back before dinner?

Yasaka: That's exactly what I'm saying, however for your training I only know one person who could help you in the physical part of it, but you won't like it.

Y/N: At this point I'll take what I can get. I'm not as strong as I should be.

Yasaka: Very well. I let them know.

Y/N: Thanks, Yasaka. Oh, and don't tell Kunou I'm coming back. I want it to be a surprise.

Yasaka: Of course. Now, how are you doing. Be honest.

Y/N: I met her Yasaka. I finally met my mom.

Yasaka: *gasp* How did it go?

Y/N: It could've been worse. I still have some questions for her though.

Yasaka: No doubt. She has been out of your life. I bet you felt all sorts of emotions.

Y/N: I did. At first, I was furious, but then I was happy. I'm still a bit frustrated. I still have so many questions.

Yasaka: Well, you have to remember that devil culture is very different than human culture.

Y/N: I know. It's just that whenever I get an answer, I end up with more questions later.

Yasaka: Be patient Y/N. I'm sure you'll eventually get some closure.

Y/N: Thanks, Yasaka. I talk to you later.

Yasaka: Ok. Take care Y/N.

They both hung up their phones and went along with their day. Y/N was now thinking about his training routine.

Y/N: I wonder who Who's gonna be training me? Eh. Can't be that bad.

A/N: I want you to know that Kunou will look different than how she's usually depicted. She will be older. Also, your peerage will have some digimon in it along with some characters form other shows and games. Tell me what you think.

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