Chapter 6: A Well-Kept Secret

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3rd. Pov.

Pyrrha and Shirakumo are currently in a Y/Ns' bedroom waiting for him to come back from his errand. Pyrrha soon hears something hitting the window. She gets up and walks over to it. She looks outside and sees Y/N lying on the ground with a blood on his shirt.

Pyrrha: Y/N!

Shirakumo: What?

Pyrrha opens the window and jumps down to Y/N. Shirakumo sees this and soon follows. Pyrrha tries shaking Y/N gently to wake him up, but nothing happens. Shirakumo then makes a cloud for the three of them to get on and lifts them back up into the room. Once inside, they lay Y/N on his bed as Pyrrha rushes downstairs to find a first aid kit, leaving Shirakumo to attend to Y/N. He takes Y/Ns' jacket of and puts it on the floor. When he did, something fell out of his pocket. A small bottle with a strange red liquid inside.

Attached to the bottle was a note.

"Pour on the wound."

Shirakumo was still in a panic, but he trusted his gut on this. He opened the bottle and poured it on the wound. In an instant, Y/Ns' wound glowed. Once the glow stopped, the hole in his stomach was completely closed up. Y/Ns' eyes shot open as he jolted up and started to hyperventilate.

Shirakumo: Whoa! Y/N, calm down! It's me!

Shirakumo gabbed ahold of Y/N as he looked panicked.

Y/N: Sh-Shirakumo?

Shirakumo: That's right. You're safe. You're home now.

Y/N: What?

Y/N looked around and noticed that he was currently in his room. Y/N looked even more confused than he was.

Y/N: How did I get here?

Shirakumo: I don't know. Pyrrha went to the window and jumped out of it. When I looked, you were on the ground with a hole in your stomach. When we brought you inside, Pyrrha left to look for a first aid kit, but I found this bottle in your coat with a note saying to pour it on the wound. When I did you healed up.

Y/N: Let me see that for a second.

Shirakumo handed Y/N the bottle and looked at it. Y/N looked at the design of the bottle and even tried smelling the inside.

Y/N: I'm not familiar with this stuff. Omni, any ideas?

Omni: ....

Y/N: Omni?

Omni: Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking to myself. No. I don't know either.

Y/N: Hm. Let me make a call.

Just as he said that Pyrrha came back into the room with an assortment of bandages, medicine and other supplies. She looked and saw that Y/N was up and fully healed. She was happy but looked sad at the same time as she pouted at him.

Y/N: What?

Meanwhile in the Underworld, three individuals were sitting in a dining room eating dinner together while accompanied by the head maid, Grayfia.

Zeoticus: So, how's the marriage between Rias and Riser coming along?

Sirzechs: It's just about ready. Riser has been quite persistent on the marriage happening as soon as possible. Personally, I don't like this.

Zeoticus: Even though this was your idea to begin with?

Sirzechs: Ghk.

Zeoticus: I understand that you are now against the idea, but don't forget that the council will not allow you to mettle in this, especially since you are Rias' brother.

Grayfia: Lord Gremory is right. We'll just have to hope that Lady Rias will find some kind of loophole in the contract if she wishes to be free from this.

Zeoticus: Besides, even if she can't, there is some good in this.

Sirzechs: Such As?

Zeoticus: Improved relation between our families. You know Reinor and I are close friends. Marriage wasn't the first idea, but the only one we could find to work with. If it means any consolation, remember that Riser was our last choice for Rias, but the eldest son was already engaged and the second son said no.

While this was happening, Venelana sensed Y/N trying to contact her. Knowing this, she stood up from her seat.

Sirzechs: Is everything alright mother?

Venelana: Everything's fine. I just need to contact someone. I'll return when I'm done.

The three watched as Venelana left the room.

Zeoticus: Strange. Your mother has been more active than usual lately.

Sirzechs: I know what you mean. She's been disappearing at random points of the day and showing back up without telling anyone where she's been.

Grayfia: I asked Lady Gremory about her whereabouts once, but she refused to tell me where she went.

Sirzechs: How strange. I'll go and talk to her about it.

Sirzechs stood up and left the room, going in the same direction as his mother. He eventually finds her on a balcony with a magic circle next to her ear. He tries to listen in on what she's saying, but he didn't realize that she had a sound cancelling magic barrier around her.

Venelana: Oh my maou! Are you alright!?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm ok, but I'm not sure what happened. I was attacked in the middle of the night, but I woke up in bed with a vial of some kind of liquid in my coat pocket.

Venelana: Pheonix tears maybe. I'm glad you're alright, but how did you get back. Your peerage members only found you outside the window of your house.

Y/N: I'm not sure. I think someone was there. I was starting to black out, but some woman with black hair was standing over me.

Venelana: She could have been the one who attacked you.

Y/N: Not likely. The one who attacked me looked like a man in some armor wrapped in bandages. Plus, I think Omni might know him. When I asked, he didn't say anything.

Venelana: Well, whoever this woman is, if you find her, please give her my thanks. I'll be sure to reward her for such a kind deed.

Y/N: By the way, you said Phoenix Tears, right? Is this it?

Venelana moved the circle to her palm and held it in front of her. A picture of the vial was displayed from the circle like a hologram.

Venelana: Indeed. These are produced by the Phenex pillar. They're capable of healing even the most fatal wounds in a matter of seconds. The only problem is that they are extremely expensive. I don't think the family would just give these to just anyone. Either your savior is very well connected or obtained it through smuggled goods.

Y/N: Do any members of the Phenex clan have black hair?

Venelana: No. All of the members have blonde hair.

Y/N: Damn. So, I have no clue who this person is, but they know where I live and what I am. Well, I'll have to figure this out another time. Thanks for your help mom.

Venelana: Anytime sweetie. I'm quite close to Lady Phenex actually. I'll ask her if any shipments have gone missing.

Y/N: Thanks. I love you mom.

Venelana: I love you too. Stay safe.

The magic circle disappeared and Venelana looked up at the sky before Sirzechs walked over to her.

Sirzechs: Hello mother.

Venelana, knowing that he was trying to listen, wasn't surprised at all by his presence.

Venelana: Yes dear?

Sirzechs: If you don't mind me asking, who was that you were talking to?

Venelana: Well, if you must know, Lady Astaroth wanted to discuss something private with me. Nothing you need to worry about.

Sirzechs: I see.

Venelana: Were you expecting something else?

Sirzechs: N-no. I was just curious.

Venelana: Alright. Let's head on back to the dining room.

Venelana walked past Sirzechs as he looked at her with confusion.

Sirzechs: 'Mother, what is it that you're hiding?'

Back in Kuoh, Y/N was in the kitchen cooking dinner. Since he was attacked, he lost some of his groceries, so he substituted them with something else. Once he finished cooking, he called everyone to the dinner table and served them. Y/Ns' dad asked some questions about his peerage like how they met. They both said they met outside of school. They didn't lie, they just didn't tell the whole story. After everyone finished eating, Y/N cleaned up and they went to bed. Shirakumo and Y/N slept on the floor and the couch while Pyrrha slept on Y/Ns' bed.

The next morning Y/N went to school and his dad went to work leaving Pyrrha and Shirakumo alone at the house. While walking to school Y/N decided to ask Omni about the night before.

Y/N: 'Hey, Omni? You know who attacked us, don't you.'

Omni: ...

Y/N: 'You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but anything would help.'

Omni: 'Zwart. His name is Zwart. I'll tell you after school with the others.'

Y/N: 'Alright.'

Y/N continued to walk in silence until he felt a demonic presence up ahead. He looked at the school entrance and saw two people standing there. One was a girl with blonde hair with green eyes and the other one was Issei Hyoudou. As soon as the girl made eye contact with him she notified Issei and approach him.

???: Hello, are you Y/N L/N?

Y/N: I am. Who are you?

???: My name is Asia Argento, I'm new to this school.

Issei: And I'm-

Y/N: I know very well who you are. I've seen the Kendo Club beat you and your friends senselessly before.

Issei: Hehe. So, you saw that huh?

Issei was nervously laughing as he scratched the back of his head as Asia looked at him confused.

Issei: Listen, Rias wants you to come to the O.R.C. so she can apologize.

Y/N walked past them.

Y/N: Tell she can take her apology and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. I'm not forgiving her for what she did to my dad.

Asia: What she did to your dad?

Issei and Asia looked confused as Y/N stopped and looked back over to them.

Y/N: Oh! So, she didn't tell you? She broke into my house; she attacked my dad and then she forced him into a state of hypnosis with magic. Does that sound like something to be forgiven about?

Issei and Asia kept trying to convince him to go to see Rias, but he ignored them and went on to his class. The two of them went to the club building where Rias was waiting for them.

Rias: Well?

Issei: He said no. He won't forgive you for attacking his dad.

Rias: I see, thank you both for trying. You two should head to class before you're late.

Rias left for her class as Asia and Issei went to theirs. Some time passed and now it's lunch, and Y/N was eating outside by himself. While he was eating a girl with brown hair in two ponytails walked up to him. 

Nimura: Y/N L/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Nimura: My name is Ruruko Nimura. We've met before when you first enrolled here. Would you please come with me to the student council room.

Y/N then sensed demonic energy with in her and turned his head away.

Y/N: Why?

Nimura: The student council president would like to have a word with you.

Y/N: Alone or with all of you there as well?

Nimura: All of us.

Y/N: No thanks then. I don't want to be in such an enclosed space with so many devils.

Nimura stopped smiling and put on a more serious face. It wasn't a threatening one though. It was more like she was acting professionally.

Nimura: I don't want to come off as too demanding, but I insist that you follow me.

Y/N: I don't want to come off as too brash, but are you going to make me?

Nimura: No, I simply wanted you to know that this meeting is very important. Sona thinks that you would need to have this meeting with her, but if you want, she could come out here and discuss it with you.

Y/N: 'Sona seems really insistent to speak with me. She's even willing to compromise and meet my demands. She hasn't tried anything yet. This could prove useful to me.' Fine, we'll meet here, but she can only bring one person. Anyone else and we'll have a problem.

Nimura: I'll let her know. Thank you for your time.

Nimura smiled and heads back to into the school. After some time, Sona came out with Tsubaki next to her while her peerage watches from the windows.

Sona: Greetings Y/N L/N.

Y/N: Hello Sona. So, what did you want to talk about?

Sona: It has been brought to my attention that you have made contact with Rias Gremory recently, correct?

Y/N: Yeah.

Sona: And seeing that you are alone, I can correctly assume that you haven't joined her peerage?

Y/N: That's right.

Sona: I see, well then, I would like to discuss with you about-

Y/N: I'm gonna stop you right there. I have no intention of joining your peerage.

Sona: And may I ask why?

Y/N: Well, for starters, I know that your companion has been following me almost everywhere I go. In don't like being watched.

Tsubaki slightly jumped as she looks away.

Sona: I do apologize. I ordered her to observe you as a precaution. Other devils are not allowed to enter another's' territory without permission. I haven't received any kind of warning or notification of an unknown devil entering the Kuoh territory. It's only natural that we would observe you and determine if you are a threat.

Y/N: Am I a threat?

Sona: From what we have gathered, no, you are not.

Y/N: So, I'm free to go?

Sona: Not quite. Since you possess a sacred gear that means you are also human, but since you are producing demonic energy that means you have been turned into a devil. I would like you to tell me who's peerage are you in?

Y/N stared at Sona it seemed like minutes passed until Y/N stood up and patted himself down to get any loose grass off.

Y/N: I have to say, this is impressive. I thought all devils were high and mighty types, but you're different. I may have thought wrongly about you Sona. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not in a peerage.

Sona: So, you're a stray devil?

Y/N: Nope, I'm a hybrid, or how you call them, a half-breed.

Y/N revealed his wings, surprising Sona as Tsubaki stood in front of her summoning a naginata into her hands.

Y/N: I don't want to fight.

Y/N hid his wings away and looked at the sky.

Y/N: I never really asked for this you know. It's mostly just been me and my dad. He's human see. When my powers started to kick in, I got worried he would freak out, so I kept my devil side and my sacred gear a secret from him, but the supernatural always has a way of dragging people like me into their world whether I like it or not. As long as you mind your own business, I'll be nothing more than your average lower classman, but if you even try to harm my friends or my family, there will be hell to pay.

Y/N walked past the two leaving them both nervous, but Sona was even more curious as to who Y/N is.


The day is over and Y/N walking home he heard a cat meowing on the sidewalk. He looks and sees a familiar black cat sitting on the sidewalk looking at him.

Y/N: Hey you. I thought you'd be long gone by now.

Y/N crouches down and pets the cat as it rubs its head against his fingers, nuzzling into the back of his hand. Y/N then gently picked it up and holds it in his arms.

Y/N: How about you come live with me. I'll cook you some meals every day if you want.

Y/N proceeded to walk home. Once he got there, he was about to introduce everyone to the newest addition, but before he could, he got a call from Seekvaira.

Y/N: Hello?

Seekvaira: Greetings Y/N, this is Seekvaira.

Y/N: Oh, hello. Is there something you need?

Seekvaira: I was just letting you know that your base of operations is clean and ready. You can move in as soon as you want.

Y/N: Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

Seekvaira: You're very welcome. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Shirakumo: What's up?

Y/N: The base is ready. You can move in now.

Pyrrha: You should come with us.

Y/N: I plan to. My dad isn't home yet so this should be fine.

The three devils walked together, but before they got far Omni decided to speak up.

Omni: I think it's time I told you the truth.

Pyrrha: The truth?

Y/N: Omni knows who attacked me.

Shirakumo: Who was it?

Omni: His name is Zwart. He's- was my father.

Everyone stopped as the stared at the symbol on Y/N's hand.

Y/N: What?

Omni: Long ago, during the great war between the angels, the devils, and the fallen, my father was given a mission. We were told that one of the seven demon lords was performing a ritual to summon a beast that could end the world. Little did he know, it was a trap. The ritual was meant to turn him into the vessel of a being known as Millennium. The ritual was a success, but he used the last of his power to seal away his strength. When the others found out, they did everything in their power to find a way to help him, but all attempts ended in failure. As time passed, his power began to seep through the seal he made.

Shirakumo: But why would he go after Y/N?

Omni: ...Because of me.

Pyrrha: What?

Omni: I don't know why, but for some reason, Zwart is always drawn to my hosts. Most of them died by his hands while some were lucky to escape him. I never knew why he was after me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. To be honest, I was hoping that he wouldn't find us until you were stronger, but now that he has, it's only a matter of time before he strikes again.

Y/N: Isn't there a way we can help him?

Omni: Yes. You can kill him.

Everyone: What!?

Omni: Though he looks like my father, I know for a fact that what you saw wasn't him. Even if he's still there, Zwart has killed so many innocent lives. It pains me to think that my father is suffering, because someone else acts in his stead. Death will end this pointless bloodshed. It will bring him peace. One last honorable fight to end it all.

Pyrrha: That's crazy. That can't be the only way.

Shirakumo: Yeah, Pyrrhas' right. There needs to some other way.

Omni: There is no other way!

Pyrrha and Shirakumo flinched at Omnis' outburst.

Omni: Do you think I haven't tried to find a way to restore him? I've looked through everything. Senjutsu, divinity, curses, spells, all of it. Nothing works. Death is the only mercy we have left.

Y/N: OK.

Pyrrha: Y/N?

Y/N: I don't like the idea of killing your dad, but it can bring him peace, if it can bring you peace, then I do it.

Omni: You'll need to be ready.

Y/N: I'll ask Yasaka and Wukong to up my training.

Shirakumo: Then I guess I'll help too.

Omni: Huh?

Shirakumo: I want to be a hero that can make people smile. I don't want to kill, but I will have your back in a fight.

Pyrrha: Me too. It was selfish of me to assume that you haven't tried anything else to save him. Sometimes, saving someone means finally putting them to rest.

Y/N: Well, there you have it. You're not fighting this alone Omni. We're all going to fight along with you when the time comes.

Omni: Everyone, thank you.

After some more walking they made it to the base.

Shirakumo: We did say we wanted a cleanup, right?

 Y/N: Yep.

Pyrrha: This seems like a bit much, don't you think?

Y/N: Does this look like a bit to you?

Y/N: Because it certainly looks like more than a bit to me.

A/N: Tell me what you think?

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