Chapter 7: New Threats

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3rd. Pov

In a dark room, a massive being sits on a throne with a strange orb floating above his hand. Images of Y/N were projected from the reflection of the orb as it gently glowed in the dark. The individual looking at the orb brings it closer to their face, not showing any definitive features except for to glowing red eyes.

???: It would seem that Omni managed to find himself a host that can live for longer than a few months.

Another being walks over from the side and looks at the orb and grins.

???2: And would you look at that. The kid's a hybrid as well.

???: It is rare for you to take interest in anyone old friend.

???2: I wouldn't say I'm interested.

The second figure notices Y/N fighting and sighs.

???2: The boy still has a lot to learn. I doubt Omni and his host could handle Zwart if they were to encounter each other sometime soon. Still, if he keeps it up, they all might notice as well.

The orb changes images, revealing a massive lizard under the water, slowly opening its eyes.

???: So, envy finally woke up. Then the arrival is upon us. Try and find the others.

???2: What about the boy?

???: He's not ready. I will observe his progress, but until he is strong enough, we will not interact with him.

Back with Y/N, he and his peerage are currently standing in front of their new base of operations. All three of them have different reactions.

Shirakumo: This place is awesome!

Pyrrha: It seems like a bit much. Then again, Y/Ns' mother is a wealthy individual.

Y/N: This place is too damn big!

Shirakumo ran inside the castle looking around the luxurious interior. Pyrrha and Y/N followed soon after. As the three explored the building, they found a wide variety of different rooms. A spa, training room, a pool, a library, a massive kitchen with enough food to feed for a family gathering, and a massive garden in the backyard.

Y/N: How is this place bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside.

Pyrrha: Perhaps magic was used?

Y/N: Yeah, that makes sense.

Pyrrha: With all of this you definitely owe Seekvaira a big favor.

Y/N: Can I do multiple small ones instead?

Shirakumo ran from out of nowhere and yelled.

Shirakumo: I just found some stairs that go downstairs, and they lead to a game room, and a movie theater!

 Shirakumo then runs back to where he just came from.

Pyrrha: Well, he seems to be enjoying himself. I myself might want to look around the library. There's still so much about this world that I want to know.

Pyrrha walks off, leaving Y/N by himself.

Omni: What are you going to do?

Y/N: Well-

Before he could finish, Y/N heard a knock at the door. He walked over and opened the door, only to be tackled by large ball of fluff.

???: Y/N!!!

Y/N: Oof!

When he lands on the floor, he looks up and sees a girl with fox ears and tails hugging him.

(I know it's not really her, but I wanted to age her up.)

Y/N: Hey Kunou. What do you think of my new place?

???: Well, I think it is rather impressive.

Y/N looked past Y/N and saw her mother, Yasaka standing at the door.

Y/N: It's good to see you to Yasaka.

Y/N and Kunou both up, as Kunou hugged Y/N and nuzzling into his chest.

Yasaka: If I remember correctly, this used to be an old school before Kuoh Academy was built.

Y/N: Yep. We still need to put up a barrier, but that won't take too long. Once we place the magic circles this place will be all set and ready for business.

Yasaka: That's good to hear.

???: *meow*

Yasaka looked down at Y/Ns' arms and saw the stray cat he picked up.

Yasaka: You got a cat?

Y/N: Yeah. She followed me all the way from Kyoto. I still haven't given her a name yet.

Kunou: How'd you meet her?

Y/N: She was in an alley when I found her. She was hurt pretty bad, so I just nursed her back to health. Once she was all better, she was gone. I never saw he since. She must've lost her home by the time I left for Kuoh. Since she was familiar with me, she must have followed my scent.

Kunou: It's stuff like this that makes me love you even more.

Yasaka: Ara~ I never knew you had the courage to announce you love to Y/N in front of me as well Kunou.

Kunou blushed and hid her face behind Y/N.

Kunou: W-well, we are going to get m-married. I just-

Y/N: No need to feel embarrassed. I love you too.

Kunou pressed her face into his back as her tails wagged making both Y/N and Yasaka smile.

Before anything else was said Pyrrha returned with books in her hands.

Pyrrha: Oh! Hello.

Y/N: Perfect timing. Pyrrha meet my fiancé Kunou and her mother Yasaka.

Pyrrha: It's nice to meet you two.

Yasaka: It's good to see you are doing well child.

Pyrrha: Thank you Ms. Yasaka.

Yasaka: Just Yasaka is fine.

Kunou: It's nice to meet you Pyrrha.

Y/N: Pyrrha: Why don't you and Kunou spend some time together. I female friend might be nice for you.

Pyrrha: That sounds nice. You don't mind, do you?

Kunou: Not at all. I've been wanting to meet Y/Ns' peerage.

The two of them walked away together in a random direction.

Y/N: Yasaka, I need you to up my training.

Yasaka: That's an odd request. You seem to be doing fine at the rate you're going. What caused this?

Y/N: I almost died yesterday.

Yasaka: What!? What happened?

Omni: My father attacked us. He may be drawn to the power I hold, and since it's shared with Y/N, he's a target as well. He's been corrupted with a very dangerous being. It lays dormant within his body, but it's only a matter of time before it awakens and takes full control of his body.

Y/N: I need to be strong enough to beat him, but at the rate I'm going it'll be a repeat of last time.

Yasaka: Are you at least alright.

Y/N looked at his hand and noticed that it was shaking. He made a fist and held his wrist as he remembered how easily he was overpowered.

Y/N: Honestly, I'm far from ok. I didn't stand a chance. I'm nowhere near as strong as him. If I want to at least stand a chance, I have to train even harder.

Yasaka: What about the others? Do they know anything?

Y/N: They don't know that I'm scared, but they do know everything else.

Yasaka: I'll see what Wukong and I can do for you, but don't expect anything great.

Yasaka then looked like she had an idea and held her chin.

Yasaka: Actually, I have a favor to ask.

Y/N: What is it?

Yasaka: There is a youkai girl back in Kyoto named Shimo who is staying with me. I want you to take her in and help heal her.

Y/N: What exactly do you mean by "heal"?

Yasaka: She is a girl who has suffered much in her life. She's still young so the world terrifies her, along with the people. She hardly speaks and will almost never leave my side unless she's with someone she trusts. She was born incredibly powerful which led to her being manipulated into doing terrible. Her family passed away a while ago. I knew them once. She's a Yuki Onna, so her powers are connected to her emotions.

Y/N: Damn. She's still a kid too? What makes you think I can help her?

Yasaka: I would absolutely be all for helping her, but with how busy I am, I never truly get the time to. Even now, speaking with you, I have limited time to be here. I believe you can do this for me. You have a strange way with people. You helped the youkai safely blend in with the human world and even some people that found out about it were ok with it. Some have even managed to create beautiful relationships together because of your assistance. If anyone else can do this, it's you.

Y/N looked down pondering. It's true that he often helped the youkai and even made some of their lives better, but he never thought that he was that big of a help. He only thought of what he would do, but maybe that's what was needed. An outside perspective on a similar problem.

Y/N: I can't grantee anything, but I'll do my best to help her.

Yasaka: Thank you.

Meanwhile in the Underworld, Sirzechs was getting more and more suspicious of his mother to point where it was bothering him. He had his wife, Grayfia follow her, but it still wasn't enough to calm him, so he decided to investigate himself. He contacted one of his closest friends and is currently talking to him about his mother.

Ajuka: I don't really have any ideas as to what it could be. The last time I saw you r mother was when you invited me and the others over to your home for dinner.

Sirzechs: Really? She told me she spoke with your mother about something. I assumed it was about you.

Ajuka: Really? I'll ask her about it. I truly don't have any idea why your mother is acting strange.

Sirzechs: I see. Thank you for helping me with this.

Ajuka: I'm your friend Sirzechs. I'll help in any way I can. Now if you excuse me, I have to- *Boom*

Sirzechs: Are you alright?

Ajuka: I'm fine. I'll talk with my mother later. Ugh, it's moist. Why is it moist!?

The magic circle disappeared from Sirzechs hand as he lightly chuckled from his friends' antics. Soon after, his father walked in.

Zeoticus: Hello son. Are you busy?

Sirzechs: Not at the moment. Do you need something?

Zeoticus: Rias just contacted me. Apparently, there's an unknown devil living in Kuoh.

Sirzechs: It could be another stray.

Zeoticus: Not according to her information.

Zeoticus handed Sirzechs a file from Kuoh academy. Sirzechs reads through it as his eyes slightly narrow.

Sirzechs: Is this real or was it falsified?

Zeoticus: It came straight from Kuoh Academy.

Sirzechs then looked at the picture of Y/N. The more he looked at it the more he got a sense of familiarity. It made him uncomfortable.

Sirzechs: Has he done anything to threaten the sanctity of Kuoh?

Zeoticus: From what Rias has said, not technically. He's very protective of his father. he seems to be the only family he has, not to mention he's human. Sona Sitri also reported that he's already achieved his second pair of wings.

Sirzechs: Four wings at his age?

Zeoticus: That's not all. According to what Rias and Sona said, he possesses an unknown Sacred Gear.

Sirzechs: Unknown?

Zeoticus: They weren't able to get any information on it whatsoever. It's almost as if it doesn't exist.

Sirzechs: That is interesting. I suppose I'll head over to Kuoh. I'll know for certain if he is or isn't a threat.

Zeoticus: That's not all. Look at the second picture in the file.

Sirzechs was confused but did so. When he got to the picture his eyes widened. In the picture was Y/N smiling and talking with Kunou and Yasaka.

Sirzechs: Why is he talking with the youkai leader and her daughter?

Zeoticus: I don't know, but if you're going to investigate the boy, I'd advise finding out his relationship with the youkai before you approach him. We don't want to start any conflict with the Shinto Pantheon again.

Sirzechs: I'll be careful.

Zeoticus leaves the room as Sirzechs continues to look at Y/Ns' school photo.

Sirzechs: Why does his face bother me so much?

Back at Y/Ns' castle, while his peerage was enjoying their time inside, Y/N was training in the backyard with Wukong.

Wukong: Come on! I know you can do better than that.

He dodged one of Y/Ns' attacks and stopped the blade of his sword arm with just one finger. He closes the gap between the two of them and flicks Y/Ns' forehead, launching him back. Y/N roles on the ground, and eventually catches himself. He glares at Wukong as the monkey king simply leans against his staff.

Wukong: *whistle* Not bad kid. Looks like you've still got some fight left in you. You've got guts kid, I'll give you that, but guts aren't gonna cut it.

Wukong leaps into the air dashes at Y/N at an impossible speed. Y/N puts up a barrier, but Wukong kicks right through it and lands a devastating blow at Y/Ns' stomach. Y/N coughs up some saliva as he has the wind knocked out of him. Y/N is sent flying as his body is forced through tree after tree until he rolls on the ground until his back hit one last tree, stooping him from going any farther. Wukong then appeared before Y/N who was now holding his stomach as he was covered in bruises and dirt. Wukong sat down next to him and looked at the sky.

Wukong: So, how are you feeling?

Y/N: *groan*

Wukong: It' could've been worse. You could be dead.

Y/N: I wish I was.

Y/N slowly but surely sat up and leaned against the tree behind him.

Y/N: How much have I improved?

Wukong: With out your sacred gear, I'd say a large margin has been covered, but if you want to make a big difference, you'll need to achieve balance breaker.

Y/N didn't say anything and looked down at his hands. Wukong noticed this and took a puff from his pipe.

Wukong: It's nothing to worry about. You can still get stronger. Growth like achieving balance breaker is different for every sacred gear user. You're not growing as quickly as others. It'll just take some time.

Y/N: Good thing I'm patient.

Y/N was in too much pain to move anymore, so he decided to wait it out and chat with Wukong until the pain subsided. After a while, Pyrrha noticed that Y/N and Wukong hadn't returned. She decided to go and look for them. After following the destruction left behind from Y/N she eventually found the two of them together.

Pyrrha: Y/N, are you alright?

Y/N: Hey Pyrrha. I'm ok.

Wukong: Hm. Actually, this might work.

Pyrrha: What are you talking about?

Wukong: We've been focusing on improving your power, but all we've been doing is physical training, but none of it was tied to spiritual training.

Y/N: Can you elaborate?

Wukong: While your sacred gear is connected to your soul, we weren't training to improve it. Your body can handle the power, but your soul doesn't know that. Pyrrha, how well are you with controlling your aura?

Pyrrha: Thanks to Lady Yasaka I have a better understanding for it aside from defensive purposes.

Wukong: Good enough. From now on I want you to train Y/N on what you know. If he can get his soul to recognize his physical capabilities, then he may achieve balance breaker sooner than later.

Y/N: Do you think it could work?

Wukong: Aura is the manifestation of the soul. If we can get you to manifest yours it may lead to an instant awakening. Come along little spartan. We must discuss this in further detail.

Pyrrha: What about Y/N?

Y/N: You two go on ahead. I'm just gonna stay here for a while longer.

The two of them left as Y/N sat against the tree looking up at the sky. He then felt someone watching him and looked to his side. and sees a mysterious figure wrapped in a cloak, standing in the distance, with a sword arm just like his.

Y/N slowly pushed himself up and leaned against the tree as he looked at the figure.

Y/N: Who are you?

The figure didn't move but spoke in a low voice as the sound of the wind and trees fell silent.

???: Is thou ready to bear the mantle?

Y/N: What?

The figure said nothing else as it walked away, disappearing behind the trees. Y/N was confused as to what happened. He never met the figure before, but he felt familiar. After some time, Y/N went back to the castle. Y/N was thinking about the figure until he remembered its face. It looked just like Zwarts'. Y/N wondered if Omni had a relative but remembered that he was a fragment of Zwart, so there weren't any relatives. Y/N was so busy thinking about it that he didn't notice that he was back home. Y/N went inside and tended to his wounds. After a couple hours, Y/N heard a knock on the door. As he went over and opened it, he saw Yasaka standing at the entrance.

Yasaka: Hello Y/N. I hope I'm not bothering you.

Y/N: Not at all. Do you need something?

Yasaka: Actually, I came here to introduce you to someone.

Yasaka then looked behind her and a little girl peeked out from behind her. Yasaka gently moved the girl forward as she looked nervous.

Yasaka: Y/N, this is Shimo. Shimo, this is Y/N. He's going to be taking care of you.

Shimo: H-hello.

Y/N knelt down and gently smiled at the little Yokai.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you Shimo.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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