Chapter 8: The First Strike

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3rd. Pov

Pyrrha and Shirakumo noticed that the door was open and checked to see what was going on. They then see Y/N kneeling in front of a small Yokai child and Yasaka.

Shirakumo: Hey boss.

Pyrrha: Is everything alright?

Shimo: Eep!

Shimo saw them and quickly hid behind Yasaka again.

Y/N: *chuckle* It's alright Shimo. Those two are friends of mine.

Shimo peeked from behind Yasaka and saw Y/N motion them over.

Y/N: The one with white hair is Shirakumo.

Shirakumo: It's nice to meet you.

Y/N: And the one with red hair is Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello.

Shimo: H-hello.

Y/N: You don't need to worry about anything. We'll take good care of you. I promise.

Y/N offered extended his hand to Shimo as she looks at it. She slowly reached out and held his hand.

Yasaka: I'd say my work is done here. Shimo, Y/N here is going to be taking care of you from now on. You can trust him. I certainly do. Don't worry. I'll stop by to check up on you, and who knows, you might even get a visit from Kunou before me.

Yasaka then returned to Kyoto as Y/N takes Shimo inside and has her Shirakumo took her luggage in with Pyrrha. Y/N had Shimo sleep across from his room so she would feel comfortable in the base. Y/N then went and changed into his school uniform. When he was done, he found Pyrrha and Shirakumo sitting with Shimo.

Y/N: Hey, do you two mind showing Shimo around. I have something I need to take care of really quick.

Pyrrha: Sure thing.

Y/N: Thanks, and Shirakumo, no joy rides. I want her adjusted, not terrified.

Shirakumo: How did you-

Y/N: I always know.

Y/N then walked over to the door and was about to leave, but Shimo walked over to him and tugged his sleeve.

Shimo: Um, mister, I mean Master.

Y/N: There's no need to call me that. Just Y/N is fine.

Shimo: Um, where are you going?

Y/N: I'm going to school. I'll be gone for a few hours so you all can spend time together and get to know each other.

Pyrrha: Why not have us enroll. There's no doubt that the devils in Kuoh know about you. Why not let us go too.

Y/N: Because tuitions aren't cheap, and my dad doesn't have that kind of money.

Shirakumo: What about you?

Y/N: I don't have that kind of money, plus, I don't want to ask my mom for money. She's already done a lot for us. Regardless, you all have the afternoon off. When I get back, we're going to start training.

Y/N then teleported back home and walked out of his room, heling his dad cook breakfast. When he finished, he left for school. Little did he know that Sirzechs was watching him in secret. Sirzechs was observing the hybrid the whole day except when Rias and Sona were having a tennis match. When he looked back, the hybrid was gone. Sirzechs cursed himself for getting distracted. Y/N was in an empty classroom talking with a magic circle.

Y/N: I'm being Stalked!?

Venelana: Not stalked per say. Just being followed. My husband said someone was sent to see if you are a threat to Kuoh. I don't know who was sent, so try and act normal for a while.

Y/N: Alright then. Thanks for the heads up.

Venelana: You're welcome. Stay safe.

The magic circle vanished as Y/N looked back out the window, trying to see if he could spot anyone suspicious, but to no avail. Y/N decided to simply head home and try to lay low. After the tennis match Y/N acted normal and went home like he planned. Once he got home, he noticed that his dad wasn't home, so he teleported back to his base. Once he got there, he immediately sensed multiple signatures flying around the base.

Y/N: What the-

Y/N runs out of the building and sees tons of small purple creatures flying around, destroying the castle.

Y/N quickly revealed his wings and flew up using his sacred gear to cut and shoot them down. They may be weak, but they came in large numbers.

Y/N: What even are these things. Where is everyone?

Shirakumo: Y/N!

Y/N looked next to him as Shirakumo flew up to him while riding a cloud and holding his staff in hand. He then saw Pyrrha and Shimo on the ground. Pyrrha was holding Shimo close to her.

Y/N: Are you all ok?

Shirakumo: We're fine, but what are these things?

Y/N: I don't know, but they're destroying the base. We need to get rid of them before they can finish. Shirakumo, I need you to promote yourself.

Shirakumo: How do I do that?

Y/N I don't know the details, but you just need to get in their space and announce what promotion to make. Go with the knight. We can't risk using too much power near the base.

Shirakumo: Got it.

Shirakumo flew up to a large cluster of the monsters and shouted.

Shirkumo: Promotion, Knight!

Shirakumo slightly glowed for a moment before he dashed through the group of monsters with incredible speed.

Shirakumo: Whoa, sweet!

As another group was going after him, Y/N flew down to Pyrrha and Shimo.

Y/N: Are you two alright.

Pyrrha: I'm fine, but Shimo isn't.

Y/N Looked down and saw Shimo holding onto Pyrrha as frost began to build up on the ground. Y/N went to reach for Shimo, but the little youkai lunged and held onto him. Y/N held her and looked to Pyrrha.

Y/N: Go. Help Shirakumo.

Pyrrha ran out to the open and began firing upon the monsters as she then revealed her wings and flew into the air. Y/N took Shimo under a tree, to hide from them.

Y/N: Shimo, it's going to be alright.

Shimo: No. No.

More frost started to form underneath them. Y/N held her close to him as he put a barrier around them.

Y/N: It's alright. You don't need to be scared. I won't let them hurt you.

Shimo: I don't want to hurt you.

Y/N: Hurt me?

Y/N then noticed that the frost was turning to ice. When he looked back at Shimo he saw that her short black hair was starting to turn white as it grew longer. Y/N realized that this was her unstable power.

Y/N: You won't hurt me. I'm a lot stronger than I look.

Shimo: But I always end up hurting someone.

Y/N: Maybe, but that's only because you're scared of your power. I was like that too.

Shimo looked up as her eyes started to turn blue.

Shimo: How did you stop yourself.

Y/N: I had some good friends help me control it. It just needs to take some time, but until then, just ask me and I'll put up a barrier like now. You don't need to hold in all of that pain. You can let it go. I'll be ok.

Shimo: ...Do you promise.

Y/N: I promise, not only as a devil, but a royal knight, that I won't get hurt, and I'll help you control this power of yours.

Y/N held Shimo close as she remembered a man with black hair holding her the same way. This made her slightly smile as she hugged Y/N.

Shimo: Thank you papa.

Shimo glowed when suddenly, she along with Y/N were encased in a large block of ice. Soon after, cracks began to appear all around it.


The block soon breaks, with all of them turning into snow. Y/N opened his eyes. only to realize that he was no longer holding Shimo. He looked around but didn't see her. He then noticed some flurries of snow falling from the sky. Y/N looked up only to be surprised to see a young girl in a kimono floating in the sky, looking down at him.

Y/N stared at the girl in wonder as a name popped into his head.

Y/N: Shimo?

The girl said nothing, but she did have a slight smile on her face as she flew up into the air. She held out her hands as snow formed in between her palms and a blast of snow and cold air shot out hitting a large group of the monsters.

Shirakumo: Whoa! Who's that?

Pyrrha: Is that Shimo!?

Shirakumo: That shy little girl!? No way!

Y/N: I hate to say it, but Pyrrah's right. She must've held her power in whenever she would break down. This must be what it looks like when she doesn't hold herself back.

Shimo was dancing in the air as she would freeze large groups of the monsters, only for them to shatter into blocks of ice. Some even melted before they could touch the ground. Y/N then flew into the air and summoned his sword arm and canon arm. He started cutting and shooting down the monsters one by one. After some time, the hoard of monsters was eliminated. Everyone met at the front of the base.

Y/N: *sigh* I think that's all of them. Is everyone alright?

Pyrrha: Yeah, but the base.

Y/N looked and saw that some parts of the base were crumbling and falling apart. Shimo decided to use her powers to cover the holes in the base with some ice to keep it from falling apart.

Shirakumo: Well, at least it's not falling apart anymore.

Y/N: Pyrrha, you and I will look at the damage inside. Shimo and Shirakumo, you two stay outside in case of a surprise attack. We don't know where those things came from.

Shirakumo: You got it boss.

Y/N and Pyrrha went inside and walked around to see if there were any internal damages. They swept through the first floor and didn't see anything severe.

Y/N: So far so good.

Pyrrha: Yeah, I haven't seen anything too bad. Let's check the upper floors. That's where they mostly swarmed.

Y/N: What? Why would they do that? They would've done more damage if they went for the main floor.

Pyrrha: Maybe they weren't that smart?

Y/N: Let's hope. Come on.

As the two went upstairs, they went over to where the ice was first. When they arrived, they saw that the inside was much worse than the outside.

Y/N: Well, this is depressing.

Pyrrha: It's nothing to worry about. We can all pitch in to fix it up.

Y/N: How did they even get here?

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Y/N: I put up a barrier when you all moved in.

Pyrrha: Could it have Zwart?

Omni: Not likely. He sees everything as an enemy. This has to have been someone else, but it can't be them, could it?

Pyrrha: Who?

Y/N: Mom did say I was being stalked. Could it have been them?

As the three of them were discussing about the attacker, a loud clicking noise could be heard in the room. It was like massive gears were struggling to turn. Y/N and Pyrrha didn't know where the clicking noise was coming from. They then heard it behind them, as if it was coming from the hallway, but nothing was there. Suddenly, something big landed on the floor in the room. They both turned around and saw a massive creature with multiple legs with its back turned. It then slowly turned its head around and looked at them.

Pyrrha: W-what is that thing?

The monster let out a low growl as it turned around and faced them, allowing Y/N and Pyrrha got a better look at it.

Y/N and Pyrrha drew their weapons. The monster jumped from wall to wall, keeping the two devils from getting a clear shot. Its movements were unreadable. It then dashed at them, catching them off guard. Y/N wasn't expecting it and froze up for a moment. To protect him, Pyrrha jumped in the way and blacked the charge with her shiels, but the beast simply swung its head to the side and lifted its foot, slamming down on top of her. Luckily her aura took the brunt of the attack, but she was still hurt. Y/N snapped out of it and used his brave shield to create a barrier around Pyrrha. The monster was confused by the sudden protection which Y/N took advantage of and dashed under it. Y/N made his sword arm as was about to stab its underbelly, but before he could he looked to the side and saw the monster looking at him with its head upside down.

Y/Ns' eyes widened as he saw that it opened its mouth revealing a gun barrel inside. Y/N wanted to use the brave shield on himself, but he that if he did, the one over Pyrrha would disappear and she would be crushed by the monsters' foot. Y/N tried to think of something, but before he could do anything, the barrel extended out and the beast then fired upon him.

The blast was so big that Y/N was blown out of the building. Shirakumo and Shimo turned around and saw their leader falling out of the dust cloud from the blast. Shimo dashed over to Y/N to try and catch him. Shirakumo looked back at the cloud and saw the beast leap out of the building.

Shirakumo: What the hell is that!?

Shimo managed to catch Y/N in time for her to look up and see the same thing. Y/N quickly recovered and looked up, seeing the beast falling right above him. Y/N and Shimo ran away from their position, just for the monster to slam onto the ground, breaking it apart.

Y/N: It's too fast. We need to hold it still.

Shirakumo then looked at Shimo as she nodded to him. Shirakumo then created a cloud and flew around the monster, getting its attention. It then opened its mouth firing its canon at him. While this was happening Shimo held her hands outwards in front of her and blasted the monster in blizzard like winds. As the wind hit it, the monster began to freeze until only its head was left uncovered by ice. It opened its mouth to blast the ice off, but its mouth then suddenly shut. Y/N could see a strange dark aura around its head. He then heard something hit the ground by the house and saw Pyrrha with a few scratches on her, holding her hand out with the same dark aura. Y/N remembered that her semblance as she called it, was polarity. Y/N then realized that this monster had metal components. Y/N summoned his sword and walked over to the monster, pointing it at its head.

Y/N: Why are you hear? Who sent you!?

The monster simply tilted its head as its started to shake. Everyone got near the monster as Y/N got up close. Its mouth suddenly opened, and a strange sound came from it. It sounded like a dry laughing noise. The monster started to shake even more as its body began to glow.

Y/N: Everyone got behind me!

Y/N activated his brave shield as the beast finally exploded.

When the dust settled, there was a huge crater in the ground and a large chunk of the building was gone. Y/N dropped the shield as everyone looked at the damage.

Y/N: Is everyone alright?

Shirakumo: Nooooo! My Pot Roast!

He ran inside as the others stood there and sighed. Y/N then turned to Pyrrha.

Y/N: What happened?

Pyrrha: I don't know. One moment we were relaxing, and the next thing we know is those things attacking the building. They weren't even trying to fight us. I t was almost like they were looking for something.

Y/N: What about you Shimo? Are you ok?

Shimo nodded as she took a deep breath. Mist then started to come from her body as she seemingly started to shrink. Once the mist settled, Shimo was back to normal as she was curled up on the ground sleeping. Pyrrha walked over and picked her up.

Pyrrha: I'll find a place to let her sleep in peace.

Y/N was no alone outside, looking at the damage on his territory.

Omni: Hm.

Y/N: Got any ideas what those monsters were Omni?

Omni: I'm afraid so. Those monsters are creatures of the Seven Demon Lords. If what Pyrrha said was true, then I can assume that they were looking for you.

Y/N: Why would they be looking for me? Can they sense you?

Omni: More like they can sense my power within you. As far as I know, the Royal Knights are the only ones capable of killing a Demon Lord. Our powers are parallel, however. Just as we are able to kill them, they are equally capable of killing us.

Y/N: Are the others going to be in danger too?

Omni: It's hard to say. We eliminated all of the monsters in the area, but if they were sent to find you, we can assume they know who you associate with.

Y/N: Great. First Zwart, now the Demon Lords. What's next?

Omni: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the factions are also going to be troublesome.

Y/N: How so?

Omni: While I may not be a Longinus Sacred Gear, that doesn't mean my power can't be on par, or even surpass one. With that kind of power, there's no doubt that if they know about it, they'll try to recruit you into their ranks.

Y/N: But I'm a hybrid with a peerage. Not to mention, I'm aligned with the youkai faction.

Omni: That may be true, but they don't know that, and do you honestly believe that will stop them?

Y/N: I guess I can only hope.

Omni: Nonetheless, someone must've told the Demon Lords of you possessing my power. It could've been someone you know, or even a past enemy.

Y/N: I hate to say it, but could it have been Zwart?

Omni: Not likely. He sees everything as an enemy, even a potential ally.

Y/N: The only other one I can think of was the spider woman that tried to eat Pyrrha.

Omni: Perhaps. She could have been offered something in return for information on you.

Y/N: If it is her, who knows how long she's been stalking us.

Omni: The thing about demons that people often misunderstand is their intelligence. They are cunning and relentless. Devils saw them as a threat due to how strong they were, but only the apex among then were able to put genuine fear in their hearts.

Y/N: Great, now were going to be fight stronger and smarter monsters.

Omni: No need to worry so much. After the Demon Lords were sealed away in my time, there aren't as many powerful demons around anymore. We should be safe for a while.

Y/N decide to go back into the base and see how bad the inside was. While he was walking, a small bat-like creature was watching him while hanging upside down on a tree branch.

???: Keeheehee. That went better than I expected. The boss is gonna love this.

The creature flew up into the air, far away from Y/Ns' base and teleported away. Meantime, in a decayed castle in a wasteland, a figure is sitting in the dark as the same creature flew in through an open window.

Figure: How did it go?

???: Keeheehee! It was like you said. He has the power of a Royal Knight. He beat the infernal hell bot. It wasn't easy though. They need to work together to beat it. Talk about a bunch of weaklings.

Figure: So, they need to rely on each other to win. That's good to know.

The figure picks up a glass full of red wine and takes of sip from it before placing it back on the table. They stand up, and just as they do, lightning illuminates the room revealing their appearance. It was a woman with long white hair in a torn black outfit with a black mask over the top half of her face, and one hand being a claw.

Woman: Prepare yourself Royal Knight, your time is coming to an end.


Back at the castle, Y/N and the others, minus Shimo, have restored the majority of the damage. Y/N contacted his mother, but lied and said it was a cooking accident, as to not worry her. She told him of a restoration spell for inanimate objects, and a reinforcement spell to make everything more durable. Y/N was currently inside looking around to find any weak points when he sensed that the barrier had been breached again. He jumped out a window and scanned his surroundings for anything.

???: Hello there, little knight.

Y/N turned around and saw the woman in black floating above him.

Y/N: I'm going to a stab in the dark and say, you're the one who sent those monsters.

???: That doesn't matter, but since you're going to die anyways, yes.

She then lifts her larger hand, and a wave of shadow bats are sent in Y/Ns' direction. Y/N summons his sword and swings wide, cutting a large portion of the bats while burning the rest.

???: So, you possess the power of Zwies' replacement. That is interesting.

Y/N: Who even are you!?

???: Since you're about to die, I suppose I'll tell you. I am Devi, Second in Command of the Demon Lord of Lust!

Devi then charges at Y/N as the nails of her claw glows red. Y/N blocks with the sword but was still pushed back due to the bats exploding on contact. Devi charged forward as she swung her claw at Y/N while he parried with his sword. This kept going until Y/N saw an opening and pushed Devi back following with an arc of energy from a wide slash. Devi saw this and dodged the attack. She then spat some kind of purple substance, hitting Y/Ns' eyes. Y/N screamed in pain as his sword vanished. Y/N writhed in pain while Devi dove down and kicked him in the chest, throwing him back. With Y/N weakened and down on the ground, Devi stomped on his chest and stood over him.

Devi: This is it? This is what you, a Royal Knight is capable of? What a joke.

Devil straightened her claw and aimed over Y/N's chest.

Y/N: 'Damnit. I haven't had that much practice, but it's all I've got left.'

Y/N squinted, trying to see Devi. Once he got a decent look, he opened his hand as red and black energy began to swirl at the center of his palm. He thrusted his hand forward shooting a beam of energy at Devis' chest. Devi was launched back until she hit the barrier surrounding the territory. Once the barrier broke Y/N stopped. Shirakumo and Pyrrha sensed the this and rushed outside. When they arrived, they saw Y/N pushing himself off the ground with his eyes shut. Not too far from him was Devi, laying on the ground. Devi recovered and stood up with a few scrapes on her.

Devi: You damn brat! I tear you apart!

From her hands Devi fired off purple lightning hitting Y/Ns' peerage Y/N recovered and brought out his wings, dashing towards Devi. The two traded slashes cutting and scratching each other. Y/N summoned his canon arm and fly over Devi, firing at the ground, creating a massive dust cloud. Devi dodged the attack and frantically looked for Y/N but felt a presence behind her. Y/N made a fist and raised it over his head. At that moment, Y/Ns' power reached over its limit and Y/N was able to manifest the Transcendent Sword with the Supreme Canon out. The sword made contact with the demon, but instead of cutting her, it simply slammed her into the ground, knocking her out. Y/N slowly floated to the ground and dropped to a knee as his weapons disappeared. Y/N was breathing heavily as his eyes started to sting again.

Omni: Congratulations partner. You managed to summon both of my weapons at the same time. This is proof that your power has greatly improved. Shirakumo and Pyrrha recovered and ran over to Y/N.

Pyrrha: Y/N, are you alright?

Y/N: Yeah, but it's hard to see.

Pyrrha: I'll take you back inside to flush them out.

Y/N: Thanks. Shirakumo, find something to bind her and put her in the cage in the basement. We need information about the Demon Lords. If she does work directly under them, then who knows what she knows about us.

Shirakumo ran inside to find some rope or chains to tie up the demon. Meanwhile Pyrrha took Y/N to the kitchen to flush out his eyes while she looked for a first aid kit. Once Pyrrha found one, Y/N sat down as Pyrrha applied the medicine.

Pyrrha: You're really something else, you know that?

Y/N: Thanks?

Pyrrha: That wasn't a compliment.

Y/N: Oh.

Pyrrha: But I'm glad that you're ok. For the most part at least.

Pyrrha finished applying the medicine as Y/N slowly opened his eyes.

Pyrrha: There you go. All better.

Y/N slightly blushed as Pyrrha stood up to put the first aid kit away. When she was gone, Y/N placed his hand on his chest, noticing that his heart was beating faster.

Y/N: No way.

Y/N shook his head as he refocused on the task at hand. He needed to get information out of Devi. He was about to go to the basement, but before he could, there was a knock at the door.

Y/N: Now what? If you're with the government or the church, get the hell off my property.

Y/N opened the door revealing a tall red-haired devil holding up photos of Y/N using the power of destruction.

Sirzechs: We need to talk.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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