Chapter 4: Training a Peerage

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3rd. Pov.

Pyrrha woke up in her bed as the sun's rays hit her face. She looked around and sat up noticing that she was in a house that she wasn't familiar with. She looked to the side and noticed that there was a letter with her name on it. She slowly got up and walked over to the table and read the letter.

Dear Pyrrha,
I have to go to school for a couple of hours. While I'm gone try and get used to the area but be careful. You are a part of the supernatural now. You have a target on your back. I made breakfast before I left. It should still be warm by the time you wake up. We'll talk more when I get back home. Try not to push yourself too hard.

Pyrrha smiled and went downstairs where she saw her food with steam still lingering. She sat down and started eating.

Pyrrha: Y/N, are you sure you're not an angel?

Meanwhile at Kuoh Academy, Y/N was walking past the gates. He then saw Rias and Akeno standing by the school building looking at him. He glared at them and released some of his aura making Rias flinch and look away from him.

Omni: Guess she learned her lesson.

Y/N: 'Not likely. Devils are persistent.'

Omni: I'll keep an eye out. What are you going to do about Pyrrha?

Y/N: 'I'll probably have her join me to Kyoto for some training. She'll need it. I could tell she had some physical training, so I'll have her learn magic and senjutsu from Yasaka.'

Omni: Alright, but I think we should contact your mother. I don't know what it means to live like a devil. You already started your peerage, and I don't know what you should do next.

Y/N: 'I agree. I didn't think I had to start acting like a devil so soon. I hope she can give me some tips.'

After a few minutes he got to class he noticed that Koneko was staring at him, so he just stared back at her. Little did they know that Nimura was looking at the two of them.

Nimura: 'Looks like Y/N found out about Rias and the others. I need to let Sona Know about this.'

After class ended, Nimura went to the Student Council Office and told Sone everything she noticed about Y/N during class. Sona was disappointed that Rias made a mistake in not only revealing herself, but also going behind Y/N's back and attacking his father, and since it sounded like Y/N and Koneko didn't get along she came to the conclusion that he didn't join Rias' peerage.

Sona: I see. Thank you Nimura. Tsubaki, for now I want you to keep a closer eye on Y/N. Don't reveal yourself unless you have to.

Tsubaki: Understood Sona.

Meanwhile, Y/N went to a secret spot to think about what to do next when he got a headache. Suddenly a magic circle appeared on the back of his hand.

The Circle vanished and then appeared over his ear.

Venelana: Hello? Y/N sweetie, can you hear me?

Y/N: Mom? Where are you? I can hear you, but I can't see you.

Venelana: Look at thew back of your hand.

Y/N did just that and was surprised to see a magic circle on it. He instinctively put his hand over his ear.

Y/N: Hello?

Venelana: Oh good. You figured it out.

Y/N: Mom, what is this thing?

Venelana: This is just one of the ways we can communicate with each other. I just wanted to check up on you. How are you doing?

Y/N: Good. I reincarnated my first member.

Venelana: That's Great sweetie. I knew you would do great.

Y/N: It wasn't exactly the way I wanted to do it though. They were on the verge of death. It was like I didn't even give them a choice.

Venelana: Did you ask them?

Y/N: Well yeah, but-

Venelana: Then it's fine. Y/N, sometimes our best is never enough, and reincarnation is the only way. If they wish to pass away, then we will respect that decision. That's one of the hard points in having a peerage. To make sure no one has to make that choice and keep on living. Ok?

Y/N: Yeah. Thanks mom.

Venelana: Anytime. Now the reason I called you was to give you some advice on being a King. Now the first thing you should do is settle for some land so you can start claiming territory. Contracts is one of the many importance's that would help boost your reputation as a member of the supernatural. We'll need to contact the Youkai faction and get their permission for a start. 

Y/N: Oh! I already know the Youkai Faction.

Venelana: You do? That's great sweetie. Who do you know?

Y/N: I'm being trained by both Ms. Yasaka and Sun Wukong.

Venelana: That's amazing. With connections like them, this makes things significantly easier, but how did you meet Yasaka? As the leader of the Youkai it couldn't have been simple.

Y/N: Um, well about that. I'm kind of engaged to her daughter. We plan on getting married after I graduate so Yasaka's going to be my mother-in-law.

Venelana: ...

Y/N: Mom?

Venelana was walking casually down the hall of her home with a smile on her face. Once she reached her bedroom she walked in and silently closed the door. She then jumped face first into her bed and started squealing into her pillow. Y/N heard something muffled on the other end of the line. Suddenly the magic circle disappeared.

Y/N: Well, that can't be good.

Omni: 'I've got a bad feeling about this, and not in the way you might be thinking.'

Y/N: 'You and me both buddy.'

Meanwhile in Kyoto

Yasaka was sitting in a shrine sipping tea when suddenly the door opened.

Yasaka: Venelana Gremory. It is nice to see you. Tell me, is there something that I can help you with?

Venelana: I have come to learn that my son is engaged with your daughter, correct?

Yasaka: Indeed. The two talked it over and decided to get married after Y/N finishes school in Kuoh. Kunou was very excited when she gave me the news. She was practically crying.

Venelana: If it isn't too much to ask, I'd like to discuss with you the wedding plans.

Yasaka: But of course. I'd like nothing less than to speak with my soon-to-be sister-in-law.

Venelana/Yasaka: Fufufu~

Back at Kuoh academy

Y/N: (Shiver) Ah. I don't know why but just got this terrible feeling that something wrong is happening. You feel that?

Omni: 'I'm connected to your soul so, yeah. What do you think it is?'

Y/N: I don't know, but I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.

Omni: 'Eh. It's probably nothing.'

Y/N: Yeah. You're probably right.

Little did he know he wrong. Oh, so very wrong.

After classes ended, Y/N decided to head home and see how Pyrrha was doing. When he got home, he smelled something delicious. He entered the kitchen and saw Pyrrha cooking food. She looked behind her and smiled.

Pyrrha: Hello again.

Y/N: Hey. What smells good?

Pyrrha: I figured that the least I could do for you was cook your dinner.

Pyrrha placed two plates at the table and ate dinner with Y/N.

Y/N: Much obliged. So how was your day in Kuoh?

Pyrrha: It was nice. There are so many things that I'm already familiar with, but the layout was a little confusing. I don't understand why the majority of stores are in the mall.

Y/N: Well marketing for starters.

Pyrrha: What about you? How was your day?

Y/N: It was alright, I guess.

Pyrrha: Did something happen?

Y/N: Not really. It was more like I didn't want to see someone.

Pyrrha: Do you want to talk about it?

Y/N: No, but if I don't It'll just make me even more irritated.

Y/N then began to explain to Pyrrha about what was going on. How a devil broke into his home and attacked his dad and how they were making demands to him. 

Pyrrha: How could they do such a thing?

Y/N: Apparently that's how it is. Omni said that if a devil owns territory, then they can practically do whatever they want.

Pyrrha: Omni?

Y/N: Oh! That's right. I never introduced you.

Y/N held out his hand and a symbol began to glow on the back side of it.

Omni: It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Pyrrha. My name is Omni

Pyrrha: Oh! Hello there. I've never met a talking tattoo before.

Omni: I assure you I am more than a simple tattoo. I am a royal knight

Pyrrha: A Royal Knight?

Y/N: It's a bit of a long story.

Pyrrha: Can you summarize it?

Y/N: Ok. A long time ago there was a war between three factions. The Devils, The Angels, and The Fallen. All three sides suffered devastating casualties, but the humans suffered the most. They were forced to fight or died from the wrath of the war. Suddenly, twelve knights came from out of nowhere and defended the lives and victims of the conflict. The fought tooth and nail to repel the enemy forces. Only when the war ended did they disappeared. 

Pyrrha: Where did they go?

Omni: I don't know. Sadly, there are lots of gaps in my memories. From what we can understand, I must have lost my memories sometime after the great war. All I do know is that I always manifest on a human.

Pyrrha: But Y/N is only half human.

Omni: The rule still applies. So long as they still have humanity within him, I can still manifest on any human.

Pyrrha: Seems a bit strict don't you think?

Omni: Selfishness can blind one so much, that it can be confused for selflessness sometimes. Once the lines blur together, you lose focus on what you're really fighting for. The supernatural tend to have this problem.

Pyrrha: You lose focus huh?

Pyrrha looked down at her food and thought to herself. After a few minutes of talking, Y/N was seen washing the dishes. Pyrrha was sitting at the table with a cup in her hands.

Pyrrha: You know, this isn't what I was expecting when I became a devil.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Pyrrha: I mean, I'm your servant and yet, you're doing the dishes. Shouldn't I be doing this kind of stuff?

Y/N: I'm not like other devils. Unlike them I tend to humble myself. I don't like walking ahead of others. I'm more comfortable walking along-side them. I want you to know that deep down, we're just the same.

Pyrrha: Glad to know that.

Y/N: Having a human dad has its perks.

The two laughed and continued talking to each other. After Y/N finished the dishes and sat down with Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: You want to know more about me?

Y/N: Well, yeah. I mean, I can tell you're not from here. I also want to know what I'm working with so can give you a proper recommendation for training.

Pyrrha: Oh! Ok. Well, my spear and shield can merge together to make a repeater rifle and the spear can shorten to make a short sword. I also have a semblance.

Y/N: A what?

Pyrrha: A semblance?

Y/N: What's that?

Pyrrha: Oh, that's right. I'm in a different world. Think of it like my own personal superpower.

Y/N: Oh, Like my Sacred Gear.

Pyrrha: Exactly. My semblance is polarity.

Y/N: Magnetism huh. Cool.

Pyrrha: That's about it. So, what do you think?

Y/N: You seem like a proficient fighter already. Alright get a jacket and come with me.

Pyrrha: Where are we going?

Y/N: It's time I formally introduced you to my teachers.

Y/N then brought Pyrrha with him to the shrine as he activated it and the two walked through it. After some walking the made it to Wukong.

Wukong: Hey there kid. Who's the girl?

Y/N: This is Pyrrha. She's my first peerage member. I was wondering if you could check to see how strong she is and find a way to train her.

Wukong: Hm. Let's see what I'm dealing with.

Wukong then started to look closely at Pyrrahs' arms and legs. He was circling her looking up and down trying to gauge her abilities. Once he was done, he stood in front of them. He then wacked Pyrrha in the head with his staff.

Pyrrha: Ow! Hey!

Wukong: Well, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is she's a bit above average in physical strength and stamina. She must've trained like hell before. The bad news is that she's below average in every other section.

Pyrrha: What?

Wukong: Don't take it the wrong way. You're good, but you could be so much better. She has some kind of spiritual power, but it's in what I call a larval state. It's only being used in its basic state. Simply put, she's not as strong as she should be. I'll train her in physical combat, but she'll need someone else to train her power she has.

Pyrrha: My semblance is weak?

Wukong: It's not weak, just not as strong as it should be. Not to mention your "Armor."

Pyrrha: What about it?

Wukong: It exposes too many vital points. You should at least change it to something that covers more of your body. Not to mention something a little more modern. You'd stick out like a sore thumb in that.

Pyrrha and Y/N both sweat dropped at Wukongs' words not expecting fashion advise in this conversation.


Y/N and Pyrrha were currently sparring with each other while Wukong watched. Pyrrha was much faster than Y/N and had a good grasp at tactics, but she was lacking in offense. Every time she dogged or blocked on of Y/Ns' attacks he was able to keep up and continue to push her back. After a while Pyrrha decided to close the gap and change her spear into a gladius and started fighting within his range. Y/N would manifest his sword arm out clashing with her sword. Eventually, Pyrrha was tiring herself out which gave Y/N the opening he needed. He bashed her sword out of her hands and manifested his gun arm and fired at Pyrrha. Luckily, she managed to block the canon with her shield, but she was so tired she lost her balance and was sent flying back. Y/N was worried and ran over to her while Wukong stayed seated and smoked his pipe with a smile on his face.

Y/N: Pyrrha! Are you alright!?

Pyrrha: Yeah. I think so. That was impressive. I've never been pushed back that much.

Y/N: To be honest, your still not used to your devil traits. Just give it some time and you'll surpass me in no time.

Wukong: Not likely.

Pyrrha and Y/N looked back at Wukong who was walking towards them. Y/N stepped to the side as Wukong took one more big huff from his pipe and pointed his staff at Pyrrha.

Wukong: The problem is that you're not fighting.

Y/N: What? Of course, she was. She just didn't have the advantage.

Wukong: Let me rephrase then. When you fought Y/N, you didn't aim for any of his weak spots. You could have knocked him back or tripped him up, but you didn't. What I mean to say Y/N, is that she may look like a warrior, but she's just a performer. She doesn't fight like her life is on the line. She won't kill.

Pyrrhas' eyes widened as she looked down at her hands.

Y/N: What?

Wukong: Little missy, let me make this clear for you. In this world, there will be beings that would wish to kill you or your king. You'll need to fight tooth and nail to make sure that doesn't happen. If not, then that blood is on your hands.

Y/N looked at Pyrrha with worry as Wukong walked away.

Y/N: Pyrrha? Are you ok?

Pyrrha: No, but I guess that's a good thing. I'm so used to how things went on in my world, that I forgot that I'm not there anymore. There's still a lot I have to lean and adjust to. I just hope I won't be a burden.

Y/N: Pyrrha.

Pyrrha wiped her eyes and stood up. She then smacked her face and looked at Y/N with a new fire in her eyes.

Pyrrha: I just need to work even harder. I can't let your rescue go to waste. I'll keep working hard to overcome this. I'll become a knight that you can be proud of.

Y/N: Pyrrha I- *sigh* Alright. Just don't push yourself too hard.

Pyrrha nodded with a smile on her face. She then looked confused. Y/N noticed this and was confused by the sudden change in attitude. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around Y/Ns' neck as he felt something soft push against the back of his head.

???: If it were me deary, I would already be proud of her.

Y/N turned around only for his face to be smothered in large breasts that blocked his sight. He blushed and looked up to see his mother smiling down upon him.

Y/N: Mom!

Y/N then hugged her back as Pyrrha smiled at the sight.

Venelana: Hello sweetie. It's good to see you again. I see you have your first peerage member with you.

Y/N: Oh yeah!

Y/N broke away from the hug and stood next to his knight.

Y/N: Mom Meet Pyrrha Nikos. Pyrrha, this is my mother.

Pyrrha: It's very nice to meet you miss.

Venelana: Oh, no need to be so formal. It's nice to meet you as well. I like her. She has an air of kindness around her. Almost like a big sister.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess I can see it.

???: With her around, things would definitely get more interesting around here.

Y/N looked and saw Yasaka standing next to Venelana.

Y/N: Lady Yasaka! This is-

Yasaka: No need Y/N. I'm well associated with you mother.

Y/N: Wait. You two already know each other?

Yasaka: Indeed. Your mother and I were simply discussing where your territory and temporary base should be.

Y/N: Territory?

Pyrrha: Base?

Venelana: You see Y/N, you can't just have your peerage live with you in your house. It's too small. Even though you only have Pyrrha, it's only a matter of time before you start finding more members, so I asked Yasaka if she could provide a place that can be considered your headquarters for you and your peerage. It's a place for your peerage to live and where all of you can conduct devil business.

Yasaka: There's an unused section of Kuoh in the neighborhood where an abandoned church resides right outside of the border. It hasn't been occupied for some time so you can tear it down if you like. I'll also allow you to perform contracts around Kyoto. That way your influence will spread a lot farther. I recommend starting in Kuoh though. The contracts there are a lot simpler and easier to complete.

Venelana: Well, I should get going. If you want to talk with me, just use that magic circle I used to contact you.

Y/N: I don't know how.

Yasaka: No worries. Even though I am a master of senjutsu I can use basic magic like that. I'll teach you along with you senjutsu practice.

Venelana hugged Y/N once more while the two smiled. Venelana let go and walked over to Pyrrha and smiled.

Pyrrha: It was an honor to meet you ma'am.

Venelana: Please. The honor was mine. Please watch after my son.

Pyrrha: I'll do my best.

Venelana smiled and looked over to Yasaka and Y/N.

Venelana: I like this one.

Pyrrha: Huh?

Venelana then vanished within a magic circle as Yasaka and Y/N started talking more about the territory. Pyrrha looked and Y/N and for a minute she saw someone familiar to her in his place.

Pyrrha: 'Looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me. This world is so different. I may have missed my chance to make things right back on Remnant, but I won't make that same mistake here.'

A/N: Sorry for the late update.

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