Chapter 37: Attack on Phantom's Keep (Part 2)

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A/N: Hello peoples, I'm back from the moon and I finally got rid of Box Ghost. This time I believe I have found myself some much better company.

Ghost Writer: Hello *waves*

Me: Shall we give them the next chapter Mr. Ghost Writer?

Ghost Writer: Of course. But two things. It's just Ghost Writer and your first statement used improper grammar.

Me: Ugh not you too!

Third Person POV

Prince Phantom fired a flaming ball of energy at his charging foes as he leaped into the air. His opponents managed to avoid his attack and began to return fire.

Skulker flew up and fired his missiles at the boy, which the Prince easily dodged. He returned the hunter's attack with flying disks of sharp ice. Skulker avoided the majority of the disks but one managed to lodge itself in his metal suit.

Kitty managed to sneak up behind the evil Prince and landed a sharp kick to his back, "C'mon cutie this isn't you," she said as the Prince regained his balance. He did not reply as he fired ecto-energy orbs at her. Fright Knight dove in front of Kitty on Nightmare and deflected the shots.

"My Prince! You must fight Vizier's hold on you," the knight shouted. "There is no hold on me! And it's KING!" his three voices shouted as the boy charged towards Fright Knight. The ghost hopped off his steed and drew his sword, Soul Shredder. The Prince created his own sword of ice and glowing black ecto-energy. The two instantly began to duel as the others tried to assist the knight by firing on the Prince.


Clockwork and his small army had begun to confront Vizier. "Might as well give up now brother. You couldn't defeat me the first time we dueled, what makes you think this time will be any different?" Vizer taunted. Clockwork just smiled as he shifted into his young adult form, "Times can change Vizier."

Vizier whipped out his golden pocketwatch, "We shall see." Vizier opened the watch and fired a golden beam of light at Clockwork. Clockwork dodged and flew at Vizier, firing blue burst of energy from his staff.

"Hey old man!" Ember cried, "How's this for a wannabe?" She strummed her guitar, sending powerful soundwaves at Vizier. The evil spirit was knocked back and crashed into the throne, effectively destroying it. Vizier sat up and growled, "You will pay for that girl."

Wulf jumped over Ember and slashed at Vizier. The spirit managed to avoid the attack but was instead blasted by another blue beam of energy from Clockwork. Vizier's red eyes glowed with rage. He clutched his golden pocketwatch tightly in his hand as he floated upwards.

He opened the watch and 3 golden beams of energy fired themselves at Clockwork, Wulf and Ember. Nocturne flew in front of the blasts, absorbing them into his starry body. Flecks of gold could now be seen amongst the black, purple, and blue of his body.

Johnny 13 rode his motorcycle up to Vizier, "Shadow, attack!" he ordered. A huge black shadow rose from under Johnny and lunged at Vizier. Vizier snapped his fingers and the two shadows that had been curled up on the Prince's shoulders attacked Johnny's shadow.

Wulf went to help Johnny's shadow while Ghost Writer joined the others in attacking Vizier.

Back to the other fight

Fright Knight's duel with the Prince continued. Despite all their best efforts no one could seem to land a hit on the evil Prince. He always managed to raise a shield just in time or hold off Fright Knight long enough to fire a blast of his own.

"I've never seen the ghost child this strong before," Skulker remarked as he fired more missiles at the boy. Danni fired ice rays from her eyes in attempts to freeze the Prince long enough that someone could land a successful hit, but she had no success.

Sam, Tucker, and Jazz couldn't use their suits without the risk of harming Fright Knight in the process, they couldn't chance losing one of the ghosts on their side. Instead they used small stun rays, which didn't help very much either.

Fright Knight was still locked in battle with the Prince when Cujo charged at the boy from the side, knocking him down. The sword of ice and black energy fell from his hand and shattered on the stone floor.

Skulker took this moment to try and fire a net on the Prince but he got up just in time to fire a blast at the net, destroying it. His green and red eyes glowed with delight at his victories over his foes and he charged at the hunter.

"Come now ghost child, I'd love to destroy you but it won't be the same without your witty banter," Skulker said as he landed a punch on the boy.

The Prince's red eye flashed green for a second before fading back to red. Most would have not noticed that small detail, but Skulker's hunter eyesight had caught the quick change.

'Of course' he thought as he continued to fight with the boy, 'The ghost child's all about his banter. It's what makes him, him!'

The Prince coated his hands in a thick layer of ice and landed an uppercut on the hunter. Skulker was knocked backwards and landed hard on the stone floor. "Talk to him!" he shouted despite the ringing in his ears, "Banter! It's a key part of him!"

Everyone quickly understood. Danny always had a quip up his sleeve whenever he fought. Almost the entire fight everyone had been to focused to talk. But now, they all forgot about the evil Prince and focused as if it was a normal fight against the fun loving, smart mouthed Danny Phantom.

"You stand no chance of defeating the Fright Knight welp!" Fright Knight cried as he lunged at Danny. His red eye flashed green, "Please, I'm a Prince and you're a walking tin can," he said in his normal voice. Suddenly the Prince clutched his head and cried out in pain, shutting his eyes tight. Fright Knight slowly floated towards the boy, only for his eyes to fly open. He fired a blast of black energy and ice at the knight, causing him to crash into the nearby wall. His red eye was back.

"Skulker's right! Everyone, start making quips!" Sam shouted. And so the battle resumed, with the ghosts and humans using their new tactic.

Meanwhile, the fight against Vizier

Ghost Writer launched books at Vizier while Ember continued to strum her guitar. Vizier clamped his hands over his ears to try and drown out the noise while also trying to hold a shield to protect himself from the barrage of books.

Clockwork fired another blast at Vizier, launching him into the wall. Vizier groaned as he wiped green blood off his chin. The old ghost flew at Clockwork and rammed into him, causing the two to crash into the floor. Vizier punched Clockwork once in the face before Vizier was grabbed in a starry hand and thrown onto the stairs leading to the throne.

Stone crumbled around where the ghost had landed and he was able to see how his young Prince was faring. He gasped in horror as he saw the Prince's eye flash from red to green and back again.

"NO!" he screamed, "NOT AFTER ALL I'VE WORKED FOR!" Vizier began to fly toward the Prince but was stopped by Wulf and Johnny's shadow, who had finally defeated the other shadow ghosts.

Clockwork too had noticed the change in the boy's eye colour. "Ember, Ghost Writer, go help the others with whatever they are doing to Danny," he ordered.

The two ghosts nodded and rushed off to assist the other group of ghosts and humans. Wulf slashed at Vizier and managed to cut his arm. Green blood leaked from the wound as Vizier hissed in pain.

"You mangy flea-bitten beast," Vizier growled as he used his pocketwatch to fire a blast at Wulf and Shadow. Nocturne once again flew in front of the blast and absorbed it's energy.

"Stop these pathetic attacks Vizier. Your Prince will fall then you will fall, just give up," Nocturne advised as the gold energy swirled through about his night sky body.

Vizier looked at all the ghosts around him and then to the fight his Prince was having. "The fight isn't over yet," he cried as he flew upwards. Clockwork quickly pursued him and the two began to duel, bright flashes of blue and gold lighting up the room

And back to the battle against the Prince

Ember and Ghost Writer had joined the fight and were now joining in the banter. Ember strummed her guitar, "C'mon dipstick, it's like you're not even trying."

The red eye turned green once more, "Is that what you call music Ember? Sounds like a cat dying," Danny said before screaming in pain again as the red eye returned.

"Keep trying!" Jazz cried as she charged up her Fenton Peeler suit, "We can't give up on Danny!"

Everyone fell silent as the boy laughed, his three overlaying voice sounding like their own echo. "Danny is gone. There is only King Phantom!" he shouted as his hands ignited white flames.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn upward as he saw his teacher and former teacher dueling, their colliding blasts causing sparks. Everyone could feel the increase in ghost energy due to their battle, even the humans. While the Prince was distracted, Sam, Tucker and Jazz took this opportunity to attack.

They each activated their suits and fired at the boy. When the beams of energy hit him, he screamed in pain as he fell to his knees. The Prince clutched his head as both his eyes changed from red to green to red over and over.

Skulker fired a extra strength net at the Prince, effectively trapping him. The three humans stopped firing on the boy. "Danny, this isn't you! You have to fight whatever is controlling you," Jazz said, landing beside the twitching Prince.

He screamed in pain as his eyes flashed green, "I..... can't..... too..... strong..... must.... obey," he choked out.

"The crown and ring" Ghost Writer shouted, "Take them off of him!"

Sam and Tucker landed beside Jazz and they kneeled down to try and grab either of the objects. Both of his eyes flashed red as he attempted to blast the two, but due to the net his powers were cancelled out. "Do not touch your King," he growled as the three voices returned.

His eyes faded back to green and pulled at his hair, "No..... leave.... me.... alone." His eyes turned red, "You are us now and we are you." Green, "No.... no more.... I don't... want it." Red, "You have no choice."

Everyone stared at the ghost boy who was currently having a battle with himself while the two ancient ghosts fought above them

With Clockwork and Vizier

Vizier fired another blast and Clockwork dodged, returning the blast. This pattern continued for a while.

"Growing tired brother?" Vizier panted.

"We are not brothers!" Clockwork shouted as he fired a bright burst of blue energy at Vizier. The shot hit Vizier's injured arm. The ghost cried out in pain and fury burned in his eyes as he clutched his arm.

"It seems you have forgotten who is the most powerful," Clockwork said as he approached Vizier. Just then Vizier opened his pocketwatch and fired it's golden ray at Clockwork. The Time Master blocked the blast with a shield and directed the blast back at the watch, destroying it. Pieces of metal and gears were all the rested in Vizier's hand.

Vizier angrily threw the broken pieces aside and lunged at Clockwork. Clockwork raised his hand to press the stopwatch button on his staff, "Time ou-" before Clockwork was finished Vizier picked up speed and grabbed Clockwork and ramming him into the floor.

Vizier grabbed the staff out of Clockwork's hand. "See you in the Other World brother," he said as he raised the staff above his head, preparing to bring it down on the Clockwork.

Meanwhile, with the people who were watching Danny and this unfold

No one moved as they saw Vizier prepare to bring the staff down on Clockwork. Except for Nocturne. The other Elder Spirit dove at Vizier and yanked the staff out of Vizier's hands.

Vizier screamed in rage. His scar glowed bright red as he raised his hand and fired a huge bolt of energy at Nocturne, causing the large spirit to crash into a wall and slump to the ground unconscious.

Others tried to attack Vizier but by then, he had raised an unbreakable red shield over Clockwork and himself.

"It's time to end this," Vizier whispered. He starting forming a large ball of energy in his hand. It crackled with electricity as it grew bigger and bigger.

Danny's eyes landed upon this scene. Vizier preparing to destroy Clockwork. "Good riddance," he whispered as one of his eyes flashed red.

"No.... no.....NO!" Danny screamed as he broke free of the net. He charged at the red shield, forming an ice sword with his black energy as he did.

Vizier raised his hand to fire at Clockwork.

Danny reached the shield and sliced a hole in it just as Vizier fired the crackling ball of energy at Clockwork. The Time Master closed his eyes as he waited for the energy to hit him. But the ball of energy didn't hit Clockwork.

For just mere seconds before the energy would have made contact with Clockwork, Danny dove in front of the old ghost and was hit with the crackling energy instead.

A/N: Thank you for reading the latest installment of 'The Halfa Prince' please direct all questions and angry mobs to Ghost Writer.

Ghost Writer: Wait what?

Me: *hops into a dimensional portal*

Ghost Writer: Wait just a second!

Me: *portal closes*

Ghost Writer: NOT TODAY! *disappears*

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