Chapter 36: Attack on Phantom's Keep (Part 1)

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A/N: Hello peoples

Box Ghost: Hello humans! Bow before the awesome might of..... THE BOX GHOST!!!!

Me: Ugh, can you please be quiet I already gave you all my boxes.

Box Ghost: No mere writer may tell the all powerful Box Ghost what to do

Me: Are you ever quiet?

Box Ghost: ......... BEWARE!

Me: Why do I bother? Here's the next chapter, enjoy!


Clockwork's POV

"Here are your rooms for the night," I said to Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Danni, gesturing to four doors.

"Thanks Clockwork, for everything," Jazz said as she headed to her chosen room. I smiled and I shifted to my elder form as the four each entered their rooms and closed the doors behind them.

I resumed my neutral expression and floated to my chamber. I was surprised to see Nocturne waiting for me.

"Hello Clockwork," he said, "Long time no see."

"Time is irrelevant to me Nocturne, you know that," I replied as I floated to my viewing screen. Nocturne sighed, "We both know that isn't true."

I said nothing as I stared at the blank screen, shifting into my young adult self. "You know of my standing with the ghost child Clockwork. We are not allies," Nocturne informed me. "Yes I do know that," I replied bored.

"You know why I am really assisting this fight Clockwork," Nocturne said. The ancient ghost floated beside me and stared at the blank screen. I remained silent.

"You must not let your emotions cloud your thoughts in this battle Clockwork. Much is at stake," he said. I turned to Nocturne angrily, "My state of mind is none of your concern! You revoked your title of Elder Spirit! You have no right-"

"I have every right! I cared about her and the others too Clockwork!" Nocturne shouted. I froze. My staff slipped from my fingers, the ringing filling the room as metal hit stone. Nocturne's eyes widened, realizing what he had let slip out.

"Clockwork I-"

"No Nocturne..... it... it needed to be said," I told the former Elder. I slowly bent down and picked up my staff, shifting to my toddler form as I did.

Nocturne placed a hand on my small shoulder, "I know you care deeply about the ghost child, and that is why I am helping. Despite what you may think Clockwork I am still your friend.... and an Elder Spirit."

I turned to Nocturne as he transformed. Splashes of purple and blue appeared on his black starry body. His fangs disappeared and the tips of his horns turned blue. His aura glowed bright white as he completed his transformation.

"Nocturne, Spirit of the Mind and Dreams, has returned," Nocturne said proudly. I smiled, "Good to have you back old friend." I turned back to the screen, "I see we have some spare time. Why don't we catch up on the last few millennia."

The Next Day

Third Person POV

Tucker, Sam, Danni, Fright Knight and Jazz were in Clockwork's chamber along with the other ghosts part of Danny's rescue team, Ember, Johnny, Kitty, Ghost Writer, Skulker, Wulf, Cujo, and Nocturne. The three friends wondered about Nocturne's different appearance.

But there was no time to dwell on that as Clockwork began to explain the plan of infiltrating the castle. Once the plan was agreed upon, and Sam, Tucker, and Jazz had suited up in their ghost hunting gear, Clockwork teleported everyone to Phantom's Keep where all the others were already waiting.

"The order is yours Time Master," Frostbite said to the elder ghost.

Clockwork shifted to his young adult self, "Prepare for the first wave."

Pandora's and Frostbite's armies assembled, thousands of ghost yeti's and Greek soldiers. Among them was the Box Ghost with his boxes and bubble wrap. With the exception of Box Ghost, they looked rather formidable.

"Vizier!" Pandora cried, her voice booming, "Surrender or we shall be forced to destroy you!"

An eerie laughed echoed through the Ghost Zone, "You may try," it said. With that thousands of skeleton warriors appeared on the battlefield in front of the castle.

"Attack!" Pandora and Frostbite cried as they, along with their armies (and the Box Ghost) charged into battle. Frostbite and his people created weapons of ice and began slicing through the skeletons left and right. Using their ice powers they froze the attacking warriors and shattered them to pieces.

Pandora was wiping through skeletons as her army speared and smashed them to bits. "You think you can stand against the mighty Pandora?" she roared as she wiped out an entire row of skeleton warriors. Swords clashed and war cries sounded throughout the conflict.

The Box Ghost was surprisingly helpful as he used his bubble wrap to tie up skeletons and pack them into boxes before tossing them over the edge of the island, "That is what you get when you go up against the all powerful Box Ghost! BEWARE!"

The second wave of skeleton warriors began to attack and that's when Dora, Walker and their forces along with Spectra and Bertrand dove into the fight.

Dora had transformed into her dragon form and sliced through the skeletons with her claws as well breathing fire upon them. Her knights were taking down skeletons with single blows.

Walker and his men were blasting through the warriors, trapping them in ecto-energy restraints. Walker had increased his size and was bashing skeletons with his bare hands.

Spectra and Bertrand were circling around the skeletons feeding on their negative emotions and absorbing their energy. Spectra had been absorbing so much she was starting to regain her beautiful appearance, "I almost forgot how good others misery tasted," she said to her assistant.

The third wave of skeleton warriors began to attack, assisting the first and second waves while a small group defended the castle entrance. Lunch Lady, Technus, Sidney Poindexter, and Youngblood with his pirate crew joined the battle.

Lunch Lady had formed her meat armor and was crushing skeletons under her enormous feet. "Taste my meaty fury!" she cried. Jazz could hear Sam making disgusted noises. "All of you, get ready," Clockwork said as Youngblood and his crew swung their swords at Vizier's army.

"Arrg, ye scallywags think ye can defeat the swashbuckling Captain Youngblood? Ha!" Youngblood shouted as he sliced through skeleton after skeleton.

Technus had created battle robots along with his own battle armor and was firing blasts and launching bombs at the skeletons while shouting, "I Technus, master of all things technology, will defeat this skeleton army and win this battle!"

Poindexter was using his powers of overshadowing to make the skeletons attack one another. "That's what you bullies get for helping a bigger bully and holding my pal captive."

Frostbite and Pandora's armies had finally finished off the first wave and had divided themselves amongst the other two waves. Swords clashing, axes hitting shields, cries of war and victory sounded throughout the battle field.

"Now, everyone! Charge!" Clockwork cried heading straight into the battle. The three humans activated their own suits of Fenton Peeler armor and charged in after him. Fright Knight mounted his steed, Nightmare, and joined the fray. Ember rode in on a flying guitar, strumming chords that knocked skeletons out of her way while Skulker fired blasts, nets, and daggers at the skeletons. "Rock out skeleton dudes!" Ember cried as she strummed her guitar.

Johnny and Kitty rode on Johnny's motorcycle while Johnny's shadow protected them from attacks. Danni flew alongside Wulf and Cujo slicing, biting and blasting skeletons out of their way. Wulf and Cujo howled with delight as they made their way to the castle with the others. Ghost Writer fired books and lines of dialogue at the warriors and Nocturne made skeletons disintegrate and collapse into piles of bones around him.

The team made it to the doors of Phantom's Keep and using their combined powers, blasted the doors right off their hinges. They charged straight into the castle, barely paying any mind to the skeletons that tried to attack them on their way to the throne room.

The ghosts and humans reached the throne room and Clockwork single-handedly blasted the door to pieces using his staff.

Clockwork lead the group into the room to see Vizier floating in the center as he clapped his hands, "Bravo brother, I am quite impressed you made it this far. But I'm afraid that you're pathetic attack is pointless. You will not be able to defeat me."

Clockwork let out a low growl and his form radiated with energy. He was shifting throughout his multiple forms, "Ah I see you got old Sleepy Head to rejoin you, and... wait. Are those humans? Have you truly reached so low that you were forced to recruit mere humans to defeat me?" Vizier mocked.

The three humans frowned and charged up their suits. "So let's see. Two Elder Spirits, three humans, two mangy beasts, a wannabe rock star, a poor excuse for a hunter, an incompetent knight, a writer, a biker and his babe, and an artificial half ghost," Vizier observed, using his fingers to count each being he insulted.

Everyone was radiating with anger at Vizier's disrespect. "I should blast this dipstick right now," Ember growled. "Wait, there will be a proper time to engage, we must be patient," Nocturne whispered to her.

"This is hardly a fair fight.... for you," Vizier said as he snapped his fingers. Torches began to ignite on the staircase leading up to the throne. When the final torches were lit with bright black fire, a shadowy figure could be seen sitting on a throne. The figure's head drooped and his body was limp.

Vizier snapped his fingers again and the figures two multicolored eyes opened, one green and the other red. Glistening white fangs formed a terrifying smile as the figure stood up and stepped into the light. His skin was slightly tinted blue in colour. He wore solid black pants and a green belt with metal boots. His black shirt had white thorn designs along the sleeves and metal shoulder plates connected his flowing black and green cape to his attire. He wore metal gauntlets and on his right hand was the Ring of Rage. Atop his head was a black Crown of Fire that had the appearance of thorns and blazed with white fire.

Two shadow ghosts were draped lazily on his shoulders as they purred, the dark energy radiating from the Prince feeding them.

"Like the new look? I know it's different from when you saw him last Clocky but I had to improve. If you're going to take over the Ghost Zone you must look the part hmm? It's all about appearances," Vizier said as he floated up to the evil Prince.

"Danny?" Jazz whispered.

"This is bad," Tucker whispered to Sam.

"Let my cousin go!" Danni cried pushing to the front of the group.

Vizier smiled as he stood beside the boy, "If you insist. King Phantom, I do believe it is time to dispose of our unwanted guests. Don't you agree?"

The grin on the Prince's face grew as he nodded, "I shall take care of them myself," the Prince said. When he spoke it sounded like three people were speaking at the same time. There was the original voice mixed with a deep growl and a high pitch.

Vizier bowed, "As you wish."

The two shadow ghosts removed themselves from the boys shoulder's as he walked down the steps.

"Everyone listen, Nocturne, Wulf, Ghost Writer, Ember, and Johnny, you will assist me in defeating Vizier. The rest of you will battle the Prince, but do try to not kill him. Understood?" Clockwork whispered as their evil opponent drew closer.

Everyone nodded. "NOW!" Clockwork shouted as he charged at Vizier with his small army while the others began firing on the Prince.

A/N: Bye now! *Hops on a rocket and flies to the moon*

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