Chapter 3: From Another World

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Y/N Pov

This sucks! I used that gate Yasaka told me about and made it back to Kyoto. Now I'm laying on my back in extreme pain because this dumb ape keeps kicking my ass.

???: You know, for someone who's engaged to the inheritor of the Youkai clan you're not as strong as I thought.

Y/N: Shut up old man.

Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce you to Sun Wukong, my physical trainer.

This man is relentless. I've been training with him for a couple minutes and I'm already in a lot of pain.

Wukong: No time for breaks kid. Get back up and try again.

Y/N: Screw you old man!

Wukong: That's the spirit.

I got back up and threw a barrage of punches and kicks, by he just dodges them with ease. I then decided to use the Grey Sword I kept slashing at him, but he just jumped in the air. I switched for my Garuru Canon and fired at him to which he simply twisted his body in the air in order to avoid it. A he was about to touch I dashed towards him. When I got right in front of him, he simply side stepped out of the way.

Y/N: Hold still damnit!

Wukong: Now why would I do that?

After a few minutes I was exhausted again, and as usual he knocked me on my ass.

Y/N: Damnit! How the hell as you so strong!?

Wukong: I'm not as strong as you think I am.

Y/N: Bullshit!

Wukong: *sigh* Were even paying attention during our spar?

Y/N: What?

Wukong: While you were trying to hit me, did you notice that I wasn't blocking any of your attacks. I always used simple movements to dodge them. You were so desperate to hit me that you wasted all of your energy, leaving me with more than enough to beat you. I still have plenty of strength to fight to. Your form is fine we just need to work on your speed and stamina.

I couldn't believe it. I was bested by simple movement. I feel so stupid.

Wukong: I bet you feel pretty stupid right now huh.

Y/N: Smartass.

Wukong: So, what's your story? Why am I training you?

I sat up and looked down at my hands as they were clenched.

Y/N: I'm a half devil. My mom is part of a major devil family, and my dad is just your everyday human. As for me, I'm just some kid with a knight strapped to his soul. 

Wukong: Your life sounds like a mess.

Y/N: Yeah, well, it is. My dad hardly knows anything about the supernatural.

Wukong: Does he know you're a half-devil?

Y/N: No. He doesn't even know I have a sacred gear, and I'd like to keep it that way. The less he knows, the safer he can be. As for my mom, she can't even be a part of my life because of the way the underworld works. It sucks. She's, my mother. We should be a part of each other's lives.

Wukong: Yes, the underworld has some strict rule and beliefs, but so does everyone else. It's their way of life. Even if it is ridiculous.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess.

3rd. Pov.

Y/N got back up and took a fighting stance.

Y/N: Come on. Let's go again.

Wukong was about to speak but was interrupted by someone.

???: Try and hold yourself back Y/N. You could hurt yourself.

The two turned around and were welcomed by a familiar face.

Yasaka: Am I interrupting?

Wukong: Not really. Need something?

Yasaka: I have a few hours to spare so I thought I would take over and help train him in magic and the Power of Destruction.

Y/N: You can help me with the P.O.D. I thought that was a devil trait?

Yasaka: Some of your mothers' friends sent over some copies of tomes that talk about the properties. As it turns out, it's not that different from advanced senjutsu.

Yasaka then picked up Y/N from the back of his shirt collar and carried him away.

Yasaka: I'll bring him back in a couple of hours.

Wukong: Don't kill him.

Y/N simply glanced at Yasaka, sweat dropping at what Wukong said.

Y/N: What did he mean by "kill me"?

Yasaka: Fufufu~.

Y/N: What did he mean!?


Y/N and Yasaka were sitting across from one another inside a small building.

Yasaka: While you do have a decent amount of control with magic it's still lacking in some areas. When you saved Kunou, you wasted to much mana when you fought.  If you were to face someone with a larger magic reserve than you, you would most likely exhaust yourself, and inevitably die. So, for the time being we'll not only focus on control and concentration, but also work on your devil trait at the same time.

Y/N: Sounds simple enough.

Yasaka: To use your devil trait you need to focus it within you. You currently have four different kinds of energy. Mana, Ki, your sacred gear, and lastly demonic energy. Do you remember when I taught you Senjutsu?

Y/N: Yeah. It was when you recommended meditation.

Yasaka: Good. I want you to do that again only this time look for the demonic energy. Visualize it in the palm of your hands.

Y/N then closed his eyes and cupped his hands together. He pictured himself in a white void. One by one, different colored orbs began to appear before him. Blue, then green, then gold, then finally, a black orb. He looked at the black orb and reached his hand out as it approached him. Back in the real world a small orb was forming in his hands.

Yasaka: Good. Now I want you to feel around for a spark within it.

Y/N simply held it in his hands focusing on the demonic energy in his hands. As he felt through the energy he felt something.

Y/N: There's something there. It's almost as if it's sleeping within my demonic energy.

Yasaka: Good. Now I want you to draw it out slowly. This will help you with controlling your power.

Y/N began to draw out his power of destruction slowly. As he was doing this Yasaka noticed that the orb in his hand began to generate small sparks. She looked back at Y/N, as her eyes widened in shock at the display. Y/N now had a dangerous aura covering his body.

Yasaka: Your power is leaking out. Keep it focused. Contain it within the orb.

Y/N: *grunt* Kind of hard to do that. This stuff is stronger than it looks.

Yasaka: Just remember to stay calm.

Y/N nods as he takes a deep breath the aura around him began to die down until it eventually disappeared. The orb began sparking even more as Y/N slowly opened his eyes.

Yasaka: Now, fire it towards the sky!

Y/N lifted his hands as the orb shot out into the sky. After a few seconds it exploded, creating a shockwave. Y/N began panting as sweat poured from his face.

Yasaka: Very impressive. Given how it was your first-time handing your devil trait I'd say this was an astounding success.

Y/N: *huff* Oh *huff* Goodie.

Yasaka: Now that we know that you have a decent amount of control over your power we can move on to magic.

The color from Y/N's face left. He now knew what Wukong meant when he told Yasaka not to kill him. He was going to lose every last bit of mana before the end of the day. It wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Hours had passed and Y/N was now able to compress his P.O.D. into a smaller form so he can trick his opponents into thinking it's a weaker attack. He then learned how to sense the different kinds of energies in the world so now he didn't need to rely on his Sacred Gear to. Once he finished his training, he left for his home with his teachers telling him to come back more often t improve. However, not all was well. When Y/N got home. He immediately sensed demonic energy coming from his house. When he ran over, he saw that his front door was broken down. He looked inside and saw Rias and her peerage standing over his dad who was unconscious.


Y/N the summoned his sword arm and charged at them.


Kiba: Here's the file you asked for Rias.

Rias: Thank you Kiba.

Akeno: What are you thinking Rias?

Rias: If we can't get any information from him then we just have to get it from his father. It appears that he doesn't live too far from school. Alright then. Issei and Asia, I want you two to stay here. You're still new to all of this so let us handle this.

Issei and Asia nodded while the others all gathered around and were then teleported near Y/N's home. After walking they made it. Koneko then kicked the door down as they all walked in. They then saw Y/N's father standing across from them pointing a gun at them.

F/N: I don't know who you are, but I'm only going to tell you this once. Get the hell out of my house.

Koneko stepped forward only for F/N to fire his gun, but Koneko caught and then crushed the bullet. F/N unloaded the rest only for Kiba to step forward and slice each and every bullet before they reached their target. F/N dropped the gun and tried to run upstairs. Rias motioned to Kiba who dashed forward and chopped the back of F/N's neck, rendering him unconscious. Kiba then brought him to the living room and tied him to a chair. Koneko then splashed some water on his face making him start to wake up. Rias then used her magic to hypnotize him.

Rias: Now tell us everything about your-


Y/N created his sword as he dashed towards Rias. Kiba intercepted, but his sword immediately shattered upon the impact of Y/Ns'. Y/N's left arm the glowed as it turned into a white gauntlet as he threw a hook at Kiba's' jaw. Kiba fell to the ground as Koneko the rushed in to punch Y/N, but the orange barrier blocked her attack as He switched his sword for the canon and bashed her away.

Rias: Kiba! Koneko!

Y/N switched back to his sword and charged at Rias, but Akeno charged a lightning attack at him. Y/N switched to his canon and fired at her just as she did, but his attack went right through hers and hit her, knocking her out. Y/N went back to his sword and pointed it directly against Rias' throat.

Y/N: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Rias: W-wait! We only came her to talk.

Y/N: Really?

Y/N started to walk forward as Rias backed away.

Y/N: You expect me to believe that? From what I'm seeing that's far from the truth. Now I'm only going to tell you this one time. Leave. My. Home.

Rias: Ok, but I still want my answers. You'll come to the O.R.C. to-


Y/N looked into Rias' eyes with only anger and aggression.

Y/N: You break into my home, attack, my dad, and have the nerve to make demands to me!? If any of you come anywhere near me or my family ever again, I will personally kill you in the most painful way I can Imagine! NOW GET OUT!

Y/N released all of his demonic energy making Rias flinch as she teleported herself and her peerage away. Y/N then turned his attention to his dad and rushed to him, shaking him to wake him up.

Y/N: Dad? Dad! Come on say something. Are you alright?

Omni: Hypnosis.

Y/N: Huh?

Omni: Devils are known for using hypnosis to wipe people's memories or interrogations. My guess is that they used it for the latter. No need to worry. The effects will wear off before the morning. Take a deep breath and put him in bed.

Y/N slowly picked up his dad and took him to his room when he finished, he went back downstairs and saw the destruction. He looked around and noticed a picture on the ground when he picked it up, he saw it was a picture of his parents holding him as a baby.

Omni: So, what's the plan?

Y/N: We need to get stronger. If that girl comes back, she'll definitely bring help. I'll need to improve my training.

Y/N started to clen up the house.

Omni: Well, you do have evil pieces.

Y/N: I'm not too keen on making people my servants.

Omni: Well, our choices are limited.

Y/N: I know but-

Omni: Whether we like it or not, a peerage is our best hope.

Somewhere Else

A girl wearing a hood was seen running through the forest. She keeps looking behind herself and sees something moving quickly through the trees. She pulls out a rifle and fires at it but misses all of her shots. Rustling from the top of the trees could be heard. The leaves were falling from all over and something was moving from above them. Suddenly a white string shot out and stuck itself to the girls' ankle. Something pulled on it, lifting the girl in the air as she dropped her gun and shield. As she hung upside down, in the distance something large landed on the ground. Cracking could until it went silent footsteps could be heard coming closer.

???: Well, this is a fun little surprise.

Walking out from the shadows was a woman wearing a red dress and hat while wearing sunglasses. The woman had fair skin and white hair.

Girl: Who or what are you?

???: I suppose since I've caught you like this I do need to explain myself.

 My name is Arukeni. I 'm a doctor in a sense.

Girl: A doctor? What are you? What do you want with me!?

Arukeni: I'm a type a neurologist. I study the brains of all kinds of individuals to understand people. From their fears to their emotions as a whole. Why I've captured you has a simple explanation. I've met all kinds of humans, but never once has one like you appeared. You're like a rare specimen. And like a rare specimen, I must study and observe you before my conclusion.

Girl: Just let me go and I'll help!

Arukeni then shot a web that covered the girls' mouth. Arukeni walked closer to the girl and smiled at her. The girl struggled to get out of her binds but couldn't break them. Arukeni then smiled wickedly and took off her sunglasses. Her smile grew larger than it should have been making it seem inhuman.

Arukeni: Do you take me for an idiot? I know you have inhuman abilities. It's not magic or a sacred gear. It has to be a mutation in your brain. I can only imagine what you can do.

Suddenly the girls' shield flung towards Arukeni who caught it with one hand.

Arukeni: Yes! That power! Show it to me! Show me what you can do! Struggle even more!

Arukeni then suddenly lost her smile and jumped back as something landed in front of the girl. The girl dropped to the ground and backed away. Arukeni frowned as the dust began to settle.

Y/N: Ow.

Omni: I told you it was a bad idea.

Y/N: Yeah, but it makes me look cool. Why does it feel like my knees are bleeding?

Omni: They probably are.

Y/N slowly got up gipping his knees as the wobbled a bit. He looked behind him and had a smile on his face.

Y/N: Are you ok?

The girl could only nod. Y/N looked back in front of him and manifested his sword. Arukeni had a sultry smile as she looked at Y/N.

Arukeni: And who might you be handsome?

Y/N: Shouldn't that be my question. What were you going to do to her?

Arukeni: I was simply going to enjoy a wonderful meal, but then you showed up and ruined my appetite.

Arukeni then looked up and down Y/N licking her lips the more she observed him.

Arukeni: Of course, I could always just skip right to dessert.

Her wicked smile returned as her body began to change. Her clothes started to stick to her body even more. Her legs split apart into eight spider like legs. She tossed away her sunglasses as her hat tore apart and horns protruded from her head.

Arukeni: Let's have some fun you and I!

Arukeni then jumped above the leaves and rushed around Y/N looked around, trying to keep up with her, but she moved so fast the moment he saw her, she was gone the next second. Y/N then started to fire P.O.D. at the trees, destroying them.

Y/N: If I can't find you, then I'll just make sure you keep your distance.

After a few seconds Y/N made a small clearing.

Arukeni: Clever boy, but don't think this gives you a full advantage. I've been fighting for my life for years.

Suddenly three giant spiders emerged from the tree line charging at Y/N and the girl.

Y/N then turned his head and looked at the girl behind him.

Y/N: Can you fight?

???: Y-yeah.

Y/N: Then get ready. I won't be able to fight all of these by myself.

The girl picked herself up and grabbed her rifle. Her hand glowed black as her shield came right back to her. The spiders were right in front of them. One of them lunged at Y/N who sprouted his wings and leaped into the air. While he was airborne another one shot out web and caught Y/N's leg, slamming him onto the ground.

Y/N: Looks like aerial combat won't work against them. Alright then.

Y/N manifested his sword arm and charged forward. Meanwhile the girl as keeping her distance from the last spider and firing her rifle at it. It wasn't doing any damage though. Her rifle the transformed into a short sword as she then ran underneath the spider. She held her sword and shield to side and cut the joints of the legs. She slid out from under it before the spider fell to the ground flailing around trying to hit her. She then jumped on top of it and stabbed it in its head. Before the sword could pierce through its skull, the spider grabbed the girl and spit a green substance at her. She used her shield to block it, but her leg was still hit. She screamed in pain as she dropped to a knee. her leg looked like it was burned with smoke coming off of it. The Spider was pulling itself across the grass as the girl struggled to get up. Little did she know Arukeni was behind her and spat the same green substance onto her back. The cloak burned away, and her back was burned. She passed out and fell onto the ground. Y/N saw from the corner of his eye that Arukeni was closing in on the girl. At that moment he knew he couldn't beat all of his opponents, so he sprouted all four wings and dashed over to the girl and picked. He put all of his strength into his wings and picked up the girl and flew away.


After a few minutes he managed to get the girl to Yasaka who managed to patch the girl up, but not all was well.

Yasaka: While her wounds are healing there's another problem. The acid that struck her body possessed a very dangerous poison It's already entered her blood stream. We're working on an antidote as we speak.

Y/N: Well, how long will that take?

Yasaka: A couple of days.

Y/N: And how long does she have?

Yasaka simply shook her head.

Y/N: Can't we use senjutsu?

Yasaka: That affects the soul. What we're dealing with is the body. Even with magic, it wouldn't give us enough time to make an antidote. for her. I'm sorry Y/N.

Yasaka walked away leaving Y/N by himself. He fell to his knees and slammed his fist onto the ground.

Y/N: Damnit! There has to be something we can do!

Omni: There is.

Y/N: No! I'm not reincarnating her!

Omni: What other choice is there? Y/N, I understand that you don't like the idea of having servants, but this is the only way to save her.

Y/N: I...

Omni: She doesn't have much time left, but you can give her more then she could ever ask for.

Y/N was now alone with his own thoughts. He knew Omni was right on both points, but he didn't want to accept it. Y/N got u and walked over to the building the girl was staying in. Y/N now got a clear look at her. Her hair was red like fire and her body was fairly well built. Not too much bulk, but not too slim. Her body was also covered in bandages with some green spots spreading arond her. She was breathing heavily and sweating as she slowly opened her eyes.

Girl: You.

Y/N: Hi.

Y/N walked over to the girls' bed, pulled up a chair and sat down.

Y/N: I'm sorry. If I was stronger, you wouldn't be in this mess. This is all my fault.

Girl: No. This is destiny. I was meant to go through all of this. I already died once. This is just how it was supposed to be.

Y/N: Screw destiny! Life isn't some kind of game! We make our own destinies! Nothing's predetermined! Once you die, people won't ever be happy. Even if you sacrifice yourself, your friends and family will always miss you.

The girl sadly smiled at Y/N as she held his hand.

Girl: You don't even know me, and yet you care so much. You must be an angel.

Y/N: I'm nothing like them.

Y/N held her hand with both of his as he looked down.

Y/N: I can save you.

Girl: But?

Y/N: In order to do so I'd be taking away your freedom and your humanity. You don't need to say yes. If you don't want to, I'll see if we can make your passing as peaceful as possible. If you do just let me know.

The girl looked at Y/N and noticed that he was slightly shaking.

Girl: You don't want to, do you?

Y/N I can't bear the thought of enslaving someone just to save their life.

Girl: But it would be my choice.

Y/N slowly looked up and saw the girl looking at him smiling.

Girl: Do it.

Y/N: What?

Girl: You said not to take life for granted, didn't you? Deep down I'll still get to be myself.

Tears fell from Y/Ns' face as he wiped his face. He opened his case and pulled out a knight piece. He placed it on her chest as a bright red and white glow enveloped her. Once the light died down the green spots disappeared, and she looked like a new girl. She opened her eyes and slowly sat up she looked at her arms in confusion.

Y/N: How do you feel?

Girl: I feel amazing. Is this what it's always going to be like?

Y/N: You'll get used to it. I guess formal introductions are in order. It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N L/N.

Girl: It's nice to meet you Y/N.

Girl: I'm Pyrrha Nikos.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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