Chapter 5: Familiar Forest Fever

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3rd. Pov.

It's been days after the training session back in Kyoto. Currently, both Y/N and Pyrrha are standing in the territory the was given to them by Yasaka. The area is mostly in the forest while the rest covered a small-town northeast of Kuoh. While looking for directions, a small old lady told them about an abandoned school just outside the city. As they headed over in the general direction. After some walking we made it to the building.

Pyrrha: This was a school?

Y/N: This place is a dump. Kuoh could have at least tried to turn it into something else instead of just leaving it here to rot.

Pyrrha: Well, it's ours now, so what's the plan?

Y/N: Sadly, we have to clean it and fix it up. We'll be living here from now on.

Pyrrha: How would that work?

Y/N: Well from what I can remember, this used to be a campus, which means there should be dorm rooms. We can sleep in there. We can also use the classrooms for various purposes, like a headquarters or a meeting room. We can even set up a training room. Once we cover this place in magic circles to keep people from coming here. Come on. The sooner we start the better.

Y/N walks towards the building as Pyrrha follows behind. the two saw the condition of the building and made a note that it certainly looked much worse on the inside than it did on the outside. After three hours of nonstop work, they hardly got a dent in. Eventually they took a break and ate lunch at a diner. Once they finished, they went back to work. While they were walking, a magic circle appeared next to Y/Ns' ear.

Venelana: Y/N?

Y/N: Oh, hey mom.

Venelana: It's good to hear you again. What are you up to?

Y/N: Pyrrha and I are currently fixing up the territory Yasaka gave me. We are making it our headquarters.

Venelana: Just the two of you?

Y/N: Yeah. It's gonna take a while, but we'll get it done.

Venelana: No, absolutely not. Stop for a moment. I'm going to make some arrangements. 

The circle then disappeared as Y/N and Pyrrha looked at each other. They decided to go to the school and keep working. By the time they got there a familiar figure stood at the entrance.

Y/N: I know you. Seekvaira, right?

Seekvaira turned around and walked over to Y/N.

Seekvaira: It's good to see you again Y/N. This must be your first peerage member.

Y/N: Yeah. Pyrrha, this is Seekvaira. She's a friend of my mom.

Pyyrha: Hello.

Seekvaira: It is a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Seekvaira: I was contacted by you mother to assist in the reconstruction of your territory. It should be finished by tomorrow. If you would be so kind as to go somewhere else for the time being. I will contact you when we finish.

Y/N: Um, ok. Thanks, I guess.

Pyrrha and Y/N walk away and are now standing under a tree.

Pyrrha: What do we do now?

Y/N: Honestly, I don't know. I've just been going along with all of this until something happens.

Suddenly, a magic circle appears on Y/Ns' ear again.

???: Y/N?

Y/N: Yasaka. Do you need something?

Yasaka: I was just checking up on you. Have you visited the territory yet?

Y/N: Yeah, but Seekvaira was contracted by my mother to fix it up. I don't really know what to do next.

Yasaka: Hm. That is quite problematic. Oh! Have you considered getting a familiar?

Y/N: Not recently. Is it a requirement for devils?

Yasaka: Not really, but it would certainly be useful to have. I'll stop by and take you to the familiar forest. You two can take a look around. I f you see one you like, let me know.

The circle then disappeared and Yasaka appeared after a few minutes in her human form. She had Y/N and Pyrrha gather around her as a new magic circle appeared and they teleported to a dark and creepy looking forest.

Pyrrha: What is this place?

Yasaka: This is the familiar forest. This is where you can get a familiar to help you with various tasks. Now while this place is full of wonderous creatures, they are also very dangerous, so I want you two to stay close to me.

Y/N/Pyrrha: Yes Ma'am.

The three of them walked throughout the forest for a few minutes seeing all kinds of familiars. Fairies, nymphs, behemoth pups, oh my. After a while, Y/N head some rustling behind a bush and slowly walked over. He looked through the bush and saw something lizard like sticking its head in the water of a stream.

The lizard lifted and shook its head around revealing it horns. It was fairly small with two orange horns, red wings, and a turquoise body with a white underbelly.

It sniffed the air as it turned its head and looked right at Y/N. Neither of them moved. They just stared at each other. Y/N then got on one knee as the small dragon slowly approached him.

Y/N: Hey there.

???: Hello.

Y/N did a double take to see if he heard right.

Y/N: Did- did you just talk?

???: Yeah. What, have you never seen a talking dragon before?

Y/N: I've never seen a regular dragon before.

???: As nice as that may be, I'm not a normal dragon. I'm a lesser.

Y/N: A lesser?

???: We're familiars that a weaker than normal. Bigger familiars tend to view us a s only food. Except for Ground and Leo. He's nice to us.

Y/N: Who's Ground and Leo.


Suddenly, something large, landed right behind Y/N. It slowly stood up as it towered over Y/N by about a foot. Y/N slowly turned around and came face to face with the beast. Its cold blue eyes glared down at him with such authority. The dust settled at standing before Y/N was a massive lion-like creature wearing what appeared to be a school uniform with a sword in its hand.


Y/N: Oh. Y-y-you must be Leo.

Leo: *Gowl*

???: Hi Leo!

Leo: Draco, are you alright?

Draco: Yeah. I'm fine.

Leo: Good. Go and join the others. I'll deal with our unwanted guest.

Draco: Aww, but I want to keep talking with him. He seems alright. Besides, you said we're not supposed to talk with devils.

Leo: Don't argue with me Draco.

Draco: He's only half a devil though.

Leo: ...What?

Y/N: My father's a human. My mom is a devil. I live with my dad in the human world.

Leo then got in Y/Ns' face and glared.

Leo: Then tell me what you're doing here?

Y/N: Yasaka brought me here to get a familiar.

Leo: Yasaka? You know the fox maiden?

Y/N: Y-yeah. I'm engaged to her daughter.

Leo then sniffed Y/N. When he was done his eyes widened as he took a step back.

Leo: You're telling the truth. I apologize for my aggression. Lesser are either something to hunt or kill to the average devil.

Y/N: Trust me, I'm anything, but average. More importantly, how did you know I was telling the truth?

Leo: Her scent is on you. Now that I can think more clearly, I can smell her nearby.

Y/N: She's here with my peerage member.

Draco: Can we meet them?

Y/N: Uh?

Y/N looked at Leo for confirmation. Leo nodded.

Y/N: Sure. Follow me.

The three of them walked back to where Pyrrha and Yasaka were and saw then looking around. Pyrrha turned her head and saw Y/N walking towards them.

Pyrrha: Y/N! Are you alright? We heard an explosion and-

Y/N: Yeah. I'm good.

Leo and Draco soon followed behind him making Pyrrha jump and bring out her weapon.

Y/N: Easy Pyrrha. They don't want to fight. I hope.

Yasaka: Well, this is a surprise. I didn't think to see you again here of all places Leo.

Yasaka was soon standing next to Pyrrha as she looked at Leo with a smile on her face. Leo walked towards her. Once he was right in front of her, he got down on one knee and bowed his head in respect.

Leo: It is an honor to see you again Lady Yasaka. I hope you are in good health.

Yasaka: I am doing well, but you still haven't explained what you are doing here.

Leo got up and looked at all three of them. He then at Draco who was smiling and nodding.

Leo: *sigh* it's best if I take you to where I'm staying. It's not far. I'll explain on the way.

Pyrrha and Y/N both looked at Yasaka to see if it was alright and she nodded.

Yasaka: Lead the way then.

Leo guided them through the forest as explained his situation.

Leo: A used to be a traveler. Due to my appearance, I was often mistaken as a stray devil or just another monster. One day I was badly wounded by devils and passed out in Kyoto. Yasaka found me and helped to nurse me back to health. She offered my safe haven, but I refused. I didn't like modern civilization too much. After some time, I fully recovered and went on my way. Eventually, I somehow made it to the familiar forest and met the lesser. As Draco had told you, they are often seen as hunting game or food, so I took it upon myself to protect them. I would guide them to safety, train them in the art of combat and survival, and help in any way I could. Sometime later I met an old dragon by the name of Ground. He, in a sense became the leader of the lesser. He may be very old, but he is also wise and very powerful, but also humble and kind.

Pyrrha: Wow. That's incredible.

Y/N: You said you were travelling. Why?

Leo: Hm. I suppose it was to vanquish evil.

Y/N: Huh?

Leo: There are many different forms and intensities of evil in the world, but none of them are as truly evil as devils. They will lie, steal, cheat, manipulate, and even kill, just to get what they want, and who is the one to suffer, but mankind. I simply wish to protect humanity from such monsters.

Y/N: Then, why are you still here?

Leo: Because I learned that humanity isn't the only one who suffers and the hands of devils. Lesser can't defend themselves against such threats.

Y/N: Well, you can cross me off of your list. I'm only half a devil. I like the traits that I can get, but I like my humanity even more.

Leo: You are a strange one boy. You have the presence of a devil, and yet you act like a normal human.

Yasaka: Well, he's more special than he looks.

Draco: She's right Leo. I don't know what it is, but I feel safe near him. Like when I'm with you and the others.

Y/N: That could be because of my sacred gear.

Draco: Ooo. Old man Ground told us about those. What's yours?

Y/N: I possess the power of one of the Royal Knights.

Leo stopped in his tracks and immediately looked at Y/N.

Leo: What!? Which one!?

Y/N: Um, Omni?

Y/Ns' hand glowed as Omnis' crest appeared on the back.

Omni: It's a pleasure to meet you, Leo. I apologize for not saying anything earlier. I didn't want to interrupt your conversation with my partner.

Leo: Lord Omni. I apologize for my behavior.

Omni: It's quite alright. No harm came from your confrontation, and there's no need to be so formal around me.

Leo: if that is what you wish.

Y/N: You know about the royal knights?

Leo: Of course. They are the reason I walk the path of justice. 

Y/N: Omni told me about them, he doesn't know what happened to them after the great war though. One minute he was at the Knights' Hall and the next thing he knew he was gone.

Leo: A mystery that may never be solved.

After a few more minutes, the made it to what appeared to be a small village. Many small creatures were running around the area.

Pyrrha: It's like a whole town here.

Yasaka: Its truly beautiful.

Y/N: Incredible. It's so lively, even the trees have leaves and there's grass here. At first glance you wouldn't even realize that you're still in the familiar forest.

Draco: Well, thanks to Leo and old man Ground, we learned how to cultivate this place. Come on. I want you to meet my friends.

Draco grabbed Y/Ns' hand and dragged him in a direction.

Pyrrha: Is it really alright for us to be here?

Leo: They saw me guiding you. That's good enough for them to trust you.

Yasaka: Why don't you go and take a look around. I'll be here if you need me.

Pyrrha: If you say so.

Pyrrha slowly, but surely walked into the village where any of the lesser gathered around her. They acted like children She then knelt down as some jumped at her giving her a hug. She was shocked at first but smiled and laughed at their nature. Back with Y/N He was running after Draco as he stopped at a hut.

Draco: Hack! Doru! Come quick! Leo let me bring a friend.

Exiting the hut were two small creatures. One was a small dragon like being wearing a red hood with goggles.

The second was a small purple furred dragon like creature with a red gem on its forehead.

Doru: Whoa! Careful Dracon, he's a devil.

Draco: I know, but he's ok.

Hack: Are you sure?

Draco: Yeah. he even has the power of a royal knight.

Doru: A Royal Knight!? No way!

Y/N: Yeah. I have the power of Omni within me.

Hack: Wow!

Back with Pyrrha, she was currently sitting under a tree with a lesser sleeping in her laugh. As she was seated, she noticed that there was a large flower behind the tree. She gently placed the Lesser on the ground and walked over to the flower. As she got closer, she noticed that it jumped and hid behind the tree.

Pyrrha: Hello there. Are you a lesser too?

The flower leaned out a little from behind the tree revealing a face within the petals.

???: Um. Are you really a devil?

Pyrrha: Yes, but It's ok. I won't hurt you. What's your name?

???: Um, my name is Flora.

Pyrrha: It's nice to meet you, Flora. Why are you hiding behind that tree.

Flora: Um, Leo said that devils are dangerous, but you've been nice to us. I'm not used to it. You seem different.

Pyrrha: Well, I certainly hope I am. You seem different from the rest of the lesser as well.

Flora: Really?

Pyrrha: Yep. You seem shy, but also careful and observant. You seem like the kind of individual who looks before the leap.

Flora: I have been told that I'm careful or over cautious.

Flow then stepped out and slowly walked over to Pyrrha. Flow just stared at Pyrrha as she smiled. Floras' eyes widened as they held their hands together.

Flora: You might be the one.

Pyrrha: The one for what.

Flora: Mr. Ground says that there's a partner for everyone. He said that my partner is going to be like the sun. When I look at you, you shine just like sun.

Pyrrha: Well, thank you very much.

Flora looked down and held their hands together.

Pyrrha: Is something wrong?

Flora: Um, if it's alright with you, can I be you familiar. I may not be very strong, but I want to go with you. Something tells me that it's a good idea.

Pyrrha: Well, if that's what you want.

Flora: It is.

Pyrrha: Ok then. I hope we have a wonderful partnership.

Pyrrha stuck out her hand as Flora held it and smiled. When Flora smiled a small light appeared within their hands. Flora let go and Pyrrha looked at her hand.

Pyrrha: What happened?

Flora: That was the contract. Now you can summon me whenever you need me.

Pyrrha: How convenient.

The two smiled as Pyrrha held her arms open as Flora jumped and gave her a hug. Back with Y/N he was talking with Draco, Hack, and Doru.

Doru: So, you came here for a familiar and you ran into Draco and Mr. Leo?

Y/N: Yeah. 

Hack: I bet you were scarred when you met Mr. Leo.

Y/N: Yeah, I was. Just from being in his presence, I could tell he was stronger than me.

Draco: But you have the power of a royal knight.

Y/N: That may be true, but I don't have all of his power. I can make is weapons, but I'm still trying to make the armor. I need to get stronger to pull that off.

Doru: You sound like the new guy.

Draco: Hey, you're right.

Y/N: Who are you talking about.

Hack: A few weeks ago, we found a human in the forest. a while ago. We let him live with us for a while. Come on. We'll show you.

Y/N followed the three lesser to a clearing. He looks around but doesn't see anyone.

Y/N: Where is this guy?

Doru: Look up.

Y/N: Look up?

Y/N does so and see something flying in the sky. He uses his enhanced sight to see, but whoever it is, is moving so fast that he can't keep up. Y/N decides to fly in the air to catch up with this mysterious human. After a few seconds of chasing, he sees a boy around his age flying on the clouds. The boy looks back and is shocked to see someone flying right behind him. He slows down until. Upon closer inspection, the boy was wearing a sleeveless jacket and a bandana. He had a long pole like staff with him and a gourd tied to his waist. Y/N could only think of one name when he looked at him.

Y/N: Wukong?

???: No, but I can see why you would think that. My outfit was styled after him.

The boy smiled as he leaned towards Y/N.

???: Name's Shirakumo. Nice to meet you. I haven't seen another person for a long time. What's your name?

Y/N: I'm Y/N. You're a human?

Shirakumo: Yep, but not one from your world. To be honest I almost freaked out when I woke up here, but this place and the ones living here kind of grew on me.

Y/N: Do you mind if we continue this conversation on the ground.

Shirakumo: Sure. Lead the way.

Y/N and Shirakumo landed on the ground and walked back to Yasaka. Speaking of which Yasaka sitting on the ground drinking some tea with Leo standing next to her with his arms crossed. After some time, they looks up and sees Pyrrha walking with Flora and Y/N walking with Shirakumo, Draco, Hack, and Doru.

Yasaka: Well, you all look like you've had a good time. 

Pyrrha: It was. I got my familiar.

Flora: H-hello.

Yasaka: Well, hello there little one.

Y/N: This is Shirakumo. He's a human that was in the same situation as you Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Really? You're not from this world either?

Shirakumo: Not exactly. My world is the same as this one, but instead of supernatural beings we had powers called quirks along with superheroes.

Pyrrha: Sounds like an amazing world.

Shirakumo: It is. This one's cool too though.

Yasaka: Y/N, have you decided on a familiar?

Y/N: Not yet. I got so caught up in everything I haven't picked yet.

Draco: Oh! Can I be your familiar.

Y/N: You want to be my familiar?

Draco: Yeah! You're super strong and a royal knight. If I'm with you, maybe I can be as strong as one someday.

 Y/N: Well, I like your enthusiasm. If that's what you want, then sure.

Y/N patted Dracos' head as a bright light appeared. Once it faded Y/N looked around.

Y/N: What happened?

Pyrrha: The same thing happened with me and Flora. It's a sign that you have formed a contract.

Y/N: I guess it's official. I hope we get along from now on Draco.

Draco: Yeah. Me too.

Yasaka: Now onto the important question. Shirakumo was it? What do you plan on doing now?

Shirakumo: Well, I was going to stay here for a while, but now that I know you can leave, I was wondering if I could come with you guys. Leo told me about the supernatural in this world, and Y/N filled me in on what I didn't know. I was wondering if it'd be ok if you could have me?

Y/N: Wait, what are you asking?

Shirakumo: Would it be alright if I joined your peerage?

Y/N: You just met me. Why would you want to?

Shirakumo: You remind me of someone I knew, plus if Leo brought you here, then he trusts you enough to be a good person. From my perspective, you seem like a great person to follow.

Y/N: I...

Y/N looked at Pyrrha and Yasaka as they both smiled. He looked down at Draco who was nodding furiously.

Y/N: Alright then. It's great to have you. I can reincarnate you now if you want.

Shirakiumo: Cool. Is it gonna hurt?

Y/N: Your senses are going to be readjusted for a few seconds, so I'd advise covering you ears and closing your eyes for a while.

Pyrrha: Wait, you brought your evil pieces here?

Y/N: Kind of. While I was practicing my magic, I learned about storage magic. I can make a small pocket dimension connected to me and put stuff in there. It's not that big though. I'd say the most I could fit in there would be about the size of a basketball.

Y/N held out his hand a magic circle appeared. It swirled and a small portal opened. he pulled out a pawn piece and the portal closed.

Y/N: Get ready.

Shirakumo covered his ears and shut his eyes. Y/N placed the piece in him, and a faint glow came off of Shirakumo. Shirakumo heard a loud ringing even with his ears covered and fell to the ground. After a few seconds it died down and he lifted his head.

Shirakumo: Well, that sucked.

Y/N held out his hand and helped his new pawn up.

Y/N: You alright?

Shirakumo: Yeah, I'll live. Glad I don't have to do that again.

Leo: If you ever wish to come back, you're more than welcome.

Shirakumo: Thanks Leo. I'm ready to go.

Yasaka: Not quite. We came here for familiars. Since you are now a member of Y/Ns' peerage you need one too now.

Doru: Ooo. Pick me. I've always wanted to see the human world. Is it true that the sky is blue?

Shirakumo: Yeah, and the sun is a lot brighter there so don't stare at it.

Doru: So, can I go?

Shirakumo: Of course. Bring it in.

Shirakumo hugged Doru as the same light glowed and died down.

Yasaka: With that, I think we should take out leave.

Hack: Aww. Can't you stay for a little longer?

Yasaka: Unfortunately, it's getting late. I certain that they will be able to see you all again soon.

Leo: Hold on.

Leo walked up to Y/N.

Leo: Tell me, what powers have you attained from the royal knight within you?

Y/N: I can use both of the weapons.

Leo: And the armor?

Y/N: Not yet.

Leo: Hm.

Leo then turned and looked at Yasaka.

Leo: With your permission, I'd like to train this boy.

Yasaka: That's strange of you to ask. May I ask why?

Leo: The royal knights were my inspiration. I may not be one, but I am certain I will be a great help in restoring this one to his former glory.

Yasaka: You know you're more than welcome in Kyoto, but the decision is ultimately Y/Ns' decision.

Y/N: Honestly, I'd be honored. I've been trying to get the armor to appear, but none of my training seems to work. If your help can make some major improvements to my sacred gear, then I'd love to have your help.

Leo: Thank you. I should warn you though, my training will be ruthless.

Y/N: I've been training with Son Wukong for a while now. I don't know how much worse it could get.

Leo: We'll just have to wait and see then.

Yasaka: When I get back to Kyoto, I'll have a place set up for you.

Leo: Thank you once again.

After some time, everyone said their goodbyes. Yasaka teleported everyone back to Kuoh and said her goodbyes. Y/N led Pyrrha and Shirakumo to his house. When he opened the door, he saw his dad sitting on the couch watching T.V.

Dad: Hey kiddo.

Y/N: Hey dad. These are some friends of mine. I offered to let them stay over for the day. Is that alright?

Dad: Sure, just don't stay up too late. It's a school night.

Y/N: Alright. I'm gonna cook dinner. Pyrrha and Shirakumo sat down at the table and started talking to each other about their own worlds. As Y/N was cooking he realized that he was missing some ingredients. He told everyone he was going out for a few minutes and left to do some last-minute shopping. He left the house and went towards the market, not knowing that someone was watching him. After Y/N finished getting his ingredients he was walking home. Suddenly, he felt a large energy force above him. He looked up and saw a large cloaked individual dive right at him. Y/N jumped back right as he hit the ground. Before Y/N could react, a red sword came out from the dust and stabbed him in the stomach. Y/N coughed up blood as he was swung back. He hit a tree and lost consciousness. As the dust settled, it revealed a large, cloaked figure covered in some kind of wrapping. Their red eyes pierced through the darkness illuminating the area slightly. Mixed with the moonlight, their face was soon revealed.

???: *Groan*

They stumbled towards Y/N slowly, but before they could get too close, a blue light hit him in the face as he slid away. His eyes glowed as he looked in the direction of the attack. All he saw were two glowing yellow eyes in the tree.

???: Don't even think about it. Hurt him, and I will end you.

The cloaked figure then held his head in pain as he groaned in pain. His eyes were flashing between red and blue. He then leaped into the air and flew away. Once he left a new person jumped down from the tree. She was a girl in a black kimono. She walked over to Y/N who was bleeding out. She then held him in her arms and placed her hand gently on his wound.

???: I still owe you so much for what you've done for me. Consider this the first of many times I'll return the favor.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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