Chapter Fifty-Five: Behold Reactions...

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The last few minutes of first period was pretty quiet for us. Well, me. Joe, Mack, and Ivan talked amongst themselves in front of Brian and I. The other guys talked about video games and YouTube as I made comments to myself inside my mind. When the bell rang, Mack helped me to English. Everyone we passed was silent. Evan and Marcel walked behind us, talking about YouTube.

"What's wrong with Kid Shona?" Jeremy asked as we sat down. He sounded to be next to my desk.



"Nothing," Marcel finally said. "Nothing is wrong with her. She's just fine how she is." I nodded a thanks in Marcel's direction. Don't let yourself be fooled.

"Relax. I just wanted to know why I couldn't see those beautiful eyes I saw her first day," Jeremy responded.

"I just can't see anythin' f'er now. This isn't permanent... I hope." I hung my head a bit lower, trying not to think about the possibility of being blind.

"Oh. I'm sorry about that. See you later, beautiful."

"Not if I see you first." He chuckled as he walked back to his seat again. Mack helped talk me through our essay assignment. He wrote everything I said. After we finished writing it, he read it back. I'd stop him here or there and offer a better word than what had been there as he would do the same.

When third period rolled around, Joe came to English to help Mack get me to History. When we entered the classroom, he led me to my seat, helping me sit. Mack then left immediately.

"Hey Shona, how yah feelin'?" Delirious asked in a sad tone. I shrugged.

"Useless." He sighed, and I felt him sit down behind me. A few quiet minutes later, someone else's voice that I would've liked NOT to hear came into range.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the chick really doesn't fight back," Dick chuckled out evilly. I kept my head down low. Even if I couldn't see, I didn't want to give him the attention he craved. Memories started flooding my mind.

"Why don't ye' just stay t'eh fock away from 'er?!" Joe shouted as I felt him stand up beside me. I held his arm, tugging it downwards.

"I don't think I'd like giving you the satisfaction of knowing that your 'wittle cwush' is finally safe," Dick mocked back. I tugged at his arm again.

"Joe... Please sit down..." I asked him quietly. I couldn't get my voice to go any higher in volume.

"Oh yeah, listen to the Kid. You better so you can win her over. After all, you've got some competition." I heard Delirious and Cartoonz stand up behind us after Dick's harsh words towards Joe.

"Dick. Get out of here. You DON'T talk to our friends like that." I was surprised at Cartoonz beating Delirious to his comeback. More surprised, though, that Dick didn't respond, and instead, there were thuds from his shoes heading towards the back of the classroom. Joe grumbled as he sat, shaking my hand off his arm. I felt Delirious tap my shoulder and I turned a bit in my seat.

"I know you won't be able to read it yet..." He whispered in my ear, "But you need to look at this whenever you can." He gently pressed a slip of paper into my hand. I nodded, sliding the paper into my pocket before turning to the front of the room again.

Brian came near the end of third to help me to the gymnasium. It was silent in the empty halls as we strolled peacefully. He announced that we were about half way there when the bell rang. Conversations ceased near us and I felt terrible. To think I might be projecting unhappy thoughts... I hated myself for it.

Nonetheless, we made it to the gym. The familiar sound of the much heavier doors alerted me. They allowed me to mentally prepare for questions and worried statements from the Coach. He had been a teacher I'd gotten rather close to. We made our way across the gym floor and all I could hear was the scuffing of shoes.

"What the fuck?!" Justin cursed from the other side of the room. Brian led me away from his voice and towards a new one that spurred up.

"Language Mr. Donnavin! Langua- What is the fucking meaning of this?" The Coach was always one to joke with us about cussing and swearing in school and in class since he was just as much a sailor's mouth. But this time, he seemed to have a good reason. His voice came from right around the corner of a wall, so I'm guessing Brian led me to his office. It was made of an extremely strong glass, so he could supervise while also doing paper work. The sound of someone standing from a rolling office chair erupted, followed by footsteps our way.

"Sorry ta' alarm ye' sir. May Shona and I sit out ta'day? Some... things have happened..." Brian hesitantly but politely requested. The Coach scoffed.

"Well, how can I say no? She probably can't see a damn thing beyond that blindfold!" He joked, trying to lighten the mood. I smiled at his attempt. Coach is pretty damn cool. He then sighed after a silence from Brian.

"I meant yeah." With that, Brian turned us around and started walking a bit.

"But Hanby," Brian stopped, twisting a bit without turning me, "I want a full explanation about your sister before the end of class." I felt a bit of movement from Brian, assumingly him nodding. He then turned back, leading us again to some destination.

"Hey Shona. How's t'eh arm feeling?" I smiled upon hearing Ivan's voice as we sat down on the bleachers. He sounded to be coming towards us. I shrugged, learning the hard way that that had been a bad idea. I winced at the pain, but smiled through it.

"It's a'ight. Ta' be honest, I can't feel it with this cast," I answered, wiggling my broken arm a bit. Numbness tingled through up my arm as I moved it.

"Is she alright?" Ken's voice called a bit further away.

"Yeah, she's good!" Ivan hollered back. From the low volume, he seemed to have turned away to answer him.

"Alright! Everyone line up! Let the Hanby's be for the period." Rushed footsteps answered him as they all hurried away. A few pats were gently placed on my shoulder as the bleachers shook when people climbed down. Although I couldn't see them, I knew it had to be Marcel, Nogla, and Wildcat.

Brian and I talked for about half the period until the Coach called him over. After he left, someone quietly sat beside me. Oh? Who's this if Brian's over there? We shared a calm silence until I got too impatient and nervous.

"F'ergive me, but who's sitting next ta' me?" I asked, watching the floor. A few more seconds of silence passed before a tiny voice answered.

"I-It's Yaun." I raised my brows, turning towards the sound of his voice.

"Hey! How ye' doin' man? Haven't really gotten the chance ta' talk ta' ye'," I greeted him. He seemed quiet, so I quickly figured out that my loud expressive self might've been a bit much. But, instead of ignoring it, he laughed. It wasn't much, but just small.

"I've been doing good. Nice accent. Irish?" I nodded, smiling.

"Yep! And yer American?" I joked.

"Actually, I'm from India." If my eyebrows could go any higher, they would've flew off my head. India?!

"Cool! Isn't that where, like, Aladdin was, 'er somethin'?" He laughed again, but this time it seemed a bit more relaxed and happy like.

"Close. That's Egypt with the sphinx."

"Ohhhh, right! Andthose are the big cat pyramids, yeah?" He laughed again before saying yes. Wetalked a bit more about our home lands until the bell rang. I hope I can talk to Yaun more.

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